Alternative Health looks at alternative ways of treating illness apart from the medical system.
Will Driverless Cars Cause DNA Damage and Cancer?
Driverless cars are seen as the next big market potential for the automotive industry. But before we get too excited about these driverless cars, we need to carefully consider the many levels of health risks involved with this technology, as well as the loss of privacy. Vehicle crashes and fatalities are minor concerns compared to potential human DNA damage and increased risks of cancer. The microwave radar systems used in driverless cars can project microwave radiation for more than 750 feet in front of the vehicle and a similar distance behind the vehicle. They use a combination of short-range, medium-range, and long-range microwave radar systems at very high frequencies. These frequencies have not been tested to prove they are safe for humans. No safety studies have been done to determine the dangers of constant exposure to multiple microwave frequencies. Driverless cars will require on-board computers and multiple on-board microwave radar systems. They will be tied into the 4G and 5G cell tower system through hotspot technology built into the car. Eventually, this technology will even permit a central traffic control computer to manage traffic flow. These central computers could even be used to slow or speed up vehicles and even stop them if needed. This system will track the activity of every car on the road and even record information about who is driving the vehicles, eliminating any resemblance of privacy about your driving habits and location. Are driverless cars really worth the potential destruction of our health and loss of privacy?
Pulsed Electromagnetic Healing Increasingly Popular in the U.S. Because it is Curing People
In modern times the broad category of "energy healing" is not very well-known in western culture, which has built a medical system dependent on chemically-based pharmaceutical products. In many cultures, however, various forms of energy healing have existed for thousands of years. In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), for example, the science of acupuncture has been known and practiced for thousands of years, and it is also one form of energy medicine known and practiced in western countries today like the U.S. One can even state that the greatest energy healer of all time, Jesus Christ, practiced the purest form of energy healing over 2000 years ago. And his cure rate was 100% - far better than the modern pharmaceutical-based medical system, or even other energy healing modalities. In general, energy healing can be very effective without all the toxic side effects of pharmaceutical drugs. One form of energy healing that is becoming increasingly more popular in the United States is Pulsed Electromagnetic Healing. Most would acknowledge that the rebel scientist Raymond Royal Rife began much of the research and practice in this field in the 1930s, with some amazing results, such as curing cancer. This made him an outcast, of course, as even today "researching a cure for cancer" is a hundred billion dollar plus industry that would disappear if it was acknowledged that there actually are cures for cancer, and the pharmaceutical cartel cannot allow that to happen. It would literally destroy the U.S. economy. I have asked reporter Paul Fassa to cover a bit of the history behind Pulsed Electromagnetic Healing and to survey a bit of the current market choices available to the consumer. What we can NOT do is recommend one device or therapy above the other. We are mostly limited to published data, testimonials, and claims made online, much of it contradictory. When viewing marketing material and testimonials from such devices or therapies, one should be wary of claims such as "this is the ONLY device/therapy on the market affecting health and healing in this area." In fact, the consumer has many choices. Dr. William Pawluk, M.D., M.Sc., who has a website educating people on Pulsed Electromagnetic Healing, probably states it best when he writes: "There are a variety of PEMF (Pulsed Electromagnetic Field) systems available because there is no one 'best' system. Only when we understand what health issues are of greatest concern to an individual can we begin to determine which system is most likely to achieve the desired results."
Hashimoto’s Online Self Management Program Offers Thyroid Healing
When it comes to navigating your health, if that journey includes Hashimoto’s, a thyroid condition, hypothyroidism, subclinical hypothyroidism, or many other autoimmune conditions as well, such as celiac disease, information simply isn’t enough. You need to have a step-by-step plan. I am Dr. Izabella Wentz, and even having a degree in pharmacology did not save me from years of misdiagnosis by doctors and misinformation from experts. Finding a path out of Hashimoto’s and thyroid illness became my focus (and success story), and finding a way to share everything I discovered became my mission. I have written TWO New York Times best-selling patient guides, launched three companies (including a training for practitioners), and created a line of supplements to support and empower people with thyroid disease to take back their health, and still I knew something was missing. So, I got really centered and began to systemize the steps and summarize all of the solutions that I knew could change lives into one place – I created a PROGRAM to take you from suffering – to celebrating. Because this life is a gift, and helping you to unwrap it with renewed health is my highest privilege.
Studies Link Canine Cancers to Lawn Chemicals
Lawn chemicals, particularly, ones containing 2,4-D, have been linked to at least two types of canine cancers. Studies found that lawn chemicals travel to neighboring yards and inside homes, and chemicals have been found in the urine of dogs whose owners did not spray their lawns. A six-year study from Tufts University School of Veterinary Medicine linked lawn pesticides to canine malignant lymphoma (CML). Based on questionnaire results from dog owners, the study found “specifically, the use of professionally applied pesticides was associated with a significant 70% higher risk of CML. Risk was also higher in those reporting use of self-applied insect growth regulators.”
Are Dentists Dying From Mercury Poisoning?
In June 2017, the CDC reviewed medical records from 894 patients diagnosed with IPF and treated at one clinic from September 1996 to June 2017, looking for those with an occupation of dentist, dental hygienist or dental technician. Nine of the patients, or 1 percent, were dental personnel. Considering the small number of dentists in the U.S. relative to the overall population (0.038 percent in 2016), the fact that they represented nearly 1 percent of patients being treated for IPF at one clinic was noteworthy. In fact, the CDC analysis revealed that the dental workers were 23 times more likely to develop IPF compared to the general population.
Online FREE Diabetes Summit Shows How to Prevent and Reverse Diabetes Naturally
Despite BILLIONS of dollars spent on pharmaceutical research, diabetes rates continue to rise. Plus, there are MORE THAN 70 diabetes drugs being prescribed in the U.S. alone — NONE that address the root causes or stops the progression of the disease. What we’re doing now must change, because it isn’t working. With the right education and action, it’s ABSOLUTELY possible to change and save the lives of those on a path toward diabetes. For Dr. Brian Mowll, diabetes is a professional passion. Early in his medical practice, he saw one person after another suffering with diabetes, and all of them frustrated with the mismanagement of their conditions. They were taking drugs to manage blood sugar, but their health kept deteriorating. Dr. Mowll made it his mission to discover the truth about the root causes of type 2 diabetes, and find natural solutions to reverse it, help restore balance and master blood sugar. Learn from Dr. Mowll at his Diabetes Summit 2018, register for free!
Protection of Medical Cannabis in Legal States Has Bipartisan Support in Congress
An agreement among representatives on both sides of the aisle in the United States House of Representatives has retained the bill that prohibits the Department of Justice (DOJ) from using its allocated funds for DEA interventions in states that allow cannabis for medical purposes. It was included as part of the House final appropriations budget for the fiscal year 2018, which ends September 30, 2018. 62 Congress members from both sides of the aisle have decided to start pushing now for the 2019 inclusion of this protective provision with a letter which included the following: "We believe that the consistent, bipartisan support for such protections against federal enforcement, combined with the fact that similar language has been in place since December 2014, makes a strong case for including similar language in your base FY 2019 appropriations bill." The Marijuana Justice Act, introduced by Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ), would end the federal prohibition on marijuana once and for all, by removing the drug from the DEA’s list of controlled substances entirely. The Marijuana Justice Act, introduced by Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ), would end the federal prohibition on marijuana once and for all, by removing the drug from the DEA’s list of controlled substances entirely. It was introduced as Senate bill number S. 1689, but thus far is without co-sponsors. Earlier, Senator Bernie Sanders had attempted to introduce a similar bill with similar results. However, a similar version of S. 1689, H.R. 1227 – Ending Federal Marijuana Prohibition Act of 2017, was introduced into the House of Representatives by Thomas Garrett (R-Vir) and has 15 House co-sponsors. Recently, 14 members of Congress have asked to cut funding for the Drug Enforcement Administration's cannabis eradication program, writing: "Throughout the country, states are increasingly turning away from marijuana prohibition and enacting alternative policies to lower crime rates, free up limited law enforcement resources, and keep drugs out of the hands of children. Despite both the Cannabis Eradication Program’s proven ineffectiveness and the seismic shift in attitudes on marijuana policy within Congress and across our nation, the DEA continues to spend millions of taxpayer dollars on this program, spending $22 million in 2015 alone. There is no justification for spending this kind of money on an antiquated program never shown to be effective. Of course, there is some justification. It puts more non-violent marijuana users into private prisons, which were beginning to be phased out prior to this new administration with stock values plummeting. After all, the Federal Government spent 639 million dollars on 'private prisons.'"
Leading Animal Health and Cancer Specialists Release FREE 7-part Docu-Series on The Truth About Pet Cancer
Cancer has no mercy. Every year, cancer claims the lives of our mothers… fathers… and friends. And now – this ruthless disease is stealing the lives our beloved animals. It’s sad but true. Each year, over 6 million dogs and 6 million cats are diagnosed with cancer. And millions die as a devastating result. But what if it didn’t have to happen? What if people and pets are tragically dying from cancer, simply because they haven’t heard about treatments that can truly heal them? And if there were simple things you can do that would prevent your pet from getting cancer in the first place. Well, now it’s time for you to discover the Truth about *PET* Cancer.
Super Antioxidant Chaga Mushrooms: Healing Cancer and Autoimmune Diseases
Mushrooms are among the least publicized potential cancer treatment adjuncts to alternative cancer treatments. Even most holistic medical practitioners and journalists ignore the immune boosting and moderating properties of medicinal mushrooms. Do chaga mushrooms have anti-cancer properties that mainstream oncology is obliged to suppress in order to maintain its high revenue monopoly over cancer victims and their families? Some say chaga does well as both a healing agent for cancer or as an adjunct to help chemo patients survive their ordeal.
5G Technology is Coming – Linked to Cancer, Heart Disease, Diabetes, Alzheimer’s, and Death
The new fifth generation (5G) cellular system that is being installed in every major American city. It will intensify the microwave radiation health risks for everyone living in those cities. It is estimated that the daily microwave exposure generated by the 5G system will be equivalent to living inside a microwave oven and turning it up to high and baking yourself for 19 minutes a day. The microwave frequencies that are being used in this new generation 5G system are in the 1-millimeter wave length. The long-term health risks of these short microwaves have not been adequately tested and the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and telecom companies are simply presuming that they are safe based on 1996 research. Research on microwave frequency radiation conducted since 1996 shows that the existing 3G and 4G cellular systems are causing serious harm to human health. The 5G systems will increase the level of harm to the level where illness and death can no longer be denied. A million or more new 5G towers will be erected in American cities. FCC regulations make it illegal for government entities to try to delay or stop cell tower installation on the basis of health risks. Telecom companies can sue cities and states that attempt to use health concerns to impede their cell tower building plans.
Newsweek: “Is Marijuana the World’s Most Effective Treatment for Autism?”
Due largely to increased vaccination demands and other toxic food and environment factors, the horror of life-long autism ruining families is constantly increasing. With mainstream medicine’s failure to even moderately improve those children’s quality of life, desperate parents of autistic children are finding that medical marijuana can sometimes offer amazing results, and mainstream media is starting to take note. On the last week of February 2018, Newsweek ran an article titled, “Is Marijuana the World’s Most Effective Treatment for Autism?” The question alone was controversial.
The Energy Blueprint: FREE “Double Your Energy” Video Masterclass
Ari Whitten, a #1 best-selling author, nutritionist, and renowned fatigue expert is the founder of The Energy Blueprint. He is offering a FREE online Masterclass Series to help you beat fatigue and double your energy.
FDA Threatens Homeopathy – Congressional Action Needed
The FDA wants to up-end the homeopathic industry—because it’s become too popular. Help us stop this insanity! Action Alert! Considering the myriad public health problems facing this country, including the opioid epidemic and the overuse of antibiotics, it is ludicrous that the agency is focusing on homeopathic drugs. Could it be that, like supplements, homeopathic drugs compete with pharmaceutical drugs? Recall, too, that the FDA has announced that they are targeting alternatives to opioids in the midst of an epidemic of opioid addiction that is killing 115 Americans every day. We must encourage our senators and representatives to sign on to the Hatch and Costello letters and send a clear message to the FDA: the previous regulatory policy was sufficient to ensure consumer access to safe homeopathic remedies, and we don’t need to fix what isn’t broken.
Federal Lawsuit Against Forced Water Fluoridation Proceeds
In 2015, the federal government finally admitted that Americans were overdosed on fluoride, mainly due to municipalities adding fluoride to tap water. Fluoride has been implicated in neurological diseases such as Autism and Alzheimer’s Disease. Over the past few years, several municipalities have voted to stop automatic fluoridation of municipal drinking water, as it basically amounts to forced drugging of an entire population against their will. Large cities like Portland and Dallas were among the first to take measures to stop the practice. A list of cities that have acted to stop forced water fluoridation since 2009 can be found at the Fluoride Action Network here. Today in 2018, the Fluoride Action Network (FAN) has a federal lawsuit in place against the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) demanding a ban on forced water fluoridation nationwide. The EPA has tried to get this lawsuit dismissed, but so far has failed.
Natural and Non-toxic Options for Treating Hepatitis C or Liver Inflammation
The Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is called the "Dragon" because it can infect humans and remain dormant for 20 years or more, then awaken as an aggressive foe to attack its host. Thus, Hepatitis-C is considered a future epidemic among baby-boomers who went through the 1960s and got infected from blood transfusions or self injecting drug experiments with shared needles. Their sleeping dragons will be awakening at any time and plunging them into dire health or death. Recent "discoveries" of new ways Hep-C can be spread also makes those sleeping dragon carriers that could potentially infect others. This official medical story is guaranteed to raise revenues for Big Pharma as they produce and promote, even on TV, their latest drugs for Hepatitis or Hep-C. Research is also underway for Hep-C vaccines. Although Hep-C can easily develop into cirrhosis requiring a liver transplant, a lot of the pumped up hysteria of a looming Hep-C epidemic is highly suspicious, especially since there have been several clinical and anecdotal successful Hep-C cures achieved with only dietary changes and natural supplements, including coconut oil.
FREE Holistic Oral Health Summit: Learn Why Hidden Poisons in Your Mouth Cause Cancer, Arthritis, Heart Disease and More
The Holistic Oral Health Summit is online and FREE from March 12-19, 2018. You’ve heard about it on the news. Millions of people are suffering from all kinds of health problems and diseases. And many of these diseases are deadly. But did you know that problems in your MOUTH might be causing a whopping 80% of these diseases? All caused by modern dental practices and common oral infections. The legendary physician Reinhard Voll, M.D. discovered this shocking fact after 40 years of scientific research. Think about it. If you’re suffering from health problems or chronic disease, chances are very high that the problem started in your mouth. These hidden poisons can cause cancer. Heart disease. Arthritis. Diabetes. Chronic migraines. Alzheimer’s. Bladder problems. And more. You can get them from a routine dentist visit. Or they can develop on their own. So why haven’t you heard about this from your doctor? The truth is most doctors don’t know. That’s because the medical establishment has been working hard to ban this information. There’s too much at stake… you’ll learn more about that soon. The good news is: we’re not keeping quiet. You and your loved ones have a right to know these life-saving facts.
86 Percent of Teens Are Loaded With Gender-Bending Chemicals
Bisphenol-A (BPA) was first created by a Russian chemist in 1891, but wasn't used in the manufacture of products until the 1950s when it was used to produce resilient and often transparent plastics. Today, BPA is found in countless personal care products, water bottles, cashier receipts and the lining of canned goods. Although research shows BPA is detrimental to human health, the market was valued at over $13 billion in 2013 and expected to reach $20 billion in 2020. Unfortunately, as the demand for BPA-free products is rising, substitute chemicals that are nearly identical to BPA are being substituted and thought to produce the same negative human health effects. Recently, a study from the University of Exeter determined the extent to which BPA is found in the human population. The study was a collaborative research project between community-based resources (high school students) and the University of Exeter researchers. The study tested the urine and blood of 94 students in Great Britain and found 86 percent of the teenagers had hormone-disrupting contaminants in their system. Although currently legal in Europe, the European Chemicals Agency reclassified BPA in 2017 as a substance of "very high concern" as it has probable serious effects on human health.
Rising From the Depths of Diabetes and Obesity – FREE Online 9-Part Docuseries
Last year Oxford scientist, Dr. David Matthews, compared diabetes to The Black Death of the 21st century. 1 out of 2 Americans now have diabetes or pre-diabetes, and 70% don't even know it. 2 out of 3 people with diabetes will die of a heart attack, and diabetes is a leading cause of death by stroke. As of 2017 40% of American adults are now obese, and a shocking 20% of our kids, making them up to 5X as likely to get diabetes. The FREE Online Docuseries, iThrive! Rising from the Depths of Diabetes and Obesity, features 55 world-renowned scientists, doctors, and experts. It begins February 27, 2018. Our host, Jon McMahon, is a 53-year-old morbidly obese man who has had a diabetic heart attack and has been told another heart attack or stroke could come without warning. He chooses to embark on a journey to understand why no amount of money or medicine is stopping the twin pandemics of diabetes and obesity, what's really causing it and how to prevent and reverse it. He heads out as a one-man-documentary camera crew... against his doctors’ orders. He knew that he might not have lived to see the docuseries go live to the world, but believes his mission was worth risking his life for. Our host has now applied what he’s learned from the docuseries experts and has lost 45 lbs in recent weeks. His fasting blood sugar is 85 now. He’s living the transformation!
Big Pharma Stands to Lose $18.5 BILLION if Marijuana is Legalized Nationally: Is this Why the Current Administration is Attempting to Halt the Progress of Medical Cannabis?
A 2017 study on medical cannabis by NewFrontier Data looked at the economic impact on the pharmaceutical industry if medical cannabis were to become legal nationally: "In our latest study, From Prescription to Recommendation: How Cannabis Could Disrupt the Pharmaceutical Industry, our data analysts have found that if medical cannabis were legalized nationally, pharmaceutical expenditures on the top nine conditions commonly treated by medical cannabis could fall an estimated $18.5 billion between 2016 and 2019." Could the powerful pharmaceutical lobby be behind the current administration's efforts to try and crack down on legal cannabis in states where it has become legal? How else can the disinformation currently being published by the current attorney general be interpreted?
Dog Almost Dies From Human Hair Dye — What Does That Tell You?
A 5-pound Maltese mixed dog named Violet recently brought to light the extreme danger owners put their dogs in when attempting to dye their fur using hair dye meant for people. The dog was brought to the Pinellas County Animal Services to be treated for her injuries, which included badly burned skin. Once at the facility, the staff washed as much of the chemicals off the dog as possible. Since dogs instinctively lick their coat, there was concern Violet may have suffered internal burns as well. The next day she was put under anesthesia to have her coat shaved off. It was only at this point the staff recognized the extent of the damage to the dog’s skin, which started to slough off after being shaved. The hospital staff bandaged her, gave her antibiotics and intravenous fluids but was unsure if she would make it through the first night. After three months of arduous treatment, including honey, pain medication, continued antibiotics and bandage changes, Violet appears to have made a good recovery. Violet is now in the care of a new owner who has experience grooming pets. Dyeing animal fur is not only stressful to the animal, but also increases the risk of chemical burns and allergic reactions, in much the same way these chemicals may affect you or your child.