News regarding the dangers of GMOs and biotech, and the advantages of organic sustainable agriculture.

Will Supreme Court Let Bayer-Monsanto Off the Hook for Cancer-Causing Glyphosate Herbicide Roundup?

In June of 2020 it was announced that Bayer-Monsanto had reached the "largest settlement in pharma history" by agreeing to pay $10 Billion to settle about 125,000 lawsuits by people who died or came down with cancer from glyphosate poisoning, the main ingredient in Roundup, the world's most heavily used herbicide (weed killer) that is found in most food today. But there is one lawsuit that Bayer has contested, where plaintiff Edwin Hardeman was awarded $80 million in damages due to having non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL), a known side effect to too much exposure with glyphosate. The trial court judge reduced his settlement award to $25 million, and Bayer appealed the decision, which was upheld by the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. It is now before the U.S. Supreme Court, and U.S. Solicitor General Elizabeth Prelogar has recommended that the Supreme Court deny Bayer's appeal. The stakes are high, as the Supreme Court's ruling could affect all future lawsuits against Bayer-Monsanto, and possibly even past lawsuits. What will the Supreme Court do, and just what are the Wall Street Billionaires and Bankers who largely control the Supreme Court planning behind the scenes in all of this? To rule in favor of Bayer could save investors $billions, and allow the EPA to continue to authorize the use of the world's most deadly herbicide to continue to be sold and used to poison our food supply. If they allow the decision of the Ninth Circuit to stand, how will that affect what the EPA does next regarding approving Roundup for agricultural use? While many people and groups have been calling on a ban of glyphosate-based herbicides, the fact is that if it is banned outright immediately, a very significant percentage of agriculture will no longer be able to produce food, as certain crops, such as corn, are over 90% genetically modified and could not grow without the herbicide Roundup. It would take many years to transition to something else. Whatever the reasons are behind the scenes for what the Supreme Court does, the stakes are high, and the results could be disastrous no matter which way the High Court rules. The best case scenario would be to allow all these lawsuits from people killed or injured by glyphosate to receive their settlements, and to put pressure on the EPA to start phasing out the use of Roundup giving farmers enough time to make the transition, so as to not bring major disruptions to the already fragile food supplies. But in that scenario the people would win, and Wall Street would lose, and that is just not something I see happening much, if at all, in today's judicial system.

China is Stockpiling Food in Preparation of Looming Food Shortages While U.S. Increases Exports

While killer lockdowns in China are leading to starvation and mass suicide, as well as serious disruptions to exports, China has been quietly stockpiling food for the past couple of years in what appears to be preparation for coming food shortages, and is increasing imports of food. In December of 2021, reported that China had the world's largest stockpile of grains. Today, is reporting that China is addressing "food security concerns" by increasing their imports of soybeans, mostly from the U.S. Soybeans are high in protein and the #1 ingredient in livestock feed today. People in the Washington D.C. are stating that these increased exports of food to China are good for American farmers, apparently ignoring the fact that the U.S. should also be stockpiling food as part of our own national food security. Not only can soybeans be used in animal feeds, it can be turned into biodiesel and combined with petroleum diesel to help keep our trucks on the road in the event that fuel becomes scarce or too expensive to operate the nation's trucking fleet. So as China increases their food security, the U.S. Government seems to be destroying our own food security here in the U.S.

Food Shortages In Six Months – The Globalists Are Telling Us What Happens Next

In the alternative media we watch the statements and open admissions of the globalists VERY carefully because they are not in the business of threat analysis; rather, they are in the business of threat synthesis. That is to say, if something goes very wrong in the world economically, central bankers and money elites with aspirations of a single centralized economic authority for the world are ALWAYS found to have a hand in that disaster. For some reason, they like to tell us what they are about to do before they do it. The idea that globalists artificially create economic collapse events will of course be criticized as “conspiracy theory,” but it is a FACT. As we have seen with almost every authoritarian regime in modern history, control over the food supply is key to controlling the population. It is only surpassed as a strategic concern by control over energy (which we will also see shortages of soon as Europe sanctions Russian oil and gas and starts eating up supplies from other exporters). The food issue hits closest to home because we can see the effects immediately on our wallets and on our families. There is nothing worse for many parents than the prospect of their children going hungry. The mainstream media is once again ignoring any potential economic threat, specifically they are denying the notion of food shortages as something to be worried about. I say, why listen to a group of people that are always wrong on these types of events? If anything, I would at least take the words of the globalists seriously when it comes to economic collapse; they benefit the most from such disasters after all, and they also have the most influence when it comes to triggering crisis. Preparedness today costs nothing tomorrow. Lack of preparedness today costs EVERYTHING tomorrow. The choice for anyone with a brain is simple – Get prepared for the end of affordable and easily available food before this year is out.

You Need to Be Thinking NOW About Bartering

Bartering will come back with a vengeance. The dollar may not be the world’s reserve currency that much longer. Between pumping trillions of dollars into the system over the past two years and trying to use the dollar to isolate the Russians, even CNN admits the dollar is in trouble. Our government is far too interested in centralized digital currencies for my personal comfort. We need other options, and sooner rather than later. Prepping isn’t living in fear. It’s the sober realization that modern life has been based on a complex network of supply chains and support systems that have not received necessary maintenance and are now approaching a collapse. Nothing lasts forever. The Roman Empire didn’t last forever, and the American one won’t either. But we have the choice between waiting for the Visigoths to sack our homes and lead us all into slavery or proactively developing our own systems of creating and obtaining necessities while we still can. And bartering will become more and more a part of that.

Right to Repair: Open-Source Tractors Offer an Alternative for Traditional Small-Scale Farmers

Jack Algiere has always been a tinkerer. As a child in the 1980s, he would repair and swap out engines in the broken equipment on his family’s farm, often figuring out exactly what he was building as he went along. “It’s just part of growing up on a farm,” he said. “We made it work, and we made it.” Algiere grew up in an era when it was second nature for farmers to fix their equipment—before farm equipment manufacturers like John Deere and others started incorporating proprietary software, parts, and tools only accessible to authorized dealerships. Now, amid a growing “right to repair” movement pushing farm equipment manufacturers to shift their practices, some have gone a step further by calling for a new, production model altogether, built on an open-source system. Under this model, farm equipment is designed to be easily modified and repaired by relying on accessible, universal parts, while sharing or licensing the design specifications and source code.

California Governor Gavin Newsom Is Creating a Water, Energy, and Food Disaster

California Gov. Gavin Newsom this week claimed he was taking major action to address the drought affecting California and the West. More than 90% of California is in severe drought, up from 65% just one year ago. In truth, Newsom is starving California of both water and energy. We are in the worst energy crisis in 50 years and yet Newsom is planning to shut down the largest single source of energy in California, Diablo Canyon nuclear plant. Meanwhile, he has failed to build a single new large water project, despite the fact that California voters in 2014 passed a $2.7 billion water bond to pay for them. The result of Newsom’s leadership failures could be catastrophic. California is the fifth largest producer of food in the world. We are the largest producer of dairy and food in the U.S. Over a third of America’s vegetables and two-thirds of its fruits and nuts are grown here. And producing food requires water. Already the world faces terrible famines because of an energy crisis created in part by pro-scarcity environmentalists. Now, Newsom’s actions, and inaction, are making scarcity worse.

The Bird Flu Hoax is being Recycled Again to Create Fear and More Profits for Big Pharma

The "Bird Flu Pandemic" scare has been employed to create fear in the public from time to time and to use as an excuse to attack small-scale poultry farmers who raise their chickens and turkeys outdoors on pasture, rather than in confined huge warehouses that the commercial industry operates. President George W. Bush was the first one to declare a "Bird Flu Pandemic" back in 2006, with apocalyptic warnings of imminent danger that kicked in massive federal funding to develop a new flu shot that incorporated this new "virus." The pandemic never came, but people made a lot of money off of it, and they went after small-scale poultry producers to protect the large commodity poultry operations from competition. They recycled the dreaded "Bird Flu Pandemic" again in 2015 during the Obama administration, and again began destroying poultry, especially in Iowa, the state that produces the most eggs. This announcement of a "pandemic" allowed them to take certain measures and create fear among the public, but once again, nothing really came of it, other than the fact that some poultry operations lost a lot of money, while the vaccine manufacturers profited. So here we are now in 2022, fresh off the biggest and most successful "pandemic" in the history of the world, COVID-19, which has created tremendous wealth for the pharmaceutical industry while destroying many lives and economies of the working class, with another announced "Bird Flu Pandemic" to create more fear and earn more profits for Big Pharma, and to again target small-scale producers as part of the Great Reset the Globalists are implementing to move as many people as possible off of a meat diet to a plant-based diet all in the name of "saving the planet." Former CDC Director under Donald Trump, Robert Redfield, has announced that this new "pandemic," which has yet to happen, will be far worse than COVID, proving once again that all these "pandemics" are first hatched in the minds of the Globalists and then announced prior to them happening as if they have the gift of prophecy. But just like COVID, it is all hype and fear with little-to-no substance, and this one is an old one that is being recycled. There is virtually no evidence that an avian flu can be spread to humans and the CDC actually admits this (for now).

Contamination of U.S. Food Supply Worsens as 50% of Foods Tested Contained Cancer-Causing Glyphosate Herbicide

The Detox Project recently published their latest results from the most comprehensive glyphosate testing of food products ever conducted in the U.S., showing that the contamination of the U.S. food supply with the cancer-causing herbicide glyphosate is becoming significantly worse since their first report published 5 years ago. Glyphosate is the active ingredient in the world's most heavily used herbicide, Roundup. So even though it has widely been shown that glyphosate is linked to higher rates of cancer, getting it out of the food supply is no easy task. What is particularly concerning is that even foods labeled as being "USDA Organic" or labeled as free from GMO contamination, also test positive for the presence of glyphosate. Many people, for example, choose gluten free alternatives to wheat, thinking that it is a healthy choice, but the grains, nuts, and seeds that make up most gluten free products are heavily contaminated with glyphosate as well. My own company, Healthy Traditions, began testing all of the food we sell for the presence of glyphosate back in 2014, when we did our own testing and investigation and found that most of our certified organic grains that we were selling at the time were contaminated with glyphosate. We were shocked to learn that the National Organic Program for USDA certification allows for smaller amounts of glyphosate to be present even in foods certified organic. So we mostly abandoned the USDA Organic program, and started testing all of our food ourselves, practicing strict batch control so that we could trace each batch back to the producer. We now do our own testing for glyphosate, and also for GMOs, as many foods advertised as being free from GMOs, also contain small amounts of GMO DNA, especially American corn.

“Media Isn’t Warning You” That US Careening Towards Food Crisis

Two weeks after the Russia-Ukraine crisis began, the world is quickly moving toward a food crisis that could affect millions of people. A spillover of the crisis could soon spark agricultural mayhem in the US. The curtailment of agricultural exports from Russia and Ukraine will have dramatic knock-on effects on global food supplies. Both countries are known as the 'breadbasket of the world' and are responsible for a quarter of the international wheat trade, about a fifth of corn, and 12% of all calories traded globally. Another major problem is access to fertilizers, as Russia has banned exports of the nutrients. It's not whether or not there will be a food crisis. It's how big that crisis will be.

Rogue Food Conference 2022 is in Florida on March 4th

Are you interested in joining or starting local food distribution clubs to develop food security for you and your family should the corporate commodity food distribution system collapse?  This year's Rogue Food Conference is being held in Florida next week. My company, Healthy Traditions, will have a booth and representative present this year.

Are the Globalists Intentionally Destroying the Food Supply Chain to Create a Crisis of Hunger and Starvation?

About 6,500 people were told to evacuate their homes in Winston-Salem, North Carolina today, when a fire broke out overnight at a fertilizer plant that Winston-Salem Fire Chief Trey Mayo said contained "an estimated 5,000 tons of finished fertilizer." The cause of the fire is not known. The facility is inspected by the fire department yearly, Mayo said. The last inspection was in December, and no violations were found. Taken in isolation, this news story would not be very alarming in terms of its impact on food production in the U.S., as fires at fertilizer plants do happen from time to time and are not that rare. The main focus of this news story being reported in the corporate media today is the safety of those close to the fire, as it should be. But when one considers the fact that the U.S. still imports a significant portion of its fertilizer from China, which stopped exporting phosphate to the U.S. in September last year to allegedly save their supplies for their own farmers, and that potassium chloride from potash comes mainly from Saskatchewan, Canada, where truckers are now protesting COVID vaccine mandates with little to no traffic coming across the borders which is fueling major concerns about fertilizer shortages, and that on top of all that many state organizations for corn, wheat and soybean producers sent a letter to the second largest fertilizer company in the U.S. last December complaining that "tariff barriers" from the second largest fertilizer company in the U.S. were preventing them from buying fertilizers from Morocco and Russia, suggests that perhaps something much more sinister is in play here, with potential disastrous results later this year. When the United States was founded in the 1700s, about 90% of the population was employed in agriculture. By the time Abraham Lincoln became President, that number had dropped down below 50%. Today, less than 1% of the U.S. population is employed in agriculture, and just a handful of companies control the food supply, here in the U.S. and around the world. Our agricultural system is heavily dependent on technology today, as mass production of food has caused a major depletion of our soil, which is dependent on fertilizers to grow crops today: no fertilizers, no crops, no food.

Bill Gates and the Uncertain Future of Food Security

As we approach a winter of discontent and Global food systems go from bad to worse, there’s trouble in paradise. At the root of these problems, Government responses to COVID-19 have contributed to a six-fold increase in famine-like conditions as global supply chains collapse, and field trials for gene-edited crops and farm animals begin in the UK. Against this perfect storm, the UN’s World Food Systems Summit convened last month, with Member States joining the private sector, civil society groups and researchers, to bring about “tangible, positive changes” to the world’s food systems, and as the story goes, “drive recovery from COVID-19.” But even if we could solve our problems using the same logic that created them, there are deeper, institutional problems undermining the integrity of the Summit. Specifically, its corporate capture by one man, whose vision of the future of food security places the interests of civil society and farming communities in a different universe to the corporations he is beholden to. A household name on the world stage of disaster-capitalism, there is more to Bill Gates than doomsayer-general terrorising the world’s population into a permanent state of suspended animation, and it typically involves the future of food security. In less than a decade, Gates has become America’s largest private farmland owner, acquiring more than 269,000 acres of prime farmland in the US, including the 100 Circles Farm where fast food giant McDonald’s potatoes are grown. Gates effectively owns McDonald’s fries, his commitment to public health aside.

Are You Prepared to NOT Die This Winter? Time to Pay Attention to the “Preppers” if You Want to Survive

The online "prepper" community has probably produced more false prophets over the past couple of decades than any other online community. With every pending catastrophe facing society, their "Chicken Little the Sky is Falling" doomsday message always seems to fall short of predicting the collapse of society. I was a big part of this online prepper community starting back in 1997, as I began to prepare my family for what could have been one of those catastrophic events that seemed at the time to be possibly pending, Y2K, where the world's computers changed the year on their internal clocks from 1999 to 2000. Fortunately, and possibly due in a large degree to the Y2K fear, the IT community made mammoth changes to try and prevent this from happening, and those fears never materialized. I never apologized for being a "false prophet," however, because spending almost 3 years studying how fragile our supply chain was, and how dependent people were on the economic "system," forced me to make some major changes in my life and how I viewed the world's economic system. In 1998 I moved my family to my wife's home country, the Philippines, where we renovated her family's long abandoned farm house in a remote mountainside community where we began to live in preparation for the Y2K events to unfold. Y2K passed and the world survived, and I began to publish much of what I learned about sustainable, traditional food and herb production in the Philippines on the Internet, which soon grew into a business that I could support my family with, and bless many other people with as well. Today, if you are unfamiliar with the "prepper" mindset as we head into the winter of 2021-22, your life may be in imminent danger, and the "Chicken Little the Sky is Falling" doomsday prophets may finally be coming true. And if it is, many of you reading this today may end up dying, especially if you have not stored up food, have no reserve water plans in place, and have no alternative energy plan in place if you live in a cold climate where you would not survive more than a night or two without heat. I hope I am wrong, again. I really do! But it is never fruitless to make preparation plans for something that may never happen. It produced a new business and way of life for me, back in 2000. I have never regretted becoming a "prepper" and planning for the destruction of our modern, fragile, economic system. But if you are dependent on the "system" to always be there to protect you in times of national emergencies, your life may be hanging by a thread right now if that system collapses, and you have no plans in place for such an event.

Supply Chain Problems Becoming Critical: UK Farmers To Cull 120,000 Pigs Amid Labor Shortages – Global Transport Systems Collapse Looms

Britain may be entering a prolonged period of crisis now, one that may be on par or even exceeds the emergencies of the late 1970s. Brits face a gasoline shortage because of the lack of truck drivers, dwindling natural gas supplies, and soaring power bills. There's also been food shortages and panic buying of essential goods that have driven up prices and made the situation much worse. A more extended crisis is occurring within the country's food supply chain. The latest figures from the National Pig Association (NPA) warn 120,000 pigs will be culled because of labor shortage. The food industry is just one of the many industries experiencing severe disruptions and chaos that could trigger a "winter of discontent" for many Brits. A group of international transport organizations issued a chilling warning of the potential collapse of supply chains in the coming months, and they’re asking world leaders to do something to avert what could be a catastrophe. In an open letter released this week, they spelled out the stakes of continued delays caused by pandemic protocols. They asked the UN, the World Health Organization and anyone else listening to intervene to prevent a “global transport systems collapse.” According to the leaders of the shipping industry, nobody is listening, and a global disaster could be the result.

Judge Fines Amish Farmer $250K and Threatens Jail Time for Providing Club Members Food They Want

Last month we brought you the story of another Amish farmer, Amos Miller in Pennsylvania, who supplies healthy and ethical food to local food clubs in the Northeast, and how the USDA was threatening to fine him $250,000.00 for not complying with all their regulations, even though he was not selling through the retail commodity food system, but directly to consumers under contract through local food clubs. Unfortunately, a judge has ruled against the farmer and the food clubs, and if he cannot raise a quarter of a million dollars, he will go out of business and possibly spend time in jail. Again, this is NOT due to any complaint from his customers: those who pay him to raise the food. This is about protecting Wall Street and Big Food, and taking away any choices consumers have over how their food is produced, and who they can buy it from.

Most Americans Have No Idea How Close They are to Poverty, Starvation, and Death

There are few people left alive today that remember the last time a severe drought that destroyed crops combined with a collapse of the financial system left millions of Americans hungry and homeless, back in the 1930s. Most of us alive today were taught in school that in the 1930s the nation suffered during "The Great Depression" as well as "The Dust Bowl." And whether or not these were natural or man-made catastrophes back then is really not all that important when we consider that we are facing such potential dire circumstances for the immediate future, or even worse, here in 2021. Corn and wheat crops in the U.S. are in big trouble right now as we approach the end of July. Prices of corn, soy and canola are all going up right now, due to the fear that this year's harvest will be greatly affected by drought conditions across the U.S. Gloomy outlooks on this year's harvest are not the main reason for concern, however, as we have seen poor weather patterns like this in the past, and few starved or went homeless. The larger area of concern is that our entire agricultural system rests in the hands of just a few international companies, and the Globalists who brought us the COVID-19 Plandemic last year that is making a repeat performance this year, could decide to add global hunger and starvation to this show, and few Americans are prepared for empty grocery store shelves for any length of time. They will look to their government representatives for help, and that government "help" could very well be their next plan to get 70% of the population injected with the COVID-19 shots, making it a requirement to receive any government food aid. This is not a topic you want to be ignorant about.

USDA Attacks Amish Farmers Selling REAL Food to Protect Corporate Industrial Farming

The vast majority of the American population is completely ignorant about the United States militarized industrial corporate food system that feeds most of the population, and is used to topple governments worldwide. Less than 1% of our population is involved in agriculture today feeding the other 99%+ of our population, and very few people even know this, even in the alternative media. Most Americans have absolutely no clue where their food comes from, and are totally dependent on the commodity-based food system that fills the shelves of America's grocery chains. As a result, Americans spend the lowest percentage of their income on food than any other nation in the world. But the entire nation got a real dose of reality when the COVID Plandemic hit last year, and the meat operations that were dependent on processing plants that require USDA certification to sell their food became a bottleneck that chocked the nation's food supplies. Many of the small-scale operations that do not sell to the retail chains but only to members of their private food clubs kept right on producing their food, especially if they did "on-farm" processing. The USDA would want you to believe that such food is "unsafe," but that is hardly the case at all, and these small-scale private operations are actually producing food the way it has been produced for thousands of years. Amish farmer Amos Miller who operates food clubs in the Northeast has been a frequent target of the militarized industrial food system, and they are after him again as David Gumpert reports. If Americans don't wise up soon and understand that it is small-scale producers like Amos and others that have the solutions to delivering us from the tyranny and slavery of the Globalists controlling the food system, and take a stand to protect these producers, then when the shelves go bare in your local grocery stores, you will be at the total mercy of the U.S. Government. And more than likely they will not share any of their cheap, contaminated mass-produced food they have stored up for just such an occasion without you meeting certain requirements, which undoubtedly will include showing them your COVID-19 vaccine passport or scanning your implanted microchip or nanobot.

Real Food Truths: Grass-fed Beef is Carbon Positive and Healthy for the Environment

The Globalists who are trying to rush in their New World Order are using the issue of "Climate Change" to justify just about everything they are doing, including their (mostly unpublished) goals of drastically reducing the world's population. One of their key issues is eliminating meat, especially beef, which we are told is a major contributor to greenhouse emissions. The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations has estimated that livestock is responsible for at least 14.5% of greenhouse gases being released worldwide. Their solution? Eliminate beef altogether and replace it with chemical-based lab-grown "meat." This is already in the U.S. consumer market with "plant-based" beef, and it was announced recently that the world's first mega lab-grown meat (different than "plant-based" meat) operation has now started operations in Israel, where they can produce enough of this lab-grown meat to produce 5,000 hamburgers a day. I actually agree with the Globalists that most meat operations today are not sustainable, I just disagree with their solutions. The solution is not to move towards more consolidation of the food industry with new franken-foods, but to return to traditional methods of agriculture, which is both healthy for the environment, healthy for the livestock, and healthy for the consumers. It would also create many new jobs in small-scale agriculture, often run by family farms. This would de-centralize agriculture, not consolidate it into the hands of the tyrants seeking to control every aspect of our lives these days. I know first-hand that this is a fact, as I have been doing it for over 20 years, both here in the U.S. and around the world, providing jobs in agriculture to people willing to put the effort into producing ethical and healthy food, according to the Design principle our Creator has established in His Creation.

Unmasking The Global Food Cartel: Is Massive Starvation and Population Reduction Their Next Move?

The Globalists who control the world today are not politicians. Politicians are puppets, chosen by the Globalists, who control the world's financial system. At the very top of the pyramid they are Satanists, specifically "Satanic Jews" which I defined recently in the article: "Identifying the Luciferian Globalists Implementing the New World Order – Who are the 'Jews'?" Their modus operandi is the world's financial system, and the Globalist companies that run the world. We recently published the very well-written commentary by F. William Engdahl on BlackRock, the investment firm which he claims has more financial influence than the Federal Reserve and the governments of most nations. Today, I am republishing an article from a website called "Behind The News Network," a site I have been following in my newsfeed since the COVID-19 Plandemic began last year. The reason I am republishing this article today, is because it is in my topic of specialty, which is food. And the short summary of what is explained here is this: just a handful of companies control the bulk of the world's food, and if they want to turn off the faucet, they can, and it will result in massive starvation and death, and a drastic reduction of the world's population. That is what the author fears, which is why he put the time into writing this. He has unmasked the Globalists who control the world through the food supply chain, and named names. He writes: "Genocide is an intent of this system, not a side-effect." You will definitely want to take the time to read this, and prepare accordingly.

“Government Stole our Water”: US Farmers Ready for Standoff with Feds in Drought Irrigation Crisis

Outraged farmers threatened to disrupt a federal order to stop the flow of irrigation water from a lake amid a severe drought in the US state of Oregon.  Farmers are protesting because they own the water in the Upper Klamath Lake, farmer Dan Nielsen told RT’s Ruptly video agency. He stood outside an American flag-colored tent that was set up next to the canal headgates, which control the flow of irrigation water from the lake. “It’s ours and the federal government actually just stole it. No due process of law, no compensation,” Nielsen said, adding that federal officials had violated the locals’ property rights guaranteed by the US Constitution. Protesters brought signs saying “Water for Farms” and “Open the Gates. No Water. No Food. No Life.” They spoke about releasing the water themselves if the government does not back down. “If they don't budge… I think we’re just going to end up taking it,” Nielsen said. “It's the only way the government gets it.”