News regarding traditional wisdom and native diets regarding nutrition.

Restoring Wheat Flour to the Category of “Healthy”: Introducing Ancient Grain All-Purpose Flours Tested for Glyphosate!

Wheat has received a bad rap in modern times, being blamed for the cause of many diseases and illnesses. Many in the alternative health field show their belief in Darwinian biological evolution bias by claiming that wheat was never a plant that was good for human consumption, stating that human ancestors who evolved over millions of years were "hunters and gatherers", and never planted crops. However, even the evidence from archaeology clearly shows that ancient cultures were much more advanced than the evolutionists would have us believe, and were much more than simply "hunters and gatherers." When we read the historical records of the Bible, the most widely distributed collection of writings from antiquity, we read that man's first job as entrusted to him by his Creator, was as an agriculturist to cultivate the earth. For most of human history, until just recently in the "age of technology", grains were considered the "staff of life," and the most consumed food on the planet. So how did grains and food made from them become so unhealthy in modern times? Because most people who cut out wheat from their diet today become much healthier, and that is a fact that cannot be denied. The answer to this mystery lies in how grains are grown in the U.S. today, and then how they are processed after they are harvested and end up in the food chain as processed foods. Today we are introducing to the public own new Ancient Grain All-Purpose flours! For me personally, today marks the culmination of a 10-year journey, starting the day we tested our "organic" flours in 2014 that tested positive for glyphosate, to the sourcing of clean, ancient grains over the years, and now, all-purpose flours that are clean, and genetically purer as heirloom, ancient grains, than anything else you will probably find on the market. Let's reclaim grains as HEALTHY again!

Big Food has Taken Over the USDA National Organic Program – Why I am no Longer Importing Certified Organic Food

Since the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) developed standards for organic foods to be certified as "organic" by the USDA's National Organic Program (NOP) in 2002, the quality of organic food sold in the U.S. has been rapidly declining, as the major food corporations that control most of the nation's food supply have continually applied pressure to the USDA to lower those organic standards so that they could capitalize on consumer demand for "certified organic" food, while still mass producing their food the same way they produce conventional (non-organic) foods. Unfortunately, things have only become worse here in 2024 for the USDA certified organic program, in terms of consolidating power for the industry for Corporate Big Food. When the United States was founded back in the 1700s, about 90% of the population was employed in agriculture. By the time of the Civil War under President Lincoln, that number had fallen to about 50%. Today, just a handful of companies produce our food, with less than 2% of the population employed in agriculture. In short, we are just one disaster away from our entire food chain collapsing. If you are among the tens of millions of people in the U.S. who rely on grocery store chains to purchase your food, and have never considered what you would do if the shelves of those stores went bare, then it is time you change your thinking and buying habits when it comes to food.

Honey is the World’s Healthiest Sweetener but the North American Honey Supply is Contaminated

Honey is one of nature’s most perfect and beneficial foods. The documented research on the incredible health benefits of honey is truly astounding. If you type in the search term “honey” in the National Library of Medicine on the NIH Government website, you will get 18,000 results from peer-reviewed journals. If you search for honey on Health Impact News, you get over 150 results documenting the health benefits of pure honey, such as: "Phenolic Compounds and Enzymatic Activity in Raw Honey Positively Affect Oxidative Stress and Bone Density" "Honey Out-Performs Antibiotics in Fighting Superbugs" "Honey: A Powerful Anti-Cancer Agent" - Honey is the ONLY sweetener on the market that you can purchase that is a complete, whole food, as opposed to granulated sugar which is an extract from either a grass (sugar cane), or from beets (sugar beets). But purchasing real, pure, unadulterated raw honey that is not contaminated with herbicides or pesticides, is another matter altogether. Testing done in 2011 on grocery store honey showed that up to 80% of the honey sold in grocery stores is adulterated and even fake, much of it imported from China illegally. Honey that is produced in the U.S. and Canada is mostly a by-product of professional beekeepers who make their primary income from leasing out their bees to pollinate crops in commercial agriculture. These commercial crops are heavily treated with herbicides and pesticides, and the resulting honey from these bees is just a by-product of these commercial bee operations, and that includes most “local” honeys, which are highly contaminated. Pure raw honey has been proven through numerous studies to be more effective than drugs in treating many diseases, and since honey can be stored indefinitely and tends to improve with age, like fine wines, this is a food that you want in your long-term food storage plans, and you want honey that heals, not honey that is contaminated, or “honey” that is not even real honey at all.

Are Your Grains Tested for Glyphosate? Ancient Khorasan Wheat Glyphosate-Tested Now Available!

There has been a resurgence in interest in ancient grains in recent years, as more and more people begin to realize just how toxic modern wheat products are, with many "gluten intolerance" diseases increasing in modern times. Unfortunately, ancient grains grown in the United States, along with all other grains such as wheat, oats, and barley, are almost all contaminated by modern pesticides and herbicides, even if they are certified organic. We published a report on an investigation I conducted in 2014 by testing both organic and conventional products made from American (both the U.S. and Canada) grains, and we found very little difference between organic and conventional grains in terms of being contaminated with glyphosate, the active ingredient in the world's most popular herbicide, RoundUp, which has been linked to cancer and other diseases. When we began to search for sources for ancient grains, all the ones we found at the time tested positive for glyphosate, which forced us to begin searching for glyphosate-free grains outside the U.S. We found that Italy had the cleanest ancient grains which consistently tested negative for glyphosate, and we found some organic, heirloom corn that tested clean in Central Mexico, where glyphosate was banned. We eventually found a source of Khorasan Wheat from a single farm in Italy, and sold that for a few years. But their harvest in 2023 was not successful, leaving us with very little left in stock from the year before. But we recently just found a farm in Washington State that grew Khorasan in 2023, and samples from their field tested clean for any glyphosate. I proceeded to purchase many tons of this product, and we now have it in stock as a whole grain which you can purchase in bulk, as well as a whole grain flour. Here are some studies published in the peer-reviewed literature on the health benefits of Khorasan Wheat, conducted mainly by researchers in Italy.

Healthy Traditions Offers Up to a 20% Return on a $1000 Investment and Up to a 30% Return for $5000 Investment to Become Resellers of Long-term Storable Food Tested for GMOs and other Toxins

Last month (January, 2024), I announced that my ecommerce store on the Internet, Healthy Traditions, which has existed for over 22 years now, was winding down its Internet-based store sales and concentrating on recruiting resellers of our products in local communities instead. We are seeking a more sustainable marketing strategy that will continue to serve local communities during times when the Internet may be inaccessible, or when the financial sector that allows sales on the Internet changes and starts requiring people to use Digital IDs, such as biometric IDs that require one to provide something like a face scan, palm scan, or eye scan in order to purchase products on the Internet. Because once the financial sector switches over to something like Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs), we will no longer be selling anything on the Internet anymore. We have had very many people contact us about becoming resellers, and we have now added some new ones to our Resellers Page. What I want to do in this article is explain the investment opportunities that exist for those who want to become resellers, and how you could potentially build an entire business around your investment, depending upon how much work you want to put into it, as you develop a sustainable, secure food distribution system in your local community outside of the corporate commodity food distribution system currently in place that fills the shelves of your local supermarket, which is anything but sustainable, and will quickly collapse during a local or national emergency situation that disrupts the supply chains. So what we are offering to Resellers today is the following: For an investment of $1000, you can get a return on that $1000 investment of 20%, or you can invest a minimum of $5000, and can see a return of 25% to 30% on that investment.

Healthy Traditions Winding Down E-commerce Store in 2024 – Recruiting Resellers to Carry Their Products in Local Communities

I have been operating an online e-commerce store here in the U.S. for 22 years now, called Healthy Traditions. We were one of the first in the U.S. to start selling food online back then, when was just beginning to sell more than just books. Google was still in its infancy back then, and had not yet moved to their current location in Mountain View, California, and Facebook didn't even exist, as it was still two years away from their initial launch. Many young technology companies did not make it through the dot-com crash that year, but our business soon flourished due to the growing popularity of Virgin Coconut Oil, as we used the technology and the Internet to educate consumers on the true story behind coconut oil and saturated fats, showing how U.S. Government dietary advice was very wrong, and very harmful. In those early days, the technology worked for us, and not the other way around as it is today, where we are now being forced to work for the technology as it seeks to enslave us. We survived the financial crash of 2008, and we also survived the COVID lock downs of 2020, because we were an e-commerce company. We've also survived multiple attempts by the U.S. Government to destroy our business as we grew to levels that threatened the market share held by others, as they used the FDA and the IRS to try to knock us out of business. And while they failed to destroy us, they did knock us down to a size where our business was drastically reduced and was no longer a threat to the market share of big Wall Street and Silicon Valley businesses. I don't see that as a failure, however, but as a success for the American consumer, because now one can walk into virtually any grocery store today and find some brand of coconut oil being sold, something that did not exist prior to starting our e-commerce business back in 2002. Back in those early days, we easily had over 90% of the U.S. dietary coconut oil business, while today that market share is probably well below 1% for us. So while the technology is what allowed this business to grow in the early years, today here in 2024, as we are in the beginning stages of World War 3 and in a national election year, we see the technology as a threat to our business, not knowing if the Internet will even be reliable, or what might happen once the economy and the banks fail, and the Government pushes everyone to some kind of Digital ID that will be required for everyone who buys and sells on the Internet. Therefore, we have been in the process of recruiting distributors and resellers around the U.S. the past couple of years, in anticipation for the day when the Internet is either not reliable or available, and where one will have to comply with digital IDs, where your entire life can be observed and watched through your online activities. So this is a good time for us to extend an invitation to our customers and friends to consider becoming resellers of these products in your own communities. This will provide some food security for you, and also be a potential way to serve your community should the supply chains be disrupted again, as they were in 2020.

The FDA has NOT Banned Trans Fats! Traditional Saturated Fats like Coconut Oil Continue to Shine for Alzheimer’s Disease but are Condemned by U.S. Dietary Advice

It has been widely reported in the Alternative Media this month that the FDA has banned trans fats, and that they will no longer be allowed in foods starting December 22, 2023. Please note: if you believe that the FDA always tells us the truth because they want to protect us, then there is no need for you to read any further. Go on trusting them and their advice for drugs, vaccines, and food. Just make sure your estate is in order, as it has been widely shown that following the FDA's advice leads to shortened lifespans. If, on the other hand, you understand that the FDA is simply the marketing branch for Big Pharma and Big Food, which looks out for THEIR best interests and how to maximize profits, and that it is almost always wise to do the exact OPPOSITE of what the FDA recommends, then read on. I have thoroughly researched this claim, and as far as I can see this (dis)information originates from a single article published on Epoch Times by Mary Gillis. I have searched the FDA website to find the most current news and rulings on this issue of deadly trans fats, and there is nothing on the FDA's website about "banning" trans fats. In fact, they still allowed it in small quantities for edible oils, and the food manufacturers do not have to list them on their labels as long as they are below the "accepted" limits the FDA has determined are allowable for poisons in foods. Trans fats are toxic byproducts produced by hydrogenating polyunsaturated oils, such as vegetable oils derived from soybeans and corn, two subsidized cash crops in the U.S. that were only used to extract oil from after WW II and the development of seed "expeller-pressed" technology. Prior to WW II, these "dietary" oils did not exist in the human food chain. What we had instead were the traditional fats and oils that nourished our ancestors: Saturated Fats. They are found in animal sources, such as lard, tallow, and butter, and also from vegetable sources such as coconut and palm "oil". These are known as the "tropical oils", as in their native environment in the tropical countries they tend to stay liquid at room temperature, but are mostly solid (fats) in northern climates, such as North America and Europe. When the Japanese cut off the shipping lanes from the tropical countries to the U.S. and Europe during WW II, American food processors began hydrogenating polyunsaturated oils like corn and soy to make then mimic saturated fats. Years later, it was determined that the byproducts from these hydrogenated oils were toxic and disease-causing, and many nations started banning them. The rational thing to do would have been for the U.S. Government to reverse their harmful "low-fat" diet advice and only promote polyunsaturated oils as "healthy", and return to the traditional saturated fats that our ancestors grew up consuming. But no, that could never be, as it would take away corporate profits at the expense of having healthier fats and oils benefit Americans' health. It would also remove their main motive to promote cholesterol-lowering drugs, as they need to demonize saturated fats by scaring everyone that if they consume them, they will have high cholesterol that leads to heart disease, the "lipid theory" of heart disease that has been widely debunked in the scientific literature. The Globalists know that traditional saturated fats are healthy: they just don't want YOU to know, because it decreases their profits in Big Pharma and Big Food. However, since the early 1930s it has been known that a diet high in saturated fat is not only NOT unhealthy, but it can actually cure disease.

Wyoming Law Expands Food Freedom Act, Opens Market to Small Egg and Dairy Producers

Yesterday, a Wyoming law went into effect that will further increase food freedom in the state, and potentially alleviate some of the recent price inflation on eggs and dairy. Sen. Tim Salazar and 10 fellow cosponsors introduced Senate Bill 102 (SF102) on Jan. 12. The new law expands the Wyoming Food Freedom Act to allow a “designated agent” to “facilitate sales transactions” in the marketing, transport, storage, or delivery of food and beverage products. Under previous law, producers could only sell directly to consumers. Wyoming was the first state to enact a comprehensive Food Freedom Act back in 2015. The law allows the sale of many foods and food products direct from the producer to the consumer without adhering to onerous state regulatory and licensing requirements. The expansive law even allows poultry farmers with fewer than 1,000 birds to sell chicken and turkey, along with products made from their birds outside of the regulatory system. Constitutionally, food safety falls within the powers reserved to the states and the people. The feds have no authority to enforce food safety laws within the borders of a state. Food freedom laws undermine these federal regulatory schemes. Widespread adoption of food freedom, along with state and local refusal to enforce federal mandates, could make FDA regulations virtually impossible to enforce and nullify them in effect and practice.

Lab-Grown Meat: Is it a Pharmaceutical Product or a Food Product?

Researchers at the University of California, Davis, have just published a study that looked at the environmental impacts of lab-cultured meat, and they have determined that based on current production methods, the global warming potential (GWP) of lab-cultured beef would be approximately 25% greater than conventional beef cows raised on farms. The study also concluded that the "fossil fuel depletion" of lab-cultured beef is "approximately 3 to 17 times greater" than producing boneless beef. This contradicts the reasoning behind those rushing to bring a lab-cultured meat product to market, who are claiming that massive production of lab-grown meat would have a more positive impact on the environment than raising beef cattle. There are currently no lab-cultured meats on the market, because the production costs are still too expensive to scale it for public consumption, and this appears to be the first study conducted to look at the environmental impacts of mass-producing red meat in a laboratory. One of the major problems so far with culturing meat in a laboratory, is that the growth mediums used to culture the meat produce endotoxins, which means pharmaceutical products are needed to reduce these endotoxins and purify the lab-grown "meat." This has led one of the researchers at UC Davis to ask what exactly is being produced in the lab with these cultured meats: "Is it a pharmaceutical product or a food product?"

Eating Lab Grown Chicken Equivalent to Eating Cancer Tumors?

This past November we reported how a new lab-grown chicken product is being developed and could soon be available commercially. The company, Upside Foods, is run by a medical doctor, and they put out a press release last year claiming that the FDA had "cleared" the product. But that was simply a clever marketing campaign, as the FDA does not approve foods, like they do drugs. Unlike other lab-produced meats which are vegetarian and plant based, this product uses cell lines from chickens. Bloomberg did an investigative report on this product this week, and reported that these cell lines are "immortalized" and are basically the same as cancerous tumors. They reported: "Thank the biotech revolution. Under the right conditions, animal cells can be grown in a petri dish, or even at scale in factories full of stainless-steel drums. For decades, companies such as Pfizer Inc. and Johnson & Johnson have cultured large volumes of cells to produce vaccines, monoclonal antibodies and other biotherapeutics. Now the idea is that we might as well eat these cells, too."

Healthy Traditions Adds Bulk Dry Beans to Product Line as a Storable Protein for Food Security

Healthy Traditions, an online store that sells high quality food sourced from small-scale family producers that is tested for the presence of GMOs and the herbicide glyphosate, added bulk dried beans imported from Italy to its product line today. There are four variety of beans available: Borlotti Beans, Cannellini Beans, Black Beans, and Red Kidney Beans. These dried beans are grown on organic Italian family farms without the use of synthetic fertilizers or pesticides. The beans are also tested for pesticides, including glyphosate, the most widely used pesticide on the planet, and the samples came back with no trace found. Beans are a great source of protein that can be stored indefinitely when properly done. The bulk options come packaged in air tight 5 Kg. bags with all of the oxygen removed.  These can be stored in a cool, dry, dark place for many, many years.

USDA Grants License for First-ever Vaccine for Bees – Be Careful Where you Source Your Honey & Almonds!

It's becoming more and more obvious that the U.S. Government's answers for almost all health issues now are new vaccines. Dalan Animal Health announced this week that the U.S. Department of Agriculture granted them a conditional license for the first-ever vaccine for bees. “Our vaccine is a breakthrough in protecting honeybees,” Dalan CEO Dr. Annette Kleiser said in a statement, suggesting it might “change how we care for insects, impacting food production on a global scale.” California accounts for almost half of all the US honeybee colonies, due to the high demand of the almond industry. Almond plantations in the state’s central valley provide an estimated 80% of the world’s supply, and require up to 30,000 colonies to be shipped there by truck every year during pollination season. The concentration has a downside, as bees can get poisoned by pesticides or catch infections from other swarms, requiring apiaries to destroy millions of insects rather than sending them back. Honey is one of nature’s most perfect and beneficial foods. The documented research on the incredible health benefits of honey is truly astounding. If you type in the search term “honey” in the National Library of Medicine on the NIH Government website, you will get almost 16,000 results from peer-reviewed medical journals. It is the ONLY sweetener on the market that you can purchase that is a complete, whole food, as opposed to granulated sugar which is an extract from either a grass (sugar cane), or from beets (sugar beets). But even before this license by the USDA to allow beekeepers to vaccinate their bees, almost all of the honey sold in North America has been contaminated with the herbicide glyphosate, from RoundUp. My store, Healthy Traditions, is one of the few places one can purchase raw honey that is harvested in the Chilean Andes Mountains and Rain Forests, and tests clean for pesticides and herbicides.

Amazon’s Whole Foods Moves Closer to the Satanic Merchant Model of Marking and Tracking Every Customer

Earlier this year, Whole Foods rolled out their "Just Walk Out" shopping feature where one can scan a QR code tied into your account upon entering the store, and then skip checkout by again scanning your QR code upon leaving the store. Cameras throughout the store, along with Wifi signals, track everything you do including scanning what products you put into your cart, or take out. This technology is currently being tested at a Whole Foods store in Washington D.C., and one in Los Angeles. QR codes, however, are already old technology, as they can easily be hacked, and they are dependent on a smart device like your cell phone, which is a problem if your battery dies or you lose your phone. So has rolled out what will eventually replace the QR code, which is biometric scanning of your hand through Amazon One. This technology will probably quickly evolve to scanning other body parts such as your face and eyes. The technology to implant a chip into your body somewhere, also already exists.

ALERT! FDA Clears “Chicken” Grown in a Laboratory by Medical Doctor

The FDA has given a green light to laboratory-grown chicken cell lines that were developed by a medical doctor. Reading the headlines and press releases on this action by the FDA, one is led to believe that the FDA has approved this lab-grown "chicken." But the FDA doesn't approve foods. They monitor food safety and labeling, but they do not approve foods. They only approve drugs. So what does this actually mean? In terms of how safe this product is, it means NOTHING. This was a "voluntary," "pre-market consultation" paid for by the company planning to market this product, so that they could use the FDA logo with their product giving the illusion that the FDA has actually approved this product, when in fact they have not. Do we really need a lab-cultured product called "chicken" produced by a medical doctor who has no training in agriculture or nutrition? Who will conduct the studies on how this lab-grown "chicken" will affect human health once people start consuming it? You will, along with the rest of the public who decides to start eating it. The American consumer will become the lab rats in what will basically become the Phase III trials to see how their health will be affected after consuming this product. And who are the investors that are bringing this product to market? Investors include top meat producer Tyson, Bill Gates, Richard Branson, and Elon Musks' brother Kimbal Musk. Now there's a bunch of names we can certainly trust to look out for our health!

Israeli Company Introduces 3D Printed “Meat” As The Future Of Food – to be Exported to Netherlands to Replace Farmers

An Israeli company called Redefine Meat has announced a deal to partner with an importer that will deliver its lab-grown meat into Western Europe, where World Economic Forum-puppet governments are forcing ranchers and farmers to cull their herds of beef cattle, chickens and swine. Redefine Meat markets its product under the brand name “New Meat,” using 3D printers to manufacture pieces of meat that mimic steaks, tenderloins and other choice cuts, it said in a release last Thursday. They use genetically modified cells to grow this “meat” in a lab. The U.S. government wants us to eat genetically modified fake meat. We know this because the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced in a press release in November 2018, during the Trump administration, to jointly regulate and approve the production of lab-grown meat in America.

Rat feeding study suggests the Impossible Burger may not be safe to eat

The Impossible Burger is a plant-based burger, the key ingredient of which is a protein called soy leghemoglobin (SLH for short), derived from genetically modified (GM) yeast. It's already being sold in restaurants and supermarkets in the US. In 2019 the manufacturing company, Impossible Foods, applied for permission to market the burger in the EU and the UK. However, the results of a rat feeding study commissioned by Impossible Foods and carried out with SLH suggest that the burger may not be safe to eat. SLH is the substance that gives the burger its meaty taste and makes it appear to bleed like meat when cut. The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) initially refused to sign off on the safety of SLH when first approached by the company. The rat feeding study results suggest that the agency’s concerns were justified. Rats fed the GM yeast-derived SLH developed unexplained changes in weight gain, changes in the blood that can indicate the onset of inflammation or kidney disease, and possible signs of anaemia.

Fake Meat Sales Plummet On High Prices, Woke Messaging

A few years ago, life was good for the fake meat industry. Beyond Meat had been given vast amounts of real estate in grocery stores, and had scored a deal with Burger King to sell "Impossible" Whoppers. McDonald's rolled out a McPlant burger (which was quietly shelved last month). Snarky woke advertisements permeated the airwaves and interwebs as plant-based 'meats' were on the rise. In fact, Beyond Meat waas valued at over $10bn in 2019, more than Macy's or Xerox - with the most bullish investors claiming that plant-based meat would make up 15% of all meat sales by 2030. Now, as Bloomberg reports, the fake meat industry is getting ground into hamburger - and that doesn't include cannibalistic nose-biting execs, according to Deloitte Consulting, LLC. Year-to-date, Beyond Meat stock is down 77%.

FDA Food Police want to Dictate What Foods are “Healthy” in New Guidelines Criminalizing Traditional Fats Like Butter and Coconut Oil

The criminal U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) yesterday published new proposed rules dictating when food products can have the word “healthy” on their packaging and when they cannot. The problem is that you should not trust the FDA to tell you which foods are healthy and which foods are not, anymore than you should trust them when they claim that COVID-19 vaccines are "safe and effective." The FDA does NOT exist to protect you, the public, but corporate America and the Globalists that control Wall Street and the Bankers. Just as the FDA serves the interests of Big Pharma and their interests in promoting vaccines and other highly toxic and dangerous drugs, so too they serve the interests of Big Food and Big Ag, and the three main cash crops that each year are heavily subsidized with American tax dollars to achieve world food dominance which are: corn, soybeans, and wheat. So is it any coincidence that FDA dietary nutritional advice places a heavy emphasis on foods developed from these three cash crops? Not only are these three cash crops used to attain world dominance in cheap export foods that local economies in poorer nations cannot compete with by growing their own native crops, these three crops from the U.S. are also the most polluted and contaminated crops in the U.S., as over 90% of all corn and soybeans grown are genetically modified (GMO) varieties that are heavily sprayed with herbicides and pesticides, including glyphosate which is known for causing cancer. And while wheat so far does not have any GMO varieties being grown commercially, most varieties are grown in the northern states such as the Dakotas and Wyoming, where the crops are "desiccated" at harvest by spraying them with glyphosate-based herbicides which kill them and allow them to be harvested more conveniently before the first snow fall. So ignoring more than 2 decades of peer-reviewed studies published in the medical journals on the government's own NIH-funded website that conclusively show that a low-fat and high-carb diet that is promoted by the FDA and USDA is harmful to the nation's health, and that natural and traditional saturated fats that have been in the food chain for thousands of years, such as butter and coconut oil, are "unhealthy," while the newer "polyunsaturated vegetable oils" from corn and soy which have only been in the food chain since WWII and the invention of "expeller-pressed" technology which allows oil to be extracted from corn and soy and are heavily processed to make them shelf-stable are considered "healthy," the FDA continues to promote Big Ag and Big Food profits by promoting dietary guidelines that are destroying America's health.

Why You Should be Investing in Ancient Grains for Your Food Storage Preparations

There is a certain dietary philosophy that has claimed in recent years that humans evolved from "hunters and gathers" and that modern agriculture was a recent development in human history over the last many billions of years, and this dietary philosophy began to condemn ALL grains as not fit for human consumption. The flaw to this belief, of course, is that it accepts Darwinian evolutionary biology as a fact, rather than just a theory about the origins of life. The history of the human race as recorded in the ancient writings of the Bible, however, shows that man was an agriculturist since the beginning, as God created the first man and woman to tend the Garden of Eden, where undoubtedly grains grew. "Gluten" is now blamed for many diseases, so that grains are categorically condemned as an "anti-nutrient" by some modern dietary thinking. Much of this belief comes from the field of laboratory diagnostics, where one today can be tested for "food allergies," and if gluten shows up in your food allergy test, then you are diagnosed as "gluten intolerant" or having an allergy to wheat. However, you might be surprised to find out (or maybe not if you have now become aware of the corruption in the diagnostic testing field such as PCR tests to test for "viruses"), that there is currently no accepted test protocol to determine if one is allergic to gluten. Even if there was an accurate test to see if gluten is floating around in your body somewhere, what would it actually prove? It would only prove that your body is not processing gluten properly, and a just as reasonable conclusion to such a test, if it existed, would be to blame your digestive system for not processing it correctly, rather than blaming gluten. So for most people who believe they are allergic to gluten, it is usually based on the fact that if they eat any products that contain wheat and gluten, like their Krispy Kreme donuts, or their "breakfast of champions" highly processed cereal, and feel sick afterwards, then they must have an "allergy" to gluten. This is faulty reasoning, of course, because there are many factors to look at when one cannot consume highly processed grain products. Most of America's grains, for example, are contaminated with the popular herbicide glyphosate, the active ingredient in RoundUp and the most widely used herbicide in the world, which is now linked to cancer. Glyphosate is known to seriously damage our digestive systems, and our "microbiome." Ever since we found out that our certified organic grains from North America were contaminated, I have searched all over the world to find clean grains that are not contaminated, and focused on ancient grains that had not been hybridized to increase the gluten elasticity so coveted by bakeries to help breads rise quicker. Whole grains are a great investment for food security IF the grains are NOT contaminated! There are probably many places where you can order bulk food for long-term storage, but please make sure you are storing CLEAN and HEALTHY food. This will prove to be invaluable if a crisis hits where it is difficult to find food, and you want to make sure that the food you store will be food that can keep you healthy, and NOT make you sick!

This is Not a “Recession” – This is a Total Collapse of the Financial System to Bail Out the Globalists Who Want to Enslave Us

The severity of the economic disaster facing the United States continues to be minimized if not altogether ignored by the corporate media, as they use very tame words such as "recession" and "bear market" to describe the current financial conditions we are all facing. I have confirmed this week that people are already starting to suffer from high prices on gasoline and rising prices on food, as many food banks across the country are seeing dramatic increases in traffic, while the supply of donated food to many of these food pantries is diminishing. And things are just going to get worse, not better, so there is little time left to prepare for what is going to be the total collapse of the financial system, and the implementation of the Great Reset, which will bail out the Globalist bankers and Wall Street Billionaires and place the rest of society into a slave market, where cash will disappear, and new Central Bank Digital Currencies will be implemented for those who comply with this new system. China is currently further ahead in implementing this new Great Reset than most other countries, as most of its residents cannot travel or participate in the economy without their digital IDs which the government controls. For the rest of this article I am going to include perspectives on the current financial situation and what lies ahead from the alternative media, which is where you need to go now to truly understand what is happening and to combat the propaganda from the corporate media, which is controlled by the same Globalists who are implementing this "Great Reset."