Why You Cannot Trust the Mainstream Media for Accurate Vaccine News: Measles Vaccine Coverup

    I think 2015 will be known as the year that the mainstream media completely sold their souls to the pharmaceutical industry to increase the market for the measles vaccine. From the Disneyland "outbreak" to the most recent story of how the first woman "to die from the measles in 12 years," we are told by the media that "anti-vaxxers" are to blame. Hence, many states are now rushing to pass legislation to mandate vaccines and completely remove any last vestiges of medical freedom in the United States. Medical tyranny is here, and it may not be long before the United States becomes a medical Police State. So if you want to know the truth regarding the woman who reportedly died from measles, you need to turn to the alternative media. Here are a few good articles giving the facts that the mainstream media is not reporting.

      Merck’s Sales Soar on Measles Vaccine After Disney Outbreak

      Bloomberg announced this week that Merck's MMR vaccine sales more than quadrupled after the California Disney measles outbreak. Of course, there is no single measles vaccine currently on the market, and one has to purchase the MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) vaccine which is a 3 in 1 combo vaccine. Merck has been involved in a long federal lawsuit with allegations of fraud over the mumps portion of the MMR vaccine, in a case filed back in 2010 by two whistleblowers, virologists who worked for Merck. There is also evidence that the MMR vaccine is killing more people than the measles virus, as there have been no deaths associated with measles according to the CDC, while there have been 108 deaths reported after the measles vaccine in the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). In addition, reports show that between 50% and 86% of those who came down with measles in the Disney outbreak were actually already vaccinated. None of that matters to Merck, obviously, as sales of the measles vaccine grew by over 24% during the first quarter of 2015.

        Is Mandatory Poor Health the New Requirement for All Americans?

        What if it is true that childhood exposure to the wild measles virus is not a threat to health, but a required step in the development of a strong immune system? What if it is true that the process of developing an immune system that is strong enough to resist cancer and other diseases requires that we develop natural immunity to contagious childhood illnesses such as measles? What if it is true that genetically modified food and Roundup chemicals are actually creating conditions in the human digestive system where disease pathogens can flourish and cause systemic illness? What if it is true that mothers need childhood measles exposure to provide their infant children with measles immunity while the babies nurse? What if it is really true that the greatest cause of modern illness is chemical agriculture and pharmaceutical products such as vaccines, and not genetics? What if all these statements are true – as I believe they are, then what are we to do? I believe we must continue to claim our right to control what is done to our bodies and to the bodies of our children. The right to healthcare begins with healthcare freedom, and not with health insurance!

          Dr. Michael Elice M.D. – Media Promoting Medical Harm to Our Children

          As a board certified pediatrician, I took the same oath as all physicians, “to do no harm.” The latest media presentation of the measles outbreak at Disneyland as a result of unvaccinated children is very upsetting to me. We are being fed information that is essentially inaccurate by media journalists - none of whom have medical degrees - which may actually be promoting medical harm to our children. The latest reports blaming a failure of the measles vaccine on the unvaccinated population are not accurate, and in some reports, not true at all. In fact, over the past 30 years, there have been similar numbers of measles cases reported in various areas of the United States. Studies published in leading medical journals, such as the New England Journal of Medicine, American Journal of Epidemiology, American Journal of Public Health and others around the world have confirmed small numbers, 75-140 cases of measles annually. So why then is the latest statistic of over 90 cases of measles spread over 14 states, representing tens of millions of people being billed as an epidemic?

            Why is the Mainstream Media Ignoring Measles Vaccine Fraud Cases?

            The measles outbreaks and measles vaccines are a hot topic of debate currently raging in both the mainstream and alternative media. However, it would appear that the mainstream media's reporting on this issue is leaving out some very important facts that for some reason they do not seem to want to report. Given the severity of the issue and the current rhetoric, which includes some in the mainstream media calling for criminal prosecution and incarceration against parents who refuse the measles vaccine, it is very important that all the facts involving the measles vaccine are revealed to the public. Unfortunately, one topic in the discussion about measles vaccines that the mainstream media is completely ignoring is the fact that whistleblowers have come forward to reveal massive fraud connected with the current measles vaccine.

              Dr. Rowen: Measles Spread by those Vaccinated

              Worried about measles? If you are vaccinated, you should be. If you are my age, and were lucky enough to get wild measles, you needn’t worry at all. Measles has been quite stubborn to be wiped out. In China, in one province, 99% of children are vaccinated but measles runs strong. You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to figure that one out. Clearly measles vaccine doesn’t work as advertised. In fact, in our own country, outbreak after outbreak has occurred in what has been called a fully vaccinated population. Vaccine immunity has been shown to wane with time. And sadly, current measles outbreaks are being blamed on parents who refuse to give immune damaging vaccines to their children, when Chinese and American data shows otherwise. You won’t hear the latter in the news though, but I will tell you!

                ZERO U.S. Measles Deaths in 10 Years, but Over 100 Measles Vaccine Deaths Reported

                With the measles and measles vaccine debate reaching a near frenzy on the Internet, it is always nice to throw some cold hard facts on the firestorm currently raging in the measles debate. So here are some easily verifiable facts regarding deaths due to measles in the United States for the past 10 years, and deaths due to measles vaccines during the same 10 year period: According to U.S. Government sources, there have been ZERO measles deaths during the past 10 years, but over 100 deaths reported due to the measles vaccine.

                  UCLA Medical Center Pediatrician: Let Parents Choose on Measles Vaccine

                  A pediatrician in Southern California, who is a faculty member at UCLA Medical Center and Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, was recently interviewed by CBS News regarding the recent measles outbreaks. He admitted that more than half his patients have either refused the measles vaccine (only available in a three-vaccine combo as MMR, measles, mumps, rubella), or delayed getting it. He stated that he did not believe that measles posed any risk for healthy children.

                    The Truth About Measles the Mainstream Media is Suppressing

                    Current measles outbreaks in California are dominating mainstream media stories all across the U.S. at present. So it is time to re-publish some facts about measles and the measles vaccine that the mainstream media does not seem to want to publish. Here at Health Impact News we have received requests to interview "parents who are anti-vaccine." Our response is: "Why? Why don't you interview medical doctors who are anti-vaccine?" The truth is that medical doctors who are opposed to vaccines do not fit their agenda, or the agenda of their advertisers, which includes the very powerful pharmaceutical industry. Thus, you will almost never hear an interview with such articulate physicians such as Dr. Sherri Tenpenny or Dr. Suzanne Humphries in the mainstream media. We provide two such interviews, one with each doctor.

                      Outspoken Vaccine Advocate States Measles Vaccine Can’t Prevent Measles Outbreaks

                      Longtime MMR vaccine advocate Dr. Gregory Poland now says the measles-containing MMR shot often fails to protect against measles and that recently reported measles outbreaks in highly vaccinated societies occurs primarily among those previously vaccinated. The MMR vaccine is unlikely to eradicate measles globally because even after two doses, nearly 10 percent of children do not have vaccine strain measles antibodies. Most Americans born before 1957 experienced measles and have naturally acquired immunity, which allowed women to pass antibodies on to their babies to protect them from measles during the first year of life. Things have definitely changed in the past 60 years. Because vaccine antibodies are different from naturally acquired measles antibodies, young vaccinated moms today cannot give longer lasting naturally acquired measles antibodies to their newborns. Vaccines simply do not confer the same kind of long lasting immunity that is obtained from experiencing and recovering from the natural disease. The MMR vaccine is not without risk, and doctors seldom warn of these risks. A documented serious side effect of vaccination, including smallpox, rabies, pertussis and MMR vaccine, is encephalitis (inflammation of the brain), which can lead to permanent brain damage. In 2012, the Italian Health Ministry conceded that the MMR vaccine caused autism in a now 11-year-old boy. The judge ruled the boy had "been damaged by irreversible complications due to vaccination (prophylaxis trivalent MMR)." Serious, permanent, and sometimes fatal reactions can and do occur, with more frequency than you might think.

                        The Measles Vaccine Failure the U.S. Media is not Covering

                        Once again, we must turn to media outlets outside the U.S. to get straight facts concerning vaccines. The U.S. mainstream media only publishes one side of the vaccine debate and tries hard to squash any negative publicity regarding vaccines. We have previously reported how even local media sources in the U.S. are now reporting the truth about whooping cough outbreaks, since so many pertussis outbreaks are happening across the nation among fully vaccinated children, clearly showing that the vaccine is no longer effective. In spite of this well-documented fact that the whooping cough vaccine is a failure, it remains in the vaccine schedule and unvaccinated children are wrongly blamed for the outbreaks. In addition to whooping cough, measles is also making a comeback with new outbreaks, and again, the U.S. mainstream media is blaming unvaccinated children. But the failures of the measles vaccine are also well documented. Lawrence Solomon, the research director of the Consumer Policy Institute in Canada, recently wrote a series of articles exposing the faults of the measles vaccine that were published in the Financial Post. This is the other side of the measles story. One that is well-documented, but censored in the U.S. media.

                          Are Unvaccinated People Being Wrongly Blamed for New Outbreaks that are due to Faulty Vaccines?

                          Almost every time an outbreak of a disease occurs in the U.S. for which a vaccine exists, people who refuse vaccines are automatically blamed for the outbreaks. Unfortunately, this blame is based on belief in doctrine more than on data and science. Most of the world's top vaccine manufacturers are based out of the U.S. and heavily invest in advertising in the mainstream media. Therefore, questioning the effectiveness of vaccines is seldom, if ever, covered in the U.S. media. So once again, we turn to media outside the U.S. to find news questioning the effectiveness of vaccines. I am not referring to the alternative media that takes an anti-vaccine stance (as we do), but pro-vaccine mainstream media that generally accepts the standard dogma regarding vaccines, but notices they don't always work as advertised, and actually report on it. Two studies were published this past week, one in Europe and one in Australia, reporting how whooping cough and measles outbreaks were occurring in populations of those already vaccinated.

                            No Polio in the Philippines Since 1993, But Mass Polio Vaccination Program Targeted for 500,000 Typhoon Victims Under Age 5

                            In spite of the fact that there have been no cases of polio in the Philippines since 1993, WHO and UNICEF are taking advantage of the typhoon tragedy to spread their vaccine program into the Philippines, administering the highly controversial and dangerous oral live attenuated polio vaccine, which is no longer used in the U.S., but is still common in poorer countries. 30,000 children have already been vaccinated in an extraordinary effort in the typhoon aftermath, and 500,000 children under the age of five are targeted for the live polio vaccine and the measles vaccine. Will the Philippines now be added to the list of countries where UNICEF works that sees an increase in infant mortality under the age of five? How many Filipino children will now be sacrificed for the vaccine cause, in a country that has no polio and where measles has been declining and is rare?

                              Six Lies Mainstream Media is Printing about Kenneth Copeland Church and Measles Outbreak – Here’s the Truth

                              Eagle Mountain International Church and the Kenneth Copeland Ministries has been attacked by the mainstream media this past week because 21 of its members were found to have measles. The mainstream media, heavily influenced by Big Pharma, wasted no time in seizing the opportunity to use this event as a means to promote the pro-vaccine dogma. The problem is that in order for them to do so, they had to twist the facts and actually lie. So to set the record straight on facts that are easily verifiable by anyone willing to take some time to do a simple Internet search, let's expose these lies of the mainstream media in trying to promote the vaccine agenda via this story.

                                MMR Vaccination’s Abject Failure in Measles and Mumps

                                Those who suggest that the unvaccinated are responsible for people with weak immune systems ignore the fact that even the vaccinated succumb to the diseases. They ignore the fact that their vaunted herd immunity has never been shown to work. It’s nothing but a theory, and the goal posts for it keep getting pushed farther out. They presume to have the ethical right to force the risk of harm on some to protect others. But they never explain why those others are more deserving of protection than the innocent child who is sacrificed on the altar of herd immunity.

                                  Is the Measles Vaccine the CAUSE of Measles Outbreak in Pakistan?

                                  "He said that there was an urgent need to study the epidemiology of the disease, as more than 50 per cent of the children brought to the hospital were those who had already been vaccinated against measles."

                                    Parent of Two Children in Dr. Andrew Wakefield Lancet Study Speaks Out

                                    I, as a parent of two children in the Lancet study, have had to speak out about the vicious attacks on Dr. Andrew Wakefield by his own government, the US government and the media blaming him for the measles outbreak in Wales. It's time the spotlight was turned on Dr. Salisbury.

                                      Well-managed Natural Infectious Diseases are Beneficial for Children

                                      Having measles not only results in life-long specific immunity to measles, but also in life-long non-specific immunity to degenerative diseases of bone and cartilage, sebaceous skin diseases, immunoreactive diseases and certain tumours.

                                        Outbreaks of Measles in Vaccinated Children Intensifying

                                        The ineffectiveness of vaccination indicate that the incidence of measles has increased and has not continued decreasing as it did for some 100 years before any type of measles vaccination was introduced.