Alternative Health looks at alternative ways of treating illness apart from the medical system.

Father Convicted in Non-Vaccinated Child Death in Solitary Confinement Due to Threats in Prison

David and Collet Stephan of Alberta, Canada, were sentenced after the widely-publicized death of their son Ezekiel and subsequent court trial. Some supporters of the family openly wept when David was sentenced to 4 months in prison, but many of those same reporters were relieved that Collet will not be imprisoned, but will be under 3 months of house arrest. The sentiment is that, "At least she will get to be with her children." After a back and forth bout with the croup and flu-like symptoms in 2012, court testimony showed that the 18 month old little boy seemed to bounce back before suddenly taking a turn for the worse. As Health Impact News has previously reported, there was a great deal of expert testimony and evidence presented that demonstrated that the child would most likely be alive today were it not for serious failures on the part of the medical system. Because of the negative press, theirs is a high profile case. David is in solitary confinement and told his wife that he didn't see the sun for 5 days. The rumors and twisting of the facts in the media have endangered David's life, Collet told Health Impact News. Her husband is in solitary confinement out of fear for his safety after the media has painted him as a monster instead of the kind, loving father that he is.

Acupuncture: Thousand Year Old Therapy Has Tremendous Modern Day Success

More than 3 million Americans receive acupuncture each year, and its use is increasing. While there are a variety of acupuncture techniques, those typically used in the U.S. incorporate traditions from China, Japan and Korea and involve penetrating your skin with a thin needle at certain points on your body. The needle is then stimulated by hand or electrically. Acupuncture has been in use for thousands of years around the globe, and it has withstood the test of time because it works to safely relieve many common health complaints.

Former Cancer Research Biochemist Cured His Cancer with Cannabis

Among all the health professionals, M.D.s, herbalists, osteopaths, chiropractors, legal advisers as well as grass roots activists promoting medical cannabis for various applications interviewed on the Holistic Cannabis Summit, the interview of Dennis Hill is unique because he self-medicated with cannabis and cured his prostate cancer in six months. Dennis Hill is a biochemist who worked in the research department of the prestigious MD Anderson Cancer Institute in Houston for several years. Decades later in 2010, he was diagnosed with aggressive Stage III adenocarcinoma of the prostate. Not wanting to endure the harmful side effects of conventional cancer treatment that he saw while working at the MD Anderson Cancer Institute, he took a friend's advice and began to look at cannabis as a possible alternative treatment. After only three months, the main tumor was gone, but a few metastatic lesions remained. In another three months, all traces of cancer were gone.

17 Year Old Heals Stage 4 Melanoma In 6 Weeks After Chemo Failed

Bailey O'Brien shares how she healed stage 4 melanoma in 6 weeks with nutrition and alternative cancer therapies at a clinic in Mexico.

Cannabis Remedies for Epilepsy Were Discovered and Buried in the 1940s

Applying low THC high CBD cannabis or cannabidiol successfully for seizures has become relatively widespread among families with children who are having chronic seizures, even several grand mal seizures daily. This awareness was greatly enhanced by an unusual mainstream August 2013 media report by CNN's Dr. Sanjay Gupta, M.D., called “Weed.” Since that report, high CBD (cannabidiol) low THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol), the psychoactive compound of cannabis, is being used successfully for children with terminal seizures throughout the nation. Harken back to the days of former alcohol prohibitionist Harry Anslinger who was appointed head of The Bureau of Narcotics, formed around the time of the 1937 Marijuana Tax Act. You may be surprised to find that in 1947, a similar study was underway for using a synthetic form of THC with at least 50% success rate for children with intractable seizure issues. Anslinger and company did what they could do to prevent the news from getting out. But the study papers slipped through and were recently discovered. Let's explore what could have existed for 66 years as relief from the ever increasing numbers of seizure stricken children, which corresponds with the increased CDC childhood vaccine schedule.

Tribute to the Late Dr. Bradstreet: Beloved Scientific Pioneer in Healing Autism

The late Dr. James Jeffrey Bradstreet was a much beloved physician-pioneer. His revolutionary methods and passionate vision to cure autism have inspired those who knew him to continue the work, to ripple outwards and continue positively touching the lives of the autism community with the same dedication to a cure that he lived for until his tragic death last year. Hailed by his daughter as a hero—one whose sacrificial labor of love saved thousands of people over the course of his two decade long fight to cure those suffering from autism—it is clear from the impassioned voices of each one who paid Dr. Bradstreet tribute that those who knew him and loved him are committed to taking up the torch and continuing to fight for those afflicted with autism. His daughter, Elizabeth, declared: "My goal is to carry out my dad’s legacy and be a hero like him by spreading the message of hope for a cure to all who are affected by this awful epidemic we call autism. I hope that you always remember that God makes all things beautiful in His perfect timing, and to never give up. While my dad may not be here with us physically, his spirit lives on in those who loved him most and that is what empowers us to be a true hero for autism.”

FDA Prevents Medical Foods from Making Health Claims – Protects Drug Market

Want your doctor to help you manage your diabetes with specially formulated foods? The FDA says no way. What does your doctor know about nutrition and its ability to heal illness? That’s a good question for many conventional doctors, but most integrative doctors actually know a lot about it. And the FDA has no business telling them what to do. Recently, the FDA issued its final guidance on medical foods. In doing so, the agency completely ignored the many passionate comments from ANH-USA members and our allies. The agency has decided to severely restrict consumer access to medical foods—and is banning medical foods for diabetes patients. Why? Presumably because the use of medical foods might interfere with Big Pharma profits.

Medical Cannabis is Healing Autism

The subject of autism and its causes is getting more attention due to the documentary Vaxxed. It's like a continual road show going from city to city with its crew of key personnel conducting panel discussions after showings. That's great and sorely needed. But there's little awareness promoted for treating autism among the vaccine damaged. The Cannabis Summit revealed several medical practitioners of different stripes who are willing and able to use cannabis in their practices. One of them was Dr. Bogner who presented on the topic “New Frontier on Autism Spectrum Disorder Recovery: Medical Marijuana."

Our Daily Dose: The Lunacy of Water Fluoridation

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has hailed water fluoridation as one of the top 10 public health achievements of the 20th century. Beginning in 1945, it was claimed that adding fluoride to drinking water was a safe and effective way to improve people's dental health. Over the decades, many bought into this hook, line and sinker, despite all the evidence to the contrary. The featured film, "Our Daily Dose," reviews some of this evidence. As noted in the film's synopsis: "Filmmaker Jeremy Seifert lays out the dangers of water fluoridation informatively and creatively, highlighting the most current research and interviewing top-tier doctors, activists, and attorneys close to the issue. Through thoughtful examination of old beliefs and new science, the film alerts us to the health threat present in the water and beverages we rely on every day."

New Sneak Attack to Restrict Access to Dietary Supplements

It’s the same tactic these senators used last year, and with your help we will beat it back again. Last year, Sens. Blumenthal (D-CT) and Durbin (D-IL) attempted to attach anti-supplement amendments to a must-pass defense appropriations bill, but were stopped by our grassroots activists and other stakeholders. It looks as if the same tactic is being deployed once again: Sen. Blumenthal, in closed door meetings of the Senate Armed Services Committee, floated a proposed amendment that would restrict access to dietary supplements for members of the Armed Forces.

New GMO Experiment: Part-Human Part-Animal Embryos in Development

A handful of scientists around the United States are trying to do something that some people find disturbing: make embryos that are part human, part animal. The researchers hope these embryos, known as chimeras, could eventually help save the lives of people with a wide range of diseases. "We're not trying to make a chimera just because we want to see some kind of monstrous creature," says Pablo Ross, a reproductive biologist at the University of California, Davis. "We're doing this for a biomedical purpose."

Big Drug Companies Threaten Natural Hormone Therapy

Big drug companies want the entire hormone therapy market to themselves. If they’re successful, the price of bioidentical hormone replacement therapy could go through the roof. And you won’t be able to get the therapy in the right form, either. In 2014, TherapeuticsMD, a drug company specializing in women’s healthcare, was granted two new patents for the company’s combination bioidentical-estradiol-and-progesterone drug. The patents are for the particular “recipe” of bioidentical hormones (presumably a particular ratio of estradiol to progesterone, combined with a proprietary solubilizing agent), and for the “method”—that is, the claim that this formulation is a method of treating menopause symptoms in women. The company is also in the midst of conducting a Phase III clinical trial on this drug, meaning that it could be very close to coming to market. Keep in mind that this is occurring against the backdrop of the FDA’s war on natural medicine.

What If Home Birth Is Actually SAFER Than Hospital Birth?

Jennifer Lang, M.D., a highly skilled surgeon and obstetrician, chose to deliver 2 of her 3 children at her home in Southern California. Lang says home is where she felt safest and most relaxed. “I had an expert midwife who kept meticulous records of her outcomes,” Lang explains. “I’ve never seen an obstetrician at the first prenatal visit hand over their complete list of how many thousands of births they had done, what their overall C-section rate was, how many complications they had, what the complications were. My midwife did that for me and I felt incredibly safe in her hands. Her statistics were far better than any of the OBs I’d ever met, or even my own.”

How Cannabis Can Be Used for Safe and Effective Opioid Drug Withdrawal

Dr. Dustin Sulak, DO, is considered an international expert in clinical medical cannabis. Dr. Sulak heads his own Integr8 Health Clinics in Maine and a satellite clinic in Massachusetts where not only does he practice medical applications of cannabis, his clinic analyzes different cannabis strains and researches their specific applications. He also provides a free online educational service for health practitioners and patients that provides the latest data and advice for using cannabis medically. Dr. Sulak delivered a two hour presentation in Portland, Maine to a live audience that was carried simultaneously online. His lecture focused on how he uses cannabis to replace prescribed narcotic opioid pain killers, such as Oxycontin and morphine, to avoid or cure opioid addictions.

Behind the $55 Million Verdict: Johnson & Johnson Knew About Talcum Powder Cancer Risks Since the 1970s

Like the tobacco companies a generation ago, Johnson & Johnson and its cosmetics lobby have known about the link between its talcum powder and cancer for 40 years, distorted research about the talcum-cancer connection, and lied to the public about the dangers. The big lie was exposed on [recently] when, for the second time in three months, jurors blasted Johnson & Johnson with an 8-figure verdict in a trial charging that the company knew that its talc-based Baby Powder and Show to Shower Powder causes ovarian cancer. For decades, according to the plaintiffs, J&J and its lobby the Talc Interested Party Task Force (TIPTF) distorted scientific papers to prevent talc from being classified as a carcinogen. As a result, J&J is facing now 1,200 lawsuits in Missouri and New Jersey, charging it with fraud, negligence, conspiracy, and failing to warn consumers about the cancer risks.

Black Cumin Seed Oil: Ancient Seed is Cure for Many Modern Diseases

Black cumin seed oil continues to receive serious attention from medical researchers around the world. Since Health Impact News first published two reviews of black cumin seed oil research in the summer of 2014, there have been another 215 scientific papers published about this amazing oil. This article will provide you with a summary of recent findings from early 2016, which can be applied to a variety of health concerns. Topics in this article include: learning, memory, and anxiety; oral health; diabetic health; radiation exposure; male infertility; female infertility; breast pain; preventing paralysis from aortic surgery; lead poisoning; corneal injury; and MRSA infection.

Will Congress Protect Americans From Untested Chemicals?

Most people think that manufacturers must prove chemicals safe before they put them on the market. They’re wrong. Instead, federal law presumes that most chemicals are safe until proven toxic.

First Holistic Cannabis Summit Seeks to Educate Public on Health Benefits of Marijuana

Seems like there's always some sort of summit being held online for various aspects of alternative health, which should be called real health. These summits gather several experts relating to a particular health topic, diet, optional cancer treatments, etc. But this author never expected a medical cannabis summit. Nevertheless, there is one now. Speakers from several medical and nutritional practices who prescribe cannabis partially or wholly with their individual practices are available in this summit, the Holistic Cannabis Summit. The amount of cannabis experts weighing in represents a very encouraging growing trend towards medical marijuana acceptance by holistic M.D.s and medical practitioners of all types.

View The Truth About Cancer Summit for FREE This Weekend Only!

Ty Bollinger has become the leader of alternative cancer information in the United States. Last year (2015), Ty traveled around the world interviewing 131 doctors, researchers, and several cancer survivors to create an alternative cancer documentary series. This film series has already been viewed by hundreds of thousands of people and saved many lives. This weekend only (ends midnight Sunday, April, 24th), anyone can view all 9 episodes of this landmark alternative cancer summit for FREE! There is a wealth of information in these sessions that you are not likely to learn in mainstream media or medical care.

After 7-Hour Medical Board Exam on Drugs, Holistic Doctor Decides to Give up Board Certification

Today (April 15, 2016) I sat for my family practice board exam–for SEVEN hours. That will be the last time I put myself through something as ridiculous as that endeavor! In my SEVEN (miserable) hour board exam today, I found myself getting more and more irritated. Nearly every question was about a drug—how it is used, the side effects associated with it, and how it interacts with other drugs. There were virtually no questions about the importance of diet or the importance of identifying nutritional deficiencies. In fact, I can’t recall one question along those lines. The patient vignettes that I suffered reading through were all the same—the patient was taking multiple drugs and I was asked one obscure question about the drug therapy prescribed to the patient. I actually felt bad for the poor patients in the vignettes as they were having their biochemistry poisoned with multi-drug prescription cocktails.