News regarding traditional wisdom and native diets regarding nutrition.

Study: Habitual Coffee Consumption Reduces Risk of Progressive Kidney Disease

Coffee, one of the most often consumed beverages worldwide, contains a wide variety of compounds, including caffeine, diterpenes, and chlorogenic acid, which fully develop after the bean roasting process and are reported to have an assortment of health benefits. Habitual coffee consumption is associated with the prevention of chronic and degenerative diseases, including type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and liver disease. ARIC, a large population study of 14,207 participants aged 45 to 64 years, revealed that higher self-reported daily coffee consumption was associated with a lower risk of incident chronic kidney disease after adjustments were made for demographic, clinical, and dietary factors. Thus, habitual coffee consumption has a strong potential for reducing the risk of progressive kidney disease.

Norway to Track All Supermarket Purchases

People living in Norway are used to big government. But the latest news coming out of Oslo is a surprising new step down the road of data collection that not everyone is happy with. Statistics Norway (SSB) is the state-owned entity responsible for collecting, producing and communicating statistics related to the economy, population and society at national, regional and local levels. Because everything about an individual living in Norway is linked to their fødselnummer (birth number), SSB already knows where you live, what you earn and what's on your criminal record. However, according to a report by NRK, they now want to know where you shop, and what you buy.

The Healing Oils for Heart Health: Do NOT Trust Your Government for Nutritional Advice

As more and more people in the United States are waking up to the fact that our federal health agencies, such as the FDA and CDC, are corrupt and serve the interests of Wall Street Billionaires and not the public, it is more important than ever to understand the corruption that also exists within the USDA (U.S. Department of Agriculture) and their years of bad nutritional advice that has demonized traditional, healthy fats and oils that have nourished populations for thousands of years, in favor of the newer "polyunsaturated" oils which are toxic, and dangerous to your health. These polyunsaturated "edible oils" have only been in the human food chain since the "expeller-pressed" technology was developed during and following World War II that allowed the U.S. to start producing highly toxic and refined "edible" oils from corn and soybeans, two crops heavily subsidized by taxpayers that allows the U.S. to dominate world edible oil supplies. It was in the 1970s that the "McGovern Report" put forward the nutritional dietary advice of a "low-fat" diet that harmed American's health by condemning traditional fats and oils, but brought great profit to Wall Street investors as Americans switched over to hydrogenated toxic polyunsaturated oils derived from corn and soybeans. They used a theory of heart disease commonly referred to as the "lipid theory" of heart disease that stated certain kind of fats, saturated fats, led to higher levels of cholesterol, and therefore higher risks for heart disease. But even from the beginning and the origin of this theory what was stated in the McGovern Report, many scientists disagreed and called the theory bogus. Today, the lipid theory of heart disease has been thoroughly debunked by real science, and yet official government policy on nutrition continues to support it, for political and economic reasons, but NOT health reasons. To admit that they were wrong all these years on dietary oils, cholesterol, and heart disease, would be to admit that the $BILLIONS they earned during that time from popular cholesterol-lowering drugs, was earned fraudulently, and the biggest player in that industry was Pfizer, and their blockbuster drug Lipitor, the best-selling drug all-time before its patent ran out in 2011. So with Pfizer's newest killer drug, the COVID-19 vaccine, injuring the hearts of many people with myocarditis and pericarditis, especially among the younger age groups, it is more important than ever to understand just which dietary oils are actually healthy for the heart, and which ones are not.

Destruction of Food Begins in Shanghai with Fences Installed to Keep People Locked Down

While China works hard to suppress what is currently happening in Shanghai and other places in China that have strict lockdowns by deleting social media posts as quickly as possible, some videos and images are being captured and preserved that show how life has become pure hell in Shanghai, with citizens starving to death and being locked down in cages like animals. Deliberate destruction of food is reportedly happening on a large scale, blaming "COVID" for contaminating the food as they use cotton swab PCR tests to test animals like chickens and fish, while reportedly destroying many tons of fresh produce. This week fencing appeared overnight in many places to lockdown people in their homes and apartments, and this even made the corporate news cycle this weekend, with the BBC and the Associated Press covering the story. When you read the corporate news accounts, however, they will give some justification for these actions by reporting on the alleged increase in COVID cases, paving the way for similar measures to happen in the U.S. and other places where maybe the measures will not be quite as harsh as what China is doing, as this is simply a continuation of the massive propaganda media hyping fear over a "virus" that continues to be used to justify medical tyranny and the suspension of all appearances of law and order in the name of the "pandemic." Here in the U.S. people like Anthony Fauci and Dr. Oz, who is now aligned with Donald Trump, have publicly stated that the measures China are taking to lockdown their populations are "working" to stop the spread of COVID, which should be a wake-up call to everyone about what we are probably facing in the near future here in the U.S. and around the world.

Are You Prepared for Food Shortages? FBI Issues Warning

I have been warning the public for many years now about how fragile our food system is, where just a handful of companies control most of our nation's food, as well as most of the world's food. Last year I published an article that identified who these globalists are, written by Sam Parker of Behind the News Network, who wrote: “Genocide is an intent of this system, not a side-effect.” There are many indications that food shortages will soon start, from the war in Ukraine to the lockdowns in Shanghai and China, that are putting tremendous pressure on supply chains that will most certainly impact food security across the globe. In addition, it has been widely reported this week in both the corporate and alternative media that there have been a rash of food processing plants catching on fire all of a sudden. But perhaps the biggest indicator that food shortages are on the horizon in the not-too-distant future, was a published FBI warning regarding potential "Ransomware Attacks on Agricultural Cooperatives." If you are looking for a food that can be stored indefinitely and provide security against food shortages, you need to be looking into storing whole grains, such as wheat berries. Whole grains have historically been the best defense against food shortages, because in their unmilled stated, they can be stored indefinitely if stored properly, and then either cooked directly as a cereal like rice, or ground into flour for baked goods. They can also be sprouted for fresh sprouts, or even grown into grass and juiced as "wheatgrass juice," providing a powerhouse of nutrition just from simple grains.

The Self-Reliance Manifesto: More Than 350 Resources to Guide You on the Path to Radical Freedom

Preparing for a total collapse of society can certainly seem daunting, but there are always things one can do to become less reliant on the world's fragile system, as a system collapse is now imminent. Daisy Luther of the Organic Prepper recently published her "Self-Reliance Manifesto" with hundreds of links that she has collected over the years to resources that will help you become more self-reliant.

Panic Hits UK as Supermarket Shelves Go Bare

Britain's supermarkets are struggling to ensure adequate food supply after reports of panic hoarding due to what the British press calls "ping-demic" - a reference to being "pinged" by the NHS test-and-trace system. We noted on Monday that ping-demic was likely to "lead to food shortages," and that is precisely what is happening today.  The Independent reports UK's largest supermarkets are experiencing shortages after the number of people getting "pinged" on the NHS Test and triggered mass confusion.  The NHS app sent a half-million alerts last week, notifying users they have to quarantine for ten days because of possible close contact with someone who tested positive for COVID-19.  This has caused a supply chain shock and disruptions as hundreds of thousands of people panic buy food and fuel to survive the quarantine.  British newspapers and social media users published pictures of empty supermarket shelves.  In the U.S. military officers are allegedly being warned to get stocked up on food and water to be prepared for what is coming.

South Africa Descends to Chaos, as People Try to Find Food – Is This What Awaits the United States (and Rest of the World)?

If you have not yet seen these reports out of South Africa, the country descended into chaos last week, with massive rioting and looting all across the country. The South African president stated that this massive social unrest was "planned," and he deployed 25,000 troops from the military to restore order. Here are a couple of videos that show the devastation from the aftermath, and how many now face starvation as they try to find food. This is not the Congo, or Sudan, but SOUTH AFRICA. They have not seen anything close to this kind of unrest in South Africa since the 1990s. Could this happen in the U.S. and other parts of the world? Yes, of course it can, and we already saw it last summer right here in the U.S., with rioting and destruction in urban areas that have not been seen here since the Martin Luther King Jr. assassination in the 1960s. Those riots last summer were also organized and planned, and lasted much longer than the 1960s riots. If you have not yet read this article I recently published on the Global Food Cartel, I highly recommend you do, so you can understand just how easy it is for these Globalists to very quickly cause chaos and massive food shortages, leading to starvation and a planned reduction of the population. This is probably a much greater threat to you and your family than someone coming to your door to try and inject you with one of their bioweapon shots.

Real Food Truths: Grass-fed Beef is Carbon Positive and Healthy for the Environment

The Globalists who are trying to rush in their New World Order are using the issue of "Climate Change" to justify just about everything they are doing, including their (mostly unpublished) goals of drastically reducing the world's population. One of their key issues is eliminating meat, especially beef, which we are told is a major contributor to greenhouse emissions. The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations has estimated that livestock is responsible for at least 14.5% of greenhouse gases being released worldwide. Their solution? Eliminate beef altogether and replace it with chemical-based lab-grown "meat." This is already in the U.S. consumer market with "plant-based" beef, and it was announced recently that the world's first mega lab-grown meat (different than "plant-based" meat) operation has now started operations in Israel, where they can produce enough of this lab-grown meat to produce 5,000 hamburgers a day. I actually agree with the Globalists that most meat operations today are not sustainable, I just disagree with their solutions. The solution is not to move towards more consolidation of the food industry with new franken-foods, but to return to traditional methods of agriculture, which is both healthy for the environment, healthy for the livestock, and healthy for the consumers. It would also create many new jobs in small-scale agriculture, often run by family farms. This would de-centralize agriculture, not consolidate it into the hands of the tyrants seeking to control every aspect of our lives these days. I know first-hand that this is a fact, as I have been doing it for over 20 years, both here in the U.S. and around the world, providing jobs in agriculture to people willing to put the effort into producing ethical and healthy food, according to the Design principle our Creator has established in His Creation.

Los Angeles Italian Restaurant Owner Continues to Defy Lockdowns – Taunts Gov. Newsom with Warning

Tony Roman's defiance of the California lockdown policies and Governor Newsom's directives against restaurants continued this week when he refused to attend a scheduled court hearing regarding his restaurant with the State's health mandates, refusing to concede that the court had any jurisdiction over this matter. Tony is the owner of Basilico's restaurant in Huntington Beach, California. Not only has his restaurant not complied with COVID edicts, he has banned anyone wearing a face mask from dining in his restaurant. When Newsom imposed a state-wide curfew of 10 p.m., Tony extended the hours his restaurant is open to 11 p.m. As Tony puts it, not only is he not complying, he is defying and taunting the State's unconstitutional edicts. "I will reject any invitation to appear and defend myself for something that needs no defense. I will give you no authority over us where you have none, because we both know that there have been no real crimes or violations committed here. It is instead all of you who must defend yourselves for willfully violating our constitutional rights."

The “Great Reset” Includes Human Diet: GMO Lab “Meat” to Replace Animal Meat

The World Economic Forum’s (WEF) The Great Reset includes a plan to transform the global food and agricultural industries and the human diet. The architects of the plan  claim it will reduce food scarcity, hunger and disease, and even mitigate climate change. But a closer look at the corporations and think tanks the WEF is partnering with to usher in this global transformation suggests that the real motive is tighter corporate control over the food system by means of technological solutions. Vandana Shiva, scholar, environmentalist, food sovereignty advocate and author, told The Defender, “The Great Reset is about multinational corporate stakeholders at the World Economic Forum controlling as many elements of planetary life as they possibly can. From the digital data humans produce to each morsel of food we eat.” The WEF describes itself as “the global platform for public-private cooperation” that creates partnerships between corporations, politicians, intellectuals, scientists and other leaders of society to “define, discuss and advance key issues on the global agenda.” According to WEF’s founder and executive chairman, Klaus Schwab, the forum is guided by the goal of positioning “private corporations as the trustees of society” to “address social and environmental challenges.” The WEF’s plans for the “reset” of food and agriculture include projects and strategic partnerships that favor genetically modified organisms, lab-made proteins and pharmaceuticals and industrial chemicals as sustainable solutions to food and health issues.

LA Italian Restaurant Defies Newsom: No Masks, No Social Distancing, No Sanitizer, Still OPEN!

Italian Restaurant owner Tony Roman has defied Governor Newsom's edicts for 7 months now. Not only does he NOT require his customers to wear masks to enter his restaurant, he forbids anyone wearing a mask from entering his restaurant! Governor Newsom responded by sending his "Strike Force" team to the restaurant to try to intimidate their employees by threatening to arrest them, and by threatening to remove their business and liquor license. There's just one problem Governor Newsom encountered. Basilico's will not be intimidated, because they are not breaking any laws that can be prosecuted in a court of law! So they remain open for business, and the owner took out a huge billboard sign to let everyone in Los Angeles know! His billboard slogan is: "Leave the Mask, Take the Cannoli!" I'm sure Tony would like to tell Governor Newsom to shove the cannoli where the sun don't shine! But then again, being Italian, probably not. He probably has far too much respect for authentic Italian food to waste a good cannoli like that.... Taking a stand for freedom comes at a cost, however, and Tony has received death threats and threats to burn down his restaurant. But he's not backing down. He writes: "The restaurant continues to operate normally in defiance as it has since the lockdown began in March; with dine-in, no-limit seating, no social distancing and a ban on masks (all to provide the public with a sanctuary space that still feels like pre-shutdown and vintage-era America). A place the world-that-we-know have seemingly lost. On an important note, not one member of Basilico’s staff, and no customers who have dined at the restaurant, have ever come down with any virus related illness. Basilico’s has remained fully operational, never making any changes according to mandates, in an open confrontation with the governor  and his orders, as a form of non-violent protest against what ownership perceives as tyranny imposed on American citizens in the name of a media and politically driven over blown health crisis. Ownership believes the state’s shutdown measures are far out of line with the reality of actual epidemiological data, trampling on our constitutional rights, and the only concern among Americans should be the fast spreading virus of fear. The result of Basilico’s actions include snitches and supporters of the governor calling in death threats to ownership, management and staff with promises to burn the restaurant down, a flood of hateful one star Google and Yelp reviews, and harassing phone calls, letters, and emails many boasting about how their mission is to help force the shutdown of the business. However instead of retreating, Basilico’s has taken the fight head-on to mask shamers and lockdown lovers, by flaunting their patriotism and resistance to what they refer to as Anti-Liberty state guidelines."

Largest US Retailers Refusing to Sell FDA-Approved GMO Salmon

Walmart, Costco, Albertsons, Kroger, Ahold, Aldi, Trader Joe’s, Whole Foods, H-E-B, Hy-Vee, Sprouts, Giant Eagle, Meijer and Target have affirmed their commitment to not sell genetically engineered AquAdvantage® salmon ahead of AquaBounty Technologies planned first-ever harvest and commercial sales in the U.S., planned for this fall. The news comes following the court hearing last week, in which a federal judge in California looked poised to rule in favor of environmental groups afraid of GMO salmon’s potential to blunt wild salmon populations, thus blocking the FDA’s approval of the fish. “Genetically engineered salmon pose unacceptable risks to wild salmon and broader ecosystems. People across the country have made it clear that they don’t want to eat genetically engineered salmon, and food retailers are clearly listening,” said Dana Perls, food and technology program manager at Friends of the Earth. “We thank these forward-thinking retailers for their leadership.” A growing body of science suggests that GE salmon may pose serious environmental risks including potentially irreversible damage to wild salmon populations.

States and Feds Secretly Stockpiling Food To The Roof in Warehouses

Wonder why there is a canned food shortage at your local grocery store? Washington State has been stocking away millions of dollars of non-perishable food — so have other US states, and the federal government — in anticipation of “the need ahead.” If states are preparing, so too must you be today. And spread the word. SHARE THIS!

Healthy Traditions Announces Food Security Plans – Looks for Distributors Serving Local Communities

Healthy Traditions founder and owner Brian Shilhavy sent out an announcement this weekend regarding the online business's Food Security program. A message from Brian Shilhavy, owner of Healthy Traditions, regarding food security. The 2020 COVID response has turned our world upside down, almost overnight. Thousands of businesses have closed, and millions are out of work. Healthy Traditions, originally started as Tropical Traditions, Inc., in 2002, has been blessed to be one of the small businesses to survive the first round of this "New World Order" that is quickly unfolding before us. I believe we have not seen the worst of this current plan in place to radically change the world and the way we live, and I have been publishing much of what I see happening, and who the major players are behind all of this, as Editor of Health Impact News. The Globalists who have now taken over the world's economic system have a plan in place, and whether or not that includes a business like Healthy Traditions to continue operating, offering the public a real choice to the commodity food system controlled primarily by the same group of businesses tied into the Central Bankers and Wall Street Billionaires, is unknown. Therefore, we are looking for local distributors that are currently serving their communities already with wholesome and healthy products that are also an alternative to mass produced, cheap commodity food and products. This could be a co-op, a CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) group, a local buyer's club, or something similar. Read more.

Five Herbs and Spices to Turn Ordinary Meals into ‘Supermeals’

Incorporating these five herbs and spices into your daily diet may reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, protect your brain from neurodegeneration, stimulate your immune system and protect against inflammation, among other benefits. Best of all, these ingredients are all easily available and may already exist in your pantry or spice rack Over the years, researchers have become increasingly interested in the effects of diet and natural compounds on human health, finding that many herbs and spices are equally or more effective than many conventional medicines and treatments, and often present far fewer adverse effects while being more cost-effective. Here are five herbs and spices you can add to your diet to turn ordinary meals into nutrient-dense "supermeals."

The Carnivore Diet Gains in Popularity Due to Health Benefits

Dr. Paul Saladino trained at the University of Arizona with a focus on integrative medicine. He completed his residency in psychiatry at the University of Washington in 2019, and is a certified functional medicine practitioner through the Institute for Functional Medicine. In this interview, Saladino discusses the surprising benefits of the carnivore diet, which is the topic of his new book, “The Carnivore Code,” which is currently available for preorder. I view him as one of the leading experts on the health benefits of an animal-based diet. Saladino takes it to the extreme, though, advocating a carnivore diet to the exclusion of all vegetables or plant materials, which may strike many as debatable. The evidence he presents for it, however, is quite compelling. I don't know anyone personally who has reviewed the literature more carefully and can put together a coherent argument for this strategy. (This is in part a side-effect of having gone through the basic medical sciences twice, as he went through medical school to be a physician’s assistant and later an M.D.) Saladino is likely to challenge your beliefs in this interview. This is not meant to offend anyone. If you believe you should avoid animal foods for ethical reasons, that’s certainly your choice. If you’re struggling with health issues that a vegetarian diet has not been able to resolve, however, or perhaps even made your condition worse, you may want to listen to what he has to say.

Study: Soybean Oil Linked to Neurological Conditions Like Autism, Alzheimer’s Disease, Anxiety, Depression

New UC Riverside research shows soybean oil not only leads to obesity and diabetes, but could also affect neurological conditions like autism, Alzheimer's disease, anxiety, and depression. Used for fast food frying, added to packaged foods, and fed to livestock, soybean oil is by far the most widely produced and consumed edible oil in the U.S., according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. In all likelihood, it is not healthy for humans. It certainly is not good for mice. The new study, published this month in the journal Endocrinology, compared mice fed three different diets high in fat: soybean oil, soybean oil modified to be low in linoleic acid, and coconut oil. "The dogma is that saturated fat is bad and unsaturated fat is good. Soybean oil is a polyunsaturated fat, but the idea that it's good for you is just not proven," Sladek said. Indeed, coconut oil, which contains saturated fats, produced very few changes in the hypothalamic genes.

How the Dairy Mafia Destroyed Dairy Farmers

In November 2019, Dean Foods, one of the biggest dairy companies in the U.S., announced it had filed Chapter 11 bankruptcy, sending a wave of uncertainty through an already shaky milk industry. Dean Foods was one of the primary milk processors and distributers in the U.S., purchasing milk directly from dairy farms. Many are asking what “killed” Dean Foods? Dean Foods president and CEO Eric Beringause said in a statement, “Despite our best efforts to make our business more agile and cost-efficient, we continue to be impacted by a challenging operating environment marked by continuing declines in consumer milk consumption.” What’s truly responsible for this decline, however, is the shift of milk from a fresh, wholesome raw food to one that’s ultraprocessed, homogenized and the product of concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs). Rather than forcing dirty and dangerous CAFOs to clean up their acts, the FDA has waged a war against raw milk producers — those who are typically producing milk using far healthier, more humane and more sustainable methods than the industrial dairy industry ever could. As CAFOs became the norm for dairy farms (even in idyllic-seeming dairy states like Vermont), farmers were forced to grow their herds and increase milk production using artificial (drug and hormone-based) methods, among others (like feeding cows an unnatural amount of grain-based food, 24-hour confinement and increased number of milkings per day). Meanwhile, some people who experience gastrointestinal upset or other health problems when drinking regular CAFO dairy do fine when drinking raw, organic grass fed milk, which is far easier on your digestive system. Raw, grass fed A2-only milk may be even more ideal. In the U.S., raw milk is the only food banned from interstate commerce, which means small farmers cannot transport it across state lines, and even in states where farmers are allowed to sell raw milk directly to consumers from their farms, advertising bans may be put in place, allowing farmers to be punished with fines or jail time if they advertise their raw milk for sale.

What Makes “Impossible Burger” Possible? New GMO Plant-based “Meat” Approved by FDA but not Tested

Plant-based meat products seem to be all the rage. They are billed as a healthier, more environmentally-friendly alternative to traditional meat, and the fad is catching on. Fast-food giant Burger King has announced the “Impossible Whopper,” a meatless version of their popular sandwich. What you probably haven’t been told is that these plant-based meats are made possible through a new form of genetic engineering that has undergone virtually no safety testing. Once again, the American consumer will be Big Food’s guinea pig—unless we speak up.