We’ll cover the truth regarding the dangers of prescription medicines and vaccines.

Criminal Medical Device Industry shows FDA Corruption at the Highest Levels – The FDA Protects Stockholders, NOT the Public

While many in the U.S. public are just now starting to wake up to the fact that the criminal Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is corrupt due to the horrible amount of deaths and injuries caused by COVID "vaccines" and other protocols given emergency use authorization from 2020 through 2023, the fact is that the FDA has always been corrupt, protecting stockholders on Wall Street and in Silicon Valley, and not the public. Almost two years before COVID started, back in 2018, Netflix produced a documentary called "The Bleeding Edge," which revealed that the medical device industry was even more powerful and more corrupt than the pharmaceutical industry. I have edited a section of the film that is less than 14 minutes long, which shows how government and Pharma collude together to defraud the American people, and that corruption and fraud were committed by the same people starting in 2020 when the COVID Scam started. Be aware that this is not a "family-friendly" film and there is coarse language and graphic descriptions in some segments. But it will be quite an eye-opener for most of you if you have not yet watched this documentary. You will learn that the Medical Industry controls the FDA, and that the FDA has their back and protects their interests, and they do not care about public health. Those in the FDA who are concerned about public heath and try to expose the corruption, lose their jobs. These companies place a value on your life, and it is not worth much. They know full well that their products kill and maim people, but that is all factored into their business model, with the mantra being that "benefits outweigh" the deaths and injuries their products cause. The entire medical system is Satanic, and I wish I knew what I know now when I was a lot younger.

Is Trump’s Former CDC Director Working on a Bird Flu Vaccine with Novavax COVID-19 Vaccine Manufacturer?

This is an update to the story I published earlier this month (June 2024) looking into the former director of the CDC during the Trump presidency, Dr. Robert Redfield, and why he has been predicting a deadly Bird Flu pandemic for 3 years now. As I mentioned in that article, the website OpenPaymentsData.cms.gov shows that Dr. Redfield received $360,093.00 in consulting fees from Roche Diagnostics Corporation, from 2020 through 2022, the same time frame that Redfield was featured in the corporate media creating fear over the Bird Flu. I also reported that Roche Diagnostics Corporation is working on a new PCR test that can allegedly test for the Bird Flu, as well as for COVID-19 and RSV. As I mentioned in that article, the data for 2023 on Big Pharma kickbacks to doctors had not yet been posted, but I had expected it to be posted soon, as in most years the previous year's data is posted by the end of June. Well, openpaymentsdata.cms.gov did update their data with 2023 statistics this week. The former CDC director under Trump continued to receive consulting fees from Roche Diagnostics Corporation during 2023, with another $180,000 received for consulting fees. But another pharmaceutical company started paying Dr. Redfield $160,000 in consulting fees last year, and that company was COVID-19 vaccine producer, Novavax. Novavax currently has a Bird Flu vaccine in the works, and their stock skyrocketed during the time Dr. Redfield was making his media appearances predicting a new Bird Flu pandemic.

The High Fat Low Carb Ketogenic Diet is Curing Schizophrenia and Other “Mental Diseases” while Eliminating Dangerous Psych Drugs

The ketogenic diet was developed at Johns Hopkins hospital in the 1920s as a natural cure for epilepsy, when drugs failed. It is a high fat diet restricting carbohydrates. The diet fell out of favor during the anti-saturated fat campaign started in the U.S. and codified into official government dietary advice in the 1970s as a result of the McGovern Report. “Saturated fat is bad” is still official government dietary policy today, due to the influence of the vegetable oil industry which produces their products from the highly subsidized corn and soybean crops, and also due to Big Pharma's totally debunked junk science that claims cholesterol is bad, and needs to be kept low artificially through cholesterol-lowering drugs to prevent heart disease. If you search for "ketogenic diet" on Health Impact News, you will find over 130 articles documenting how this diet cures many modern diseases, with plenty of testimonials as well. We have also published almost 700 articles exposing the cholesterol myth. A survey of the peer-reviewed scientific literature was published in 2013 regarding the Ketogenic Diet which showed how this diet was curing "Diverse Neurological Disorders". In more recent years, there have been many new studies examining the effects of a high fat low carbohydrate diet on treating most "mental diseases", including helping people with "mental disease" diagnoses wean themselves off of the highly toxic and dangerous psych drugs. The leading researcher in much of this is Dr. Christopher M. Palmer, a professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School. I consider Dr. Palmer a psychiatrist "whistleblower", because his research shows how many people are going into total remission of psychiatric symptoms through the Ketogenic Diet, without the use of psych drugs, which of course is a terrible business model for the lucrative pharmaceutical industry (actually curing people instead of selling them drugs to continually treat their symptoms).

Why Has Former CDC Director Robert Redfield Been Warning that the “Bird Flu” Will be Worse than COVID for the Past 3 Years?

Former CDC Director Robert Redfield is in the news again today promoting his favorite topic, the "deadly Bird Flu" fear porn. This is another summer re-run, as this is a story that has been launched to the public multiple times since it made its debut in theaters in 2006 under then President George W. Bush. It was a hoax back then, and while I had not yet started Health Impact News in 2006, I had a phone call with Dr. Sherri Tenpenny that year about a book she had just published titled "FOWL! Bird Flu: It's Not What You Think", which we then began selling in my online store. The pandemic never came, but people made a lot of money off of it, and they went after small-scale poultry producers to protect the large commodity poultry operations from competition. They recycled the dreaded “Bird Flu Pandemic” again in 2015 during the Obama administration, and again began destroying poultry farms, especially in Iowa, the state that produces the most eggs. This announcement of a “pandemic” allowed them to take certain measures and create fear among the public, but once again, nothing really came of it, other than the fact that some poultry operations lost a lot of money, while the vaccine manufacturers profited. Then in 2022, former CDC Director under Donald Trump, Robert Redfield, announced that there was a new “pandemic” coming which had yet to happen, and that he said would be far worse than COVID, proving once again that all these “pandemics” are first hatched in the minds of the Globalists and then announced prior to them happening as if they have the gift of prophecy. This performance was re-run last year, in 2023, as well, as once again Redfield was featured in the corporate media to warn about the deadly Bird Flu that was coming and would be far worse than COVID. And now here he is again for a 3rd repeat encore performance this week, using the same exact script that was obviously written over 2 years ago. So what is behind Redfield's apocalyptic fear mongering over the "Bird Flu"? After doing a few minutes of research, I believe I have found out why.

Anthony Fauci Sits on the Political Hot Seat to be Blamed for the False Wuhan Lab Leak Psyop for COVID as REAL Crimes go Unaddressed

Most all of the "news" headlines yesterday were about the latest circus act playing in Washington D.C. in the halls of the U.S. Congress where the day's entertainment show was hosted by the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic, where the starring performance was acted out by Anthony Fauci, the former NIAID director and one of the master minds behind the 2020 military campaign implemented by then Commander in Chief, President Donald Trump, and his Operation Warp Speed military campaign that he unleashed against the American people. If you missed it, don't worry, as it was a summer re-run from previous performances under the "COVID-19 Virus Wuhan Lab Leak Theory", a D.C. TV series that has been running the past few years produced mainly by Senator Rand Paul. If our readers have been wondering why I have spent so little time in recent months covering the issues of COVID-19, and the most lethal bioweapon that has ever been unleashed into the human race, the COVID-19 bioweapons, it is because that story has already been written, and all that is playing in "theaters" these days are re-runs. If you search for "COVID" on Health Impact News, you will get over 1,600 results out of the 8,600+ articles published on Health Impact News since 2011. So for those of you with short memories or who have never investigated the 1,600+ articles we have already published on this topic, let's have a short review here about how this scam started, and who should be tried for treason and war crimes against the U.S. public, for crimes committed under COVID that are now all a matter of public record.

First Genetically Modified Pig Kidneys Transplanted into Humans – Financial Success for “Science” but Deadly for Humans

The first man to receive a genetically modified pig kidney died last month, less than two months after the transplant. The transplant was done in March (2024), with much fanfare over being the first person to receive a pig kidney. The doctors told him and his family they expected him to live "for at least 2 years." The second person to receive a pig kidney transplant was Lisa Pisano in April (2024). But 47 days later they had to remove the pig kidney to keep her alive. So were these first two cases of humans receiving a genetically modified pig kidney a success, or a failure? The answer to that question depends upon one's perspective, and what kind of outcomes one is expecting from the huge amount of money that is being invested to research "xenotransplantation". If the expected outcome was to increase the lives of the patients, then no, it was not a success. But if the expected outcome was to convince investors to keep investing in the technology and deriving great profit, based on a BELIEF that this technology would someday be successful and "scalable," then yes, it was a success, because the patients did not die immediately on the operating table, and investors will most likely continue funding such research.

Evangelical Christians Running Orphanage in Haiti Murdered – Time to Shut Down Orphanages in Haiti’s Lucrative Child Trafficking Business?

In a tragic story that made headline news this past week, three leaders of a Haitian Orphanage were reportedly murdered by gangs in Haiti. Davy Lloyd, age 23, and his wife Natalie Lloyd, 21, were the American leaders of the orphanage who were killed, as well as Pastor Jude Montis, age 45, who was the Haitian director of the orphanage of Missions in Haiti, Inc., an American non-profit corporation started by Davy's parents in 2001, who are the directors of the corporation. This story has been extensively covered in the corporate media with very little derivation from the original AP story that reported the incident. We really do not know the story that is behind these murders, as the deceased are portrayed as innocent victims of random gang violence in Haiti, which is reportedly common these days. And while that is probably true, it ignores the larger issue of the presence of Christian orphanages in Haiti that have been shown in the past to be part of the huge child trafficking network operating out of Haiti. In my research of Missions in Haiti, Inc., which is headquartered in Oklahoma, I could find no evidence of any known intentional child trafficking operating out of their business. However, it is widely known that such Christian organizations have been used in the past to traffick children. Much of this was revealed back in 2010, just after a massive earthquake hit Haiti, when Evangelical Christian Laura Silsby along with American Baptist missionaries from Idaho tried to traffick 33 children out of Haiti, claiming they were “orphans.” They were also working with the Clinton Foundation. Since this time, some organizations have begun to investigate the 30,000 + children living in orphanages in Haiti, which they claim is a form of "child trafficking."

Top Advocacy Center for Protecting Children from Harms of Vaccines Publishes CDC Propaganda Condemning Marijuana as Parents and Children Nationwide Use it for Treating Vaccine Injuries

I have been reporting on the dangers of vaccines to children for almost 2 decades now, and one of the real tragedies of children who are vaccine damaged, is that the medical system ignores, or even worse denies, that vaccine injuries exist. The most common childhood vaccine injuries, by far, are the horrible symptoms that occur with autism. The medical system, in general, wants the public to believe that autism is genetic and not environmental, so that they can completely deny the vaccine - autism connection, and develop pharmaceutical drugs instead. The most common type of pharmaceutical drug used to treat children with autism are psychiatric drugs, which are incredibly toxic and dangerous, as we have reported over the years. This has forced most parents over the years to seek treatment for their vaccine-damaged children outside of the medical system, seeking out help from alternative health providers who understand the corruption and dangers of the pharmaceutical system, and many of these alternative healers have developed alternative, non-pharmaceutical treatments. When those treatments are successful, they become a threat to the economic prosperity of the medical system, and the Big Pharma machine will do everything they can to destroy the credibility of these wholistic practitioners and condemn the treatments they use. The most effective way that private pharmaceutical companies use to silence their competitors in alternative and natural health, is to use the U.S. Government medical agencies such as the FDA and the CDC to declare such treatments "illegal" and seek to prosecute those who use them. In the past decade or so, one of the most amazing natural therapies that has brought great relief to parents of vaccine injured children labeled as "autistic," is "medical marijuana", also referred to as "medical cannabis." Many thousands of parents in this country over the past decade plus can testify to how medical marijuana has dramatically healed their child with autism, and made their family whole again. So I was horrified to read an article this week from The Vaccine Reaction, which is published by the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC), the nation's oldest and most effective organization in the United States for supplying information to parents about the dangers of childhood vaccines, condemning the use of marijuana, a product that is becoming more and more available as State laws change, and which is used by so many parents and families across this nation to treat their children who suffer from vaccine injuries. What was so surprising to me about this article, is that it was based on a study conducted by the CDC, and it wasn't even based on any kind of clinical trials, but on a "national phone survey " collecting data that was analyzed through the "Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System." The CDC cannot be trusted to produce accurate and truthful information, and the NVIC, of all organizations, should know that best.

Doctors’ Offices to be Replaced with Smart Home Digital Medical Prisons

It has been well-reported in the corporate media that hundreds of thousands of medical professionals have quit or retired since COVID, and those that remain are over-worked and unhappy, with many planning on retiring within the next few years. Millions of people in the U.S. have died or been disabled since the COVID scam started in 2020, further burdening the medical system as patients increase, while medical professionals and services have decreased. The corporate media blames this on the fake COVID "virus", but many in the alternative media know better, and like myself, have documented how most of these deaths and injuries are actually due to the COVID shots and other COVID protocols that were implemented starting in 2020, showing how it was the medical system itself that caused most of these casualties. The entire medical system is in the process of collapsing, as it is unsustainable in its current form. The future of the medical system that the Globalists on Wall Street and in Silicon Valley are now investing in, is home medical care, and "telehealth." They are rapidly investing in technology to convert homes into "Smart Homes" where patients can be treated right in their own homes using the Internet and "smart" devices. They are, of course, selling this to the public as something positive, as after all, who wouldn't want to receive medical care in the comfort of one's home? However, as has always been the case, when the Globalists promise their consumers things like "comfort", "safety," "convenience", etc. - these products and services ALWAYS come at a cost, mainly the cost of giving up your privacy and allowing the system to have total control over you. And if that system of "comfort, safety, and convenience" fails, they will take no responsibility for the consequences. When a person's home becomes a "Medical Smart Home" replacing hospitals and doctors' offices where everything that runs that home is dependent upon the technology, what is going to happen when the Internet goes down, or the power grid becomes unstable and you don't have reliable electricity any more?

How “Mental Health” is Used by the Conservative Right to Suppress Free Speech

Almost every American living in the United States today is complaining about the suppression of "free speech" by the U.S. Government. The problem is that the definition of "free speech" today is almost 100% defined by one's political ideology, not truth, and therefore almost everyone in the U.S. today defines "free speech" as the "freedom" to express their own political biases while suppressing the biases of the other side of the political spectrum. Defining "free speech" as a standard that is based on truth, is very rare and almost non-existent today in the U.S. So which side is more aggressive in trying to censor their political opponents? In my opinion, it is the Conservative Right, because the Conservative Right has consistently supported Big Pharma and the use of Big Pharma to control those who don't agree with their "conservative" values, and this includes Corporate Christianity. And one of the most common ways the Right uses to suppress the speech of those who don't agree with them, is to use psychiatry and the field of "mental health" to justify their desires to control the speech of others who do not support their "conservative" values.