U.S. Government Funds Study to Target Black Girls to Receive More Doses of the Deadly Gardasil Vaccine that Causes Infertility

    Brenda Baletti of Children's Health Defense (CHD) is reporting today that the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is funding research at Rutgers University on how to increase uptake of the human papillomavirus (HPV) Gardasil vaccine among Black adolescents, with a $600,000 three-year grant which will be administered by the National Cancer Institute (NCI). CHD allegedly received this information via a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request. We have extensively covered the deep corruption surrounding this horrible vaccine publishing hundreds of articles including heartbreaking personal stories of girls and young women who have died or been permanently crippled from the HPV vaccines. A search on the Health Impact News network for "HPV vaccine" will return over 500 articles over the past decade. French physician Dr. Dalbergue, who worked for Merck, the pharmaceutical company that produces Gardasil, previously stated that he thought the Gardasil vaccine would become the greatest medical scandal of all time. Gardasil is linked to heart disease (POTS) and many autoimmune diseases, as well as premature menopause, or “Primary Ovarian Failure." So many girls and young women have come forward in past years testifying how they trusted their doctor to get this vaccine in the hopes of preventing cervical cancer, only to find out that they now have Primary Ovarian Failure and will never be able to have children.

      More Women are Dying from Cervical Cancer Since the Gardasil Vaccine Was Introduced

      Prior to the COVID-19 experimental vaccines that were tested on the public with disastrous results, the HPV Gardasil vaccine was the #1 most-read topic on Health Impact News, as we have published literally hundreds of articles on this deadly vaccine that has destroyed so many lives. The Gardasil vaccine produced by Merck is advertised as a way to prevent cervical cancer by stopping the Human papillomavirus. The HPV vaccine causes autoimmune diseases as well as Primary Ovarian Failure making young girls infertile. And now, a new study from researchers at UCLA has revealed that late stage cervical cancer has actually been increasing since the Gardasil vaccine was launched.

        Merck Pushes Deadly Gardasil Vaccine on 9-Year-Olds to Increase Sales – Vaccine Known for Causing Infertility

        After slumping sales of their blockbuster HPV vaccine, Gardasil, during the COVID-19 plandemic, sales are now rebounding again, and Merck has now started a new ad campaign targeting 9-year-old children to increase sales of their deadly vaccine that has killed and injured so many young people over the years. One of the most devastating side effects of the Gardasil vaccine is premature menopause in young girls, making them infertile and unable to have children. Since Gardasil was approved by the FDA, there have been 70,854 cases filed in VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System) resulting in 605 deaths, and 3,411 permanent disabilities. This probably represents about 1% of the actual cases. Almost 50% of those cases (33,997 cases) were reported in children under the age of 17, in the 6-17 years old age group. When we break it down even further, it is easy to see why Merck is targeting 9-year-olds, the youngest age the vaccine is approved for, as 33,594 of the 33,997 cases for this age group are between the ages of 10 and 17. So this is purely a marketing strategy to grow their market by targeting the least vaccinated, the 9-year-olds, for a virus that is only transmitted among those sexually active. Prior to COVID-19 being forced upon the world to justify the COVID-19 vaccines, many doctors stated that Gardasil was the greatest medical scandal of all time, and there is no evidence whatsoever that a vaccine that targets an alleged "virus" can stop cancer. This negative information about Gardasil has been known for years, but the official position of the corporate-run media and Big Pharma is that this is “fake news,” and all the doctors, and all the scientists who have spoken out against this vaccine have been censored by them, or they have been labeled “quacks” if their voices became too popular to suppress. For the new class of superstar medical doctors who are pro-vaccine but oppose the COVID-19 killer shots, I wonder what their stance is on Gardasil, which has been destroying the lives of our young people in the U.S. for over a decade now.

          Merck’s Gardasil Vaccine Continues to Kill and Maim Young Girls as Two New Lawsuits are Filed

          Prior to 2020 and the COVID Scam, the #1 most-read topic on the Health Impact News network, by far, was the Gardasil HPV vaccine, and the carnage this vaccine has caused in the U.S., and around the world. If you type in "Gardasil" into the search feature of Health Impact News, you will get a result of 475 articles we have published on this topic. Just one article, the story of Katie Robinson, as told by her mother and originally published on Sanevax.org, is the most-read article ever published on Health Impact News, having been read by many millions of people and shared over a million times on Facebook. Gardasil is back in the news this week, as Judicial Watch has reported on two new lawsuits filed against Merck by plaintiffs who were young teenage girls when they received the vaccines. Under U.S. law, vaccines approved by the FDA and part of the CDC recommended vaccine schedule for children are covered by the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, where the manufacturer of the vaccine cannot be sued. You have to sue the U.S. Government in their special "Vaccine Court." So the lawsuits against Merck, as the manufacturer of the vaccine, are limited to the fraud that was committed in bringing the product to market for FDA approval. And the evidence that Merck committed fraud in bringing Gardasil to market, along with the FDA and CDC committing fraud in approving it, is overwhelming.

            From “Academic Superstar” in 97th Percentile to Wheelchair and Bed Ridden After Gardasil Vaccine – Merck Being Sued for 4th Time by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

            “I want to warn kids of the terrible risks for this vaccine and let other injured girls know that they are not alone. The Gardasil vaccine stole my life. Before Gardasil, my future was filled with endless possibilities.” - Sahara Walker. Today, the national law firm of Baum Hedlund Aristei & Goldman and I filed our fourth Gardasil lawsuit against Merck, on behalf of Sahara Walker, 19, of Lake Mills, Wisconsin, who suffered debilitating injuries from the HPV vaccine. When she took the Gardasil jab at age 11, Sahara was happy, healthy, popular, athletic and an academic superstar who had just scored in the top 97th percentile of all Wisconsin students in math. Two days later, Sahara was vomiting and experiencing headaches, severe body aches, fevers and soul-crushing fatigue that made her sleep her days away. Within a month she was either bedridden or wheelchair bound.

              Scrubbed from Internet: History of Gates Foundation Sterilizing Hundreds of Thousands of Young Girls in India with HPV Vaccine

              In this explosive interview independent journalist Ben Swann interviews filmmaker Mikki Willis, who just recently released Plandemic 2. Mikki Willis, in his research for producing Plandemic, looked into the scandal in years past that occurred in India with the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation, and other groups that they funded, in developing and testing the HPV vaccine, which resulted in up to a half million young girls in India becoming sterile. Mr. Willis reveals that he began investigating this issue about 10 years ago, just prior to the birth of his first child, to better understand the history of vaccines. He was shocked to find out that many of the videos documenting this scandal in India had been scrubbed from the Internet, forcing him to go directly to sources in India to interview about what actually happened. Health Impact News has been publishing the crimes of Bill Gates and the HPV scandal for several years as well. After the Gardasil HPV scandal, according to Mr. Willis, India kicked Bill Gates and all of the organizations tied to him for vaccine research and development out of India. But today, they are apparently back in India testing COVID vaccines on unsuspecting poor people.

                Vaxxed Film Reveals Deaths and Injuries Caused by Vaccines by Interviewing the Victims – Gardasil Vaccine the Worst?

                With the current rush to fast-track a vaccine that will supposedly stop the Coronavirus, it is important to look at some of the history of vaccines, especially ones developed to supposedly stop viruses. Perhaps one of the most deadly and dangerous vaccines to ever hit the market in the U.S. is the Gardasil vaccine which supposedly targets a virus that is thought to cause cancer, the human papillomavirus (HPV). For the better part of the last decade, Health Impact News has published more stories of lives destroyed by the Gardasil HPV vaccine than any other single vaccine. We will list some of those stories at the end of this article. If you are new to investigating the vaccine issue because you have begun to question what the corporate media and Big Pharma want you to believe about vaccines without presenting any dissenting voices, then I highly recommend both of the Vaxxed films. Vaxxed I: From Cover-up to Catastrophe, is based on the story of a CDC whistleblower who has revealed corruption within the CDC Vaccine Program but never got a chance to testify in Congress. Vaxxed I premiered in 2016. Vaxxed II: The People's Truth, premiered in 2019 and is the result of Polly Tommey's bus tours during Vaxxed I where she interviewed over 7000 people across the country who told their vaccine stories to her. The following 22 minute clip from Vaxxed II highlights the HPV vaccine, and the numerous interviews by Polly during her bus tour across the U.S. of families who testified to the damaging effects of the Gardasil vaccine. Remember, this information about Gardasil has been known for years, but the official position of the corporate-run media and Big Pharma is that this is "fake news," and all the doctors, and all the scientists who have spoken out against this vaccine have been censored by them, or they have been labeled "quacks" if their voices became too popular to suppress. They don't want you to know this.

                  New Study Finds Gardasil HPV Vaccine Increased Serious Nervous System Disorders

                  A new study published in the open access Systematic Reviews journal titled Benefits and harms of the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccines: systematic review with meta-analyses of trial data from clinical study reports attempts to tackle the controversial vaccine.  Using clinical study reports obtained from the European Medicines Agency (EMA) and GlaxoSmithKline from 2014 to 2017, study authors Lars Jørgensen, Peter Gøtzsche and Tom Jefferson set forth to assess the benefits and harms of the HPV vaccine.  The researchers looked at twenty-four of 50 eligible clinical study reports containing 58,412 pages of 22 trials and 2 follow-up studies including 95,670 participants: 79,102 females and 16,568 males age 8–72.  The newly published research from Gøtzsche and co-authors found more of the same shoddy research behavior reporting: “Serious harms were incompletely reported for 72% of participants. Nearly all control participants received active comparators. No clinical study report included complete case report forms.”  Furthermore, the researchers found:  “the HPV vaccines increased serious nervous system disorders and general harms.”

                    New Illinois Bill Would Require 6th Graders in Public, Private, and Religious Schools to Get the Gardasil HPV Vaccine

                    A new proposed bill would require some Illinois students to get the HPV vaccine. The bill was filed by Rep. Robyn Gabel, D-Evanston, on Feb. 11. HB 4870 amends the Communicable Disease Prevention Act. A synopsis for the bill states, "the Department of Public Health shall adopt a rule requiring students, upon entering the sixth grade of any public, private, or parochial school, to receive the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination and requiring confirmation that the student has completed the series of HPV vaccinations upon entering the ninth grade of any public, private, or parochial school. Provides that the Department shall adopt the rule in time to allow students to receive the vaccination before the start of the school year beginning in 2022. Effective January 1, 2021."

                      Former CDC Head and Merck’s Current Vaccine Division President Julie Gerberding Sells $9.1 Million in Merck Pharmaceutical Shares as Gardasil Vaccine Gets Bad Press

                      SEC filings reveal that Merck’s Vaccine Division President Julie Gerberding sold over half her Merck shares in January for $9.1 Million. That transaction followed a spate of bad news for Merck’s flagship Gardasil vaccine. Last month, Cancer Research UK announced an alarming 54% rise in cervical cancer among 24-29-year-olds, the first generation to receive the HPV jabs. The following day, the Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine published a withering critique of Gardasil’s crooked clinical trials, “It is still uncertain whether human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination prevents cervical cancer as trials were not designed to detect this outcome.” As Gerberding knows, those trials revealed that Gardasil dramatically RAISES (by+44.6%) the risk of cervical cancer among women with a current infection or those previously exposed to HPV. Merck is now fighting existential fraud lawsuits on both the MMR and Gardasil vaccines, that threaten licensing for those key products. Fat rats are always the first to jump ship.

                        Study: No Evidence the HPV Vaccine Prevents Cervical Cancer – 54% Increase in Cervical Cancer in British 25 to 29-Year-Olds

                        Human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccines hit the global marketplace in the mid-2000s. From the start, public health agencies enthusiastically promoted HPV vaccination as the “best way to protect [young people] against certain types of cancer later in life.” However, a blistering new study by British researchers—and new data showing that cervical cancer rates are surging in British 25- to 29-year-olds—raise numerous questions about officials’ inflated claims. The study’s results indicate, instead, that the jury is still out on whether HPV vaccination is effective. The question is far from academic because, prior to Britain’s introduction of HPV vaccination in 2008, cervical cancer rates had been trending sharply downward. In fact, between the late 1980s and mid-2000s, cervical cancer rates halved. Now, Britain’s leading cancer research charity (Cancer Research UK) reports a steep 54% rise in cervical cancer in one of the very age groups that first received the vaccine.

                          The Gardasil HPV Vaccine Changed My Life Forever!

                          Ashley from San Jose, California was recently interviewed by Polly Tommey on the VAXXED II tour bus. Ashley was quite emotional when she saw all of the signatures on the bus, and Polly tells her that seeing the VAXXED bus and sitting in it is an emotional experience for most people. Ashley received the Gardasil vaccine when she was 20 years old, and immediately suffered pain. Soon afterwards, her monthly periods stopped. She also experienced some paralysis on the right side of her body. She tried to get help from medical doctors, but she was only recommended to get psychiatric help, as they did not believe her symptoms could be related to the vaccine. Even her family doubted her, and accused her of buying into "conspiracy theories." #getversed

                            Gardasil Ruined My Life #getversed

                            The VAXXED II tour bus has resumed interviewing victims of vaccine injuries in 2020. Polly Tommey interviewed a young woman in her 20s along with her mother who suffered life-changing side effects after receiving the Gardasil HPV vaccine. She started having seizures and had to quit her job. She was hospitalized on almost a weekly basis, and was vomiting 60 to 70 times a day, while gaining weight at the same time. She gained 50 lbs. the first year after being vaccinated with Gardasil.

                              Gardasil Vaccine Censorship Continues as Published Research Documenting Fertility Rates is Withdrawn

                              In June 2018, the Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A published my article “A lowered probability of pregnancy in females in the USA aged 25-29 who received a human papillomavirus vaccine injection”.  Data revealed that 60% of women who had not received the HPV vaccine had been pregnant at least once, while only 35% of HPV vaccine recipients had ever conceived.  The article detailed the statistical analysis as well as offered possible biological mechanisms for the results.  Three researchers peer-reviewed the article.  When the article first appeared, the editors eagerly promoted it by making it free.  By early December 2019, the number of downloads reached close to 24,000. On October 23, 2019, I received an email stating that academic publisher Taylor & Francis and Editor-in-Chief Dr. Sam Kacew had opened an investigation of the paper, based on “several public and private expressions of concern about flaws in analysis.”  They gave me two weeks to respond to comments from four post-publication reviewers, and I did so.  On December 10, 2019, I received an email from Taylor and Francis stating that despite my comments, the “concerns raised by the reviewers still stand,” and they were retracting the article.  Since the retraction, the number of downloads has increased to 24, 227. It is perhaps ironic that Taylor & Francis has just asked me to review an article for another journal. Evidently, Taylor & Francis first promoted me as an important and reliable researcher. Then they withdrew my article without detailed explanation. And now, just a few days later, once again treat me as an important and reliable researcher.

                                New York Vaccine Police State: Proposed Mandatory Gardasil Vaccine to Target Homeschoolers?

                                Given recent legislative actions in New York, as well as proposed new ones, to remove any exemptions to vaccines and mandate that all children must be vaccinated, the idea of New York becoming a vaccine police state is no longer a theory or warning. It is happening in full public view, thanks to what one lawmaker refers to as "the corruption in Albany." A new proposed bill in New York would mandate the HPV Gardasil vaccine as a requirement for school attendance, both private and public, including daycare. Parents who no longer can enroll their children in schools, whether public or private, due to the loss of religious and medical exemptions to vaccines, are apparently turning to homeschool education as their only option left to educate their children. But a lawmaker from Warsaw, Assemblyman David DiPietro, has stated that lawmakers are planning on outlawing homeschooling, because they want to be able to vaccinate the children in the schools, without parental approval or knowledge.

                                  14-Year-Old Active Girl in Wisconsin Suffers Over 300 Seizures After Gardasil Vaccine – Doctor Refuses to Consider Gardasil Cause due to Fear of Losing Research Funding

                                  Polly Tommey and the VAXXED II team continue their bus tour around the U.S. interviewing victims of vaccine injuries. They recently interviewed the Brill family from Wisconsin. Their 14-year-old daughter, Ashlyn, has gone from a healthy, active child who now suffers pain throughout her body, and has experienced over 300 seizures since she was vaccinated with the Gardasil vaccine 18 months ago. Some of her seizures last over 5 hours. Her mother and father are "first responders" with some medical training. Prior to their experience with their daughter's reaction to the Gardasil vaccine, they had complete faith in vaccines, and their family was all up-to-date on all of their vaccines. They took Ashlyn to Children's Hospital of Wisconsin where the medical staff reportedly tried to induce the seizures to determine the cause. Doctors allegedly told Ashlyn's mom that there was nothing wrong with Ashlyn, that all of the test results were normal, and that the seizures were related to too much stress in Ashlyn's life. Her mother did not accept this answer, and insisted that all these medical conditions started after the Gardasil HPV vaccine. She then tells Polly that the doctor's response is what led her on her journey to make sure that everybody understood her daughter's story: So the doctor came back in the room, and it was just us (the family) and the doctor (the neurologist), and she shut the door, and she says, "Listen, we need to talk." And she said, "Whether this is caused by the Gardasil vaccination or not, 95% of our research money comes from pharmaceutical companies." And she said, "Unfortunately, your child is a small fish in a big sea. And if we were to admit this was the Gardasil vaccination, we would lose our funding for our research." Ashlyn's mom then says: "I'm not going to let someone's child be a small fish. So from that day I decided that I needed to share Ashlyn's story, because every child matters."

                                    CDC Paid Maryland $123 Million to Promote Gardasil Vaccine as Requirement for School Attendance

                                    The Maryland Prevention and Health Promotion Agency (PHPA) has received millions — $123 million just between 2012–2017 — as part of an effort to require public schools to force children to get the human papilloma virus (HPV) vaccination. Those funds came in the form of grants from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The CDC maintains a nonprofit foundation that gets enormous amounts of money from Big Pharma — including Merck, the company that produces Gardasil, the HPV vaccine. At the very least, Maryland’s acceptance of those funds has the appearance of impropriety. During a PHPA-hosted “HPV symposium” attended by state pediatric practices and Maryland Department of Health staffers in March 2018 at Ten Oaks, Maryland, the featured speaker — Dr. Alix Casler — encouraged attendees to offer free dinners, bottles of wine, and “Quality Doctor Incentives $” sales bonuses to get Maryland physicians on board with the HPV vaccine-pushing program. Dr. Casler offered a $5,000 cash payment to pediatric practices that achieve targeted HPV vaccine sales goals. Dr. Casler is a paid spokesperson for Merck — to the tune of more than $59,000 just between 2013 and 2016, according to data compiled by ProPublica. In 2016, the Maryland Partnership for Prevention — which lists the Maryland Department of Health as its top member — accepted $70,000 from the Association of Immunization Managers (AIM). AIM’s top “Corporate Alliance Members” are Merck, Pfizer, Sanofi Pasteur and Seqirus. That same year, legislation was introduced in Maryland to mandate the shot. In the U.S., only three jurisdictions have made HPV vaccination mandatory: Rhode Island, Virginia and the District of Columbia. Clearly, based on the money and other incentives being injected into our public-health policy system, Big Pharma would love to see Maryland become the fourth to do so.

                                      Study: Gardasil Vaccine Linked to Autoimmune Diseases

                                      The powerful government-pharmaceutical industry partnership that has been foisting human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination on girls and boys around the world since 2006 now has working-age adults within its sights. Merck’s Gardasil 9 received U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval for expanded use in the 27-45 age group in late 2018, and there are signs that a campaign is afoot to achieve the same end result in other countries. HPV vaccines have been linked to over 100,000 reported adverse events globally, including disabling autoimmune conditions and deaths, but officials seem unconcerned. Merck set the tone for the truth-stretching claim that HPV vaccine risks are “negligible” when it conducted its initial clinical trials for Gardasil and dismissed as irrelevant the serious medical conditions that arose—within seven months—in half of all participants who received the vaccine. In a new study in Pathobiology, two of the most-published researchers on this topic report on the overlap between human proteins and HPV antigens. The authors consider their results indicative of “a cross-reactivity potential capable of triggering an extremely wide and complex spectrum of autoimmune diseases.” Using cutting-edge molecular biology techniques to look at matching peptide sequences in HPV “epitopes” and human proteins, Kanduc and Shoenfeld examine epitopes from 15 different HPV types, including eight of the nine types included in Gardasil 9. With 500 micrograms of aluminum adjuvant, Gardasil 9 has more than double the amount of aluminum contained in the original Gardasil vaccine.

                                        NY Bill to Require HPV Gardasil Vaccine for Children to Enter School, Daycare

                                        A concerned mom is warning about a New York bill that would require children to get the HPV vaccine before they could attend school. Under S298/A2912, a child would have to get the vaccine to be able to attend public school or daycare. “There’s definitely a large concern among the moms I know about this.” Laura Greenaway is a mom of two girls. She learned of the bill from posts on her Facebook feed, and now she wants to alert other moms. “It created concern and anxiety for me that this is not a decision that I can make for my own child,” Greenaway said. She doesn't believe kids should be required to be vaccinated against human papillomavirus across New York State, and Greenaway is not anti-vaccine. “My children are all up to date on other vaccines that are tried, tested and true. This is a newer vaccine with very alarming side effects,” she said.

                                          Has the Gardasil HPV Vaccine Really Eliminated Cervical Cancer in Australia? Statistics Show Increase of Cancer Rates After Vaccine Introduced

                                          In our September 18th debate for Spectrum TV, Kaiser’s Chief of Pediatrics, Dr. Robert Riewerts, parroted Pharma’s popular canard that the Gardasil vaccine has eliminated cervical cancer in Australia—the first country to mandate the jab. This is false. Gardasil actually increases the risk of cervical cancer by a terrifying 44.6% among women who were exposed to HPV infection prior to vaccination. If anyone ever bullies you to take Gardasil, look up “Gardasil Vaccine Insert” on your cell phone to see all of the adverse events and show them this table.