Mothers Threatened with Criminal Charges Openly Defy Minnesota Department of Agriculture

    Raw Milk Freedom Fighters

    Minneapolis, MN—Several Minnesota mothers who organize community access to local fresh farm foods plan to risk criminal charges by openly and publicly defying warnings from the Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA).  The MDA has threatened several mothers, conducted investigations against them and sent them warning letters that if they continue helping […]

      Local Food Sovereignty Laws in Maine Come to a Test with Farmer Brown

      Health Impact News Editor Comments: Back in the summer of 2011 we covered the story of how local towns in Maine were passing “Food Sovereignty” laws to allow sale of locally produced food without interference of regulators. Read the story here.

      Then on November 9, Dan Brown, a family farmer in Blue Hill, Maine, was served […]

        Wisconsin Senator Dale Schultz Holds Up Raw Milk Bill, Says Raw Milk Supporters “Fringe”

        Rally in Baraboo Wisconsin for Raw Milk Farmer Vernon Hershberger
        Photo by David Gumpert 
        Health Impact News Editor Comments: Back in 2010 a bill supporting the sale of raw milk in the state of Wisconsin enjoyed bi-partisan support, passing both the State House and State Senate. Jim Doyle, the governor at the time, vetoed it, in what […]

          Profoundly Flawed Study Used as Basis for CDC’s New Report on Supposed “Dangers” of Raw Milk

          by Alliance for Natural Health

          To hear the media tell it, our lives are in jeopardy if we drink unpasteurized milk. But the facts tell the opposite story.
          A new study from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) declares that raw milk “cannot be considered safe under any circumstances,” and […]

            Wisconsin Raw Milk Farmer Faces Jail: Protest on March 2 Scheduled before Hearing

            by David Gumpert
            The Complete Patient

            Wisconsin’s Attorney General has signaled his willingness to go ahead with the possibly provocative step of throwing dairy farmer Vernon Hershberger into jail.
            In a package of documents sent to Hershberger, the Wisconsin Department of Justice included a letter to Judge Guy D. Reynolds, in which Assistant […]

              Healthy Milk: What Is It?

              by Alliance for Natural Health

              And what’s standing in the way of your getting it?
              A report from Harvard suggests that milk from factory farms may be associated with hormone-related cancers because of the industrial agricultural practice of milking a cow throughout her pregnancy. The later in pregnancy a cow is, the […]

                Sheriff Who Challenged Feds for Amish Raw Dairy Farmer Receives Award for “Meritorious Valor”

                Sheriff Brad Rogers of Elkhart County, Indiana, holds his award for “Meritorious Valor”.
                Photo by David Gumpert
                by David Gumpert
                The Complete Patient
                One of the best ways to get elected county sheriff these days is to campaign against the encroachments by the federal government on basic rights guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution. And then, to […]

                  Kentuckians Battle Big Ag for Basic Right to Choose Food

                  Why is Big Ag so afraid of freedom of food choice? Kentuckians battle for basic right to choose food.
                  By John Moody
                  Food Clubs & Coops
                  Kentucky finds itself at the center of the emerging battle over who decides what the average person can choose to eat – the governmentt/regulatory apparatus, little more than a front man […]

                    Wisconsin Throws Raw Milk Farmer in Jail

                    by Todd Welch
                    State Coordinator
                    Wisconsin Campaign for Liberty

                    Despite objections inside and outside the courtroom, a farmer was fingerprinted, photographed and booked in the basement of the Wisconsin Sauk County Courthouse in Baraboo.

                    What was his crime?

                    Selling raw milk to those who wanted it.

                    Because of these “horrible crimes”, Amish raw milk farmer Vernon […]

                      Obama administration says: “No raw milk for you.”

                      by John Moody
                      Food Clubs & Coops
                      Last week, the Obama administration gave its official response of “NO” to the 6,078 signors of a petition on who requested federal-level legalization of all raw milk sales.
                      Written by Doug McKalip, the White House senior policy adviser for rural affairs, the response is full of […]

                        Amish Raw Milk Farmer Fights Back Against Feds

                        By David Gumpert
                        The Complete Patient

                        The Amish are reluctant participants in the legal system, no matter what the occasion. They prefer to stay very much within their own communities, and avoid conflict with the outside world.
                        But Dan Allgyer has put together a credible and cogent response to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s […]

                          Ron Paul stands up for raw milk in New Hampshire

                          Health Impact News Editor Comments: In a recent town hall meeting in New Hampshire, Presidential candidate Ron Paul talked about the topic of Health Freedom. As a Congressman, he actually introduced legislation to repeal the FDA’s prohibition on interstate sales of raw milk (it is legal in some states, and illegal in others.) No […]

                            Urban goats for organic raw milk in a San Francisco backyard


                            Heidi Kooy lives in a fairly dense part of San Francisco- her row house touches her neighbors’- with just 1000 square feet of backyard, but she manages to squeeze in an organic garden, fruit trees, chickens and, most recently, a pair of goats.

                            When she began her experiment in urban farming, […]

                              Local Sheriffs vs. the Feds: Who is Protecting our Constitutional Rights?

                              Health Impact News
                              The federal government has continued to spend energy and resources in hunting down Amish raw milk farmers. Raw milk advocate David Gumpert recently reported about a federal effort to prosecute two raw milk farmers by requiring them to appear before a federal Grand Jury in Detroit:
                              Though Peanut Corp of America has been […]

                                Maine Rep. Chellie Pingree’s Letter to FDA on Raw Milk

                                On Nov. 18, Maine 1st Congressional District Chellie Pingree sent a letter to the Commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration questioning their support of farm raids and the arrests of farmers. Rep. Pingree also questions whether Food Safety Czar Michael Taylor is an appropriate person for that position given his close ties to […]

                                  Obama Administration Continues Attacks on Small Raw Milk Dairy Farmers

                                  Health Impact News Editor Comments: As you read about these “federal criminal investigations” against raw milk farmers, keep in mind that these are federal investigations under the Obama administration. Cash-strapped states in most cases could probably care less about spending time prosecuting small dairy farmers, but the Obama administration has no problems using your tax […]

                                    Local Food Sovereignty Being Challenged in Maine


                                    **CALL TO ACTION**

                                    Blue Hill Maine Farmer Being Sued By State of Maine & Agricultural Commissioner
                                    Local Food & Community Self-Governance Ordinance Challenged

                                    Dear Friends and Supporters,
                                    Since March of this year five towns in Maine have passed the Local Food & Community Self-Governance Ordinance, creating legal protections for direct food and farm sales and food shared at bake […]

                                      Raw milk crusader Michael Schmidt ends hunger strike after meeting premier

                                      By: Keith Leslie
                                      The Canadian Press


                                      Raw milk crusader Michael Schmidt abandoned a five-week hunger strike Friday after a brief, impromptu meeting with Premier Dalton McGuinty.

                                      Schmidt, 57, began his hunger strike Sept. 29 after he was found guilty on 15 of 19 charges related to the sale and distribution of unpasteurized milk.

                                      Schmidt agreed […]

                                        Raw Milk Freedom Riders Rally at FDA Headquarters

                                        By Pete Kennedy, Esq.
                                        Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund

                                        On November 1, a group of mothers who feed their children raw milk and others who oppose the FDA’s enforcement actions against the distribution of raw dairy products will hold a demonstration outside the agency’s headquarters in Silver Spring, Maryland. The rally will protest […]

                                        Raw Milk crackdown went too far

                                        By Stuart Pfeifer
                                        Los Angeles Times

                                        The bust had all the makings of a major criminal investigation. Ten law enforcement and regulatory agencies dedicated hundreds of hours of personnel to track the suspects. They used high-tech video equipment hidden on a utility pole for round-the-clock surveillance and undercover agents to make covert buys.
                                        Defense attorneys […]