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    Black Cumin Seeds Better Than Drugs? A Look at the Science

    Black cumin seeds and black cumin seed oil have been widely used for reducing blood pressure, cleansing and tonifying the liver, reducing fluid retention, supporting healthy digestion, treating diarrhea, stimulating the appetite, reducing pain, and treating skin disorders. Studies have confirmed numerous pharmacological benefits. Black cumin seeds are also called Nigella sativa seeds. These seeds have anti-diabetic and anti-cancer properties. They can be used to regulate the immune system, reduce pain, kill microorganisms, reduce inflammation, inhibit spasmodic activity, and open the tiny air passages in the lungs. Black seed oil protects the liver, the kidneys, and the stomach/ digestive system. It is a powerful antioxidant.

      Herd Immunity in Vaccinated Populations has been Repeatedly Shown to be a Myth

      Mass vaccination advocates rely on ‘herd immunity’ to make their case. But it doesn’t exist. Herd immunity sounds fine in theory. But as Stanford’s Dr. Obukhanych concluded, “As with any garbage in-garbage out type of theory, the expectations of the herd-immunity theory are bound to fail in the real world.”

        Victims Crippled and Killed by the Flu Shot Compensated by U.S. Government

        The annual flu shot can be purchased at your local neighborhood drug store, just as easily as candy or toiletries in the same store. Therefore, it must safe, correct? Did you know that the contents of the seasonal flu shot change every year, and that therefore it does not undergo the same safety tests as other vaccines that may take years to develop? Did you know that the government's own court records show that people are injured and killed every year by the flu shot? Did you know that according to the government's own vaccine safety meeting minutes that the flu shot, which is recommended to pregnant women, young children, the elderly, and just about everyone in the population, contains mercury, a well-known neurotoxin? Did you know that the recent CDC whistleblower, Dr. William Thompson, has stated that injecting mercury into pregnant women creates a “clear and present danger” to the unborn child? Before you decide to get a flu shot, know the facts! You will not likely get this information from the mainstream media, or from those selling vaccines. The June 2014 report from the Department of Justice on damages paid by the U.S. Government to vaccine victims was published on the U.S. Department of Health and Human Resources website. As in previous reports, the June 15, 2014, report covering a 3-month period shows that the flu vaccine is the most dangerous vaccine in America. 78 cases awarded settlements for vaccine injuries, with 55 of the settlements being for the flu shot, including one death. Most of the settlements for injuries due to the flu shot were for Guillain-Barré Syndrome. Other flu vaccine injuries included: Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy, Rheumatoid arthritis, Shingles, Brachial plexus neuropathy, Bell's Palsy, Brachial neuritis, Transverse myelitis, Lichenoid drug eruption, and Narcolepsy. Learn more:

          Large Study Adds to Evidence that Organic Food Is Superior

          A comprehensive new study published this week in the prestigious British Journal of Nutrition shows very clearly that how we grow our food has a huge impact. Organic food is superior to its conventional counterparts and is higher in antioxidants and lower in pesticide residues.

            Michigan Officials Seize Private Food from Family Co-op

            David Gumpert is reporting that agents from the Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development pulled over the My Family Co-op's refrigerated truck this week, and placed a seizure order on their private food which was being delivered to food club members. My Family Co-op operates a "herd-share" program that allows private club members to contract with them and share in the ownership of their farm operations to produce and deliver farm-fresh food. These types of private food clubs are popping up all over the country, bypassing the commercial retail distribution of commodity food found in grocery stores. Big Ag, Big Dairy, and others are obviously opposed to such systems that allow farmers to sell directly to consumers, and use government regulations to go after peaceful farm operations trying to produce healthy food for those who want to bypass the commodity processed food market. David Gumpert, however, brings up a good point in explaining that most ag inspectors that try to seize private food really have no police powers, and can be resisted. Some food clubs have successfully resisted some seizures, forcing government officials to get court sanctioned orders that can be enforced by law enforcement officials. They key is to know your rights and not be intimidated, and David Gumpert posted on his blog: SIX WAYS TO PUT A STOP TO GOVERNMENT SEIZURES OF PRIVATELY-OWNED FOOD

              Processed Foods Hurt Your Immune System and Gut Health

              Diets loaded with processed foods are leading to increased inflammation, reduced control of infection, increased rates of cancer, and increased risk of allergic and auto-inflammatory diseases. A poor diet causes shifts in your body’s microbiome that have lasting effects on your own health and the health of future generations. A mother’s diet may shape her child’s taste preferences in utero, skewing them toward vegetables or sweets, for instance. There’s evidence that children inherit their microbiome from their mother, and part of this may be “seeded into the unborn fetus while still in the womb;” a father’s diet may also impact his child’s future health. Replacing processed foods with whole and fermented foods is crucial for optimal health.

                Children Raised on Small Dairy Farms Develop 90% Fewer Allergies

                A new study published in Sweden shows that children who live on small dairy farms run one-tenth the risk of developing allergies as other children. This study confirms the same results observed among small Amish dairy farms last year, where the drinking of farm-fresh raw milk was shown to be a cure for many allergies. The authors of the study suspect that the development of a healthy gut flora, as a result from living on the farm and being exposed to many different types of bacteria, is a major factor in developing immunity to allergies.

                  How Chili Peppers Can Be Used to Treat Pain

                  Chili peppers’ heat comes from capsaicin, a compound produced to protect them from fungal attack. Capsaicin is available in pain-relieving creams and patches, and has shown promise for relieving shingles pain, osteoarthritis, psoriasis symptoms, and more. Capsaicin has both antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, and has also shown some promise for cancer, weight loss, and allergy symptoms.

                    Genetically “Tweaked” Chickens Suffer from Lack of Fertility: Is the End of Commercial Poultry Near?

                    A Reuter's story recently reported that the world's largest chicken breeder is suffering from rooster infertility due to genetic manipulation. The popular Ross male breed of roosters is used to produce as much as 25 percent of the nation's chickens raised for meat (broilers). As a result, chicken production is down, and prices will continue to rise. So what are these "genetic manipulations" causing these problems? There is supposedly no GMO chicken in the market, but chicken genome has been mapped since 2004. Has the public actually been eating GMO chicken for some time now? What is the future of the commercial poultry industry and their factory birds?

                      U.S. Congress: Americans Are Too Stupid For GMO Labeling

                      The U.S. continues to be isolated around the world regarding their lax GMO labeling policy. We are losing millions of dollars in exports because countries such as China, Russian, Japan, Korea, and most of Europe will not buy our products if they are contaminated with GMOs. A recent Congressional meeting, however, concluded that the push to label GMO products in the U.S. was due to the ignorance of the American consumer. One has to wonder where the ignorance actually resides?

                        Is Glyphosate Responsible for your Health Problems?

                        The use of Roundup and other related glyphosate-based formulas threaten human health. The widespread use of these toxic substances can be directly linked to dozens of degenerative and life threatening diseases. They are causing infertility, birth defects, and the death of unborn children. The effects are multigenerational. People who eat glyphosate contaminated food will produce children who are predisposed to many types of digestive dysfunctions, that is, if such couples are even able to conceive children. We know for certain that glyphosate is toxic to human health. Of course, the chemical companies, the U.S. government, and agribusiness don’t agree. In the matter of food toxicity, we cannot depend upon government agencies to protect our health. The United States is rapidly going bankrupt, because of ballooning healthcare expenditures. As Americans, we are sick and getting sicker. The grand experiment which set out to feed us a low-fat high-carbohydrate diet is killing us. The grand experiment that uses fear to get people to take dozens of vaccines is destroying our immune systems. Glyphosate is adding its toxic burden to these other experiments by creating a food supply that is loaded with disease causing toxic chemicals. Clearly the grand experiment on the entire U.S. population involving Roundup and GMO food is failing miserably. Nevertheless, chemical companies and manufacturers of genetically altered seed keep on pressing forward to invent even more toxic chemicals for their ever increasing number of modified seeds.

                          Study: Indiana Corn Pesticides Linked to Autism

                          A recent UC Davis study found pregnant women living within a mile of fields were pesticides were sprayed were 60 percent likelier to have a child with autism. Since that study was published, director of Notre Dame autism research lab and associate editor of Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, Dr. Joshua Diehl, says he's been bombarded with e-mails and calls from concerned parents and researchers.

                            Teenager Abducted from Mother by Big Pharma Speaks Out

                            Michelle Rider and her 16-year-old son, Isaiah Rider, traveled from Kansas City to Lurie Children’s Hospital after doctors in her hometown, Texas, and Boston were unable to effectively treat his neurofibromatosis — a painful condition that causes tumors to grow on his nerves. When Isaiah’s pain was reportedly not getting any better at Lurie’s, his mother attempted to have him transferred to another hospital. But doctors at Lurie’s Hospital reported to Cook County Court that Michelle was guilty of “medical child abuse”, as they disagreed with the course of treatment chosen by the mother. As a result, they seized custody of the child and put him into a foster home, allowing the mother to only be able to visit her son twice a week for one-hour supervised visits. Isaiah has spoken out with a recently published video on Facebook.

                              Study: Rosemary Herb Reduces Cognitive Decline in Elderly

                              ‘Rosemary Is For Remembrance’ ~ Science Confirms Wisdom of the Ancients
                              By Sayer Ji
                              “There’s rosemary, that’s for remembrance…”
                              ~ William Shakespeare
                              Since ancient times, herbs have been appreciated for their profound therapeutic effects.Science as a form of evidence-gathering did not take the epistemological pole position until quite recently in cultural history, with the evidence of direct experience […]

                                Getting Coconut Oil into Dog and Cat Food

                                Coconut oil is well known for being rich in health benefits for people, but this product is also highly beneficial for dogs and cats as well, and for pretty much all of the same reasons it’s great for humans. Incorporating coconut oil into cats' and dogs’ lives both topically and internally will undoubtedly lead to dramatic improvements in their overall health. My 10-year-old German Shepherd was raised on coconut oil and a raw food diet and he is the marvel of veterinarians today.

                                  Should We All Soon Stop Bathing And Instead Use Probiotics for the Skin?

                                  Will human beings soon stop bathing and instead use pro-biotics for the skin? Meanwhile, must we try to kill every germ on us, good or bad, with triclosan?

                                    500 Previously Unknown Microorganisms and 800 Bacterial Viruses Mapped in Intestinal Flora

                                    Researchers at the Technical University of Denmark report that they have identified and mapped 500 previously unknown microorganisms and more than 800 bacterial viruses in our intestinal flora. Researching gut flora and the "microbiome" is the new trend in research and medicine, as the age of antibiotics has passed. New antibiotic-resistant diseases present an enormous threat to global health. If you are not familiar with the term "microbiome", you soon will be. Hundreds of millions of dollars are being poured into researching the microbiome to develop new drugs and therapies. But are we really going to trust in the modern pharmaceutical industry to provide a new class of "microbiome" drugs to solve the problems they created in the first place? Or are there natural ways of restoring one's own microbiome without the "help" of the medical system?

                                      Screening Mammography Fails 99% of Women

                                      We have been conditioned to believe that screening mammograms save lives. But do mammograms save lives? Does every woman need to have a yearly screening mammogram starting at age 40 or 50? A recent study can shed some light on whether it is wise to get screened with annual mammography.

                                        Supreme Court in India to Rule on Merck Fraud Regarding HPV Vaccine Deaths

                                        Around the world legal problems regarding the HPV vaccine continue to multiply for Merck, yet this news is mostly censored out of the mainstream media. With multiple lawsuits pending in France over injuries due to the Gardasil HPV vaccine, one former Merck doctor in France even came out and stated that Gardasil will become "the greatest medical scandal of all time." In contrast, here in the U.S. any mainstream journalist that dares to suggest there are problems with the Gardasil vaccine puts their career on the line. Just ask Katie Couric, who dared to interview the mother of a young woman who died from the Gardasil vaccine. She was forced to issue an apology and have the assistant Surgeon General appear on her show to assure everyone the vaccine was safe. What is not revealed in the mainstream media, however, is that the U.S. government holds patents on Gardasil and also earns royalties from the sale of the vaccine. In the meantime, countries around the world are taking action to stop the carnage resulting from the HPV vaccine. Perhaps the most high-profile case you will never read about in the U.S. mainstream media is an upcoming Supreme Court hearing in India with a ruling due next month (August 2014). Merck has been charged with fraud and causing the death of young girls in India with vaccine trials due to the development of the HPV vaccine, sponsored by the U.S. organization PATH, with funding from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Last year (2013), we published a report from Christina England on a 43-page document produced by the Indian Parliament accusing the U.S. group, PATH, of committing illegal and improper activities in support of commercial interests in the development of the HPV vaccine in India, which led to the deaths of several young Indian girls. A few weeks later, Anita Jain, the India Editor of the British Medical Journal, published her own comments on the ethical violations conducted in India in the development of Gardasil, and questioned the wisdom of rolling out the Gardasil vaccine to the entire country, citing safety and efficacy concerns. Now, the India Supreme Court will decide on the case. But will the U.S. mainstream media even cover this story? So far, they have not.

                                          CDC Lists 131 Causes of Death For A Child but Omits Vaccines

                                          There are 130 official ways for an infant to die. These official categories of death, sanctioned by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO), are published in the International Classification of Diseases (ICD). When a baby dies, coroners must choose from among these 130 categories. The official causes of death listed in the ICD include nearly every imaginable — and tragic — possibility. However, there is NO category for infant deaths caused by vaccines. This is odd because the federal government is aware that vaccines permanently disable and kill some babies — the very reason Congress established a "death and disability" tax on childhood vaccines more than 25 years ago when the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 (Public Law 99-660) created the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP). When vaccine-related deaths are hidden within the death tables, parents are denied the ability to ascertain honest vaccine risk-to-benefit ratios, and true informed consent to vaccinations is not possible. When families are urged to vaccinate their children without access to accurate data on vaccine-related deaths, their human rights have been violated. Medical health authorities, pediatricians, and the vaccine industry then become criminal accomplices to each infant death caused by vaccines — even when vaccines are not officially acknowledged as the cause of death. Finding ways to increase vaccine safety, providing families with true informed consent, and preserving human rights must be the top priorities.