We’ll cover the truth regarding the dangers of prescription medicines and vaccines.

Trump’s Legacy: COVID-19 Vaccines Still #1 Vaccine Killer in 2024 – Instead of Sitting in Prison for Mass Murder, Americans Want Encore Performance in 2025

As we head into the last days of 2024 this week, I decided to search the Government-run VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System) database to see which vaccine was reported to cause the most deaths and injuries in 2024. Four years after Trump gave the COVID-19 vaccines emergency use authorization in December of 2020, COVID-19 vaccines were STILL the leading vaccines in the U.S. reporting injuries and deaths following vaccination here in 2024. Over 31% of all reports of vaccine injuries and deaths from all vaccines currently approved for distribution in the U.S. in 2024 were reported from COVID-19 vaccines, and over 55% of all deaths recorded following vaccination were from COVID-19 vaccines in 2024. To date, since Trump forced the FDA to approve these vaccines in 2020, there have been over 1.6 million injuries and deaths reported to VAERS, with over 38,000 of those reports being deaths. The U.S. Government's own studies have found that less than 1% of all vaccine injuries and deaths are actually reported to VAERS. That would equate to over 160 million injuries and over 3.8 million deaths from Trump's COVID shots. And this "vaccine" is STILL killing more people than all other FDA approved vaccines COMBINED here in 2024. Is Donald Trump ashamed of this? Has he apologized for any of this? Has he faced charges for these deaths and injuries? No. Not only is Donald Trump not being held accountable for the lives of millions of people his COVID shots destroyed, Americans want an encore performance and have "elected" him back into office as the President of the United States.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Betrays Entire “Health Freedom” Movement for Personal Gain

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. was invited to a dinner party with President-elect Donald Trump last week, where he met with executives from Big Pharma, including Robert Bourla, the CEO of Pfizer, who made $billions under Trump's first term, by securing from Trump an FDA emergency-use authorization for the first COVID-19 injections for the U.S., along with exclusive distributor rights in Israel for Pfizer's deadly COVID-19  "vaccine." Also attending the dinner at Trump's residence in Florida was his Chief of Staff, Susie Wiles, who is also a lobbyist for Pfizer. Did anyone really expect that Trump could nominate RFK, Jr. without Bourla's approval? The day Trump announced he was appointing RFK, Jr. as head of HHS, Pfizer's stock dropped 10% in value. However, after meeting with Trump and Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla, along with Trump's chief of staff who also works for Pfizer, Susie Wiles, all of a sudden now RFK, Jr. and Bourla are great friends. This was just published today by Reuters: PFIZER DOES NOT EXPECT MAJOR VACCINE POLICY CHANGES UNDER TRUMP IN 2025 - Pfizer on Tuesday said it does not expect the Trump administration to make major changes to vaccine policy next year even as the president-elect has put forward vaccine skeptic Robert F. Kennedy Jr. as his nominee to run the Department of Health and Human Services. Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla told analysts at an investor conference that he had met RFK Jr. and Trump for dinner, confirming earlier media reports, and had developed a good relationship with Kennedy. "If he's confirmed, we will work with him to make sure that we advance the right policies," Bourla said.

North Carolina Child Protection Services Threatening to Seize Children from Parents in Red Cross Shelters that are Shutting Down

Earlier this month (October, 2024), we published a report from Hannah Stutts, the owner of JAKS Stables in Western North Carolina, where she serves as the dispatch of relief efforts in isolated towns that still need help after the devastation following Hurricane Helene, where they had distributed over 10,000 body bags, and still needed more. Hannah just published an update where she states that Red Cross shelters are now closing down and forcing homeless families out, and that North Carolina Department of Social Services (DSS) is threatening to take their children away from them if they have nowhere to go.

Scottish Doctor and PhD Nutritionist Win Libel Case Against British Media for Being Labeled as “Murderers” by Exposing Dangerous Cholesterol-Lowering Drugs

In 2019, Health Impact News covered a story out of the UK where the British media launched an attack campaign against medical doctors and nutritionists who exposed the cholesterol myth, and the very profitable, and very dangerous, statin drugs that were being prescribed to artificially lower people's cholesterol. They were gaining so much popularity in the Alternative Media, including Health Impact News, that drug sales for statins were apparently declining. So they brought out the attack dogs in the corporate media to smear them, calling them "statin deniers" who they said were responsible for murdering people because patients were not taking their statin drugs, that they claim prevent heart attacks. These doctors and nutritionists were being compared to "vaccine deniers", such as Andrew Wakefield, to vilify their reputations. Because now, some 5 years later, Dr. Malcolm Kendrick has reported that he and Zoë Harcombe have won a libel suit against the The Mail. "Finally, the dust settles. Zoë and I won our case against the Mail on Sunday. The judgement came out a few weeks ago, but the legal wrangling continued – and still continues. The Mail on Sunday did print an apology. There is still a statement in open court to come (SIOC). The SIOC has to be agreed by the judge, and this has not yet happened. But some names are going to be named. We know who you are. The behind the scenes activity was quite outrageous. Eventually, all will be revealed. Because none of this is confidential anymore. The rock was lifted to see the creatures squirming in unaccustomed sunlight."

Man Wakes Up on Operating Table as Doctors Were Harvesting his Organs – The Medical System Places a Higher Value on Your Organs than Your Life

NPR broadcast a show last week about a man who was brought to a Kentucky hospital in 2021 because of a drug overdose, was declared "brain dead", and then ushered into the operating room to harvest his organs. The problem was that he was not dead, and woke up on the operating table, where he began to cry and was "thrashing around", horrified at what was happening. While the doctors stopped immediately with the head surgeon stating "I’m out of it. I don’t want to have anything to do with it", the case coordinator at the hospital for Kentucky Organ Donor Affiliates (KODA) called her supervisor for advice, where they allegedly told her to "find another doctor to do it. We're going to do this case. You need to find someone else." Some of the KODA employees quit over this incident, and some of them had to receive therapy over the trauma this incident caused them. All of this was revealed last month (September, 2024) by a letter Nyckoletta Martin wrote to the House Energy and Commerce Committee, which held a hearing investigating organ procurement organizations. KODA stated that this was a mistake, and rarely happens, but others interviewed by NPR disagreed that this was "rare."

Texas Father Accused of Bogus Shaken Baby Syndrome Scheduled to be First Person Ever Executed Over SBS TONIGHT

As I have been warning the public for over a decade now, if you bring your child into an emergency room anywhere in the U.S., especially "Children's" hospitals, you risk having your child medically kidnapped by "Child Abuse" Pediatricians, whose entire profession relies on finding child abuse in children brought into the hospital. This very evil profession turns doctors into criminal detectives and prosecutors, something they receive ZERO training in, and instead simply examine X-rays of children, and then decide mostly on those X-rays to make the claim that the child was "abused." We have reported on dozens of these cases where parents were falsely charged with Shaken Baby Syndrome (SBS), and lost their children, or even worse, went to prison. But now, taking your child to the hospital and having your child medically kidnapped from you has risen to a new height, as a Texas man sitting on death row is scheduled to be executed tonight based on the false science of the medical tyrants, Shaken Baby Syndrome. So this is the sad state of affairs in the U.S. today which is ruled by Medical Tyrants who have the power over life and death, and who gets to keep their children and those who do not. When you take your child to a hospital today, you could have your child ripped away from you forever, end up spending decades in prison, and then be executed - just because a doctor said so.

Mother who was Trafficked in the Jeffrey Epstein Network as a Child Sues Baltimore County CPS for Medically Kidnapping her Child

Jennifer Guskin was adopted as a baby and spent her childhood being sexually trafficked, enduring Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA) in the Jeffrey Epstein sex trafficking system throughout her childhood. Jennifer was sexually trafficked among the rich and powerful, mainly around New York City and Washington D.C. She went public in 2017 with her story, and she named names of the rich and powerful that she saw as a child who were blackmailed into sexually abusing children. This included politicians from both side of the aisle, as she has named people like Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump, showing how sexual blackmail and sexually trafficking children is a non-partisan issue among the rich and powerful. As punishment for going public with her story in 2018, the Baltimore County Child Protective Services (CPS) medically kidnapped her daughter, demanding that she take down her story from social media. Jennifer refused, and ended up being arrested and incarcerated for over a year in a psych ward. Last year (2023), Jennifer filed a civil lawsuit against Baltimore County and the agencies who participated in medically kidnapping her daughter. Jennifer is suing Pro Se, because she could not find an attorney to take her case, and despite multiple attempts by Baltimore County to dismiss this case, it is still proceeding, with the next court date scheduled on October 16, 2024.

FDA Approves Parents to Attempt to Murder Their Children at Home with the Deadly FluMist Vaccine – Doctors No Longer Needed

With the current shortages of nurses and doctors in the U.S. medical system today, following COVID when so many medical professionals lost their jobs or quit over the deadly COVID-19 "vaccines," the FDA has just come up with a brilliantly evil way to get the deadly nasal flu vaccine into the nostrils of more children, by authorizing parents and any adult over the age of 18 to be able to give out these vaccines right in the comfort of one's home, with no medical professional required to be present. These nasal flu vaccines have a history of being ineffective in preventing the flu, while killing and injuring thousands of people, mostly children, who have taken them. I actually covered this deadly nasal vaccine back in 2018. At the time of publication of this article, the official U.S. Government database, run by the CDC and FDA, the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS), which the Government's own studies admit contains less than 1% of all vaccine-related deaths and injuries, is reporting 48 deaths and 11,065 injuries following the nasal FluMist vaccines.

Neal Sutz Documentary: How a Powerful Mormon Family in Arizona Escapes Justice and Controls Politicians to Cover-Up Child Sex Trafficking

When I first met and talked with Neal Sutz in the summer of 2019, and learned about this story, I had already published dozens of stories on the corruption in Arizona regarding their Child Protection Services, and even exposing some of the key politicians who allowed these things to happen in Arizona. Arizona has always been one of the worst states in the U.S. to allow child trafficking, and that includes children being trafficked at the border. So when this desperate father from Arizona contacted me from Switzerland, while I was horrified by his story, it did not surprise me at all. His story supplied some new pieces of the puzzle in child trafficking in Arizona that I had not known about previously, so it was an easy decision for me to learn about his story, and then publish it. I am publishing a 1-hour documentary that Neal Sutz produced about his family, showing all the media personalities and politicians who knew about his case, but in the end refused to help him, and stopped covering his story. I also want to publicly state that I was active in trying to get political help for Neal Sutz in 2019, so I personally know some of the details of this case, and I can absolutely state that Donald Trump and his family knew about Neal Sutz and his case in 2019. I had a friend who was a business associate of the Trump family, specifically Eric Trump, and I used his connection to the Trumps to bring Neal's story to them. In 2019 we also bought radio air time from a local radio station based in Phoenix, KFNX, to bring Neal's story and others from Arizona directly to the public, and we produced and broadcast 6 shows in 2019 that aired live in the evening hours. After we produced the first show, "What is Medical Kidnapping?", my friend told me he had sent the show to the Trump family, as well as other influential contacts that he had, including Kanye West and Kim Kardashian, who were married at the time. Kanye was doing musical tours that year venturing into the venue of Christian music, and I was told that he and Kim had listened to the show and were going to promote it on Social Media. I was also told that Lara Trump, Eric Trump's wife, knew about the show and was requesting that I consider joining their campaign for re-election (Lara Trump was running the campaign that year). I had no interest in politics, of course, but there were great expectations that finally, the horrible child sex trafficking problem in Arizona, and with Neal's story revealing how far this stretched worldwide, was finally going to be exposed. But it didn't. Today, nothing has changed, other than the fact that some of those who covered this up are now being put forth in the media again as those who will "save" this country, while the entire Jeffrey Epstein U.S. system of banking and business that fuels the child sex trafficking network worldwide continues even greater than before.

The Neal Sutz Story: How Donald Trump Covered Up The Largest Child Trafficking Story in Switzerland and Arizona During His First Presidency

I have been covering the child trafficking problem in the United States through government-funded child welfare agencies such as CPS (child protective services), foster care, and adoption for over a decade now. In 2014 I started an entire website, MedicalKidnap.com, to document just how frequently the government kidnaps and trafficks children, usually with the help of medical doctors and psychiatrists. The parents who lose their children to this evil, Satanic system, go through tremendous stress when they lose their children. Most of the ones who come to us to tell their story, have pretty much given up hope that they will ever get their children back, and are therefore ready to take their stories public. We do warn them that by going public and exposing the government-funded people who were involved in kidnapping their children, which in most stories include corrupt social workers, corrupt medical doctors, corrupt attorneys, and corrupt judges, that they risk retaliation and possibly even being arrested, or worse. Many of these parents do end up in jail or prison, and many have committed suicide. On some occasions, they come back and attack me also, especially if a judge or attorney orders them to have us take down their stories. But I have never done that, not even when ordered to do so by attorneys and judges. Because what I publish on this topic is protected by the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, and it is documentation of just how corrupt this "legal" child trafficking system is. It is an integral part of American history, a part of American history that you will probably never read in history books, especially Christian ones, and it is a history that few others will dare to expose. Only once has any of those parents ever come back to me later, and apologized to me and admitted that they were wrong to pressure me to take down their story. That sole case happened just recently with Neal Sutz, an Arizona father who fled to Switzerland to try and protect his two children and wife, but ended up in an international child trafficking criminal organization who took his children, and still has not given them back. Neal Sutz was convinced in 2019-2020 that President Donald Trump and his administration would intervene in Switzerland and rescue his children, since he is an American citizen. Neal just recently contacted me after not having any communication for about 4 years, and admitted that I was right all along not to remove his story, and that Donald Trump was not only just as corrupt as any other politician, but was in fact complicit with the authorities in Switzerland to keep his children in the Swiss system, similar to the group foster homes here in the U.S., where Neal relates his children have been abused. What I want to do with the rest of this article is report on what Neal has been doing since 2020 until today, while he still is fighting to get his children back. Neal's story is a stark reminder of what happens to people who trust in Donald Trump, and believe his lies that he is going to help families who have lost their children to child trafficking, and put the criminals away. Today, Neal Sutz has filed a criminal complaint at the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague, and is a U.S. Vice President candidate on an Independent ticket, where he is trying to get his story out to the public.

The State Can Steal Your Baby Anytime They Want with a False Drug Test -The Criminal Drug Testing Market

The Marshall Project, a "nonpartisan, nonprofit news organization that seeks to create and sustain a sense of national urgency about the U.S. criminal justice system," just published an investigative report about a topic I have written about for the past decade, which is that States can take your baby away from you anytime they want based simply on a drug test, even if that drug test is false. The Marshall Project investigation does a good job showing how widespread and common this problem is of taking babies away from parents on false drug tests. In 2016, Congress mandated states to submit the number of “substance-affected” infants to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Not all states track every case, but from fiscal years 2018 through 2022, medical professionals reported at least 170,000 infants to child welfare agencies for exposure to substances, according to an analysis by The Marshall Project. In 2022 alone, more than 35,000 such cases were reported, and authorities removed more than 6,000 infants from their families, their analysis found. The harms of drug testing fall disproportionately on low-income, Black, Hispanic and Native American women, who studies have found are more likely to be tested when they give birth, more likely to be investigated, and less likely to reunite with their children after they’ve been removed. But the false-positive cases The Marshall Project identified include parents of all socioeconomic classes and occupations — from a lawyer to a school librarian to a nurse who drug tests other people for a living. “People should be concerned,” said Dr. Stephen Patrick, a leading neonatal researcher who chairs the Department of Health Policy and Management at the Rollins School of Public Health in Atlanta. “This could happen to any one of us.” Indeed, not only "could" this happen to any one of us, it DOES happen, all the time, and we have documented numerous cases where this has happened over the past decade.

Another Government Lie? The Overwhelming Evidence that Tobacco does NOT Cause Cancer

One medical "fact" that the majority of people living in western countries today accept as "true", is that smoking cigarettes leads to lung cancer, and that tobacco is a toxic substance. But is it true? Can we trust our government when it comes to health advice? Have they ever lied to us in the past about health or diseases? First, think about it logically. People have smoked tobacco for hundreds, if not thousands of years. U.S. Government "experts" figured out only in 1964 that cigarettes caused cancer and were bad for health, as the Surgeon General put out a warning declaring that cigarettes were bad for one's health. Was there actually any evidence or credible science to back this up, or were other interests in play behind this warning? Fortunately, if one decides to search out the evidence themselves, there is plenty of evidence and research to show the opposite, that tobacco does not cause cancer, and that as a natural plant, it actually has some therapeutic properties, which at one time seemed to be well-known.

California Foster Father Sentenced to 6 Life Terms in Child Sex Trafficking Case: Hid Children for 10 Years Where They Were Chained, Raped, Tortured, and Starved

Jose Centeno of Rohnert Park, in Sonoma County, California, was sentenced to six consecutive life sentences last week for torturing, starving, raping and sodomizing his three foster children, whom he kept hidden from the public in cages for 10 years. I have covered a lot of these kinds of stories for more than a decade, and this one is vying for First Place in the most horrific and demonic stories that I have ever encountered. Jose Centeno and his wife Gina Centeno were both arrested in August of 2020, but Gina died in jail earlier this year while awaiting trial. When their arrest was made in 2020, it drew national attention, especially after it was discovered that one of the foster children had not been seen in about 10 years, Kaya Centeno, who is the only one that I could find a photo of online. The jury trial of Jose Centeno was conducted in July of this year (2024), and the details and testimonies that were presented in the courtroom literally traumatized the jury, as is to be expected, and as I have personally also experienced over the years from covering these types of cases. What these corporate media sources failed to report, however, was the back story about how this horror could have continued for so long with a state-licensed foster care family. A situation like this does not just happen by a rogue, rare exception to the foster care system. To get away with a child sex trafficking operation like this, there has to be complicity from local law enforcement, to the social service agencies that allow this to happen, and none of the corporate media reports even bothered to look into that. Nor did they bother to investigate why these children were taken away from their biological family in the first place. One of the articles I read while researching this story from Sonoma County today mentioned that there had also been a federal lawsuit filed in this case, but that it had been settled. It took me some time, but I found the lawsuit, and it has NOT been settled, but is still ongoing. This lawsuit provides a LOT more details, including suing all the people and government employees who were complicit with this child sex trafficking ring, and providing details that are even more horrible than what the corporate media is reporting.

Muslims and Jews Finally Agree on Something to Cause a Ceasefire in Gaza: Mass Vaccine Campaign Against Children in Fake Polio Outbreak

Hamas and Israeli forces have finally found mutual ground to order a ceasefire in the Gaza strip: a mass vaccination campaign against children to force them to receive the deadly oral polio vaccine that is banned in most Western countries, for a fake polio outbreak that is admittedly based on evidence of vaccine-induced polio found in sewage samples. There is still only 1 report of an actual case of someone having polio based on a laboratory PCR test, and no one has died. Deaths due to the new oral polio vaccine, however, which was given "emergency use authorization" (EUA), are currently about 25% of all vaccine injuries caused by the new oral polio vaccine, according to the U.S. government database of Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS). Sadly, in the weeks and months ahead we will see babies and children die and become crippled in Gaza, not only due to the war, but also because of this mass vaccination campaign with the new Oral Polio Vaccine (OPV). In addition, vaccine-induced polio will spread, including throughout Israel where the OPV has been banned for years, and this will result in even MORE vaccines being distributed as they will claim that there is now a full-blown "Polio epidemic", that possibly they will claim is spreading worldwide. Where have we seen this script play out before??

Western Culture has Abandoned Wisdom and Replaced it with “Science” – Ignore the Advice of “Scientists” if you Want to Live Long!

Being in my mid-60s now, I am entering into a phase of life that Western culture generally refers to as my "senior years." Outside of Western culture, especially in many Asian and Middle Eastern cultures, this is the phase of life that is equated with "wisdom," recognizing that people who have lived on this earth the longest, have generally accumulated the most wisdom, and such people are to be respected for having reached this age. In Western culture, however, older people are looked upon as feeble and senile. They are considered mostly by the group they belong to in Western culture, the "seniors", which is a group that is a goldmine for the medical scientists and their drugs. In what is pure insanity for most other cultures around the world, American seniors are taught to "retire" around the age of 65, and take life easy, when in fact they are usually smarter and wiser in their senior years than the younger people running the world, and should just do anything BUT retire. There is one caveat to this principle, however, and that caveat is that you have to reach your senior years without being dependent upon the pharmaceutical industry, which will do everything they can to render your life mostly meaningless as they attempt to make you a life-long consumer of their toxic products. Seniors are seen as a burden to society, and especially to the medical system, as the drugs and surgeries that are marketed to them generally prevent them from participating in the workforce, dependent upon Government subsidies such as Medicare and social security. Understanding this western mindset, it is easy to understand the insanity of an article that was published yesterday in The Guardian that attacked the wisdom and sound advice that came from the oldest recorded person in the world who just died at the age of 117, and commanded people to listen to scientists instead.

Innocent Children Continue to Die in the Nation’s Evil Foster Care Child Trafficking System

A tragic story was published this week in Albany, New York, where a 2-year-old child was forcibly removed from his family by the family police force known as "Child Protection Services" (CPS), even though there was no record or claims that the child and his brother, who was also removed, were ever abused. The 2-year-old child along with his brother were then placed into a State-licensed foster home, where one of the members of that home had formerly been investigated for child abuse. That member of the licensed foster home was Sarah Carter, the adult daughter of the licensed foster mother, who subsequently left the young toddler, 2-year-old Antonio, in a hot car for 4 hours where he died of hyperthermia, or overheating. What makes this story, which happens all too frequently, so tragic, is that Antonio had parents who loved him, and observed how he was being mistreated in the foster home he was placed in during the supervised visitation times with their son, who often showed up with bruises and cuts, and smelled like he had not been bathed for some time. This was reported to the caseworker, and other family members tried to gain custody of young Antonio, but to no avail. A caseworker assistant who transported Antonio and his brother back and forth between the foster home and the biological parents for visitation, noticed what was happening to Antonio in the foster home, and reported it to her superiors. As a result of her trying to step in and advocate for these two children, she was fired.

Infanticide in Gaza: UN to Vaccinate Over Half a Million Children with Deadly Polio Vaccine Over Fake Polio “Outbreak”

In addition to the almost daily news of children being murdered in Gaza, such as an entire family, including six children, who were killed in Gaza over the weekend, this past week scary headlines appeared in both the corporate media as well as in the alternative media stating that there was a new outbreak of the polio virus among children in Gaza, after polio had been eradicated there for 25 years. When we view scary "news" stories like this that call for mass-vaccination campaigns among children, the first thing to do is examine the actual facts that are being reported over this "outbreak." So I went to the source of this reporting, which is the UN, and specifically UNICEF (United Nations Children's Fund), the largest purchaser and distributor of vaccines for children worldwide. Here's a summary of the facts from these two official news reports from the UN. In July, a total of 6 cases of a positive polio PCR test were found in sewage samples (fecal matter) at 6 locations. It was admitted that these cases were "vaccine-derived poliovirus type 2". This was the beginning of the "polio outbreak" that is now being reported, even though at the time these tests were conducted, there was not a single person being treated for polio, nor anyone showing any symptoms of polio. Nevertheless, it was declared an "outbreak" and plans were immediately put into effect to produce hundreds of thousands of doses of the oral polio vaccines. One month later, in August, "three children presenting with suspected acute flaccid paralysis (AFP), a common symptom of polio" was reported. That's it, 3 children, who did not even have a positive polio diagnosis, but only "symptoms" of polio, was all that was needed to determine that this was a deadly "outbreak" of polio and kick into gear the production of 1.6 million doses of the oral polio vaccine to give to children in Gaza. What the media fails to report, however, is that these "cases" of polio came from the oral polio vaccines themselves!

Arizona Man Sexually Abused by Foster Parents as a Child is Murdered at Age 21 – Pedophiles Continue to be Licensed Foster Parents Across the U.S.

We have some sad news to report to our Health Impact News readers who have followed our reporting on the hundreds of Medical Kidnapping stories we published between 2014 through 2019. One of the most horrific stories we have ever published and have been following since 2017, is the case of David Frodsham, who was arrested and convicted of running a child pornography and child sex trafficking operation out of his Arizona, State-licensed foster home in 2017. Most of our original articles centered around then 2-year-old Devani, who was repeatedly raped and trafficked in the Frodsham foster home, and then after David Frodsham was arrested by federal agents, she was placed into another foster home by a Christian agency, where her body was scalded by hot water in a bathtub, resulting in her losing two of her toes. That foster mother is also now serving a prison term. After David Frodsham's conviction, two of his adopted sons aged out of the system, and proceeded to sue the State of Arizona, as well as the Christian adoption agencies that allowed this house of horrors to operate for years, even after they tried to report the abuses that were happening in this State-approved foster home. Both boys, as well as others, were repeatedly raped and trafficked as they grew up in this foster home. One of those boys was Trevor Frodsham, who apparently was fostered or adopted by another couple for a while after he left the Frodsham home, as he apparently took on the name "Trevor Williams." Last year (2023), we reported how the State of Arizona and the Catholic Adoption agency who were both defendants, were petitioning the court to dismiss the case, claiming that they had "qualified immunity" in the case that prevented them from being tried in court. I looked up Trevor's case today in preparing to write this article, and it was settled in November of 2023, although the terms of the settlement were sealed by the court, and I was not able to see what the terms of the settlement were. But it doesn't matter, as several weeks ago (June 17th) Trevor was shot and murdered in Tucson while reportedly sitting in his car at an intersection. The alleged murderer, Jose K. Chavez, was arrested a few weeks later on July 8, 2024. No motive or details of the murder have been made known to public at this time. But the real tragedy of Trevor Frodsham's story and the house of horrors that raped and trafficked children while being sanctioned and licensed by the State and by Christian adoption agencies, is that the exact same thing is happening right now all across the nation, where Christians and the State conspire together to kidnap and traffick children.

Criminal Medical Device Industry shows FDA Corruption at the Highest Levels – The FDA Protects Stockholders, NOT the Public

While many in the U.S. public are just now starting to wake up to the fact that the criminal Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is corrupt due to the horrible amount of deaths and injuries caused by COVID "vaccines" and other protocols given emergency use authorization from 2020 through 2023, the fact is that the FDA has always been corrupt, protecting stockholders on Wall Street and in Silicon Valley, and not the public. Almost two years before COVID started, back in 2018, Netflix produced a documentary called "The Bleeding Edge," which revealed that the medical device industry was even more powerful and more corrupt than the pharmaceutical industry. I have edited a section of the film that is less than 14 minutes long, which shows how government and Pharma collude together to defraud the American people, and that corruption and fraud were committed by the same people starting in 2020 when the COVID Scam started. Be aware that this is not a "family-friendly" film and there is coarse language and graphic descriptions in some segments. But it will be quite an eye-opener for most of you if you have not yet watched this documentary. You will learn that the Medical Industry controls the FDA, and that the FDA has their back and protects their interests, and they do not care about public health. Those in the FDA who are concerned about public heath and try to expose the corruption, lose their jobs. These companies place a value on your life, and it is not worth much. They know full well that their products kill and maim people, but that is all factored into their business model, with the mantra being that "benefits outweigh" the deaths and injuries their products cause. The entire medical system is Satanic, and I wish I knew what I know now when I was a lot younger.

Is Trump’s Former CDC Director Working on a Bird Flu Vaccine with Novavax COVID-19 Vaccine Manufacturer?

This is an update to the story I published earlier this month (June 2024) looking into the former director of the CDC during the Trump presidency, Dr. Robert Redfield, and why he has been predicting a deadly Bird Flu pandemic for 3 years now. As I mentioned in that article, the website OpenPaymentsData.cms.gov shows that Dr. Redfield received $360,093.00 in consulting fees from Roche Diagnostics Corporation, from 2020 through 2022, the same time frame that Redfield was featured in the corporate media creating fear over the Bird Flu. I also reported that Roche Diagnostics Corporation is working on a new PCR test that can allegedly test for the Bird Flu, as well as for COVID-19 and RSV. As I mentioned in that article, the data for 2023 on Big Pharma kickbacks to doctors had not yet been posted, but I had expected it to be posted soon, as in most years the previous year's data is posted by the end of June. Well, openpaymentsdata.cms.gov did update their data with 2023 statistics this week. The former CDC director under Trump continued to receive consulting fees from Roche Diagnostics Corporation during 2023, with another $180,000 received for consulting fees. But another pharmaceutical company started paying Dr. Redfield $160,000 in consulting fees last year, and that company was COVID-19 vaccine producer, Novavax. Novavax currently has a Bird Flu vaccine in the works, and their stock skyrocketed during the time Dr. Redfield was making his media appearances predicting a new Bird Flu pandemic.