Alternative Health looks at alternative ways of treating illness apart from the medical system.
How Big Technology Companies Control the Minds of the Masses Through Smart Phone Addiction
With the push of a button, tech companies can make a billion people have the same thought. The tool they use is the smartphone. The thought could be a bit of truth or it could be a lie. Regardless of the content of the message, they have the power to capture our attention and to insert a thought in our minds, even if the thought only lingers there for a few seconds before we move on to something else. This kind of mind control is not accidental but is part of an intentional plan of technology companies to get us addicted to their technology, to steal our time, and to build profitability at our expense. Research shows that it is common for many people to check their phones 150 times a day and to touch the phone 2,617 times every day. The top 10% of users touch their phones more than 5,400 times daily. How many times an hour do you check your phone? Supercomputers have now beaten the best chess masters in the world, and it is these same supercomputers that are used by tech companies to manage smartphone addiction. The process involves collecting information about our interests and using psychological and behavioral methods to get us hooked on their technology. Unless we understand the techniques being used to get us addicted and take steps to control how we use smartphones and tablets, these devices have a high potential for taking over our lives.
BPA-Free, but Not Toxic-Free
The word is out about bisphenol-A (BPA), the chemical that is commonly used in drinking containers, children’s toys, and other plastic products: it’s been linked to diabetes, asthma, cancer, obesity, and altered prostate and neurological development, among other illnesses. Unfortunately, the alternatives that industry is using are no safer, despite the “BPA-free” marketing ploys—but federal regulators continue to protect the chemical industry by refusing to ban these dangerous compounds. The chemical industry has, in response to consumer demand (and an FDA ban of BPA in plastic baby bottles), used bisphenol-S (BPS) to replace BPA. However, reports indicate that BPS is just as toxic as BPA. Studies have found that even small amounts of BPS—as little as one part per trillion—can disrupt cellular functioning and impair brain development. Studies have also shown that BPS causes breast cancer cells to aggressively multiply. BPS has also been linked to heart arrhythmia and endocrine disruption, causing puberty at a premature age in females. Despite this alarming data, nearly 81% of Americans have detectable levels of BPS in their urine.
FREE Online Addiction Summit
Dr. Paul Thomas, MD, ABAM, FAAP, ABIHM, is hosting a FREE online Addiction Summit August 13 - 19, 2018. We’re in the midst of an addiction crisis of epic and tragic proportions — not just drugs, but foods, tobacco, technology and behaviors — our high-stress, unhealthy choices and lack of responsibility and belonging are putting us at terrible risk. Odds are, you or someone you know has or is vulnerable to an addiction — 1 in 7 of us struggle with food, tobacco, alcohol, opioids, meth, stimulants, technology and/or other behavioral addictions.
High Fat Ketogenic Diet More Effective than Pysch Drugs for Schizophrenia and Mental Health
Health Impact News has published many articles about the low-carb high-fat ketogenic diet, and its favorable influences on several diseases or dysfunctional health conditions. The ketogenic diet was originally developed at Johns Hopkins Hospital in the 1920s to stop seizures in children with epilepsy, when pharmaceutical drugs did not work. More recently, the ketogenic diet has been used successfully for neurological disorders such as Alzheimer's disease. Recently, there have been efforts by some researchers and medical practitioners to explore the potential of ameliorating schizophrenia, a major brain disorder that affects one out of a hundred, with the aid of the ketogenic diet.
Lithium Orotate: Nutrient for Brains that Fights Alzheimer’s, Dementia, and Parkinson’s
Whenever someone mentions or especially recommends lithium, people tend to get nervous. They think it’s only for manic-depressive or bipolar types with the normal expectations of pharmaceutical side effects. But more recently, holistic doctors, naturopaths, and chiropractors have been recommending a natural form of lithium that’s safe and effective as both a mood stabilizer and overall neuroprotective nootropic, a cognitive enhancer that improves memory and motivation in normally healthy individuals. This is lithium orotate. As expected, the pharmaceutical compound, lithium carbonate, has long-term side effects created from renal (kidney) damage and hypertension (high blood pressure) and rapid weight gain. Even so, lithium carbonate was considered psychiatry's last sane drug until the pharmaceutical industry's take-over of psychiatry with newly-designed, dangerous drugs, starting in the 1990s. For around 30 years, holistic Dr. Jonathon Wright, MD has been using lithium orotate on his Washington State Tahoma Clinic patients and himself. He declares: "I’m convinced that lithium is an anti-aging nutrient for human brains. And there are also some very strong reasons to believe that lithium therapy will slow the progression of serious degenerative mental problems, including Alzheimer’s disease, senile dementia, and Parkinson’s disease."
Government Aims to Dictate Your Vitamin Dosages
Draconian limits on vitamin dosage amounts could be coming if the feds get their way. That bottle of 50,000 IU, 5,000 IU, or even a measly 1,000 IU in your medicine cabinet could soon be contraband. Important entities are meeting to discuss how to restrict the kinds of supplements you can take under the guise of “harmonization” of supplement standards. If they’re allowed to move forward, it’s possible that the federal government could adopt restrictions on vitamin doses that can be legally sold, as Europe has already done.
Photobiomodulation Technology is Healing Neurological Diseases
It is well established that, so far, nothing the pharmaceutical industry has concocted has done anything positive for treating Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, ALS (amyotrophic lateral disease), MLS (multiple sclerosis), strokes, or any other neurological issue. Pharmaceuticals tend to be ineffective with too many side effects to even promote. Thus, these neurological conditions tend to be categorized as “incurable,” leaving most hopeless. The result is years of mentally-impaired living that’s a burden to everyone involved until death, which some consider “premature.” Nevertheless, some successful, natural, dietary and vitamin-mineral supplemental methods have been developed that mainstream media ignores and mainstream medicine marginalizes. They’re not FDA approved, because the FDA only approves pharmaceutical drugs. But most of these natural cures can be applied on a do-it-yourself basis, and the FDA can’t stop that. Currently, near-infrared light has been discovered to be safe and effective against all sorts of neurological pathologies.
Former National Cancer Institute and National Institutes of Health Scientist Calls Cancer “An Induced Disease of the Twentieth Century”
Health Impact News first introduced the iconoclastic work of cellular biologist, Dr. Mahin Khatami, PhD, in an earlier article entitled "HPV Vaccine Scam: NIH Scientist Exposes Corruption in Cancer and Vaccine Industries", which mentioned Dr. Khatami's extensive credentials that put her beyond criticism, though not beyond ignoring. The pharmaceutical industry-controlled medical profession won’t allow any light to shine on her 2016 white paper "Safety concerns and hidden agenda behind HPV vaccines: another generation of drug-dependent society?" Now, Dr. Khatami, a former program director and health scientist administrator at the National Cancer Institute (NCI) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH), has published a new white paper exposing the fraud in the cancer industry, claiming that cancer is "an induced disease of the twentieth century." Dr. Khatami points out that vaccines and the multitude of environmental toxins introduced over the past six decades are mostly responsible for the proliferation of most diseases, including cancer, despite the “unlucky” random genetic mishap theories offered by some.
Is Beer a Good Detox Beverage to Remove Aluminum?
There have been two recent animal studies in Spain indicating that beer is capable of removing aluminum from brain cells, allowing the brain to heal from its toxicity and inflammation. The most recent study used non-alcoholic beer, and the earlier one used beer with alcohol. Both types of beer, mostly due to their antioxidant hops content and silica from silicic acid used in the brewing process, have been observed leaching aluminum from aluminum nitrate induced into lab rats. Aluminum that gets into brain tissue creates all sorts of neurological ills. Silica binds with aluminum to neutralize its toxicity and escort it out of the body through urine. Cucumbers and the herb horsetail are high in silica that doesn't penetrate the blood-brain barrier. Beer contains the silicic acid which does. But there is a serious caveat for using beer to eliminate aluminum from the brain that will be discussed in this article.
Autophagy and Intermittent Fasting: Removing Waste from the Body and Cellular Regeneration for Better Health
Autophagy is essentially an intra-cellular survival system of removing waste and malformed cellular components from the liquids within animal and human cells. This phenomenon was noticed a half-century ago in animals but soon forgotten. Recently, Japanese cell biologist, Yoshinori Ohsumi, researched autophagy more thoroughly to discover its value for humans, leading to how it can be stimulated and controlled for weight loss and other even more important health considerations disclosed in this article. Ohsumi was awarded the Nobel Prize in 2016 for his autophagy discoveries. The word itself is derived from Greek and means self-eating. It's an enzymatic degradation process that serves to remove faulty cellular particles and reorganize them better for better health, immunity, metabolism, and anti-aging. Autophagy that's not interrupted or inhibited by poor dietary habits can induce better metabolism for greater overall energy, increase natural HGH (human growth hormone) production, resolve obesity, create insulin management, reverse pre-diabetes, and protect against cancer and neurodegenerative diseases.
Psychedelic Mushrooms to Cure Cocaine Addiction?
A group of researchers at the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) are enrolling volunteers for a clinical trial that could set precedence for using psilocybin, a psychedelic compound extracted from “magic mushrooms,” to pry the obsessive desire for cocaine away from addicts. Unlike pharmaceutical industry drugs that turn out to be trading one potentially dangerous drug for another, psilocybin is not a replacement drug at all. It’s not something taken daily nor should it be abused recreationally. Often, a serious spiritual event or profound life-changing insight from the addict, not from firm external pressures or forced abstinence, is what it takes for a cocaine addict to effectively break the bondage to that addiction. In this century, psychologists, MD psychiatrists, and others have observed psilocybin’s ability to induce those events without extended counseling, shown in clinical studies by Johns Hopkins, Imperial College London, New York University, University of California-San Francisco, Yale, and now UAB.
Cannabis Legal Updates: Legalization of Industrial Hemp Passes Senate
The biggest surprise in 2018 for news on the cannabis plant, is that seemingly out of nowhere, there is now a push for legalizing industrial hemp nationally. It has actually been passed in the Senate, but not as a stand-alone bill. Industrial hemp is known for its dense, strong fiber content that has many applications, such as making paper, cloth, rope, biodegradable plastics, and even strong, non-toxic building materials with their own innate insulation. The ramifications of its use for types of materials mentioned are more ecologically-sound. It’s also an agricultural asset. It’s a hardy cash crop that can be planted and harvested twice in moderate climates. It can be used by organic and conventional farmers as a rotating crop that helps enrich the soil as it requires no synthetic fertilizers. This is great news for farmers and advocates of using hemp for environmentally-sound consumer and building products, as well as CBD. It will create hemp independence from foreign hemp sources, which includes Canada and other nations. Currently, it is legal to import industrial hemp products, but illegal to grow it.
Study: Ozone Therapy Cures Severe and Life Threatening Autoimmune Disease
I’m really happy to let you know that a very interesting case report and review of mine has just been published in a highly indexed peer review journal. It’s entitled "Remission of aggressive autoimmune disease (dermatomyositis) with removal of infective jaw pathology and ozone therapy: review and case report." This paper details a man with severe and life threatening autoimmune disease unresponsive to 4 toxic immunosuppressive drugs, including massive doses of prednisone. I evaluated him differently than conventional doctors would do. His disease, “dermatomyositis” is a description only, telling you it involves inflammation of the skin and muscles. Conventional medicine stops there and treats with powerful and possibly crippling drugs. The integrative doctor looks for causes. I found causes in his mouth/jaw: hidden and asymptomatic infection. Find the cause and the patient can be relieved of disease without a lifetime, and life shortening concoction of poisonous drugs. This is an interesting case report and review of the dental connection to disease, and ozone therapy as a modulator of inflammation. His immunosuppressive drugs were taking him down. Ozone therapy kept him actually productive and working despite his life threatening disease process. Please look at the photos of this patient before and after. Extremely powerful visual story.
Study: Vitamin D Can Lower Breast Cancer Risk 80 Percent
A study published June 15, 2018, goes beyond anecdotal experiences or theories that indicate vitamin D offers immune boosting protection against minor diseases such as colds, flues, and other respiratory diseases. It also offers protection against cancer. There have been other studies demonstrating vitamin D’s ability to protect against different cancers in the past. This latest study focused on breast cancer, which afflicts women more than any other cancer. The bulk of its focus centered on what serum levels of vitamin D did the most to prevent breast cancer.
FREE Candida Online Summit – How to Control this “Opportunistic” Fungus to Regain Your Health
Candida is a naturally occurring, yet “opportunistic” fungus. With the right conditions, there’s no limit to where it will spread and, when rampant, it can cause intense sugar cravings, brain fog, bloating, depression, anxiety, digestive issues, low energy or worse… chronic diseases! Even though candida is an important part of your digestive process, if unchecked, it can cause serious damage to your health. Certain lifestyle choices and/or illness can deplete the “good” bacteria in your body to create room for candida growth. Unfortunately, it can also be extremely difficult to test for and diagnose — that’s why we’ve created this important summit. It begins July 9th.
FDA Turns Its Back on Women with Menopause – Seeks to Restrict Access to Estriol
With their great safety profile and excellent health benefits, it isn’t surprising that one third of women who use hormone therapy choose estriol and other safe, effective, and natural bioidentical hormones to manage the symptoms of menopause. Unfortunately, the FDA is poised to remove access to these hormones and to leave ailing women with no other option but more dangerous alternatives. ANH-USA is leading the charge to protect these crucial hormones, but we need your help to enlist members of Congress to get the FDA to back off.
FREE Online Detoxification Seminar Helps You Prevent and Overcome Serious Disease
Learn how to overcome chronic disease and illness by detoxing the body, when everything else has failed! The Detox Dialogues FREE Online Event will be held June 21 through June 18, 2018, featuring more than 20 detoxification experts teaching you how to detoxify your body and reverse disease.
Will Medical Cannabis Soon Be Legally Available to Everyone?
There are and have been a few major pro-marijuana bills introduced on the Congressional floor of Capitol Hill over the past several months. Some have been stalled, but an important one remains viable with bi-partisan support, and President Trump has mentioned that he'd probably sign it. This bill would eliminate the constant haggling of including the Rohrabacher-Blumenauer Amendment, which comes under threat each year from being included in the annual spending federal spending bill. This amendment prohibits the Justice Department from using federal funds for intervening in state-approved medical cannabis activities under cover of federal laws superseding state laws. Earlier in 2017, Department of Justice (DOJ) head U.S. Attorney General (AG) Jeff Sessions pressured Congressional leaders to not include the amendment. This would allow the DOJ to unleash an uninhibited DEA open season for cracking down on all cannabis use regardless of state laws and its medical applications. The Roherbacher-Blunenauer protective amendment finally went through recently this year despite being blocked from being voted for on the House Floor even with bipartisan support in the House and Senate. Unfortunately, bills can be killed in legislative committees without going to a vote. However, this new bill would finally grant total states' rights to cannabis by federal law without having to be haggled over every year when the national budget bill comes up for discussion.
Study: Chemo Not Necessary for 70% of Breast Cancer Victims
The results of a 10,000 plus breast cancer patient prospective (follow-up) study demonstrated that many women can refuse chemotherapy without lowering their survival risk. Dr. Robert Rowen commented on the study via his Facebook page: "This will be significant for some 70,000 American women who otherwise would be placed in a locked train to chemotherapy land. I can't tell you how many women I've seen who were told, immediately after the positive biopsy, that they must get chemotherapy. And they truly suffered." This study was published in the New England Journal of Medicine the same day it was announced at an American Society of Clinical Oncology in Chicago, June 18, 2018, where Dr. Kathy Albain announced: "With results of this groundbreaking study, we now can safely avoid chemotherapy in about 70 percent of patients who are diagnosed with the most common form of breast cancer. For countless women and their doctors, the days of uncertainty are over."
Are Vitamins and Supplements Really Useless?
A recent meta-analysis—a review of over 100 different randomized controlled trials—found that multivitamins, vitamin D, calcium, and vitamin C showed no benefits in the prevention of cardiovascular disease, heart attack, stroke, or premature death but did find benefits for B-vitamins in preventing stroke. Despite glaring issues with the analysis, and positive findings regarding the benefits of supplements notwithstanding (not only in this meta-analysis but in a number of others), the media is replete with headlines such as “Yet Another Study Says Vitamin Supplements Are Worthless.” This reporting evidences the media’s penchant to twist the facts to fit a particular narrative about supplements—one which benefits drug companies that spend billions on advertising each year. The drug industry, along with the biased media and federal agencies they exert influence over, is undermining cheap, safe, and effective natural medicine in the hope that they can sell us more of their synthetic, ineffective, expensive drugs. We cannot let them succeed.