Will Big Pharma and FDA Soon Move to Regulate Mother’s Raw Breast Milk?

Online groups of moms sharing their breast milk with those who cannot breast feed their babies has flourished in recent times. A recent study by a professor of Pediatrics at a hospital concluded that raw fresh breast milk was more dangerous than pasteurized breast milk, even though there is not one single instance of a baby ever getting sick from drinking raw breast milk from such groups. Could the FDA be getting ready to move in and regulate raw breast milk, "protecting" children from these dangerous mothers?

Home Schooled Children Healthier Than Traditionally Schooled Kids

The results of a recent study show kids that are home-schooled are leaner than kids attending traditional schools. The results challenge the theory that children spending more time at home may be at risk for excessive weight gain. The study was published in the journal Obesity and conducted by researchers from University of Colorado's Anschutz Health and Wellness Center (AHWC) and University of Alabama at Birmingham. It looked at both home-schooled and traditionally-schooled children between the ages of seven and 12 in Birmingham. Participants and their parents reported diet, the kids' physical activity was monitored and they were measured for body fat, among other things. "Based on previous research, we went into this study thinking home-schooled children would be heavier and less active than kids attending traditional schools," said Michelle Cardel, PhD, RD, the study's lead author. "We found the opposite."

High Court Orders Two Sisters Must Receive MMR Vaccine Even Though They and Their Mother Do not Want It

A judge in the U.K. has ruled that two children, ages 15 and 11, must be forced to receive the MMR vaccine even though they and their mother do not want it. The judge stated: "I am aware that this is against the girls' wishes but that that it is not the only factor," she wrote. "The court also has to consider their level of understanding of the issues involved and what factors have influenced their views. I do not consider there is a balanced level of understanding by them of the issues involved."

10 Year Old Amish Girl Taken Away from Parents for Refusing Chemotherapy by Ohio Hospital

In the United States of America, only FDA approved drugs are allowed to treat cancer. Cancer is the most lucrative product the medical industry has. Empowered by the government, the pharmaceutical companies have developed a monopoly on cures in the United States, particularly cancer cures. If you dare to stand in their way, they will do anything they can to crush you. If you think that I am exaggerating, just ask Dr. Burzynski in Texas, who has fought possibly the most convoluted and intriguing legal battle against the Food & Drug Administration in American history, as they tried to shut him down. Children all across America are being ripped away from their parents for opposing Big Pharma and their monopoly on "cures," which are almost 100% patented toxic drugs that often do not cure at all. Here is one more story of how an Ohio hospital has won a court decision to take legal custody of a 10-year-old Amish girl because their parents chose to stop using toxic drugs that were destroying her. Medical tyranny is a reality today in the United States of America.

When Medically Effective, Non-mainstream Doctors Lose Their Licenses

Sometimes, the most brilliant, innovative and caring of doctors find themselves ‘struck off’ or ‘erased’ from the medical register – sometimes repeatedly – simply for stepping outside mainstream practise. Today, we bring you some examples of physicians whose careers have been interrupted or ended in a seeming bid to send a message to the rest of the profession: maintain the paradigm – or else.

A New Front Opens in the Battle to Protect Health Choice in the US

In new trade talks between the US and the European Union, we need to make sure “harmonization” doesn't make our supplement laws like theirs. Last March, the Obama Administration announced its intention to enter into Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) negotiations with the European Union (EU) to increase trade and investment between the two regions. According to the White House fact sheet, the goal of the negotiations is to boost economic growth in the US and EU, and increase jobs supported by transatlantic trade and investment. One of their stated aims is to reduce costly “behind the border” non-tariff barriers that impede the flow of goods, including agricultural goods. What we do not want to see a threat develop to our access to a wide range of higher-dose supplements or to legitimate health claims on products. With increasing harmonization of laws worldwide, it is important for us to fight back against inappropriate regulation of natural products among our trading partners. Inevitably, our regulatory agencies will come under pressure to conform, when trading partners adopt more restrictive policies.

Child Denied Education for Refusing Vaccines Despite Doctor’s Advice That Vaccines Could Kill Her

My doctor says vaccines could kill my daughter. NYS kicked her out of school because I won’t risk her life by vaccinating her. I have filed a lawsuit against a government that wants to put my six-year-old’s life at risk. Here is our story:

95 Year Old WWII Vet Refuses to go to Hospital for Urinary Tract Infection, so Police Shoot and Kill Him

John Wrana was reportedly suffering from a urinary tract infection, and paramedics arrived to transport him to a hospital. Mr. Wrana refused to go, so the paramedics reportedly called the police, who showed up in riot gear. When Mr. Wrana continued to refuse transport to the hospital, they shot him with a stun gun. He still refused, so they reportedly shot him in the stomach with a bean bag round from a shot gun - three times. He was reportedly sitting down at the time, and friends have testified that Mr. Wrana was so wobbly on his feet that he needed a walker, and could be pushed down easily with little force he was so unstable. The family and their attorney want to know why this happened, as they have received no answers in over a month now, and no one has been held accountable.

FDA Seeks to Restrict Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Used in Cancer Treatment

Earlier this year we covered a new study conducted at the China Medical University in Taiwan showing how non-drug therapies such as the ketogenic diet and hyperbaric oxygen therapy were being used to cure cancer. So it should come as no surprise that the FDA, in an obvious effort to protect the lucrative drug market for treating cancer, has issued a statement saying that hyperbaric oxygen therapy is "not approved" by them for such treatment.

FDA Protects Big Pharma Products by Declaring that Silver Has No Therapeutic Value

While the FDA says that silver has no therapeutic value, in an effort to protect the interests of Big Pharma, the EPA, on the other hand, allows its widespread use as a germ killer in clothing, bedding, cosmetics, electric shavers, baby bottles, and food containers. Silver has been used as an antimicrobial for thousands of years—that’s why forks, spoons, and platters were traditionally made out of silver. Nanosilver sprang out of the new science of nanomaterials, which involves creating objects smaller than 100 nanometers. Objects this small can penetrate parts of the body that larger sizes of silver cannot and thus potentially increase silver’s antimicrobial effect. The difference between drug company products and silver is of course that the latter is natural. As such, it is not easily patented, and not being patentable, no one can afford to spend $1 billion on FDA approval. This is a scandalous situation. How many millions of people will have to die as a result?