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    Gardasil Vaccine: One More Girl Dead

    The sudden death of a 12-year-old girl in Waukesha, Wisconsin, just hours after receiving the HPV Gardasil vaccine has shocked the girl's family, and sent local media out asking questions as to how this could happen. Dr. Geoffrey Swain of the local health department was interviewed to give the standard CDC reply, which is similar to almost every other vaccine, stating that severe reaction like this resulting in death are "very rare," and about "1 out of a million". Assuming that there is some data to back up the claim of only "1 out of a million," how many doses of the HPV vaccine are administered every year? According to the latest statistics (July 2014) published by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, over 9 million per year. So the government admits that at least 9 girls per year are killed by the HPV vaccine. How many parents know this prior to taking a doctor's advice to administer this vaccine that is supposedly a protection against cervical cancer caused by the human papillomavirus, a sexually transmitted disease? These local news media, possibly covering the HPV vaccine for the first time, were all quick to interview and provide links to the official CDC view of the vaccine. But here are some other facts regarding the vaccine that they failed to disclose, probably because they did not take the time to look outside of the standard government response to events like this, or their station managers did not allow them to give any other news outside of what the CDC claims.

      What Can We Responsibly Believe About Human Evolution?

      The evolution of consciousness is presently inexplicable: Can we really understand a transition from the excrement-throwing ape to the early cave paintings as a long, slow series?

        The Healing Properties of Clove Essential Oil

        The ancient texts all seem to agree on the many therapeutic properties of clove - it is a stimulant and has stomachic, expectorant, sedative, carminative, antispasmodic and digestive qualities. It helps flatulence, stimulates digestion and restores appetite, so is good for convalescence. It is a general tonic for both physical and intellectual weakness; and for those suffering from frigidity. Its principal therapeutic value, though, is antiseptic because of the high proportion of eugenol. This is used for intestinal parasites, and for prevention of virus infections. It is good for the immune system, and particularly effective in mouth and tooth infections. Here is a review of some of scientific studies published around the world regarding the healing properties of clove essential oil.

          Study: Cholesterol-Lowering Statin Drugs Increase Bell’s Palsy

          A study published in 2014 in the international journal Drug Safety found a positive association between regular statin drug use and Bell's palsy, a neurologic disorder. This study confirms what Dr. Stephanie Seneff published back in 2009, showing how statin drugs used to lower cholesterol could be a main cause of Alzheimer's and other neurological diseases in old age.

            Lawsuits Against Pfizer for Lipitor Could Reach 10,000

            We reported last week here at Health Impact News that lawsuits filed against a manufacturer of cholesterol-lowering statin drugs had exceeded 1,000 claims just since April this year, primarily against Pfizer's Lipitor. Today, the mainstream media has finally picked up the story, as Reuter's ran a report widely distributed over several mainstream news sites. In the Reuters' story, Jessica Dye reports that U.S. women who say Lipitor gave them type-2 diabetes shot up from 56 to almost 1,000 court lawsuits in less than 5 months. Dye also interviewed H. Blair Hahn of Mount Pleasant, South Carolina, the lead lawyer appointed to represent Lipitor plaintiffs in federal court. "We will ask a jury to decide what it's worth to take five years of someone's life," Hahn reportedly said. Hahn also stated that the 1,000 cases filed so far represent 4,000 women, and that the number of cases could ultimately reach 10,000 or more.

              Baking with the Ancient Grain Einkorn

              Einkorn is an ancient grain that is not yet commonly known in the western world, but used often in the Mediterranean region and in the mountainous areas of Europe. This grain is slightly finicky, completely delicious, good for you, has a slight yellowish tinge, and smells (and even looks) a little like corn flour. Because of einkorn’s lower gluten elasticity, the following baking tips will help you bake successfully with einkorn and avoid a lot of frustration.

                New Cholesterol Drug Approval to be Fast-tracked by FDA to Highest Bidder

                Fresh off recent news that more than 1,000 people have filed lawsuits for damages due to cholesterol-lowering drugs since April this year, comes the remarkable story reported in the Wall Street Journal that Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Inc. and Sanofi SA are spending $67.5 million to purchase a voucher that will allow them to get the FDA to fast-track approval of a new class of cholesterol drugs. By purchasing this voucher, they hope to beat rival drug company Amgen, Inc. in being first to market with these new cholesterol-lowering drugs. Bloomberg Businessweek is reporting that this is a first-of-its-kind deal offered by the FDA to fast track a drug through the purchase of a voucher. However, the original voucher issued by the FDA was not even for a cholesterol lowering drug. It was originally issued to BioMarin Pharmaceutical under a 2012 law designed to reward companies for investing in drugs for rare childhood diseases. This law, which the FDA says was "intended to encourage the development of treatments for rare pediatric diseases," also allowed those awarded such vouchers to sell them to other drug companies for the development of other drugs. This has effectively created a type of legal "black market" where drug companies can sell these vouchers to the highest bidder, even though they were intended by the FDA to approve new drugs specifically for the "development of treatments for rare pediatric diseases." Since this apparently does not raise any ethical questions in the mainstream media, I will raise them here.

                  Doctor’s Warning: Cholesterol Drug Risks Being Ignored

                  Top Irish surgeon warns statins raise chances of cancer and Parkinson's in otherwise healthy people. Sherif Sultan, of University College Hospital in Galway, warned that statin use can increase the risk of diabetes, cataracts and male impotence. "They can also significantly increase the risk of cancer and neurodegenerative disorders such as Parkinson's disease in the elderly, along with a myriad of infectious diseases," he said.

                    Is Monsanto’s ‘Cure’ For World Hunger Cursing The Global Food Supply?

                    What if the very GM agricultural system that Monsanto claims will help to solve the problem of world hunger depends on a chemical that kills the very pollinator upon which approximately 70% of world's food supply now depends? A new study published in the Journal of Experimental Biology titled, "Effects of field-realistic doses of glyphosate on honeybee appetitive behavior," establishes a link between the world's most popular herbicide – aka Roundup – and the dramatic decline in honeybee populations in North American and Europe that lead to the coining of the term 'colony collapse disorder.'

                      How Tart Cherries Reduce Inflammation and Oxidative Stress

                      Tart cherries are known to have among the highest anti-inflammatory content of any food in the world. Daily consumption of tart cherry juice or concentrate leads to a reduction in markers of inflammation and oxidative stress and allows people with specific diseases to manage their pain long-term without medications.

                        A Low Carbohydrate Diet Cures Diabetes

                        Diabetes is the great failure of the medical system. A generation of following the high-carb low-fat USDA approved food pyramid, along with Big Food's highly processed carbohydrate-rich products, have produced a national epidemic of obesity and diabetes. The medical system's answer to type 2 diabetes is drugs. These drugs, however, are highly toxic with serious side effects, and they don't work. A recent study that showed that insulin may actually accelerate death in type 2 diabetes, for example. Diabetes, however, is not a condition that is caused by a lack of drugs. Research clearly links type 2 diabetes (and now type 3 diabetes) to insulin resistance caused by excessive carbohydrates in the diet. This issue is finally starting to get more attention in the mainstream media, fortunately. In a recent article published in the journal Nutrition, the authors showed that there is continued success in using low-carbohydrate diets in the treatment of diabetes and metabolic syndrome.

                          FDA Reverses Its Position on Daily Aspirin

                          If you are one of the 40 million Americans who take an aspirin every day, you may want to heed the latest warning from the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). After many decades of promoting aspirin, the FDA now says that if you have not experienced a heart problem, you should not be taking a daily aspirin—even if you have a family history of heart disease. This represents a significant departure from FDA's prior position on aspirin for the prevention of heart attacks.

                            ‘Right to Farm’ is Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing: Only Protects Corporate Ag

                            On August 5, 2014, Missouri voters will decide on whether to pass Constitutional Amendment #1, also known as the “Right to Farm Amendment” (aka the “Right to Harm” amendment). While the right to farm is something everyone should support, Amendment One serves as a bio-tech/concentrated animal feeding operation protection act–doing little to help the family farm. Supporters of the amendment include Monsanto, Cargill, Missouri Farm Bureau, Missouri Corn Growers, Missouri Cattleman’s Association, and Missouri Pork Association–all entities working to further the interests of industrial agriculture. Help defeat this amendment in Monsanto's home state!

                              Gardasil Vaccine: Spain Joins Growing List of Countries to File Criminal Complaints

                              Spain now joins a growing list of countries where criminal lawsuits have been filed against manufacturers of the HPV vaccine, which includes France, India, Japan, and many more. In the United States, however, you cannot sue the manufacturers of vaccines, as they are protected from civil criminal prosecution. As a result, marketing efforts to increase the sale and distribution of the HPV vaccine are increasing.

                                Food as Medicine: How One Hospital Is Using Organic Produce to Help Heal Patients

                                Recently, Rodale Institute, in partnership with the nearby St. Luke’s University Health Network, launched a true farm-to-hospital food program. The Anderson Campus at St. Luke’s has more than 300 acres of farmland, much of which had historically been farmed conventionally to raise crops like corn and soy. The hospital administration recognized the impact that providing fresh, local organic produce could have on patient health and approached Rodale Institute to transition the land to organic and farm vegetables to be used in patient meals and in the cafeteria.

                                  Heroin Addiction Was Rampant in 1913; In 2014 It’s Prescription Painkiller Addiction

                                  Heroin, which acts as a sedative and respiratory depressant, worked well in suppressing coughing fits, making it a medical breakthrough in the early 1900s, when tuberculosis and pneumonia were among the leading causes of death. By 1913, the number of heroin addicts had skyrocketed to the point that drug-company Bayer was forced to stop producing heroin. You should know that prescription opiates are chemically similar to heroin, and virtually indistinguishable as far as your brain is concerned. (And heroin is actually still used medically, often for post-surgery pain, in certain countries, including the UK.) As explained by Dr. Wilson Compton, deputy director of the US National Institute on Drug Abuse, heroin, morphine, hydrocodone, and oxycodone "are all classified as opioids because they exert their effect by attaching to the opioid receptor found in our brain and spinal cord." For instance, hydrocodone, a prescription opiate, is synthetic heroin. So, if you're hooked on hydrocodone, you are in fact a good-old-fashioned heroin addict. But most people assume that because it’s a “prescription” drug, it’s safe, or should not carry the same negative stigma as a street drug. This is, sadly, far from the truth. Fatal prescription drug overdoses actually surpassed car crashes as the leading cause of accidental death in 2007. Many of the overdoses (36 percent) involve prescription opioid painkillers, which were actually the cause of more overdose deaths than heroin and cocaine combined.

                                    The High Risks of Vitamin K Shot for Your Newborn Baby

                                    It has been standard practice in the US and most western countries since 1944 to welcome babies into the world by subjecting them to a variety of medical interventions, one of which is a jab with a syringe full of vitamin K. This injection is routinely done to almost all newborns, unless you, as a parent, refuse to consent. A needle stick can be a terrible assault to a baby's suddenly overloaded sensory system, which is trying to adjust to the outside world. According to Vitamin K expert Dr. Cees Vermeer PhD, vitamin K offered orally is a better option for your infant than injection.

                                      Easy Homemade Coconut Oil Chocolate Recipes

                                      Coconut oil makes fantastic homemade chocolate. With just a few extra ingredients, coconut oil will morph into an impressively smooth, rich dark chocolate that won’t require a chocolate-making class to learn. The easiest coconut oil chocolates require no cooking and generally all the ingredients are blended together in one easy step.

                                        USDA Doesn’t Need Submachine Guns – Disarm the Bureaucrats

                                        The recent solicitation by USDA for submachine guns raised concern among farmers and local food consumers. Why would an agency tasked with regulating agriculture in our country need such weapons? Answer: It shouldn’t. Will you help stop this by urging your Congressman to support the Regulatory Agency Demilitarization Act, HR 4934?

                                          We All have Pesticides in our Homes even if We don’t Use Pesticides

                                          Indoor air contamination has become a central issue today because most of us spend up to 90% of our time indoors and we are breathing and re-breathing the same old polluted air all day long. The problem is worse for very young children, because the air quality is much worse at floor level. Many toxic substances are heavier than air and sink down to floor level. Even though most every home in America probably has some level of pesticide residue, and we know that many health conditions and diseases are related to pesticide exposure, we find that our modern healthcare system seems to be unconcerned about indoor pesticide contamination. Doctors may ask us about our alcohol and drug use, ask us about our sexual practices, and sometimes ask us about our diet, but when was the last time a doctor asked you about your pesticide exposure?