After Seeing Great Success, Spain Approves Ozone Therapy for COVID19 Patients

    The Nuestra Señora del Rosario Polyclinica in Ibiza is the first in Spain to use the Ozone technique in treating Covid-19 patients, with success. In a press release the clinic said: “Many patients who were about to be intubated and connected to mechanical ventilation have, thanks to ozone therapy, not only avoided it but improved to the point of not requiring oxygen with just a few treatment sessions.” The clinic also stated that they are seeing improvements in patients after just ‘2 or 3 treatment sessions’. Ozone therapy has the benefit of improving oxygenation at the tissue level and therefore reduces the inflammatory response suffered by patients. At the Santa María della Misericordia University Hospital in Udine, Italy, 36 patients with Covid-19 pneumonia who had respiratory failure were administered Ozone therapy. Only 3% required intubation compared to the usual 15%. There is a high mortality of intubated patients and given a fifth were spared intubation; it is an achievement to highlight. There are also four clinical trials underway in China and the provisional results could not be more hopeful. “In Spain, only we have begun to administer it with the mandatory authorisation of the Quality Committee of the hospital centre, and the results have been spectacular,” says Dr. Alberto Hernández, Assistant Physician for Anaesthesia and Resuscitation at the Nuestra Señora del Rosario Polyclinic in Ibiza. “We have registered a clinical trial, but we need to tell the world that Ozone is a very effective and beneficial therapy in these patients and that we must immediately incorporate it into the treatment of these patients.” Dr. José Baeza, President of the Spanish Society of Ozone Therapy and Vice President of the World Federation of Ozone Therapy, states that: “Given the absence of an effective treatment or a vaccine and in the context of the current health emergency, all hospitalised patients should receive Ozone therapy as the clear benefit is evident, and Ozone therapy has no significant side effects.”

      Dr. Rowen: Ozone REVERSES Critically Ill COVID Patients in China, and VERY RAPIDLY

      Just Received. Ozone REVERSES Critically Ill COVID Patients in China, and VERY RAPIDLY. If I were given a chance, I strongly believe we could end this nightmare in a few weeks and restore the economy. There is a cure out there for COVID. Fast, simple, Essentially 100% safe. And depending on method used, can be quite cheap. So far, every patient I have heard about who has received ozone therapy for this disease has recovered, including the two critically ill patients here.

        Ozone Treatment: A Real Remedy for the Coronavirus Panic

        As I write this, the world is in a state of panic over non-stop news reports and government lock downs across the globe over the spreading COVID-19 disease, caused by a “novel” strain of coronavirus (now termed SARS-CoV-2). Tragically, what the news reports fail to convey is that you have the means to protect yourself and your loved ones with a “novel” treatment one can do at home.

          California Doctor Reports Hospitals in China are Open to Ozone Treatments to Fight Coronavirus

          Folks, the coronavirus outbreak is worsening. Tens of millions in China are on lockdown. There are outbreaks in the USA and quarantines on military bases. The disease process seems to be getting clearer. This disease can take the young and healthy. It spreads very rapidly and quickly. The death rate in clusters has been as high as 4% but seems to be in the 2% range. It can be transmitted long before symptoms appear. The N.Y. Times article cites medical journals’ (considered "prestigious") reports on this virus, and the director of the NIH. For your information, the manuscript I posted on my office website was improved, and totally referenced, and submitted to these journals for publication as commentary. No interest. It was also forwarded to the same head of the NIH. No response. It was sent to the Chinese embassy in DC. There, I did get a response from a health person who promised to transmit it to the mainland. I have contacts in China. The situation is so bad that hospitals are at last open to ozone therapy and the 10-pass technique in an effort to save lives.

            Ozone Therapy’s Cost Effective Use in Treating Corona Virus

            Many viruses require reduced sulfhydryl groups for cell fusion and entry. Corona viruses are rich in cysteine, which residues must be intact for viral activity. Sulfhydryl groups are vulnerable to oxidation. Ozone therapy, a very inexpensive and safe modality, may safely exploit this critical vulnerability in many viruses, inclusive of corona virus. Corona virus is rapidly exploding in China. There is real threat of a global epidemic with an easily transmissible disease, with a significant morbidity and mortality, now, if not in the future. Regarding this virus, it carries a several days incubation period , infected people will escape simple detection by temperature, permitting rapid global transmission. As of this writing, China has millions on lock down. Medicine has little in its arsenal for viral disease and its arsenal for bacterial infection is waning as well. This hardy virus may have a soft underbelly easily and safely exploitable with ozone therapy. The world already has a most inexpensive, safe, and likely effective remedy for deadly viral diseases, which exploits their redox vulnerability at critical membrane cysteine sites. Ozone therapy could be easily deployed worldwide. This epidemic could provide a means to study ozone therapy very ethically by treating seriously ill patients, who might otherwise expire, with ozone therapy under the auspices of the institution’s review board. Governments should take notice.

              Ozone Therapy Being Used for Complex Regional Pain Syndrome

              I am really happy to let you know that I have published another paper in peer review medical literature on ozone therapy, this time for pain, and with Howard Robins as co-author. To the best of my memory, leaving out palliative pain relief for cancer, I haven not written a single original prescription for narcotics in over 2 decades. Nor have I written prescriptions for NSAID drugs, which I also consider dangerous. Read this short paper and it will help you understand why.

                Treating Lyme Disease Successfully with Ozone Therapy

                I have an interesting clinical case for you today. Another Lyme case. Lyme is the disease Australian authorities do not believe exists, and will persecute doctors for treating it. Meanwhile our CDC says it’s a horrific epidemic, warns against new ticks, and says at least 300,000 Americans are coming down with the disease every year. This is scientific medicine! One country doesn’t want to pay for it and denies its existence. The other does recognize its presence. I lived this lunacy. In Alaska, the local medical societies VOTED that chelation for metals was fraudulent and mercury amalgam removal from teeth was fraud. Imagine if their efforts to purge me was successful and just 15 years later they were PROVEN wrong in the medical literature (which was already available at the time, if they were not so dogmatically wedded to Pharma). In our country Lyme is a major problem. MAJOR. It is difficult to treat. It is difficult to diagnose. A negative lab test means nothing. Most treatments are antibiotics. These carry a very significant risk of temporarily or permanently messing you up. And, from the cases I’ve seen, most will relapse. Lyme disease, a bane of conventional medicine, is now our favorite problem to treat as patients go from despair to hope. I could not bring myself to video this patient last week as she looked beyond depressed and fatigued. When I saw her being treated today, there was a smile on her face from ear to ear and a bright facial glow.

                  Study: Ozone Therapy Cures Severe and Life Threatening Autoimmune Disease

                  I’m really happy to let you know that a very interesting case report and review of mine has just been published in a highly indexed peer review journal. It’s entitled "Remission of aggressive autoimmune disease (dermatomyositis) with removal of infective jaw pathology and ozone therapy: review and case report." This paper details a man with severe and life threatening autoimmune disease unresponsive to 4 toxic immunosuppressive drugs, including massive doses of prednisone. I evaluated him differently than conventional doctors would do. His disease, “dermatomyositis” is a description only, telling you it involves inflammation of the skin and muscles. Conventional medicine stops there and treats with powerful and possibly crippling drugs. The integrative doctor looks for causes. I found causes in his mouth/jaw: hidden and asymptomatic infection. Find the cause and the patient can be relieved of disease without a lifetime, and life shortening concoction of poisonous drugs. This is an interesting case report and review of the dental connection to disease, and ozone therapy as a modulator of inflammation. His immunosuppressive drugs were taking him down. Ozone therapy kept him actually productive and working despite his life threatening disease process. Please look at the photos of this patient before and after. Extremely powerful visual story.

                    Study: Chemo Not Necessary for 70% of Breast Cancer Victims

                    The results of a 10,000 plus breast cancer patient prospective (follow-up) study demonstrated that many women can refuse chemotherapy without lowering their survival risk. Dr. Robert Rowen commented on the study via his Facebook page: "This will be significant for some 70,000 American women who otherwise would be placed in a locked train to chemotherapy land. I can't tell you how many women I've seen who were told, immediately after the positive biopsy, that they must get chemotherapy. And they truly suffered." This study was published in the New England Journal of Medicine the same day it was announced at an American Society of Clinical Oncology in Chicago, June 18, 2018, where Dr. Kathy Albain announced: "With results of this groundbreaking study, we now can safely avoid chemotherapy in about 70 percent of patients who are diagnosed with the most common form of breast cancer. For countless women and their doctors, the days of uncertainty are over."

                      Dr. Rowen: A Stunning Ozone Miracle, Perhaps the Most Dramatic of my Career

                      I’d like to share with you one of the most remarkable results with an ozone injection I’ve ever seen. This lady traveled to us from Maryland. Her father joined her, coming from Guinea Africa for his own challenges. He lost many friends in the West Africa Ebola epidemic. His nurse wife has seen my YouTube videos and through them taught herself how to administer simply ear and water ozone. She has cured many cases of malaria, stroke, infection, and other serious conditions with these simple and non-invasive methods. Kora has a serious genetic bleeding disorder. Injections are risky for her. She knows/knew this and openly requested and signed an ironclad waiver, since she was in horrible pain and neuropathy from sciatic nerve root compression, having been through 3 failed disc surgeries, with L5-S1 disc pinching spinal nerves. She has had foot drop (serious condition). Loss of sensation in lower R [right] leg and foot, pins and needles, muscle atrophy, inability to walk on heels and walk normally. She has been treated with IV narcotics, oral narcotics and every sort of pain reliever, and toxic antidepressants. She is a medical assistant and quite savvy. I did not expect what we saw – 100% relief of all the symptoms of physically impinged nerves in her spinal canal from the disc disease.

                        American Doctor Kicked out of Africa for Healing Ebola with Ozone Therapy Instrumental in Creating International “Ozone Without Borders”

                        In April 2018, a non-profit humanitarian international NGO (non-government organization) was formed called Ozone Without Borders (OWB). This newly formed NGO has ozone and other oxygen therapies as its cornerstone for educating about and applying non-pharmaceutical treatments without discrimination from medical monopoly agents. American Dr. Robert Rowen, an ozone therapy specialist, was instrumental in the organization's formation. In October of 2014, Dr. Rowen and his colleague, Dr. Howard Robins gathered up donated medical ozone producing equipment and headed into the internationally highly-publicized epicenter of an Ebola breakout, Sierra Leone, a small nation on the western coast of Africa, at their own risk and cost. He immediately sought to train some of the local doctors treating Ebola victims. A few had already become infected themselves, and they were the first to be offered ozone therapies. Immediate positive results were observed within 48 hours. Three victims with confirmed to have recovered completely and an infected fourth who was asymptomatic did not succumb to the disease. Despite these early successes, the Sierra Leone Minister of Health decreed the Rowen/Robins project be halted, and condemned some of the doctors. Apparently, inexpensive and effective ozone therapy which cannot be patented was a threat to Big Pharma and their desire to develop Ebola drugs and vaccines. They were ordered not to treat patients anywhere in Africa. As a result, in what Dr. Rowen claims was a "crime against humanity", many people died.