News regarding traditional wisdom and native diets regarding nutrition.

Kentucky Food Club Members Defy Quarantine Orders for Raw Milk

by David E. Gumpert
The Complete Patient
On Friday afternoon, as the administrator of a Kentucky buying club was setting out raw milk and other food for pickup by members, an inspector for the Louisville Metro Department of Health and Wellness appeared at the church basement storage site. He presented two pieces of […]

Change in season: Why salt doesn’t deserve its bad rap

by Kristin Wartman

For something that’s so often mixed with anti-caking agents, salt takes a lot of lumps in the American imagination. Like fat, people tend to think of it as an unnecessary additive — something to be avoided by seeking out processed foods that are “free” of it. But also like fat, salt […]

Epilepsy cured when parents stop all meds and use high fat diet only

Health Impact News Editor Comments:
Watch this video to find out how one family found a cure for the epilepsy that plagued their child by stopping medications and following the high-fat ketogenic diet. The diet together with the medications did not work – it only worked when they stopped the medications. Their original doctor had […]

A Big Fat Mistake: Research Points to Carbs, not Saturated Fat, as Greatest Health Risk

New research has weakened the perceived link between saturated fat and heart disease. Today, many experts agree that refined carbs pose a much greater danger.
By Jack Challem / June 2011
Experience Life
Is it possible — even imaginable — that nearly everyone has been wrong about saturated fat and its connection […]

Vermont Law Passed to Allow Raw Milk Classes

Health Impact News Editor Comments: We reported back in February the news about Vermont’s Agency of Agriculture prohibiting the organization Rural Vermont from teaching classes on how to use raw milk in traditional foods. This caused so much uproar that they crafted a new bill to allow these kinds of classes to be taught. […]

New Study: Fats in milk do not harm heart

Health Impact News Editor Comments: Attitudes towards saturated fats continue to change here in 2011 as more studies contradict the lipid theory of heart disease.
But this study has some interesting twists to it. First, it was funded by the government’s NIH (National Institute of Health). Even though the study clearly proved that the saturated […]

No action taken against raw milk provider in Wisconsin

Health Impact News Editor Comments:
Could the public uproar over the FDA sting against the Amish farmer in Pennsylvania be influencing other raw milk cases around the country? A raw milk dairy farmer in Wisconsin was raided back in 2010 shortly after then Governor Jim Doyle vetoed a bill that had passed the Democratic controlled legislature to […]

The Cholesterol Myth – We Need Cholesterol

by Amanda Box

Barton Publishing
Cholesterol has become a word that is synonymous with unhealthy.  It is described as a sticky, oily substance that clogs our arteries and causes heart disease.  We have been led to believe that our cholesterol needs to be as low as possible and even extremely low cholesterol numbers have been suggested […]

Ketogenic diet also benefits Dravet syndrome High fat diet that’s effective in epilepsy also effective for hyperactive

by MDLinx
Nabbout R et al. – ketogenic diet (KD) was beneficial on behavior disturbances including hyperactivity. This effect was reported in all responders and in a few nonresponders. KD might have a double effect, on seizure control and on hyperactivity and behavior disturbances in patients with Dravet syndrome(DS).

15 DS […]

Raw Milk War Takes Battle to Washington D.C.

Health Impact News Editor Comments: The Raw Milk Rally in Washington D.C. today (May 16, 2011) got quite a bit of attention, and I will do my best to give a comprehensive summary of those that spoke and reported on the event. The one who probably got the most attention was not a speaker, […]

Denmark Wants to Implement Saturated Fat Tax

Will natural whole foods like milk be included in Denmark’s new saturated fat tax?

Health Impact News Editor comments: The Danish government apparently believes they know which foods are healthy and which foods are not, and are going to tax the foods they deem unhealthy. So while most of the rest of the world is […]

Actual Dairy Cow to Attend Rally in D.C. to Provide Raw Milk

Cow to Join Protesters and Offer Udderly Delicious Milk Tastings to the Crowd
Mrs. Moo Goes to Washington
by Kimberly Hartke

Rally for Food and Farm Freedom Takes Place Monday, May 16, 2011
Farmers will bring a dairy cow to Washington, D.C. this coming Monday, to do some lobbying of her own. The grass hungry (former) heifer will […]

Raw Milk Opponents are NOT Consumers – Only Paid Public Officials or Professionals

by David Gumpert
The Complete Patient
I think I’ve found the most difficult job assignment in America: Go out and recruit a single volunteer to appear at an anti-raw-milk rally or at a legislative hearing on the subject. Surely there must be one person in all the land who would join such a […]

Ron Paul Introduces Bill To Protect Raw Milk Sellers

by Ron Paul

(Paul.House.Gov) May 12, 2011 – Statement Introducing Unpasteurized Milk Bill, HR 1830
Mr. Speaker, I rise to introduce legislation that allows the shipment and distribution of unpasteurized milk and milk products for human consumption across state lines. This legislation removes an unconstitutional restraint on farmers who […]

Harvard: “It is time to end the low-fat myth”

by Laura Dolson
A panel of nutrition experts from the Harvard School of Public Health recently urged dieticians and professionals from the food industry to “end the low-fat myth”. Martha Rose Shulman, food writer and cookbook author, reported that one panelist even challenged the audience to take a pledge to drop the term “low-fat” […]

Local Food Sovereignty Takes a Beating as Maine Defeats Food Freedom Bills

By Rady Ananda
Food Freedom
In the state that made international news this year when three towns passed a food sovereignty ordinance, two bills that would have bolstered them at the state level met with defeat in Maine’s legislative Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry Committee.
Sponsored by Rep. Walter Kumiega, LD 366 was rejected by the Ag Committee […]

Rally for Food and Farm Freedom

by Grassfed on The Hill

May 16, 2011, 10AM
Washington DC, Upper Senate Park
Stay tuned to for additional details!
For the past year and half, the FDA has conducted an undercover sting operation on dairy farmer Dan Allgyer and his loyal private buying club customers. In response to this affront of our freedoms, the […]

Chef Threatened by Health Department at Raw Milk Conference

Photo courtesy of The Complete Patient
by David E. Gumpert
The Complete Patient
If Minnesota foodies and farmers occasionally get the feeling they’re being watched closely by Big Brother, maybe it’s because they are.
Last Thursday, the day before the Third Annual Raw Milk Symposium was due to get under way at the Embassy Suites Hotel in […]

American Dietetic Association Wants to be Sole Authority on Nutrition

by Dr. Jonny Bowden
The American Dietetic Association is at it again, working tirelessly to make sure that the only nutrition information you get is from members of their union.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it now: I consider the American Dietetic Association one of the most destructive influences on eating behavior in America.
They […]

High Levels of Drug-Resistant Bacteria Found in Supermarket Meat

by Matthew Heller
High levels of drug-resistant strains of bacteria that cause staph infections are present in nearly half of the meat and poultry sold at U.S. grocery stores, a study says. And researchers found that the food animals themselves — rather than processing or storage practices — generally are the source of the contamination.
Experts from the Translational Genomics Research […]