Much maligned for years as a saturated fat, we’ll bring you truth regarding the incredible health properties of coconut oil.
Study: Coconut Oil Improves Memory and Brain Function
There are many empirical episodes of improving memory and slowing or reversing dementia with coconut oil that are dismissed as “anecdotal.” Fortunately there are increasing scientific studies that corroborate the many remarkable testimonies of recovering from dementia to perhaps convince naysayers of coconut oil’s health and healing properties. The in-vivo (animal) study “Enhanced memory in Wistar rats by virgin coconut oil is associated with increased antioxidative, cholinergic activities and reduced oxidative stress” was published in January of 2017. The research paper stated as part of its findings: "The promising outcomes of this study strongly imply the possible use of VCO, not only as neuroprotective agents for those suffering from neurodegenerative diseases, but also as brain food." A Canadian study published this year around the same time titled “Coconut oil protects cortical neurons from amyloid beta toxicity by enhancing signaling of cell survival pathways” observed that coconut oil and its medium chain fatty acids (MCFAs) protect against amyloid beta (Aβ) induced neurotoxicity in primary rat cortical neurons.
Study: Virgin Coconut Oil Protects the Liver from Harm Caused by Chemotherapy Cancer Drugs
A study published in January 2017 in Nigeria shows the hepatoprotective effect of virgin coconut oil when used with MTX cancer chemotherapy. Chemotherapy drugs are known for damaging the liver. Unlike the U.S., where government dietary advice is still against saturated fats and coconut oil, many of the coconut-producing countries are learning that their traditional diets high in saturated fats, and specifically coconut oil, are actually healthy. There is a wide body of research now looking at the health benefits of coconut oil, specifically virgin coconut oil, which is less refined than machine-made commercial coconut oils. The current study from Nigeria acknowledges that the "emerging health benefit of virgin coconut oil (VCO) has been associated with its potent natural antioxidants." So they designed a study using rats to see if virgin coconut oil and its antioxidant properties could protect the liver against oxidative stress caused by chemotherapy cancer drugs. They saw a definite improvement in liver function from the group that consumed virgin coconut oil.
Study: Coconut Oil’s Lauric Acid Reduces High Blood Pressure
There have been numerous studies on lauric acid for various health supporting factors. Did you know that virgin coconut oil is 50 percent or more lauric acid? So whatever healthy attributes lauric acid contains so does coconut oil, and more. And more will be explained later in this article. For now we’ll focus on coconut oil’s major component, lauric acid, and a recent animal study with dramatic results discovered for reducing hypertension (high blood pressure) and oxidative stress.
Coconut Oil Proven Beneficial for Healing Rheumatoid Arthritis and Other Autoimmune Diseases
A recent study on a new anti-inflammatory antioxidant natural remedy, with the main ingredient being coconut oil, shows positive signs of being the go-to remedy for those who want relief from rheumatoid arthritis without the side effects of pharmaceuticals that are not so effective.
Saturated Fat and Heart Disease: “The Greatest Scam in the History of Medicine”
Dr. Malcom Kendrick is a Scottish doctor and author of the book The Great Cholesterol Con. Recently he wrote a blog post on saturated fat and cardiovascular disease. He commented on how the science actually proves the opposite conclusion from what is commonly believed about saturated fats: To be honest, I have studied saturated fat consumption many, many… many, many, times. The one thing that has always stood out, most starkly, is the complete lack of any real evidence to support the idea that it causes cardiovascular disease. On the other hand, evidence contradicting it arrives on an almost daily basis.
High-fat Ketogenic Diet for Weight Loss
The term "ketogenic" is derived from attaching the suffix "-genic" to the word "ketone." Ketones are produced in the liver from fat. As ketones are produced more, a state of ketosis is created. Ketosis allows fat to be converted into energy instead of storing it as fat. Ketosis even promotes reducing existing excess body fat by converting it into energy. One of the most efficient saturated fats for ketosis is virgin coconut oil. Instead of long chain triglycerides that most other healthy fats contain, coconut oil is comprised of medium chain triglycerides, which are most easily converted into ketones. So consuming healthy fats, not trans-fat substitutes, and cutting back considerably on processed or refined carbohydrates is proving to increase health and reduce obesity and all the problems associated with it, including diabetes and heart disease.
War on Saturated Fats Has Harmed People in Poor Countries Who Shunned Traditional Fats Like Coconut Oil
One of the most pervasive dangerous food myths has been the lipid hypothesis or theory of heart disease. It proclaims that eating foods containing saturated fats are the root cause of obesity and heart disease. It has prevailed for over a half-century and is only now beginning to deteriorate. The most obvious harm done by the false propaganda against saturated fats in traditional foods are with regions that relied heavily on saturated fats for centuries, especially edible tropical oils such as coconut oil prior to the lipid hypothesis or theory's dogma that permeated and replaced their traditional diets. A recent paper, “Coconut oil and palm oil's role in nutrition, health and national development: A review,” was published in the September 2016 Ghana Medical Journal (GMJ).
Study: Coconut Oil Helps Hypertension – Science Based Health Benefits of Coconut Oil Keep Increasing
A peer reviewed study published in 2016 was titled “Renoprotective effect of virgin coconut oil in heated palm oil diet-induced hypertensive rats.” The Malaysian researchers were aware of how reheated oils used over and over in deep fat fryers create hypertension (high blood pressure) and other markers for cardiovascular disease. But their focus this time was renal, or kidney health. So they used five times heated palm oil (5HPO) to induce high blood pressure in rats bred for animal study research, Sprague-Dawley rats. The rats were divided into four groups fed slightly different diets, half with 5HPO and the other half with virgin coconut oil (VCO). Systolic blood pressure was measured before and after the 16 week study. The rats fed VCO had significantly less oxidative stress markers in their kidneys than the 5HPO fed rats, leading the researchers to conclude “ … virgin coconut oil has a potential to reduce the development of hypertension and renal injury induced by dietary heated oil, possibly via its antioxidant protective effects on the kidneys.”
Study: How Ketones as Brain Fuel can Prevent Alzheimer’s Disease
In 2016, a study was published in the journal Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience looking at the effects of ketones as brain fuel and their use in treating Alzheimer's disease. The title of the study is: Can Ketones Help Rescue Brain Fuel Supply in Later Life? Implications for Cognitive Health during Aging and the Treatment of Alzheimer’s Disease. In recent years, the effects of a ketogenic diet has been studied in relation to dementia and Alzheimer's disease in older people, as Alzheimer's disease is increasingly being seen as a "Type 3" form of diabetes. However, since a diet cannot be patented, mainstream medicine has instead focused on pharmaceutical drugs and vaccines to combat diseases like Alzheimer's, as such drugs are seen as a financial windfall for pharmaceutical companies, with so many Americans in the "Baby Boomer" age group entering into their senior years. This new study from Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience shows great promise in utilizing a dietary approach in preventing and fighting Alzheimer's disease. We have previously documented many stories of family members and caregivers seeing huge improvements in Alzheimer's disease simply by adding coconut oil to the diet, and coconut oil naturally provides a form of ketone energy to the brain.
British Cardiologist Sets Record Straight on the Truth About Saturated Fats and Heart Disease
Is saturated fat really the health hazard it’s been made out to be? Dr. Aseem Malhotra is an interventional cardiologist consultant in London, U.K., who gained quite a bit of publicity after the publication of his peer-reviewed editorial in the British Medical Journal (BMJ) in 2013. In it, he seriously challenges the conventional view on saturated fats, and reviews how recent studies have failed to find any significant association between saturated fat and cardiovascular risk. In fact, Malhotra reports that two-thirds of people admitted to hospitals with acute myocardial infarction have completely normal cholesterol levels.
How a High-Fat Diet Helps Starve Cancer
In 1931, Dr. Otto Warburg won the Nobel Prize Physiology or Medicine for his discovery that cancer cells have a fundamentally different energy metabolism compared to healthy cells. Most experts consider him to be the greatest biochemist of the 20th century. His lab staff also included Hans Krebs, Ph.D., after whom the Krebs cycle was named. The Krebs cycle refers to the oxidative reduction pathways that occur in the mitochondria. So just how does the metabolic inflexibility of cancer cells differ from healthy cells? A cell can produce energy in two ways: aerobically, in the mitochondria, or anaerobically, in the cytoplasm, the latter of which generates lactic acid — a toxic byproduct. Warburg discovered that in the presence of oxygen, cancer cells overproduce lactic acid. This is known as The Warburg Effect. Mitochondrial energy production is far more efficient, capable of generating 18 times more energy in the form of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) than anaerobic energy generation. Warburg concluded that the prime cause of cancer was the reversion of energy production from aerobic energy generation to a more primitive form of energy production, anaerobic fermentation. To reverse cancer, he believed you had to disrupt the energy production cycle that is feeding the tumor, and that by reverting back to aerobic energy metabolism you could effectively "starve" it into remission. Although he was never able to conclusively prove it, he maintained this view until his death in 1970. One of his goals in life was to discover the cure for cancer. Sadly, as so typically happens in science, his theories were never accepted by conventional science despite his academic pedigree — until now. The New York Times recently published a long, detailed article about the history of modern cancer research, including Warburg's theories on cancer, which are now becoming more widely accepted.
Study: Coconut Oil Pulling Kills Mouth Bacteria
A recent study conducted in India and published in the Journal of Contemporary Dental Practice shows once again the health benefits of "oil pulling" with coconut oil. The study compared regular coconut oil with commercial Chlorhexidine mouthwash, and the effect on reducing Streptococcus mutans bacteria in the saliva. A control group was simply given distilled water. The study found that both the group that used the Chlorhexidine mouthwash and regular coconut oil significantly reduced Streptococcus mutans bacteria in the saliva. The coconut oil group used a method called "oil pulling," an age-old practice in India that has gained modern popularity in promoting oral and systemic health. They rinsed their mouth with 10 ml of coconut oil for 10 minutes.
Study: Saturated Fats and Coconut Oil Prevent Colon Cancer
A recent study published in the American Journal of Physiology challenged a long-held belief that high fat diets contributed to colon cancer. The authors of the study correctly stated that the lipid profile of the fats being consumed is very important to understand: "High-fat-diet (HFD) consumption is associated with colon cancer risk. However, little is known about how the lipid composition of a HFD can influence pro-oncogenic processes." This study out of the University of South Carolina looking at the effects of saturated fats on colon cancer is a very welcome study, and many more similar theories about the "dangers" of high fat diets should be challenged and looked at more carefully, studying the lipid composition of the fats being consumed. The conclusions of their experiments showed that a high fat diet rich in saturated fats, specifically coconut oil, protected against colon cancer.
Could Eating Saturated Fats Save 1 Million Lives per Year?
Saturated fats: Increase your LDL levels, but they increase the large fluffy particles that are not associated with an increased risk of heart disease, Increase your HDL levels. This more than compensates for any increase in LDL. Do NOT cause heart disease as made clear in all the above-referenced studies. Do not damage as easily as other fats because they do not have any double bonds that can be damaged through oxidation. Serve to fuel mitochondria and produce far less damaging free radicals than carbs.
88 Year Old Woman Recovering from Alzheimer’s and Diabetes Using Coconut Oil
I brought my 88 year old mother out of 7 years of nursing home neglect/abuse on February 14, 2016. I've been studying the effects of coconut oil and Alzheimer's disease. She was taking 4 units Novolog insulin at meals and 10 units Lantas at night. After applying coconut oil all over her body, I noticed her sugars were continuing to lower without insulin shots. The first 2 days, I saturated her skin and added 1 teaspoon in protein shakes. Her sugars went from 300's to 140. My mother is diagnosed with stage 6 Alzheimer's. She is speaking better and I gave her a Bible story book to read me yesterday and she could read it through with exception of a few words. My mother could not do this one week ago or for the last two years. She is remembering people and things that have not been spoken of for years. I can now show her pictures and she can name people, even her children now. I'm thrilled!
Virgin Coconut Oil Helps Reduce Diabetes
A recent study from India published in the Journal of Food Science Technology showed positive results in improving glucose metabolism in high fructose diets in rats. Coconut oil is a common dietary oil in South India, so the researchers wanted to compare the common refined copra-based coconut oil found in the market place with the less-refined "virgin" coconut oil which has become more readily available in recent years. The results were very promising. The researchers found that glucose metabolism only increased 17% in a high-fructose diet as compared to 46% for those rates fed a standard coconut oil diet. This research confirms what we have observed over the years since we brought Virgin Coconut Oil into the U.S. market: many who switch to Virgin Coconut Oil see their blood sugar levels normalize. Here are some testimonials.
How to Make Your Own Healing Salve with Plantain-infused Olive and Coconut Oils
Whether you are looking for a safe salve for diaper rashes, or something to rub into working hands that could use a little TLC from all those winter-weather cracks, or an active playful child who has knees and elbows, this salve is for you. It's good for use on insect bites, scratches, rashes, nicks, cuts, dry skin, you name it - and even works as an earthy lip-balm.
Study: Coconut Oil Improves Cognitive Functioning in Alzheimer’s Patients
Health Impact News has been a leader in the alternative media publishing research and testimonials supporting the positive use of coconut oil with people suffering from Alzheimer's disease. These remarkable stories of families seeing dramatic improvement from Alzheimer's and dementia are documented at In many cases, adding several spoonfuls of coconut oil a day to the diet of one suffering from Alzheimer's and dementia has resulted in memories returning, the ability to once again converse with friends and loved ones, etc. (Read the testimonials.) However, pharma-based physicians and groups have largely condemned the use of coconut oil, stating that all the evidence is "anecdotal," lacking peer-reviewed scientific research. Of course coconut oil is a natural food, with virtually no risk or side effects, and funding for research on a natural food is difficult to come by when no product can be patented as a result of the research, such as lucrative pharmaceutical drugs. As we have stated in the past, the lack of scientific research on coconut oil and Alzheimer's should not stop people from trying it. Some are taking notice and beginning to publish studies, however, so the claim that coconut oil improving Alzheimer's lacks scientific support may not be true much longer. A clinical trial in Spain was published this month (December 2015) studying the effects of coconut oil on Alzheimer's, and the results were very promising. Another study in Florida is in process and should be published in 2016.
Study: Candida Infections Can Be Controlled with Coconut Oil
A 2015 study from the University of Tufts shows that a diet high in coconut oil can control Candida yeast infections. In addition to this study and other previously published studies, there have been many anecdotal reports on curing Candida by including large amounts of coconut oil in the diet. The studies also confirm coconut oil's efficacy for curbing Candida without side effects from the oil itself, a claim anti-fungal pharmaceuticals cannot make.
Coconut Oil and Other Saturated Fats Are Essential for Health
Saturated fats are commonly solid fats like animal and dairy fats and plant fats like nuts, avocado, and coconut oil. Unprocessed coconut oil remains solid up to 76 degrees Fahrenheit. It's impossible to know about a food's health benefits if the food is officially taboo. The nutritional taboo of saturated fat started by one man's highly publicized hypothesis that declared dietary saturated fats as the major source of heart disease. His name was Ancel Keys, a physiologist and researcher with the University of Minnesota who conducted a massive international study called the Seven Countries Study. Even then, several scientists questioned Keys' epidemiological evidence that led to his hypothetical conclusions. Ancel Keys made the cover of Time Magazine in 1961, the year when he managed to persuade the American Heart Association (AHA) to issue dietary guidelines that excluded saturated fats. In their place came refined carbohydrates and processed vegetable oils. The false causation of heart disease from saturated fats true cause is currently scientifically disputed by iconoclastic cardiologists such as Dr. Dwight Lundell, Dr. Stephan Sinatra, Dr. Ron Rosedale, Britain's Dr. Aseem Malholtra and other cardiologists and health experts who have been courageous enough to publicly speak against the unproven theory of the saturated fat causing heart disease theory.