News regarding the dangers of GMOs and biotech, and the advantages of organic sustainable agriculture.

Food Inflation has Caused Some of the Best Grass-fed Beef in the World to be Less Expensive than Commodity Medicated Beef Raised in Feedlots!

Something that I predicted would one day come true is actually happening today, here in the summer of 2024. Due to the complexities of the food supply chain here in the U.S. that brings mass-produced cheap beef from mega-farms where cattle are raised in confined feeding operations (CAFOs) on GMO contaminated grains, and vaccinated against common diseases from being raised together in close quarters, into America's grocery stores and fast food restaurants, I predicted that one day that supply chain would begin to fail and prices would start to increase, to the extent that our grass-fed beef raised by family farmers in lush pasture in Wisconsin, would beat the prices of commodity beef in the grocery store and fast-food chains. And of course the grass-fed and grass-finished beef that we sell in my online store, Healthy Traditions, under our "Grass-fed Traditions" brand, is not just from any common breed of beef cattle. These are Galloway beef cattle, from the rare ancient breed that originated in the rugged hill country of southwestern Scotland, and related to the more commonly known Angus breed which was developed in northeastern Scotland. Worldwide, there are less than 30,000 head of this breed, and we have been breeding them and selling their beef for about 15 years now from the lush pastures of western Wisconsin, grown by Amish family farmers.

Healthy Traditions Offers Up to a 20% Return on a $1000 Investment and Up to a 30% Return for $5000 Investment to Become Resellers of Long-term Storable Food Tested for GMOs and other Toxins

Last month (January, 2024), I announced that my ecommerce store on the Internet, Healthy Traditions, which has existed for over 22 years now, was winding down its Internet-based store sales and concentrating on recruiting resellers of our products in local communities instead. We are seeking a more sustainable marketing strategy that will continue to serve local communities during times when the Internet may be inaccessible, or when the financial sector that allows sales on the Internet changes and starts requiring people to use Digital IDs, such as biometric IDs that require one to provide something like a face scan, palm scan, or eye scan in order to purchase products on the Internet. Because once the financial sector switches over to something like Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs), we will no longer be selling anything on the Internet anymore. We have had very many people contact us about becoming resellers, and we have now added some new ones to our Resellers Page. What I want to do in this article is explain the investment opportunities that exist for those who want to become resellers, and how you could potentially build an entire business around your investment, depending upon how much work you want to put into it, as you develop a sustainable, secure food distribution system in your local community outside of the corporate commodity food distribution system currently in place that fills the shelves of your local supermarket, which is anything but sustainable, and will quickly collapse during a local or national emergency situation that disrupts the supply chains. So what we are offering to Resellers today is the following: For an investment of $1000, you can get a return on that $1000 investment of 20%, or you can invest a minimum of $5000, and can see a return of 25% to 30% on that investment.

Mexico Takes a Stand Against U.S. Big Ag and GMO Corn to Protect Their Native Varieties of Mexican Corn

Back in 2014 when my online food store, Healthy Traditions, started testing all of our USDA certified organic grains for the presence of the herbicide glyphosate, which is used in RoundUp and is the world's most-used herbicide, we were shocked to find out that even our USDA certified organic grains were almost all contaminated with glyphosate, even though they were "certified organic." We found out that the NOP (National Organics Program) allowed for small amounts of pesticides and herbicides in certified organic products, and so we stopped buying grains based on organic status, and also stopped "certifying" our own products as "organic," since it now has almost no meaning anymore. Big Food wanted in on the booming organic grocery business, and they have successfully watered down U.S. organic standards over the past decade or so. Instead, we started testing all of the products we wanted to purchase for the presence of glyphosate, and if we carried a product that had a GMO equivalent in the marketplace, we also tested for the presence of GMO DNA. It started a very long process for us to find grains that were not contaminated, and in most cases, we had to look outside the U.S. to find such grains that tested clean. Corn was, by far, the hardest product to source that tested clean of GMO DNA, and we even purchased certified organic corn products off the shelves of stores like Whole Foods, that were also GMO "verified," and all the samples we tested came back positive for genetically modified DNA. We were unable to find a single supplier of organic corn in the U.S. who had corn that tested clean. We finally found a supplier down in Central Mexico, in a Province that at that time had banned the planting of U.S. GMO corn, that finally tested clean of GMO DNA, and we have been selling corn from that region ever since, for almost 10 years now. Now, Mexico has decided to ban U.S. GMO corn nationwide, as well as ban the use of glyphosate, and the U.S. and Canada are trying to bully Mexico into continuing to import GMO corn.

Mexico’s Proposed Ban on GM Corn Angers the U.S. and Canada

Certain states in Mexico have banned the planting and cultivation of genetically modified corn from the U.S. in recent years, in order to preserve heirloom varieties of corn (maize) that have existed in Mexico for thousands of years. In 2022, Mexico proposed a ban on imports of GM corn as a country, and now the U.S. and Canada are teaming up to protest and to try and force Mexico to keep importing GM corn. The AP reported last week that Canada had joined the US in their trade dispute against Mexico’s proposed ban on GM corn. Canada’s Ministry of Agriculture and Agri-Food said in a statement: “Canada shares the concerns of the U.S. that Mexico’s measures are not scientifically supported and have the potential to unnecessarily disrupt trade in the North American market.” For U.S. and Canadian politicians to state that the claims that GM corn are hazardous to one's health "are not scientifically supported" is similar to saying that "the science is settled" when it comes to the alleged "safety" of vaccines. It is a total lie. The science showing how dangerous genetically modified food is, including the use of glyphosate herbicides sprayed on GM crops, is ABUNDANT. But similar to studies showing the toxicity and harms of vaccines, these studies are almost always censored, or if they get published, are usually later retracted due to the pressure of Big Ag interests.

DISASTER! Food Shortages & High Inflation for Contaminated Food Threaten Nation’s Food Supply

In what is still probably one of the most under-reported breaking news stories in the U.S. today, the situation with the flooding in California, which produces 50% of the nation's agriculture, is going from bad to worse, while other parts of the nation are still in drought conditions which threaten the nation's winter wheat crops, it was reported today. And then there was a report published in the LA Times yesterday which revealed that thousands of tons of "human waste" are transported about 8 times a day to Tulare County farmlands to convert into fertilizer, and that "waste" is now threatening to spread to California's water system, as record levels of snow in the Sierra Mountains start to melt and cause further flooding in the farms of Central California. "Human waste" is a polite term to use for what this "sludge" is that now threatens $billions of food in California farmlands. Here is how Wikipedia defines it: "Human waste (or human excreta) refers to the waste products of the human digestive system, menses, and human metabolism including urine and faeces." And all of this "human waste" is in ADDITION TO the "waste" produced in Central California from huge dairy and poultry operations, which now also are in danger of spreading into California's water supplies.

NATIONAL CATASTROPHE! California Farmers Suffering Record Losses from Flooding as “Worst is Yet to Come”

With the threat of a World War 3 escalation into a nuclear conflict, while the world's financial system is on the brink of collapse, it is easy to see why a local, regional news story about the weather will not make national headlines. But there is a local, regional story developing in California that I guarantee will eventually make national headline news, as the flooding continues with more heavy rain and snow this week, and with local officials declaring that in terms of the flooding and damage, "the worst is yet to come." With California producing over half of America's agriculture, this is indeed HUGE news, as this is also going to affect food prices around the world, since many of California's agricultural products, a $51 BILLION economy, are exported outside the U.S. The main reason this is not a major worldwide headline, yet, is because there are still very few estimates as to how high the losses are going to be, since the farming community in California is just trying to survive right now, bracing for new storms that entered the State yesterday and are continuing today. Total financial losses for the State of California due to flooding that began in January, right now range from $5 BILLION to $30 BILLION.

California Farmers: “We’ve Lost EVERYTHING” – $BILLIONS of Food Lost in Floods in State that Produces Half of America’s Agriculture

Almost half of America's agriculture is produced in the State of California, producing over 50 $BILLION annually in revenues. Now, with recent historical and unprecedented flooding, many farmers in California are reporting that they have "lost everything." And it is not over yet, as the rains continue, and record amounts of snow in the Sierra Nevada mountains still need to melt, which will flow into farmlands that are already devastated in California's Central Valley. The emphasis today is still on saving people's lives as the rain and flooding continue, and nobody knows yet what the final damages will be to America's richest farmlands and how that will impact food security in the United States, and the nation's already fragile economy. I have put together a video report that is just under 15 minutes. I have friends and family members who live in this area of California, so I can confirm from first hand experiences that none of this is exaggerated. It is real. This was a very emotional video for me to compile.

The Digitalization of Agriculture: Big Tech’s Plan to Take Over the Food Supply

As I recently reported earlier this week, everything and anything related to digital computer technology these days is being labeled as "Artificial Intelligence" (AI), the new marketing buzzword for Big Tech to lure money from investors, so it should not surprise us that Big Tech is now attempting to apply AI to food production. A report published at the end of 2022 by The ETC Group does an excellent job of reporting just how Big Tech is planning on taking over the world's food supply: Food Barons 2022 - Crisis Profiteering, Digitalization and Shifting Power. They report: "The vista of new digital initiatives in food and ag is dizzying. On the farm, it includes concerted attempts to impose digital agriculture, weaving in drone sprayers, Artificial Intelligence-driven robotic planters and automated animal-feeding operations tricked out with facial recognition for livestock. Big Ag giants such as Bayer, Deere & Company, Corteva, Syngenta and Nutrien are restructuring their entire businesses around Big Data platforms. Bayer’s ‘Field View’ digital platform, for  example, extracts 87.5 billion datapoints from 180 million acres (78.2 million hectares) of farmland in 23 countries and  funnels it into the cloud servers of Microsoft and Amazon. Deere, the world’s largest farm machinery company, now employs more software engineers than mechanical engineers." This is the reason why billionaire technocrats, such as Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos, are now among the largest owners of farmland in the United States. This is the future of the technology, and they know it. With Big Tech's encroachment into agriculture, we have now moved from "Is this food safe to eat?" to "Is this even 'food' and is it edible?" If it is packaged and sold in fast food restaurants and grocery stores, most people just assume it is edible and not something that will poison and kill you, because "they wouldn't do that." But who are "they"? You mean regulatory agencies like the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) that just authorized a population-reduction set of products called "COVID-19 vaccines"? Nah, of course not. "They" would never allow poisonous, inedible food that harms the public be sold commercially, would they?

New U.S. Government Research is Finally Admitting that Glyphosate Weed Killer Causes Cancer

New research by top US government scientists has found that people exposed to the widely used weed killing chemical glyphosate have biomarkers in their urine linked to the development of cancer and other diseases. The study, published last week in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, measured glyphosate levels in the urine of farmers and other study participants and determined that the presence of high levels of the pesticide were associated with signs of a reaction in the body called oxidative stress, a condition that causes damage to DNA. Oxidative stress is considered by health experts as a key characteristic of carcinogens. The authors of the paper – 10 scientists with the National Institutes of Health and two from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) – concluded that their study “contributes to the weight of evidence supporting an association between glyphosate exposure and oxidative stress in humans.” They also noted that “accumulating evidence supports the role of oxidative stress in the pathogenesis of hematologic cancers,” such as lymphoma, myeloma and leukemia.

The End of Cheap Food is Near as a Highly Technological and Fragile System Faces Collapse

Charles Hugh Smith published an excellent commentary yesterday about how the era of cheap food in America is quickly coming to an end. As a producer and marketer of high quality food produced by small-scale enterprises for the past 20+ years, this is a topic near and dear to my heart, and one I have written about frequently for the past couple of decades, warning that a day like this was coming. Prior to the Industrial Age ushered in by WWII, for thousands of years a person's or family's wealth was not measured by how much money one had in a bank account, but by how much real assets they owned, primarily in agriculture. Even in the pages of the Bible this is clearly seen, where people of wealth and nobility were owners of fields, flocks, cattle, and other agricultural-based assets. When the United States was founded in the late 1700s, 90% of the country's population was involved in agriculture. Many of our "founding fathers" brought their wealth to the U.S. and invested in agriculture, many of them bringing their African slaves with them to work the fields, whether it was producing food, or other commerce ag products such as tobacco in eastern coastal states, or cotton in the south. By the time of the Civil War under Lincoln, about 50% of the population had moved into urban areas, while the other 50% of the population was still employed in agriculture. But in today's highly technological society where only a handful of companies produce food for the rest of the population, less than 1% of the population is employed in agriculture, and a huge percentage of those are illegal immigrants providing cheap labor to do the dirty jobs most Americans feel are beneath them to perform. As Smith points out in his article, few Americans have any idea how their food is produced or what is needed to bring it to their local grocery stores. It has become a highly technological system requiring inputs that only a handful of corporations supply, in what is a very fragile supply-chain dependent system. In the U.S., Americans spend the least amount of their income on food than any other nation in the world. Americans are just used to cheap, mass produced junk food, and those days are fast coming to an end.