FDA Increases Media Campaign Against Raw Milk

    By David Gumpert
    The Complete Patient

    There’s news about a possible outbreak of campylobacter from raw milk in North Carolina, that likely affected three people, and possibly affected as many as eight.
    Now, chances are you’ve read that news elsewhere, such as on the many lawyer web sites that play up seemingly every […]

      Ron Paul versus the FDA Raw Milk Police

      By Dr. Mercola

      On May 16th, Representative Ron Paul asked,
      “If we are not even free anymore to decide something as basic as what we wish to eat or drink, how much freedom do we really have left?”
      Paul was talking about the FDA ban on […]

        Last Stand on Food Rights: Why Private Food Groups Must Refuse to Obey Cease-and-Desist Orders

        by David Gumpert
        The Complete Patient

        If we lose the right to organize private organizations to share food, then the food rights war war will be over sooner than you can say “raw milk.”
        Why? Because the food regulators and politicians have full control of the public realm, and are gaining more with […]

          California Dept. of Food & Ag Issues Another “Cease and Desist” Order to Raw Milk Herd Share Program

          UPDATE 7/6/11 David Gumpert is urging members to fight back by resisting the cease and desist order (which has had some success in other parts of the country) among other things: As CA Herdshare Dragnet Expands, Has Time Come for Shareholders to Pass the Hat, Assume Risk in Fighting Back?

          From SARA GRUSKY

          Dear friends, family, newspaper […]

            The Unseen War on American Farms

            Health Impact News Editor Comments: I saw the screening to this film this past weekend in L.A. It is definitely worth seeing if you want to be educated on the issues related to food freedom in the U.S., and the current attacks against family farms. Check here for screenings: http://farmageddonmovie.com/screenings/ Below is an interview with Kristin […]

              Raw Milk Herdshare Shut Down in San Jose California


              by David Gumpert
              The Complete Patient
              Herdshares have been sprouting like grass in a well-watered pasture out in California. No one knows exactly how many there are, but by some estimates, there are 65, or possibly even 100 or more.
              As in many states, California has no explicit rules regarding herdshares–in other words, they’re not illegal. Because […]

              The FDA’s Double Standards on Listeria Regarding Raw Milk

              How FDA and State Regulators Have Turned into “Bouncers”
              by David Gumpert
              The Complete Patient
              If you’ve ever been in a restaurant or club patrolled by bouncers, you know the system of justice is uneven. If you somehow violate the club rules–maybe are a little unruly, or try to converse with the entertainers–the punishment usually varies according […]

                Wisconsin Raw Milk Illnesses are from Big Dairy, not Raw Milk Suppliers

                Amazing…Just As Story of WI Kids Sickened By Raw Milk Gets Interesting, the Food Safety Hysterics Fade Into the Woodwork…Did I Hear Someone Say “Hypocrisy”?
                by David Gumpert
                The Complete Patient
                In golf, when you slice the ball into the other fairway, or dribble it into a pond, you may decide to take a […]

                  The Federal Government’s War Against Raw Milk

                  Amish Buggies
                  by Daniel Sayani
                  The New American
                  The federal government, in using its illegitimate and unconstitutional authority to regulate various industries — such as food, pharmaceuticals, textiles, and other commodities — has raised the ire of producers and advocates of raw milk consumption, including Amish communities throughout the American heartland.
                  Raw milk […]

                    New Court Brief: Raw Milk Legal to Drink in all 50 States, FDA Has No Legal Authority to Stop Interstate Transportation

                    by David Gumpert
                    The Compete Patient

                    The FTCLDF brief makes yet a further legal and Constitutional argument challenging the FDA’s effort to eliminate the availability of raw milk. The FTCLDF filed suit last year on behalf of five plaintiffs who were admittedly purchasing raw milk in states where it’s legal, and bringing […]

                      A Victory in the Raw Milk War: Louisville Health Department Removes Quarantine

                      by David Gumpert
                      The Complete Patient
                      When an inspector from the Louisville Metro Department of Public Health and Wellness slapped a quarantine on 76 half gallons of raw milk about to be picked up by members of a local buying club ten days ago, the action seemed to come out of the blue.
                      But John […]

                        Obama FDA Chief Defends Raw Milk Raids in Plan to Increase Control Over Farms

                        Food safety chief defends raw milk raids
                        by Carolyn Lochhead
                        San Francisco Chronical

                        Obama food safety chief and former Monsanto lawyer Michael R. Taylor today defended the FDA’s sting operations and armed raids against raw milk producers, including Pennsylvania Amish farmer Dan Allgyer, who is facing an injunction for selling milk across state lines. None of […]

                          Fans of raw milk want state senators to give New Jersey residents the option of buying direct from the farmer

                          By Renee Kiriluk-Hill
                          Hunterdon Democrat

                          DELAWARE TWP. — Senior citizen John Kotulich of Readington Township says he’s enjoyed raw milk since childhood with no ill effect. “I drink it every day!” he shared at a presentation yesterday that was organized by resident […]

                          Amish Raw Milk Farmer Files Legal Docs in Pennsylvania District Court

                          by David Gumpert
                          The Complete Patient
                          Amish farmer Dan Allgyer has filed several documents in federal district court in Pennsylvania contesting the FDA-Justice Department effort to obtain a permanent injunction against him serving buying club members in Maryland. He makes three objections:
                          1. That the issuance of a, FDA warning letter prior to the […]

                            FDA Seeks to Regulate Raw Human Breast Milk

                            Photo by bisbeejones Flickr

                            Liquid Gold: The Booming Market for Human Breast Milk
                            by Judy Dutton
                            Wired Magazine
                            While the scientific understanding of human milk is still evolving, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommendation is straightforward: Mothers should feed their babies nothing but breast milk for the first six months and then continue nursing for at least […]

                              Kentucky Food Club Members Defy Quarantine Orders for Raw Milk

                              by David E. Gumpert
                              The Complete Patient
                              On Friday afternoon, as the administrator of a Kentucky buying club was setting out raw milk and other food for pickup by members, an inspector for the Louisville Metro Department of Health and Wellness appeared at the church basement storage site. He presented two pieces of […]

                                Vermont Law Passed to Allow Raw Milk Classes

                                Health Impact News Editor Comments: We reported back in February the news about Vermont’s Agency of Agriculture prohibiting the organization Rural Vermont from teaching classes on how to use raw milk in traditional foods. This caused so much uproar that they crafted a new bill to allow these kinds of classes to be taught. […]

                                No action taken against raw milk provider in Wisconsin

                                Health Impact News Editor Comments:
                                Could the public uproar over the FDA sting against the Amish farmer in Pennsylvania be influencing other raw milk cases around the country? A raw milk dairy farmer in Wisconsin was raided back in 2010 shortly after then Governor Jim Doyle vetoed a bill that had passed the Democratic controlled legislature to […]

                                  Raw Milk War Takes Battle to Washington D.C.

                                  Health Impact News Editor Comments: The Raw Milk Rally in Washington D.C. today (May 16, 2011) got quite a bit of attention, and I will do my best to give a comprehensive summary of those that spoke and reported on the event. The one who probably got the most attention was not a speaker, […]

                                    Actual Dairy Cow to Attend Rally in D.C. to Provide Raw Milk

                                    Cow to Join Protesters and Offer Udderly Delicious Milk Tastings to the Crowd
                                    Mrs. Moo Goes to Washington
                                    by Kimberly Hartke

                                    Rally for Food and Farm Freedom Takes Place Monday, May 16, 2011
                                    Farmers will bring a dairy cow to Washington, D.C. this coming Monday, to do some lobbying of her own. The grass hungry (former) heifer will […]