Alternative Health looks at alternative ways of treating illness apart from the medical system.
FDA’s Seeks to Ban Supplements – Sees Supplement Sales as Threat to Pharmaceutical Drugs?
Last year, we told you about the FDA’s massive attack on supplements that came in the form of a guidance document. That guidance is meant to provide clarity to supplement companies regarding “new supplements”—referred to as new dietary ingredients, or NDIs. The FDA’s proposed NDI notification process remains one of the largest threats to the supplement industry ever.
War on Drugs: Government Approves Patented Synthetic THC but Still Classifies Natural Cannabis as Dangerous and Illegal
The pharmaceutical industry is pulling out the stops lobbying government officials and influencing those that are inclined toward prohibition, to protect not only their synthetic THC interests but also their vast exclusive pharmaceutical market. Increased cannabis use is intruding on the pharmaceutical industry's turf. It has been implied and most of us could see it coming, but on November 22, 2017, it became official. The DEA placed synthetic THC, Dronabinol, the medicinally powerful compound that creates the high in marijuana, as a Schedule II controlled substance, yet whole plant cannabis remains as a Schedule I controlled substance. The most basic irony is the idea of synthetically creating one compound of a natural plant and making it legal for medical applications while banning the plant from which it was copied synthetically, even making its use illegal. Unfortunately, this is business as usual with the pharmaceutical industry.
Chlorella: Super Food for Healing and Detox
Chlorella is a super-food that offers so many detoxification and health boosting qualities that it is hard to imagine how or why it seems to be under the radar for many holistic health advocates. Chlorella is single cell algae that can be produced in open pools of fresh water with lots of exposure to sunlight. Since each cell can only be seen through a microscope, it is categorized as a microalgae. Researchers in the West have become increasingly aware of its extremely high nutrient density over the past 100 plus years. In 2016, the journal Current Pharmaceutical Design published a review, Chlorella vulgaris: A Multifunctional Dietary Supplement with Diverse Medicinal Properties. They stated: "Clinical trials have suggested that supplementation with C. vulgaris can ameliorate … hyperglycemia, and protect against oxidative stress, cancer and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease." Chlorella is not some sort of exaggerated super-food fad; chlorella could replace a lot of supplements that are not as natural.
Cholesterol Lowering Drug Scandal: CoQ10 Essential to Senior Health but Depleted by Statins
The least publicized actual side effect of cholesterol-lowering statin drugs that complements the dangerous intended effect of reducing cholesterol is they also block CoQ10 production, which is already waning among those aged 40 and older. That’s the age when people begin getting prescribed statins per the newest statin drug guidelines. The irony is that CoQ10 is vital for good heart health! CoQ10 is on high demand from cells in muscle tissue, and the muscle that works the most without rest is the heart. Instead of supplementing CoQ10 when one reaches the 40 year plus mark, he or she will likely be prescribed statin drugs for life as a preventative against cardiovascular disease and heart attack. As statin drugs decrease one’s already lowered CoQ10 production from aging, the heart can get slowly weaker, leading to congestive heart failure. This is when the heart keeps beating, but it is so weak it isn’t strong enough to maintain blood flow throughout to meet the body's needs. Instead of the pain that accompanies a sudden heart attack, gradually one begins to have less and less energy. Excessive tiredness comes in that may be incorrectly attributed to aging or being out of shape. Exercise only further exposes one’s breathing problems. Distended belly and leg swelling also occur. This can go on for years with increasing disability until there is a total heart failure. The newest guidelines for statins almost require physicians to put patients on statins as a preventative practice for life. As the CoQ10 deficiency worsens from statins, the poor patient goes into a debilitating spiral without any recognition to its true cause.
Medical Promotion of Cholesterol-lowering Drugs Biased – Not Based on Scientific Evidence
A group of independent medical academics challenged a BMJ (British Medical Journal) 20 year follow-up study that claimed favorable results among those using statins as a preventative measure. It was known as the West of Scotland Coronary Prevention Study (WOSCOPS), and it was the first trial to demonstrate a significant reduction in cardiovascular events with statin therapy for primary prevention. The critical report challenging the BMJ’s statin-promotion based on the WOSCOPS study was published recently, October of 2017. The challenging trio of medical scientists, led by independent researcher Uffe Ravnskov MD, PhD, author of The Cholesterol Myth and Fat and Cholesterol are Good for You, parsed and picked at the study to show it is flawed. They concluded: "The study has serious bias. Many patients stop taking statins. In a study of over 140 000 elderly people, two thirds of those with cardiovascular disease (and even more of those without) had stopped treatment after two years. The question is, therefore, whether the mortality benefit among those with the highest LDL cholesterol is due to statin treatment or to their high LDL cholesterol. The question is relevant because a recent systematic review of 19 cohort studies including 68 094 elderly people (≥60 years) followed for several years found an inverse association between all cause mortality and LDL cholesterol in 92% of participants. In the largest study those with the highest LDL cholesterol lived longer than those taking statins."
Study: Black Seed Oil Helps Parkinson’s – Can be Used for Anti-depressant and Anti-anxiety Treatment
A recently studied virtue of black cumin oil is its positive effects on neurological and psychiatric systems. A meta-study of several studies analyzing black cumin for several neurological applications includes “… the pharmacological actions and the therapeutic potential pertaining to the central nervous system, particularly effects on psychiatric and neurological dysfunctions, …” The meta study, Neuropsychiatric Effects of Nigella sativa (Black Seed) A Review was published in the journal Alternative and Integrative Medicine. It reviews in detail studies from international sources where researchers have observed positive results from black cumin seed. The researchers reviewed articles published on studies about the effects of Nigella Sativa, its oil and active components, on various clinical conditions concerning the central nervous system. The black cumin seed positive-effect pharmacological categories are: Anti-convulsant effects from epilepsy, Anti-Parkinson's effects, Neuroprotective effects, Anti-depressant effects, Anti-anxiety effects, Effects on improving learning and memory, Effects on drug tolerance and drug dependence, Effects on encephalitis, toxoplasmosis and malaria, which both affect the brain
FREE Online Summit for Thyroid Struggles: Healing Hashimoto’s
You’re not alone in your thyroid struggles. Challenged by symptoms, frustrated with testing or even if you already have a firm diagnosis, the experts participating in the Healing Hashitmoto's Summit can help you. Thyroid disorders can overreact to the slightest of imbalances — join us and gain the advice you need to live a happy, healthy life with Hashi’s! Just like you, most of the co-hosts of this summit have Hashi’s — join them online to assist in your path towards wellness. They’ve done it, and you can too! You’ll learn from their personal stories, plus the advice, tips and in-clinic practices from the experts they’ve relied on, not just to diagnose and manage this disease, but to live with hope, purpose and companionship!
Vitamin C Treatment of Whooping Cough – Where Vaccines and Antibiotics Have Failed
While it is not ideal for a newborn infant to catch whooping cough, it can be managed at home. Successful treatment will require diligence and an adult rocking very young infants, at the peak of infection, 24 hours for several days. Babies cannot get vaccinated until they are two months of age, and by then, the cough can be treated much more easily than in a younger infant. After three months, a fully breast-fed baby will respond well. Otherwise healthy babies over six months of age with whooping cough, should not worry any parent if they understand the principles and protocols to deal with the infection, and are well equipped and organized. B.pertussis bacteria is very tricky, and part of its armor involves several toxins. Toxin production is the major reason for the worst symptoms. Conventional medical doctors don’t know how to address the toxin issue in most infections. They give antibiotics, which have never been shown with any certainty, to limit the duration or severity of whooping cough in well-established disease. Is ascorbate a cure? No, but the majority of parents who use it on their infected babies, and young and older children, report a significant decrease in cough intensity, with thinning and loosening of sticky mucus, within the first 24 hours of proper dosing. Ascorbate, in properly spaced, very high oral doses, will get you and your children through the weeks with vastly reduced symptoms while developing lasting immunity that will later protect those around them more effectively than vaccines can.
Study: Ovarian Cancer not Ovarian! Millions of Women Have Ovaries Surgically Removed Needlessly?
A recently published study (October 2017) challenges the accepted mainstream medical theory that ovarian cancer is developed in the ovaries. The study, "Molecular analysis of high-grade serous ovarian carcinoma with and without associated serous tubal intra-epithelial carcinoma," was conducted by medical researchers in 2016 at both the Sloan-Kettering Cancer Institute and Johns Hopkins. The study contends that, "For decades it was thought that ovarian carcinoma originates in the OSE or ovarian CICs, but few data supported this claim. Lesions resembling an intraepithelial carcinoma in CICs and the OSE are rare. In contrast, a putative precursor of ovarian carcinoma has been described in the fallopian tube, designated STIC, which is found frequently in association with “ovarian” HGSCs and in the fallopian tubes removed prophylactically from high-risk women. The implications of these findings are to direct efforts for prevention and early detection toward the distal fallopian tube, rather than the OSE. Ongoing and planned clinical trials are investigating bilateral salpingectomy with ovarian preservation as a viable option for ovarian cancer risk-reduction." Women are often encouraged to have their ovaries removed during an existing pelvic operation to ensure protection against ovarian cancer. Dr. Robert J. Rowen, M.D. is questioning the need for such surgeries in light of this new study. The result of surgically removing ovaries, for millions of women, according to Dr. Rowen, has been: “… a nightmare of hormonal difficulties. The ovaries do, in fact, make some hormone even after menopause and all the eggs are gone.”
The FDA Wants to Turn Vitamins into Drugs
We must keep the FDA from turning a vital nutrient over to Big Pharma. An important study finds that carbidopa, a standard Parkinson’s drug, “irreversibly binds to and permanently deactivates” pyridoxal-5’-phosphate (P5P), a key form of vitamin B6 in the body. The authors describe the essential role P5P plays in the body: “[P5P] is required for the function of over 300 enzymes and proteins. Virtually every major system of the body is impacted directly or indirectly by [it].” You’re not likely to hear from a conventional doctor how this drug destroys a vital nutrient in your body, just as you’re unlikely to hear how a host of other drugs interfere with the body’s absorption of key vitamins and minerals. (The FDA hasn’t approved alternative therapies for Parkinson’s, such as focused ultrasound, even though it is approved for similar conditions.) Actually, the FDA would prefer you to take your B6 in the form of a drug. You may recall the case of pyridoxamine, one of three bioavailable forms of vitamin B6. This vitamin has many health benefits; indeed, we could not live without B6. Notwithstanding, in 2009 the FDA banned the supplement form of pyridoxamine in response to a petition from a drug company, which wanted to use it in a drug formulation. P5P faces a similar threat. The FDA is considering a petition from Medicure Pharma to ban P5P because the company wants to turn this crucial vitamin into a drug. This is especially scary—all forms of B6, natural or synthetic, must be converted to P5P for the body to use them. If the FDA approves the petition, anyone who is not able to convert synthetic B6 to P5P would have to rely solely on Medicure’s product to stay alive.
Mainstream Medicine Admits Medical Cannabis is Effective in Treating Leukemia – But Only Synthetic Patented Version
There has been a bit of a stir recently over mainstream medical analysis that supports cannabis for treating leukemia. Unfortunately, most of it involves cannabis as an adjunct or supporting treatment for chemotherapy, while the rest supports synthetic THC for leukemia. An example of this is a 2016 study referenced in a June 2017 issue of Herb in the article “Is Cannabis Effective Against Leukemia,” which surprisingly cautiously skirted the issue of curing leukemia with cannabis. The study referenced, "Dronabinol has preferential anti-leukemic activity in acute lymphoblastic and myeloid leukemia with lymphoid differentiation patterns," which basically examined the efficacy of a pharmaceutical drug called dronabinol, the active synthetic THC compound of Marinol . The study was very favorable, concluding: "Our study provides rigorous data to support clinical evaluation of THC as a low-toxic therapy option in a well defined subset of acute leukemia patients." So this synthetic THC drug dronabinol is okay with the FDA, and the DEA has it listed as a Schedule III controlled substance. Yet the whole plant cannabis commonly known as marijuana with its balanced assortment of 80 or so cannabinoids and terpenes and flavonoids that contribute to a safe synergistic entourage effect of healing is still listed as Schedule I, dangerous, addictive, and without medical merit.
FREE Replay of Event on Preventing, Treating and Beating Cancer
The Truth About Cancer LIVE 2017 is in the history books. Over three amazing days, we heard 40 leading cancer and health experts share their research and knowledge on how to heal and prevent cancer naturally. What people heard and saw over last weekend changed their lives dramatically … and filled us with hope for a cancer-free future. We hope you had a chance over the weekend to tune in to some or all of the LIVESTREAM event. If you did… it was impossible to see each and every speaker. With nine breakout sessions and three stages -- along with a dozen keynote speakers -- you’re sure to have missed something. But we’ve got great news… You have a second chance to see the event. Ty and his team recorded the entire event. And this weekend, you can tune in once again as The Truth About Cancer LIVE 2017 -- the entire weekend -- is replayed. Starting on Friday, October 13th at 8:30am Eastern, Ty will replay the whole event online for you to watch for FREE.
What are Leaky Gut Disorders? How to Heal Them
Hippocrates, the ancient Greek doctor, is often quoted as saying, "All disease begins in the gut." This includes many diseases not currently associated (by modern medical practitioners) with gastrointestinal (GI) tract issues, although there is a small contingent of progressive practitioners who are recognizing this phenomenon. Dysbiosis is the imbalance of intestinal gut flora or gut microbiome (the symbiotic bacteria occurring naturally in the intestines) that seems to be the foundation of gut diseases: Crohn’s disease, IBD (irritable bowel disease), and IBS (irritable bowel syndrome). There has been a steady increase of various gastrointestinal (GI) tract diseases and disorders occurring throughout the U.S. over the past few decades. The popular scapegoat for the rise in GI tract disease is grains, specifically gluten, but much of that blame is misplaced. In this article we will look at common causes of gut dysbiosis, and how one can prevent or even reverse leaky gut disorders.
Exposing the Cholesterol Myth: Big Pharma and Their Corporate “Mainstream” Media Strike Back
It seems to coincide that when fraudulent medical or nutritional dogma promoted by mainstream medicine or government nutritional institutions starts getting exposed in the alternative media, they both double down with the aid of mainstream media, especially if the result of that exposure is lowered sales of statin drugs and processed non-fat foods. This is what is happening with both statin drugs and saturated fat disinformation. But now the empire is striking back. Cleveland Clinic cardiologist Dr. Steven Nissen writes: "We are losing the battle for the hearts and minds of our patients to websites developed by people with little or no scientific expertise, who often peddle ‘natural’ or ‘drug-free’ remedies for elevated cholesterol levels. This 'Internet-driven cult' denies statins’ benefits and whips up fears of side effects, then profits from the resulting confusion by peddling snake oil. The diversion of patients away from evidence-based therapy by advocates of unproven dietary supplements must be vigorously opposed by physician-scientists. Similarly, the claims that cult diets can reverse heart disease have no scientific basis and represent a danger to public health." Dr. Nissen’s viewpoint was also covered in a MedPage Today article titled “CardioBrief: Statin Denialism Is 'A Deadly Internet-Driven Cult,'" where Dr. James Stein (University of Wisconsin) supported Dr. Nissen’s editorial with more vitriol than even Dr. Nissen expressed, stating: "There is a special place in hell for people who use fear tactics and misinformation to promote books and natural health aids, including crazy diets, at the expense of proven medical therapies, rather than as complimentary options under medical direction. I am not sure why Americans are so susceptible to these charlatans."
Why Does the FDA Want to Ban this Supplement that has Been Around for Decades?
Vinpocetine, a natural nootropic (nōəˈträpik), is an active ingredient in several brain boosting supplement formulas. It is also sold as an inexpensive supplement by itself. Nootropics are neurologically active memory and cognitive enhancers, promoting well being and learning potential. It is the sole ingredient of an Eastern European medicine, used since 1978 for recovering stroke victims and other neurological issues called Cavinton. Its use has spread throughout Asia and other parts of Europe. Both Cavinton and Vinpocetine, extracted from the periwinkle plant, have been tested, studied, and tried internationally for several neurological issues with mostly highly positive results since 1978. Along the way, other benefits were discovered related to heart health, vision, hearing, and more. Now there is a current controversy involving the FDA and a Missouri Senator seeking to restrict public access to this supplement which has a long history of use outside the U.S.
3 Day LIVE Event FREE: Preventing, Treating and Beating Cancer
Ty and Charlene Bollinger are hosting their critically-acclaimed health summit, The Truth About Cancer LIVE, from October 5th through October 7th, 2017. This year they’ve gathered an impressive collection of alternative health and natural cancer experts, maybe some of the best in the world, to present. It’s a “who’s who” of the very brightest minds and caring hearts in the field of alternative healing. Here’s just a taste of who’s coming: Dr. Patrick Quillin - Beating Cancer with Nutrition, Dr. Joseph Mercola - Ketogenic Diet and Cancer, Dr. Robert Scott Bell - Gut Health, the Microbiome, and Cancer, Dr. Rashid Buttar -The Cancer Conflict: Resolving the 5th Toxicity, Dr. Tony Jimenez - Treating Cancer with Sound and Light, Mike Adams - The importance of "ORGANIC", Del Bigtree - Freedom of Choice in Medicine, Chris Wark - How "Chris Beat Cancer" - Plus SO many more! These experts will share their most front-line, advanced and important information about healing and preventing cancer and other chronic diseases. And you have a front row seat - from the comfort of your own home. Here’s the best part: it’s absolutely FREE to you! The broadcast starts Thursday, October 5th at 9am Eastern.
Study: Cannabis Prevents Premature Deaths – Cannabis Prohibition is a Major Cause of Premature Death in the U.S.
The head of the Biology Department at Indiana University South Bend, Professor Thomas M. Clark, recently published in 2017 a lengthy “systematic review, meta-analysis, and narrative summary of effects of cannabis use on mortality are performed.” The bottom line from the 53 page document titled “Cannabis use is associated with a substantial reduction in premature deaths in the United States” is: "Cannabis use prevents thousands of premature deaths each year, and Cannabis prohibition is revealed as a major cause of premature death in the U.S."
How the Mineral Boron found in Common Borax Helps Arthritis and Other Health Problems
Dr. Newnham was originally a professor of soil science and agricultural botany. After enduring the side effects of pharmaceutical drugs without improvement of his arthritic condition for years, he realized he needed to understand nutrition better to heal himself. So he earned degrees as an Osteopathic Doctor (DO) and Naturopathic Doctor (ND) with a Ph.D. in nutrition. That training combined with his background in soil science led him to discover a trace mineral lacking in most food, due to poor soil conditions from modern farming methods. This trace mineral healed his arthritis – boron. In Australia where he lived and worked, natural boron compounds weren’t banned, but they were labeled as a poison. Newnham argues that it is the amount that determines toxicity, not the compound itself. He used oxygen as an example. Breathing with 100 percent oxygen is rarely achieved, even so, too much oxygen well beyond the normal 21 percent we normally breathe for extended periods can actually kill. After determining the toxicity zone of boron to be between 45 and 60 grams, which is quite a lot, Dr. Newnham used 30 milligrams of sodium tetraborate, aka Borax, as a daily dose of boron to finally cure his arthritis in three weeks. Borax is a mined natural mineral compound that is high in boron. It is not a synthetic compound.
The Thriving Child Summit – FREE Online!
The Thriving Child Summit is a FREE online conference for parents who want to learn how to help their children THRIVE! Join holistic mama doc – Elisa Song, MD, for this inspirational, information-packed, 1-week event where she brings you video interviews with over 40 of the world’s leading experts in holistic health and wellness, integrative medicine, nutrition, parenting, and mind-body medicine who will show you how to help your children thrive to their fullest potentials. Whether your child is healthy, or has a chronic health concern – learn how to integrate the best of conventional and holistic pediatric health care, lifestyle management, and parenting tools. Become empowered to take charge of your child’s health and wellness holistically!