If HPV vaccines were consumer goods would they still be on the market?

    The latest statistics from the USA’s Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) statistics concerning the serious side effects and deaths associated with HPV vaccines such as Gardasil make for chilling reading. A single investigation of the VAERS database, widely accepted as being 10-100 times under reported about, shows the following: 148 deaths recorded after HPV vaccinations, over 3,000 hospitalizations, and more than 6,000 who did not recover from the new medical conditions experienced after HPV vaccines. In the case of Gardasil for some reason the same safety issues that govern say; automobiles, baby equipment, tires, peanut butter and more do not apply. Vaccines appear to be subject to very different standards, standards where it is quite acceptable to have deaths, life threatening and life changing illness associated with your product. To put this in perspective, imagine if Gardasil were a car associated with the same level of deaths (to date over 148) and tens of thousands of serious adverse events; would the car still be on the road? If Gardasil were a baby sling, it would have been pulled from the market after just 3 deaths as was the case with the Infantino baby sling – one million were recalled in March, 2010. In 1982 Tylenol recalled 31 million bottles of the product after 7 Deaths. What committee is reviewing the considerable health issues that surround HPV vaccines? To date, the answer is none. But it gets worse. Gardasil has not only far too many deaths and serious health issues associated with it, there is no proof that it works!

      The Vaccine Bubble

      Michael Belkin is an extremely gifted vaccine advocate, and one of the co-authors of the book we feature below: Vaccine Epidemic. Michael lost his first child when she died at 5 weeks old after receiving the Hepatitis B vaccine. He is a gifted musician and writes his own music warning people about the dangers of vaccines which can be heard at TheRefusers.com, where he also runs a very successful and popular blog. But Michael's "day job" is earning a living from financial counseling. His advice is highly sought after, and he has appeared and been interviewed on many of the financial networks. Therefore, if there is one person who can clearly articulate the business side of vaccine marketing, that person would be Michael Belkin. Michael coined the term "Vaccine Bubble," and in this article he clearly explains why the vaccine market parallels so many other false markets that were propped up by unsound economic principles, particularly government intervention that prevents a normal free market financial swings based on consumer demand. Could the vaccine bubble, and along with it the entire U.S. healthcare system, be the biggest financial bubble our country has ever seen? Is it doomed to fail?

        Institutional Corruption of Pharmaceuticals and the Drug Safety Myth

        20 percent of all corporate crime is committed in the pharmaceutical industry. A recent report on the "institutional corruption" of pharmaceuticals was published the Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics. “Institutional corruption” does not refer to any violation of existing rules or laws. Rather it refers to “a certain kind of influence, within an economy of influence, that has a certain effect”. An activity is considered institutional corruption if it weakens the effectiveness of an institution, and/or weakens public trust in that institution. Institutional corruption is rife within the pharmaceutical industry and its regulatory agencies. The consequences of institutional corruption include millions of adverse reactions each year, and at least 128,000 deaths as a direct result of adverse drug reactions within the hospital setting alone. When deaths related to diagnostic errors, errors of omission, and failure to follow guidelines are included, the number skyrockets to an estimated 440,000 preventable hospital deaths each year. That makes preventable medical errors the third-leading cause of death in the US, right after heart disease and cancer, and hospital-based lethal adverse drug reactions are the fourth leading cause of death.

          8-Year Study Finds Flu Vaccines Ineffective in Decreasing Hospitalizations from the Flu

          In a new report just published, researchers at the Marshfield Clinic Research Foundation in Marshfield Wisconsin looked at hospitalizations during the flu season, covering an eight year time frame. The study looked at patients over the age of 20 with laboratory confirmed influenza. The result of their 8-year study? "Vaccination was not associated with a reduced risk of hospital admission among all participants with influenza."

            New Cholesterol Treatment Guidelines Could Double the Number of People on Dangerous Statins—Including Perfectly Healthy People

            One in four Americans over the age of 45 currently take a statin drug, despite the fact that there are over 900 studies proving their adverse effects, which run the gamut from muscle problems to increased cancer risk. Now, new treatment guidelines for high cholesterol will likely DOUBLE the number of Americans being prescribed these dangerous drugs, bringing the total to an estimated—and staggering—72 million people! 12 of the 16 panel members of the new guidelines are affiliated with more than 50 different drug companies, many of which have a financial interest in the outcome of this report.

              Whooping Cough Vaccine Failure Exposed in Mainstream Media

              Just this week, the New York Times published an article stating that the problem of surging whooping cough cases has more to do with flaws in the current vaccines than with parents' resistance. Could the truth about vaccines finally be going mainstream?

                Should You Get A Shingles Vaccine?

                In older adults, is vaccination against herpes zoster effective and safe? A Cochrane Review stated that the herpes zoster (shingles) vaccine has demonstrated effectiveness in preventing shingles in older adults, yet if you look at the actual numbers, you will see that in those aged 60-69, the shingles vaccine was ineffective for 98% (forty-nine out of fifty) of those studied. For those aged 70 and older, the vaccine was 99% ineffective, since 99 out of 100 received no benefit. In addition, when looking at the adverse effect risk of this vaccine, you will find that for every 2.8 vaccines given, one patient was harmed. Furthermore, for every one hundred subjects vaccinated, one had a severe adverse reaction such as rash, fever, or hospitalization. I am incredulous that anyone looking at this data could proclaim that the shingles vaccine was effective. In fact, it wasn’t. According to this data, the shingles vaccine was a 98-99% failure.

                  Doctors Prohibited From Speaking Out On Death of Teen Caused By Flu Shot

                  A 19-year old who received a flu shot during a routine physical became violently ill, suffering from vomiting and headaches, eventually slipping into a coma and then succumbing to his injuries. While his mother is claiming that the influenza vaccine is responsible for the death of her son, doctors claim they could not confirm the cause and they are now legally prohibited from speaking about his case. Mrs. Webb says this was her son's first ever flu shot. He had received it the day before he became ill as part of a routine physical.

                    My Personal Battle After the Gardasil Vaccine

                    My name is Jennifer Guldin and I am 27 years old. Gardasil has impacted the lives of everyone I care about. I am unique from a lot of the girls that have been injured by Gardasil, because I did not receive the vaccine until I was 25 years old. I was already happily married and had a beautiful 3-year old daughter, prior to receiving the Gardasil vaccination. Gardasil has not only affected me, but it has also affected my loved ones who have had to witness me suffer on a daily basis for the last two years. I truly believe it has been equally difficult for them, just in a different way. In high school I was very active. After graduating high school, I went on to college where I met the love of my life, Dustin. We were married in July of 2007 and God then blessed us with a beautiful and amazing little girl in August of 2008. Life was near perfect in my eyes! Other than two knee surgeries, from previous cheerleading injuries, and being fatigued as a new mother, I was in very good health. This all changed in September of 2011, when I visited my OB/GYN for my annual pap smear and was approached about the Gardasil vaccination. The nurse explained to me that Gardasil was to prevent against a sexually transmitted disease, HPV, and that there were absolutely no side effects. I told her that I was happily married and was not concerned about sexually transmitted diseases. She threw the words “cancer prevention” out there! After taking into consideration that my mom had breast cancer not too long ago and that it would probably be silly for me to pass up something that could protect me from going through what she did, I reluctantly agreed to get the Gardasil vaccine. That single moment has negatively impacted the past two years of my life and quite possibly may affect the rest of my life.

                      Cervical Cancer Prevention: Are You a Medical Consumer or a Medical Test Subject?

                      In September, the following headline appeared in the UK Daily Mail, “Grandmother, 55, died from cervical cancer after her GP dismissed her symptoms as the MENOPAUSE.” This woman knew something was wrong, visited her doctor multiple times, and had her symptoms blamed on age (menopause), instead of being run through normal diagnostic procedures which would have detected her cancer when it was still curable. What would have most likely prevented her untimely death? A reliable HPV detection method that included genotyping and regular Pap smears. However, policy makers at the NCI have not made these options readily available to medical consumers. Policy makers have left women with no choice but to educate themselves, demand the reliable test procedures they need and refuse those options which provide little benefit and substantial risk. Women must stop allowing themselves to be manipulated by the news media and industry-paid consultants, whether they are in the government or the academic world. You have a choice – medical consumer or medical subject?

                        FAIL: Infant Hep B Vaccines Perform Shamefully; Time To End Them?

                        An eye-opening new study published in the Journal of Viral Hepatitis reveals that conventional hepatitis B vaccine, and hepatitis B immunoglobulin-based treatment for infants of mothers who tested positive for hepatitis B infection, is nothing near "95% effective in preventing infection and its chronic consequences" that the World Health Organization (WHO) and a myriad of health organizations around the world claim it to be. To the contrary, researchers were able to detect through highly sensitive polymerase chain reaction (PCR) DNA testing that 42% of the infants still had 'occult' hepatitis B infection, 24 months after initiating treatment at birth, despite the fact that the vaccine reduced the incidence of overt infection. In the researchers' own words: "The results of this large prospective longitudinal study show that 42% of babies born of HBsAg-positive mothers develop occult HBV infection, which is not prevented by administration of recombinant HBV vaccine to the newborn." This study not only clearly calls into question the standard of care for preventing hepatitis B infection in infants born to infected mothers, but it also challenges core tenets of vaccinology, including hepatitis B vaccine safety and effectiveness.

                          An Honest Look at the Historical Evidence that Vaccines Eliminated Diseases

                          Medical history books, almost uniformly extol the virtues of vaccination. Upon reading these books, one is left with the impression that during the 1800s and into the 1900s, there were rampant plagues that killed countless scores of people and that, because of vaccines, this is no longer the case. This is certainly what we believed growing up, and most people we talk to have a similar impression. It generally permeates society as an established fact. The problem with these statements is that they are not supported by the evidence.

                            Princeton University Seeks to Use Students in Unapproved Vaccine Trial

                            Dr. Sherri Tenpenny shares some facts regarding the meningitis "outbreak" at Princeton University, and the dangers associated with the unapproved vaccine that is being proposed to be tested on students. With only 7 cases of meningitis in 9 months at Princeton, is this simply a marketing ploy by vaccine manufacturer Novartis to get their vaccine into the billion dollar U.S. vaccine market, at the expense of using Princeton University students as unsuspecting drug trial participants?

                              Dr. Brownstein on New Cholesterol Guidelines: Fugetaboutit

                              This week, the new guidelines on preventing heart disease were released by the American Heart Association and the American College of Cardiology. The media reported widely about this. Now, for most people, monitoring LDL-cholesterol and total cholesterol levels is not indicated. If your risk of developing cardiac disease is over 7.5% over a ten year period, then statins are recommended. The risk can be calculated by going to the American Heart Association website and plugging in your cholesterol and HDL-cholesterol numbers as well as your age and whether you smoke or not. It is hard for me to believe that this is where modern medicine is at. I guess nobody needs to see a health care professional anymore—just put your numbers in and if you have a 10-year heart attack risk of >7.5%,then you must take a statin for the rest of your life. I have one word for this nonsense: fugetaboutit. People do not get vascular events from a lack of a statin medication. Vascular events occur from a myriad of reasons including eating a poor diet, dehydration, as well as nutrient and hormonal imbalances. Don’t be scared about the media headlines. As you become more educated you will be more comfortable making your health care decisions.

                                Cholesterol Numbers Meaningless, but FDA to Approve New Class of Cholesterol-lowering Drugs Anyway

                                Recently, the latest guidelines (issued by the American Heart Association and the American College of Cardiology) on preventing cardiovascular disease were launched in the US, with a great blare of publicity. The key message was that targets for lowering cholesterol levels are now gone. Don’t worry about cholesterol levels! This is a remarkable U-turn and not only that. What they are saying, in effect, is that lowering LDL is of no use at all. So you might think that the logical next step is that fewer people should be taking statins. Yet weirdly the guidelines now recommend that far more people start to take statins. Perhaps another forty million in the US alone.

                                  Drug Company Criminal Settlement: $2.2 Billion for Illegally Marketing Risperdal to Elderly, Children and Mentally Disabled

                                  On the surface, Johnson & Johnson's $2.2 billion settlement this week for illegally marketing drugs to the elderly, children and the mentally disabled looks like a victory. J&J's subsidiary, Janssen Pharmaceuticals, will plead guilty to illegally promoting the antipsychotic Risperdal for "controlling aggression and anxiety in elderly dementia patients and treating behavioral disturbances in children and in individuals with disabilities," reports Reuters. The promotions included a brazen kickback scheme to Omnicare Inc, a pharmacy supplying nursing homes, exposed by a whistleblower. At least 15,000 elderly people in nursing homes die a year from drugs like Risperdal said FDA drug reviewer David Graham in Congressional testimony a few years ago. Eli Lilly, who makes the similar drug Zyprexa, and AstraZeneca, who makes Seroquel, have also settled charges that they churned the elderly drug market at the price of Grandma and Grandpa's lives. But it is not a victory. J&J made $24.2 billion off Risperdal from 2003 to 2010 and shareholders won't even notice this week's nano loss. J&J milked Risperdal for all it was worth and the patent had already run out by the time it was charged with illegal schemes.

                                    LA Times Admits Science Behind Drug Studies Not Reliable

                                    Science has lost its way, at a big cost to humanity. Researchers are rewarded for splashy findings, not for double-checking accuracy. So many scientists looking for cures to diseases have been building on ideas that aren't even true.

                                      ABC Australia Exposes Cholesterol-lowering Statin Drug Scam and Pharmaceutical Criminal Activity

                                      ABC News in Australia has done an incredible investigative report on cholesterol-lowering statin drugs, daring to expose organized crime in the pharmaceutical industry in the U.S. This is an area where no mainstream media outlet in the USA dares to go, due to the influence of the pharmaceutical industry. In this excellent investigative documentary, cardiologists are interviewed to reveal the fraud of cholesterol-lowering statin drugs, and the criminal activity that has allowed this class of drug to become the best-selling class of drugs all-time. Some of the top cardiologists in the U.S. have stated that there is not one single study showing that people who take statins will actually live longer. This fraud is now coming out into the open. After ABC Australia aired Part 1, The Heart of the Matter, last week, Australia’s top medicine safety expert, Emily Banks, urged ABC not to air the follow-up, because it might encourage people to go off their anti-cholesterol statin drugs. “If people stop using their statins . . . it’s very likely that it will result in death.” But those scare tactics and attempts at censorship failed, and below is Part 2 as it was aired in Australia, and is now available for the world to watch. If you or someone you know are prescribed a cholesterol-lowering statin drug, you would do well to invest 30 minutes of your time to watch this investigative report. You are not likely to learn this information from your doctor, and it could literally change your life.

                                        Future Doctors Unprepared to Manage Pain

                                        Chronic pain affects 100 million Americans – that’s more than the number impacted by diabetes, heart disease and cancer combined. Most suffering from pain turn to their family physician for help, but many leave the office with nothing more than a prescription for painkillers in hand. Many physicians simply do not know how to help their patients manage, or eliminate, chronic pain, and this trend is going to continue for the foreseeable future unless a radical change occurs. They resort to the only treatment they know: prescription drugs. And now we’re facing another epidemic on top of chronic pain: prescription drug abuse. Prescription drug abuse the fastest-growing drug problem in the US according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), as the number of deaths from opioid painkillers like hydrocodone and oxycodone rose nearly four-fold between 1999 and 2009. The overdoses now kill more people than cocaine and heroin combined.

                                          Ohio Amish Girl Escapes with Parents from Forced Chemotherapy, Father Claims She was on Experimental Drugs Without Consent

                                          Earlier this month we published the story of 10-year old Sarah Hershberger, an Amish girl in Ohio, and how her parents took her off of toxic chemo therapy. The courts in Ohio overturned a previous judge's ruling on her case and awarded custody of the girl to the hospital's attorney, who is also a nurse. The hospital was claiming that Sarah's life was in danger if she did not continue with the chemo therapy, but her parents were claiming that Sarah was doing better, and that the chemo therapy was actually killing her. Now, David Michael of The Journal of Natural Food and Health is reporting that the Amish girl was part of an experiment of new drugs, and that the hospital's motivation for getting custody of the girl and having her continue her therapy was because the hospital stood to lose substantial funding for ending the drug trial too soon. When you consider also the potential billions of dollars a pharmaceutical company can potentially make from a new cancer drug, it is easy to understand the hospital's motivation to try and get custody of this child and have her continue the treatment, whether she needed it or not. Michael has interviewed the parents, who reportedly left the country shortly before the court decision in early October, and where their daughter received alternative cancer treatment which is approved in Europe and other places, but banned in the U.S. As a result, their daughter Sarah has now been declared "cancer-free," verified through laboratory tests. I have been in contact with one of the family members as well, who has confirmed that the information Michael is reporting is "100% accurate." Akron Children’s Hospital has testified in court that Sarah would die without chemo therapy. The Hershbergers would now like to return to the U.S. and be rejoined with their other 6 children, but they believe there is a warrant out for their arrest and that they will lose their daughter. They are raising funds to mount a legal challenge.