FDA Admits Statins Cause Memory Loss, Liver Damage, and Diabetes

    How FDA Guidelines On The Adverse Effects Of Statins Are Very Telling
    by Dr John Briffa
    for The Cholesterol Truth

    The Food and Drug Administration in the US is responsible for making decisions about which drugs should be licensed. It also keeps a database of information regarding the adverse effects of drugs, and occasionally revises the warnings issued […]

      $29 Billion Reasons to Lie About Cholesterol

      by Dr. Mercola
      Millions of people around the world take medications known as statins to lower their cholesterol.

      The current value of the cholesterol-lowering drug industry is estimated at around $29 billion — and this is clearly a conservative estimate considering spending on cholesterol drugs in the United States alone reached nearly $19 […]

        The Link between Nerve Damage and Statin Drugs

        by Dr. Mercola
        Spending on cholesterol-lowering drugs like statins increased by $160 million in 2010, for a total spending of nearly $19 billion in the U.S., the IMS Institute for Healthcare Informatics reported in their Use of Medicines in the United States: Review of 2010.

        In all, more than 255 million prescriptions were dispensed […]

          Statin Drugs Shown to Increase Risk of Diabetes Significantly, Yet the Media Scramble to Protect the Drugs’ Reputation

          by Alliance for Natural Health

          Statins are taken by one in four Americans over the age of 45, even though diet can fix high cholesterol quicker and more safely. Here’s new evidence of the drugs’ dangers.

          A University of Massachusetts Medical School study has found that statins significantly increase risk of type 2 diabetes among […]

            Cholesterol Guidelines Designed to Sell More Drugs

            by Dr. Mercola

            One of the most revealing examples of what happens when policy makers are allowed to accept money from drug companies lies in the current U.S. cholesterol guidelines. In 2004, the U.S. government’s National Cholesterol Education Program panel advised those at risk for heart disease to attempt to reduce their […]

              New Ways of Marketing Statins: Cholesterol Lowering Drugs for the Flu?

              by Dr. Mercola
              A new study has led to what is perhaps the most ludicrous recommendation for flu treatment ever — statin drugs!

              The researchers reported that statin use may reduce death risk in people hospitalized with the flu, and the media is reporting sensational headlines like “Statins reduce flu death risk by half.”

              This […]

                Lower Your Cholesterol, Increase Your Diabetes Risk By 48%

                by Sayer Ji
                A recent study, published in the Archives of Internal Medicine, found that the cholesterol-lowering drugs known as statins increase the risk of diabetes within postmenopausal women by 48%.
                This new finding adds to a growing body of clinical evidence that statin drugs are fundamentally diabetogenic, which is not surprising considering the National […]

                  Low Cholesterol Levels May Increase The Risk Of Cardiovascular Disease

                  Dr John Briffa
                  The Cholesterol Truth


                  It’s the New Year, a time when many of us feel motivated to get fitter and healthier. I’ve noticed that there are television adverts currently doing the rounds encouraging us to eat cholesterol-reducing foods. As I’ve written before, there really is no good evidence that taking dietary steps to reduce […]

                    Are Statins Behind Your Memory Loss?

                    Dr John Briffa
                    for The Cholesterol Truth

                    As people age, they can find themselves becoming increasingly forgetful and absent-minded. Some will end up being affected by Alzheimer’s disease or some other form of dementia. I often find that my patients believe that there is quite a lot they can do to maintain and even improve the […]

                      Consumer Alert: 300+ Health Problems Linked To Statin Drugs

                      by Sayer Ji
                      A growing body of clinical research now indicates that the cholesterol-lowering class of drugs known as statins, are associated with over 300 adverse health effects — research boldly flying in the face of national health policy, medical insurance premium guidelines, statin drug manufacturer advertising claims, and the general sentiment of the public, with […]

                        Disease Creep: How we’re fooled into taking cholesterol drugs we don’t need

                        by Jeanne Lenzer
                        New America Foundation

                        Jeanne Lenzer is a former Knight Science Journalism Fellow and a frequent contributor to BMJ, and has published works in The Atlantic, The New York Times Magazine, Discover, The New Republic, and other outlets.
                        When doctors recommend tests, drugs or surgeries to prevent bad outcomes (think cholesterol-lowering agents to prevent strokes […]

                          Statin Drugs May Increase Your Prostate Cancer Risk

                          by Dr. Mercola

                          Statins, drugs that lower your cholesterol levels, are one of the most widely prescribed drugs in the world.

                          In the US, a staggering one in four over the age of 45 is now taking this unnecessary drug!

                          Statins act by blocking a crucial  enzyme in your liver responsible for making cholesterol.

                          But that’s not all […]

                            Are Statin Drugs Linked to Diabetes and Muscle Damage?

                            By Dr. Mercola
                            Tens of millions of Americans are taking cholesterol-lowering drugs – mostly statins – and some “experts” claim that many millions more should be taking them, including children as young as eight.

                            I couldn’t disagree more.

                            Statins are HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors, that is, they act by blocking the enzyme in your liver that […]

                              What’s Next? Starting Children on Drugs the Moment They’re Born?

                              by Alliance for Natural Health

                              That seems to be the path a new recommendation is putting us on.
                              An expert panel appointed by the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, and endorsed by the American Academy of Pediatrics, is now urging cholesterol screening for all children between ages 9 and 11—before puberty, when cholesterol temporarily dips—and […]

                                How Countless People Are Taking Statins Needlessly

                                by Dr John Briffa
                                The Cholesterol Truth


                                I am sometimes asked about the ‘benefits’ of statins, and whether these differ for women compared to men or, say, older individuals compared to younger ones. I decided to look for evidence that addresses these questions, and came across an article in the Lancet medical journal which does just that […]

                                  The Conflicts of Interest Driving Cholesterol Guidelines

                                  by Dr John Briffa
                                  for The Cholesterol Truth

                                  When individuals have their cholesterol checked by a doctor, whether the levels are deemed ‘raised’ or not depends on guidelines usually decided by panels of doctors and scientists. One thing I’ve noticed in my time in medicine is that, over the years, what is regarded as the upper limit […]

                                    Statin Drug Use May Cause Your Liver and Heart to Fail

                                    By Dr. Mercola
                                    Statins are HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors, that is, they act by blocking the enzyme in your liver that is responsible for making cholesterol. The fact that statin drugs cause side effects is well established — there are 900 studies proving their adverse effects — but if you or a family […]

                                      Bad Science Used To Push Cholesterol-Reducing Drugs

                                      by Dr. John Briffa
                                      The Cholesterol Truth

                                      I had a patient in my practice this week who was seeking advice about the prevention of heart disease. He’d been on a statin for several years, and then started to get what he felt might be side-effects.
                                      He stopped the statin and the side-effects went away. As he rightly […]

                                        How Statins Really Work Explains Why They Don’t Really Work

                                        by Stephanie Seneff
                                        1. Introduction
                                        The statin industry has enjoyed a thirty year run of steadily increasing profits, as they find ever more ways to justify expanding the definition of the segment of the population that qualify for statin therapy. Large, placebo-controlled studies have provided evidence that statins can substantially reduce the […]

                                          How Negative Study Results Won’t Stand In The Way Of The Great Statin Push

                                          Dr. John Briffa
                                          for The Cholesterol Truth


                                          It’s easy to believe that statins have dramatic life-saving properties. The reality is, however, that for the majority of people who take them, they don’t. In the biggest and best review published to date, statins were not found to reduce overall risk of death in individuals with no previous […]