by Brian Shilhavy

Last month (January, 2024), I announced that my ecommerce store on the Internet, Healthy Traditions, which has existed for over 22 years now, was winding down its Internet-based store sales and concentrating on recruiting resellers of our products in local communities instead.

We are seeking a more sustainable marketing strategy that will continue to serve local communities during times when the Internet may be inaccessible, or when the financial sector that allows sales on the Internet changes and starts requiring people to use Digital IDs, such as biometric IDs that require one to provide something like a face scan, palm scan, or eye scan in order to purchase products on the Internet. Because once the financial sector switches over to something like Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs), we will no longer be selling anything on the Internet anymore.

I have been operating an online e-commerce store here in the U.S. for 22 years now, called Healthy Traditions. We were one of the first in the U.S. to start selling food online back then, when was beginning to sell more than just books.

Google was still in its infancy back then, and had not yet moved to their current location in Mountain View, California, and Facebook didn’t even exist, as it was still two years away from their initial launch.

Many young technology companies did not make it through the dot-com crash that year, but our business soon flourished due to the growing popularity of Virgin Coconut Oil, as we used the technology and the Internet to educate consumers on the true story behind coconut oil and saturated fats, showing how U.S. Government dietary advice was very wrong, and very harmful.

In those early days, the technology worked for us, and not the other way around as it is today, where we are now being forced to work for the technology as it seeks to enslave us.

We survived the financial crash of 2008, and we also survived the COVID lock downs of 2020, because we were an e-commerce company.

We’ve also survived multiple attempts by the U.S. Government to destroy our business as we grew to levels that threatened the market share held by others, as they used the FDA and the IRS to try to knock us out of business.

Therefore, we have been in the process of recruiting distributors and resellers around the U.S. the past couple of years, in anticipation for the day when the Internet is either not reliable or available, and where one will have to comply with digital IDs, where your entire life can be observed and watched through your online activities. (Full article.)

We have had very many people contact us about becoming resellers, and we have now added some new ones to our Resellers Page.

What I want to do in this article is explain the investment opportunities that exist for those who want to become resellers, and how you could potentially build an entire business around your investment, depending upon how much work you want to put into it, as you develop a sustainable, secure food distribution system in your local community outside of the corporate commodity food distribution system currently in place that fills the shelves of your local supermarket, which is anything but sustainable, and will quickly collapse during a local or national emergency situation that disrupts the supply chains.

Traditionally Produced Food without the Toxins: A Great Return on Your Investment

First, let’s talk about the products Resellers are investing in. These are products that I myself developed over the past 2 decades, by working with small-scale producers who produce their food and products the right way, without the use of harmful chemicals and toxins that are so common in the mass-produced commodity Big Food system today.

These products are not part of the corporate food distribution system, and you will not find them on the shelves of your commercial grocery store network. What we have done for the past 20+ years is provide the medium and market for these small-scale producers to get their products into the hands of more people through the use of the Internet. Many of our suppliers, for example, are Amish producers who do not use the technology.

I have chosen to NOT sell these products through the U.S. corporate food chain, and I have resisted many offers to buy out this business over the past two decades, and the only businesses we have allowed to resell our products have been local, small-scale small business owners across the U.S.

Since 2014, almost 10 years now, we have tested every single food product that we sell for the presence of glyphosate, the main ingredient in the herbicide Round Up, which is linked to cancer and many other illnesses. If the product we sell has an equivalent version in the market that is genetically modified (GMOs), we test for the presence of GMOs as well.

If the product sample we test comes back positive for these toxins, we don’t buy it, and we certainly do not sell it.

See this 2014 article where we published the results of our own investigation into the contamination of the U.S. food supply, mainly grains:

ALERT: Certified Organic Food Grown in U.S. Found Contaminated with Glyphosate Herbicide

The one product that has always tested positive for GMOs, even if it is certified “organic,” is North American corn. We have NEVER found a source of uncontaminated corn in the U.S., and for years now have only sold corn from a place in Central Mexico where GMO corn is banned, and where their corn consistently tests negative of both GMO DNA, and glyphosate each year at harvest time.

That’s how high our standards are.

So you will not find these products in the corporate food system. You will only find them from us, or our local resellers. We have had many large food corporations and large food distributors (like approach us over the years trying to buy us out, due to the strength and reputation of our brand, and our high standards.

But I have chosen instead to invest in small businesses over the years, and now we are making the investment that these small businesses make in purchasing our products even more attractive.

I am the sole owner of this business, and I built it up over the years the “old fashioned” way, by reinvesting our profits and growing slowly, as our sales allowed us to. I have never taken out a bank loan, nor received funding from Venture Capitalists, so I cannot be leveraged as I have no debts or fellow investors.

What we are offering to Resellers today is the following:

For an investment of $1000, you can get a return on that $1000 investment of 20%, or you can invest a minimum of $5000, and can see a return of 25% to 30% on that investment.

Note: These percentages of profit gain would be based on your GROSS profit, which means it is the difference between what you spend to purchase the products, and how much you would earn from selling the products at your marked up price.

It does NOT include other costs you will incur for selling these products, such as storage and transportation of the products, labor and administrative costs you may have to coordinate the distribution of the products to the members of your community who want to purchase them, etc.

It also does not cover any losses you may incur if the products are stolen or damaged after they come into your possession.

No investment is without risk, but unlike most other investments available today, you own the inventory as soon as you take possession of it, and you have very valuable inventory that could easily increase in value if food shortages break out in the commodity distribution market. The other advantage you have is that you can personally survive on these products if you cannot purchase food elsewhere in a time of emergency.

You can’t say that if you own precious metals or cryptocurrency as an investment!

So how do we arrive at these percentages of return profits?

Most of our core products that are labeled with our own brand are part of our regular “sales cycle”, which means that we have a standard listed price online, which is below the SRP (suggested retail price), and then we have a sale price that we run for a few days occasionally, usually about once a month if we have sufficient inventory.

The pricing we are offering on a $1000 investment is 20% below our sale price, which means even when we run a sale online for these products, we will not be selling lower than your regular price, if you resell the products all the time at our sale price, which can be your non-sale, regular price, and making it much more attractive for people in your community to just always purchase from you, which also eliminates the shipping charges we charge on our Internet sales if they wanted to purchase online.

Likewise, an investment of $5000 allows you to purchase the products at 25% to 30% off of our sale prices, in a tiered price range dependent upon how much you buy of any single product. Again, you could get these gross profit percentages by selling locally at our sale prices, not our listed prices online.

You can, of course, resell the products at even higher prices for greater profits, but if it is above our rotating sales discounts, then more people will be motivated to just order from us online when we run our sales.

We can sell at these reduced prices to resellers because for us to sell at retail prices online, we have extensive warehouse overhead costs, such as the cost of packaging materials and boxes to be able to ship the products, and warehouse “pick and pack” fees to package and ship single orders to a single customer. Resellers can inform their customers that they need to provide their own containers to carry the products away from your distribution location to their homes.

And just a note for our SRP price that we list online: some have accused us in the past of deceptive marketing because they have never seen us sell these products at the SRP full retail price.

However, as recent as 2020 during the lockdowns when Internet purchases skyrocketed and our inventory was flying out of the warehouse, we did stop offering ALL discount prices on most products, and only sold at the SRP, which is the “fair market” value of our products. The other thing we did in 2020 during the lockdowns was to stop taking on new Reseller accounts, and only servicing and fulfilling orders to existing Wholesale customers who were in good standing and were meeting our minimums.

We do not “gouge” our prices and raise them in times of disaster or emergencies, but there have been times we had to eliminate all of our discounts, including free shipping thresholds, and only sell at the SRP.

And as we are now in the beginning stages of World War 3, what we saw happen in 2020 to the supply chains could very well happen again.

In those situations, you are far better off having a relationship with a local reseller where you can purchase the products locally, and at better rates.

So What are the Requirements to Become a Reseller?

In order to qualify as a reseller you have to meet the minimum investment amounts, which is either $1000 and an agreement to place at least one order equal to or above $1000 per year, or $5000 original investment with at least $5000 in purchases per year.

Additionally, you need to allow us to list you on our Resellers Page so that we can refer our customers who live near your zip code area to purchase from you. You need to have a secure way for customers to contact you, and we will supply you with a FREE private email address you can use if you don’t have your own, as we do not allow the free public email services of Big Tech, such as Gmail and Yahoo email addresses, to be listed on our site.

We also are not recruiting resellers who only sell on the Internet and ship all across the country, while our own ecommerce system is still active. You could use the Internet to service the people in your geographical location, however.

If you are not a registered business with a public address, we actually suggest that you do NOT list your personal location address, but just the city/town and zip code. Then use a secure email to vet potential customers first before you start working with them.

If you are not sure if you can sell enough products to meet the yearly minimums, start with long-term storable food only first, so that your investment will remain in tact even if you cannot sell it fast enough.

You can see the list of products we sell that can be stored indefinitely here.

How to Build Your Market and Product Line

For most resellers just starting out, this can easily be just a side enterprise to augment whatever income you have coming in from your full time employment. Your storage and distribution point could even be just your garage.

However, you could grow this into a full-time business that serves your community. Because we have such high standards for our products, our product line is not as large as other distributors that try to provide an entire product line that can fill up a grocery store.

But you could augment what you sell from our products by identifying and working with small-scale producers in your own community. Many producers, such as farmers, would LOVE to sell directly to individuals or groups of individuals like co-ops, as they can then cut out the “middlemen” in the supply chain and sell to you directly at a higher price than what they are selling to Big Food. And even though they would make more by selling direct to you and your group, the prices would still be lower to you than what you buy in the system with all their mark-ups for all the middlemen that have to take a cut just so you can purchase everything you need in one stop, at a national grocery store chain.

Many states still have local “meat lockers” where butchers will cater to small-scale producers and hunters, like deer hunters. Some of these processing plants do not have USDA inspectors, so everything they butcher is marked “not for resale.”

But these places could be a good resource to see who some of these small-scale producers are, and you could possibly establish what is called a “herd-share” program where you are not purchasing retail from the producer, but are investing in their stock, like a herd of cattle, or sheep, etc. Then the cuts you get from them at processing time are just your share of your investment as part owner of that animal.

This kind of model, which bypasses many regulatory government policies since the producer is not selling to the public, has had various degrees of success in some states.

The best model that I know of is in Wyoming. See:

Wyoming Makes it Legal to Buy Food Directly from your Neighbors and Local Farm

Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund (FTCLDF) also has good information about these kind of arrangements.

Also visit local farmers markets to find local producers.

There are a couple of other distributors who cater to more “healthy” food choices, and they are technically competitors to us, but in reality they are not, because they do not hold to the same high standards and testing protocols that we do, and strive to be a “One-stop” source for providing every kind of product, much like a grocery store chain.

They do not sell our products, because we do not sell to national distributors and prefer to invest in small-scale producers in local communities. But if someone was distributing their products at the local level by-passing the grocery store chains, they could simply just sell our products in addition, through our Reseller program.

Just be aware that the U.S. certified organic logo does not mean these foods are not contaminated, as USDA organic standards allow some amounts of toxins (like glyphosate) to be present and still keep their USDA organic certification, and many large corporations are now mass-producing “organic” products that are really no different than conventional products.

Also, I doubt that these other distribution businesses can offer you the same gross profit numbers that we are.

The two distributors that I know of, if you want to expand your business and create a separate food distribution system coming into your community that does NOT use the commercial mega grocery store supply chains, would be Azure Standard and United Natural Foods (UNFI). They may have higher investment costs and requirements to join their network, but as your business grows and you can leverage the combined buying power of people in your community, they could be good options to get a different food supply chain coming into your community if the grocery store chains start to fail.

Like starting any business, it requires hard work and effort to make it succeed.

But I believe that what we are offering here today, is one of the best investment opportunities you will find here in 2024. Just be aware that our business model is NOT one that can scaled just by throwing a lot of money at it.

No, if these types of products that are produced cleanly by small-scale family producers were to become high in demand, the only way to increase the supply is to get more small-scale producers into the system. And that is not going to happen until the demand exceeds the supply, and people are willing to put more work into securing clean, healthy food, rather than be enslaved to Big Food and their junk, mass-produced, commodity products.

So this is a first-come first-serve opportunity. If demand for these products increases quickly, we will not be able to continue accepting new members into this Reseller program. Much of the inventory we purchase we only purchase once a year, at harvest time, and it can take up to 1 year or longer to increase production and supplies.

If one waits until the supply chains fail and then all of sudden decide it is worth the work and effort to develop a local food distribution business like this, I can assure you it will probably be too late.

Apply to be a Reseller here.

See Also:

Healthy Traditions Winding Down E-commerce Store in 2024 – Recruiting Resellers to Carry Their Products in Local Communities

This article was written by Human Superior Intelligence (HSI)

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