FDA Sharing Patients’ Private Medical Records in Order to Harass Integrative Doctors

It appears that the FDA is working with state medical boards behind the scenes -- sometimes in violation of the law. Professional medical boards are launching investigative actions against integrative physicians not because of patient complaints, but because of materials forwarded to them by the FDA before they are made public. These boards are treating the FDA documents as if they were formal complaints. In other words, the US Food and Drug Administration, which is barred from interfering with the practice of medicine, is in fact deliberately but secretly ignoring the rules -- something practitioners and consumers alike need to be warned about.

Gulf War Vet and Wife Lose Children to CPS because Doctor Prescribed Medical Marijuana for Headaches

This is a very sad story of how one family lost custody of their children for a whole year simply because the father was using marijuana, legally prescribed by a doctor, to treat his headaches that he says were the result of all the chemicals he was exposed to while serving his country in the Gulf War. Active duty military personnel are also subjected to many vaccines not used in the general public. Child Protection Services in San Diego removed the children from their home and their parents, and it took the parents a year to get them back. It is quite ironic to think of how many parents today have medicine cabinets full of toxic "legal" prescription drugs which have far more serious side effects than marijuana, and yet would never come under suspicion of Child Protection Services, as this would probably constitute the majority of American families in the U.S. today. It is not surprising that this Gulf War veteran found a doctor to prescribe marijuana for his headaches in San Diego, since the University of California in San Diego has a center for the "Medicinal Cannabis Research" which conducts clinical research on marijuana. An Oncology physician in San Diego who has studied marijuana states that it contains: "anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, and probably anti-cancer compounds in it." He prescribes marijuana for his cancer patients for "their loss of appetite, nausea, pain, depression, and insomnia." He says this one drug, marijuana, can replace 5 prescription drugs.

Children Seized in Shocking Raid on Homeschool Family

The privacy of our families and the right to educate our own children is seen as a threat to many in government authority. The goal to vaccinate every child in the U.S., for example, runs into a road block with homeschool families as they are not part of "the system." Germany is the only western country that does not allow homeschooling. The ban on homeschooling began with a Nazi law passed in 1938, and the European Human Rights Court upheld that ban in 2006. Earlier this year, the Obama administration decided to challenge the legal asylum of a German homeschool family here in the U.S. Now comes a new story of a peaceful homeschool family in Germany who had all four of their children, ages 4 to 17, force-ably removed from their home in a military style raid.

How Child “Protection” Services is Legally Abducting Children in the U.S.

Child Protection Services (CPS) across the United States is legally abducting children from parents through a profit motive, and placing them into the foster care system. The right to legal counsel, your Miranda rights, the right to a speedy jury trial, are American rights protected by our Constitution. But not in family court, where a single judge can decide whether or not you are a fit parent. CPS services "protecting" children today has become a $29.4 billion dollar industry. CPS has more power today than the police, sheriff, or FBI, as they can come into your home and remove your child without a search warrant or court order. Someone who doesn't like you, for any reason, can make a phone call and provide an anonymous "tip" with the result of you losing your children. Children are being taken away from parents today with no warrant and no jury trial for things such as: refusing vaccines, being overweight, being underweight, refusing to drink fluorinated water, eating organic food, and more.

United Nations Monitors Your Interaction with Alternative News Sources that Oppose Vaccines

The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) has been monitoring independent health sites and their users in an attempt to identify 'anti-vaccine influencers' and their effect on lackluster vaccine sales. If you have visited one of the following websites or Facebook Pages, the United Nations has been monitoring you to find out how they can stop people from refusing vaccines: GreenMedInfo.com, Mercola.com, Vactruth.com, Mothering.com, Dr. Tenpenny on Vaccines, Thinking Moms' Revolution, The Refusers, Natural News, Worldtruth.tv, Cafemom.com, VaccineInjury.info, EverydayHealth.org, LeftBrain/RightBrain, Zen Gardner – Just Wondering

Six Lies Mainstream Media is Printing about Kenneth Copeland Church and Measles Outbreak – Here’s the Truth

Eagle Mountain International Church and the Kenneth Copeland Ministries has been attacked by the mainstream media this past week because 21 of its members were found to have measles. The mainstream media, heavily influenced by Big Pharma, wasted no time in seizing the opportunity to use this event as a means to promote the pro-vaccine dogma. The problem is that in order for them to do so, they had to twist the facts and actually lie. So to set the record straight on facts that are easily verifiable by anyone willing to take some time to do a simple Internet search, let's expose these lies of the mainstream media in trying to promote the vaccine agenda via this story.

FDA Attempting to Restrict Medical Foods

Want to manage your diabetes through medicinal foods? The FDA says no. “Medical foods,” by federal definition, aren't simply a diet plan prescribed by a doctor. They are foods that are specifically formulated and processed for a sick patient. They form a separate category from conventional foods and dietary supplements in that they are intended to meet specific nutritional requirements for the management of a disease or condition, and are used under medical supervision. The FDA has just issued an updated draft guidance on medical foods, and this new version drastically limits the number of medical conditions that medical foods can be used to manage. What we need are better medical foods, not the elimination of them.

Pharmaceutical Companies Want to Eliminate Natural Thyroid Hormone with New Law

Patients need access to compounded thyroid extract, not just the synthetic and incomplete version. A new clinical trial has found that hypothyroid patients prefer natural, full-spectrum desiccated thyroid extract (DTE) to T4-only preparations.There is a bill moving through Congress to outlaw certain compounded medications. This bill is a blatant move by pharmaceutical companies to eliminate the competition from compounding pharmacies and force people to buy the mass-marketed version of the drugs. That would mean that in the event of future shortages of DTE, people might be forced to switch to the T4-only preparations that leave so many patients with unresolved symptoms.

Heart Surgery in India for $1,583 Costs $106,385 in U.S.

The US spends more on health care than the next 10 biggest spenders combined, while ranking last in terms of quality of care among industrialized countries. About 600,000 Americans travel abroad to receive lower-cost medical care every year, and this number is growing by about 20 percent annually. Americans are being overcharged for often sub-par medical care, as well as given unnecessary tests and procedures alarmingly often.

Baby Deer at No-Kill Shelter Executed by DNR as “Wild Animal” for Fear of Potential Disease

Is the United States moving closer to "medical tyranny"? Here is another shocking story of unnecessary government police action resulting in the use of deadly force and unnecessary death all in the name of "health safety." We are seeing these types of stories of forceful government intrusion into the private lives of peaceful citizens far too often these days! In almost all these cases, it is the result of what the government deems is proper action in regards to private health decisions, all in the name of "protecting the public," and sometimes even protecting someone in the public sector from themselves, which was not considered a legitimate use of government force by our founding fathers. Who is going to protect us from these unnecessary forceful actions taken by the government? Is the United States heading towards medical tyranny by enforcing upon peaceful citizens what it deems is proper medical treatment, taking away our freedom to choose which foods we eat, and the freedom to raise our own food all in the name of public health? While these freedoms have been a part of our national heritage since the founding of our country, they are often a financial threat to certain industries that control the medical system and the industrial food supply.