News regarding the dangers of GMOs and biotech, and the advantages of organic sustainable agriculture.

Wildfires As A Weapon: US Military Exposed as Corporate Media Predicts Killer Floods Worse than Earthquakes for California

Dane Wigington of has released an explosive video discussing previously classified documents about how the U.S. Military has been using "wildfires" as a weapon for decades now. In the corporate media, a study was just published claiming that a disaster "larger than any in world history" faces California, and it is not an earthquake, but killer floods. They are blaming it on climate change, of course, but never mentioning the deliberate geoengineering programs that are probably really behind all of this. U.S.A Today reported: "A new study says that as the Earth warms, a massive California flood gets more likely — one that would swamp Los Angeles, displace millions and cause historic damage. Megadrought may be the main weather concern across the West right now amid the constant threat of wildfires and earthquakes. But a new study warns another crisis is looming in California: 'Megafloods.' Climate change is increasing the risk of floods that could submerge cities and displace millions of people across the state, according to a study released Friday."

Drilling Under Lake Mead To Drain The Last Drop: 40 Million in U.S. West Without Water in 2023

Dane Wigington of revealed earlier this month (July, 2022) that drilling going on under Lake Mead to supply water to Las Vegas could soon reach a point known as a “dead pool,” which would have a devastating impact on the lives of tens of millions of people in the U.S. Southwest. "Many are now aware of and justifiably concerned about Lake Mead soon becoming what is known as a 'dead pool'. When this milestone is reached, the ramifications for tens of millions of Americans is beyond grave. What is not being discussed is the Lake Mead 3rd intake drain that was designed to drain every last drop from this diminishing and dying largest reservoir in the US. The remaining water will keep Las Vegas Nevada partying till the last possible moment. Even more dire is the official denial of the ongoing drought inducing covert climate engineering operations that are the core causal factor behind the unprecedented drought in the Western US. The six minute video below provides much needed information on the unfolding cataclysm surrounding the collapsing Colorado River water source." Last week Dane Wigington was interviewed by Greg Hunter where he explained how these engineered droughts in the West will affect 40 million people next year. "There is no speculation, no hypothesis or conjecture in any of this. Climate engineering is the primary cause for the protracted drought, and not just in the U.S. but in many other parts of the world. It also causes a deluge scenario, and all of it is crushing crops. We can speculate to the motives and agendas behind those who run these operations, but the fact that climate engineering is the primary causal factor for the western drought is inarguable. This is a runaway train of total cataclysm, and those in power are preventing anyone from even discussing this issue down to the point that there is an illegal federal gag order on the nation’s weathermen at the National Weather Service and NOAA." Last year I watched the documentary created by Dane Wigington, The Dimming, which conclusively shows how weather modification is being used by the military for warfare, and this has been happening for many years now. I am going to republish my review of "The Dimming" here, and provide the free YouTube version below that can be watched.

Farmers Across Europe Protest in Solidarity with Dutch Farmers as Green Agenda Takes Away Their Farms with Food Shortages Looming

If you haven't figured out yet that government policies designed to transition to the New Green World Order are an assault on humanity with the goal of reducing the world's population all in the name of "saving the planet," then it is time to wake up, because this is WAR! Farmer protests are sweeping across much of Europe this week, mainly to join in solidarity with Dutch farmers in the Netherlands, because new government policies to reduce "nitrogen" emissions threaten to shut down almost 50% of the nation's farms. Given the fact that the Netherlands is the second largest exporter of food in the world, with only the United States exporting more food globally, these actions happening "across the pond" have significant impacts for those of us living in America as well. Hard as it is still for many people to believe, this is a Global plan to reduce the world's food and kill off a significant portion of the world's population, a plan that has been in place for over a year and a half now as the COVID-19 vaccines were weaponized to kill and maim people. As is usually the case with covering protests, this news is best communicated by video from those on the ground, so here is our video report that gives an overview in less than 15 minutes.

US Supreme Court Declines Bayer/Monsanto Bid to Challenge Glyphosate Cancer Rulings

The US Supreme Court on Tuesday declined to hear a bid from Bayer-owned Monsanto that aimed to challenge thousands of lawsuits claiming its weedkiller Roundup causes cancer – a potentially costly ruling, AFP reported Tuesday. The high court did not explain its decision, which left intact a $25 million ruling in favor of a California man who alleged he developed cancer after using the chemical for years. The decision marks a major blow to the German conglomerate’s legal fight against Roundup-related cases, and Bayer has set aside more than $15 billion to deal with a wave of US lawsuits linked to the weedkiller.

U.S. Farmers Issue Dire Warnings of Looming Food Shortages as Most Americans are Clueless as to How Their Food is Produced and Unprepared for What’s Coming

Unless you have a farmer in your family, or in your circle of friends and contacts, chances are that you are among the millions of people in the United States that seldom give thought to how the food you buy and eat is produced. Ask the typical American where the food on their table comes from, and probably 99.9% of them will answer: the grocery store. The grocery store is a modern-day retail outlet that most of our forefathers did not enjoy. Prior to the industrial age post WWII, most neighborhoods had local businesses and farmers who supplied the bulk of that community's food, from the milkman who delivered dairy products, to the town butcher who processed meat, to the town baker who produced products from grains, etc. There was no one-stop shop where one could pick up multiple products called "groceries." Few understand that the modern day grocery store is dependent on a highly technical system that is interdependent on many inputs into the supply chain, and can easily be ground to a halt. If you have lived through local natural disasters, like a hurricane, or an earthquake, you probably have had a taste of what it can be like when everyone all of sudden needs to buy groceries all at the same time, and then learn that the grocery store shelves are bare. Panic buying can cause similar disruptions, and most of us got a taste, and that's all it was, a "taste", of this in the early days of the COVID-19 lockdowns. But almost all of the people alive in the U.S. today have not experienced real hardship that produces hunger and starvation, such as what this nation experienced in the 1930s prior to WWII during the "dust bowl" as the nation suffered an economic depression, along with massive food shortages due to crop failures. We have had economic downturns since WWII, but in general the U.S. has seen prosperous times for over 70 years now, and the current generations alive have become so dependent on the conveniences that modern technology has brought us, that they just assume it will always be there, and fail to realize just how fragile that technology is. Today, less than 1% of the population of the United States now produces food for the other 99%, thanks to the technological age, so when farmers, particularly farmers with contracts in the commodity food industry, which is by far the majority, speak out with warnings about what is ahead, it is time to sit up and listen, and realize that if you cannot buy food from your usual local grocery outlets, that there will be no one to bail you out if you have not prepared for such a situation. For the rest of this article I am publishing some news today that farmers themselves are reporting, and everyone needs to take heed and prepare accordingly.

10,000 Head of Kansas Feedlot Cattle Reportedly Dead

Multiple news sources are reporting that thousands of feedlot cattle have died in Kansas, and they are blaming it on the heat. Many farmers have chimed in on social media, however, stating that cattle don't usually die like this simply because of heat, especially in the southern cattle producing states, such as Texas which have long, hot summers. Because these are "feedlot" cattle living in close quarters and being fed commercial feed, rather than cattle that graze on pasture, some have speculated it could have been poisoning, while others are theorizing it could be EMF radiation such as from 5G towers, as there is some precedence of EMF radiation poisoning harming cattle in the past.

California Farm Water Coalition Warns Domestic Food Supply In Peril with State Cutting Water

The California Farm Water Coalition issued a dire statement Tuesday warning that California’s agriculture industry and food supply is in peril because of restricted agriculture water supplies. “Today’s State Water Board emergency water conservation regulation continues to demonstrate how serious this year’s drought is. Water conservation measures are reaching farther and farther into our communities and now go beyond the water supply cuts felt by California farms and rural communities earlier this year.” When the State Water Board orders water cut off to farmers, the food supply is also cut.

The Collapse of the Global Food System – Massive Starvation and Death Worldwide is now Imminent

Sam Parker of Behind the News has just published an excellent commentary of the imminent, intentional collapse of the Global Food System. As I have previously written in other articles we have published by Sam Parker, this individual obviously has access to very high level intelligence sources, and he publishes information that I have found nowhere else. A year ago he published the best historical account of the main families in the Global Food Cartel that controls the world's financial systems, that I have ever read. If you have not read it yet, you should. Today he updates this information to explain world events like the war in Ukraine with information you are not likely to read elsewhere. In short, Sam Parker believes that the Rockefeller and Rothschild Empires are about to collapse, and they are hastening their own destruction by their current actions and policies, particularly in Ukraine. If you do not have the ability to divorce yourself from the propaganda in the western corporate media right now, your life is in grave danger, because you probably have no clue regarding what is about to happen. He writes: “'The Strategic Triangle '- India, China, Russia – these nations combined have 38 % of the world’s population,  produce 42% of its wheat and 66% of its steel. The point is, that these nations are PRODUCING goods, which many western nations have out-sourced, to their detriment. Besides, nature has endowed Russia with an abundance of natural resources in oil, gas, gold, silver, platinum, iron ore, coal diamonds, timber, fresh water, millions of agricultural land, and much, much more. Russian commodities are in demand. To ban them from global markets means killing off the Western economies. What Covid did not achieve for the Rockefeller family, sanctions on Russian goods will. This is their hope. Good luck with that. The funny part in this is that the two families shut down the world economy for two years, in the hope of accelerating their plans to herd mankind into an electronic prison camp, steal their money, and usher forth a new global slave state. Putin’s bold move into Ukraine has upended their plans, and also threatens the very survival of the empires. Reason seems to have deserted them. The ongoing sanctions and financial war against Russia, China and Iran has had a blow-back effect on the West. Russia is becoming stronger by the week, and the West is becoming weaker by the week. It may reach a critical point – and go nuclear."

Wheat Farmland Under Threat Worldwide As USDA Reveals Dismal Grain Outlook

Across the world, top wheat-producing regions are experiencing adverse weather conditions that could threaten production. In places like Ukraine, a military invasion by Russia has slashed production significantly. All of this suggests the world is on the cusp of a food crisis.

Will Supreme Court Let Bayer-Monsanto Off the Hook for Cancer-Causing Glyphosate Herbicide Roundup?

In June of 2020 it was announced that Bayer-Monsanto had reached the "largest settlement in pharma history" by agreeing to pay $10 Billion to settle about 125,000 lawsuits by people who died or came down with cancer from glyphosate poisoning, the main ingredient in Roundup, the world's most heavily used herbicide (weed killer) that is found in most food today. But there is one lawsuit that Bayer has contested, where plaintiff Edwin Hardeman was awarded $80 million in damages due to having non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL), a known side effect to too much exposure with glyphosate. The trial court judge reduced his settlement award to $25 million, and Bayer appealed the decision, which was upheld by the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. It is now before the U.S. Supreme Court, and U.S. Solicitor General Elizabeth Prelogar has recommended that the Supreme Court deny Bayer's appeal. The stakes are high, as the Supreme Court's ruling could affect all future lawsuits against Bayer-Monsanto, and possibly even past lawsuits. What will the Supreme Court do, and just what are the Wall Street Billionaires and Bankers who largely control the Supreme Court planning behind the scenes in all of this? To rule in favor of Bayer could save investors $billions, and allow the EPA to continue to authorize the use of the world's most deadly herbicide to continue to be sold and used to poison our food supply. If they allow the decision of the Ninth Circuit to stand, how will that affect what the EPA does next regarding approving Roundup for agricultural use? While many people and groups have been calling on a ban of glyphosate-based herbicides, the fact is that if it is banned outright immediately, a very significant percentage of agriculture will no longer be able to produce food, as certain crops, such as corn, are over 90% genetically modified and could not grow without the herbicide Roundup. It would take many years to transition to something else. Whatever the reasons are behind the scenes for what the Supreme Court does, the stakes are high, and the results could be disastrous no matter which way the High Court rules. The best case scenario would be to allow all these lawsuits from people killed or injured by glyphosate to receive their settlements, and to put pressure on the EPA to start phasing out the use of Roundup giving farmers enough time to make the transition, so as to not bring major disruptions to the already fragile food supplies. But in that scenario the people would win, and Wall Street would lose, and that is just not something I see happening much, if at all, in today's judicial system.