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    Medicine: Idolatry in the Twenty First Century

    A honest look at our present day medical system and its relationship to idolatrous religious practices throughout history involving such activities as child sacrifices. Is modern-day medicine the new religion?

      US Healthcare: Most Expensive and Worst Performing

      Compared to 11 other nations studied in a new Commonwealth Fund report, the US ranks last in health care. American health care is the most expensive in the world, with 17.7 percent of gross domestic product (GDP) spent on health care (Australia, for comparison, spends only 8.9 percent). Per capita health expenditures in the US were more than $8,500 in 2011… more than double the $3,405 per capita spent in the UK, which ranked first in the report. The US ranks last overall on measures of healthy lives, with poor scores on mortality amenable to medical care, infant mortality, and healthy life expectancy at age 60. Despite its high cost, the report concluded “The claim that the United States has ‘the best health care system in the world’ is clearly not true”.

        Getting Coconut Oil into Your Daily Snacking

        Snacking is something nearly everyone does and likes to do. It’s fun, easy, and can give you that extra mood lift or energy boost you need in the middle of the day. Unfortunately, mindless snacking can also lead to a lot of unhealthy habits such as feeding a sugar addiction. The body often craves foods and drinks that will boost energy, and sugar is usually the most readily available source. Perhaps the best alternative you should be reaching for, instead of something loaded with processed sugary carbs, is coconut oil. Coconut oil is incredibly easy to work with, versatile, and can (and will) boost your energy, mood, and health.

          Local Health Department Lies to Parents: Refuses to Provide Vaccine Exemptions Required by Law

          The medical system's attempt to remove all vaccine exemptions in states around the U.S. is troublesome enough, but there is growing evidence that where laws currently exist for vaccine exemptions, that the public is being denied their legal rights to apply those exemptions. Megan of LivingWhole.org reports how a parent in Missouri contacted her this week stating that a local health department had informed them that “the state wouldn’t allow them to pass out exemption cards anymore.” Not only was this illegal, it was an outright lie as Megan explains after contacting the Health Department at the State Capital. Every vaccine currently approved by the FDA and recommended in the childhood vaccine schedule has side effects and warnings listed in the package insert, and the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program has paid out billions of dollars in damages due to vaccine injuries since the program was started in the 1980s to grant pharmaceutical companies total legal immunity from damages due to vaccines. If doctors, health departments, and other medical officials were actually following the law, and following the advice printed on vaccine inserts in regards to monitoring those most at risk for vaccine injuries, the medical exemptions alone would be astronomical in this country. But that would be a huge financial drain to Big Pharma. So what is happening instead? The medical system is fighting for 100% vaccination rates for "the greater good," and sacrificing the lives of those who will have vaccine injuries or deaths due to adverse reactions by attempting to remove all vaccine exemptions, whether medical or religious. Every state currently offers vaccine exemptions. Know your rights, know the law, and don't be intimidated. May Megan's example below be a warning to everyone that you may need to take a stand and fight for your rights if you do not want to become another vaccine damaged statistic allowed for "the greater good."

            Spokane City Council to Ban Neonicotinoid Insecticides to Protect Honey Bees

            The same Spokane City Council that legalized the raising of small farm animals in March is now taking aim at protecting honeybees. Council President Ben Stuckart has introduced an ordinance that would ban city purchase and use of a relatively new class of insecticides known as neonicotinoids. Research is showing that those chemicals, sold as a series of products, may be harmful to honeybees.

              First Bees, now Birds in Danger from Insecticides

              Prairie bird populations are falling in many Midwestern states, from ring-necked pheasants to horned larks to sparrows. Scientists now say insecticides are a primary culprit.

                Is the Best Honey Really “Local” Honey?

                John Thomas does an excellent job of addressing the common belief that healthy honey has to be "local" honey produced nearby where you live. Considering the fact that most honey bees in the United States today are transported all over the country to pollinate commercial agricultural crops dependent on the use of toxic herbicides and pesticides, it is obvious that simply being "local" is not a guarantee of a higher quality product. John investigates the current science on this topic of "local honey," and discusses what issues are far more important in selecting a high quality honey.

                  HPV Vaccines: Time to Follow the Science and Reject the Vaccine

                  According to WHO, only 0.15% of people exposed to any high risk HPV types will ever develop cervical cancer. Medical consumers need to know that according to the World Health Organization 99.85% of those exposed to oncogenic types of HPV will never develop cervical cancer. Since at least September 2012, FDA officials knew infections with high-risk HPV types will not induce cancer without genetic mutations and/or other epigenetic (relating to or arising from nongenetic influences on gene expression) events occurring also. Did this cause the FDA or CDC to re-examine the usefulness of HPV vaccines? No. Today, countries around the world are putting a halt on government-recommended HPV vaccines and investigating numerous claims of HPV vaccine injuries that are destroying the lives of thousands of girls and young women. Since health officials at the FDA are apparently ignoring scientific facts, medical consumers need to be aware of the science, or lack therof, behind HPV vaccines.

                    Therapeutic Benefits of Ginger Noted for Thousands of Years

                    Ginger has broad-spectrum antibacterial, antiviral, antioxidant, and anti-parasitic properties, to name just several of its more than 40 pharmacological actions. It is anti-inflammatory, making it valuable for pain relief for joint pain, menstrual pain, headaches, and more. Ginger also shows promise for fighting cancer, diabetes, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, asthma, bacterial and fungal infections, and more.

                      The Whooping Cough Epidemic: A Failed Vaccine Causes a Public Health Crisis

                      The pertussis (whooping cough) vaccine is a failure, and has now become a public health crisis. Unfortunately, the pro-pharma mainstream media in the U.S. is not reporting this. Instead, they are blaming the unvaccinated population for the outbreaks that are clearly documented as occurring among the vaccinated public. A recent report on the failure of the pertussis vaccine appeared in the U.K. publication Medical News Today. Researchers at the University of Oxford recruited 279 children aged 5-15 who visited their doctor with a persistent cough lasting 2-8 weeks. In total, 20% of the children were confirmed as having whooping cough, including 18% of the children who had been fully vaccinated.

                        Broccoli Sprouts can Detoxify Environmental Pollutants

                        Recent research suggests that broccoli sprouts may help detox environmental pollutants such as benzene. Fresh broccoli sprouts are FAR more potent than whole broccoli. Three-day-old broccoli sprouts contain anywhere from 10-100 times the amount of chemoprotective compounds found in mature broccoli.

                          When does Ordinary Life Become a Mental Illness? When Psychiatry and Big Pharma say so

                          You must be crazy. Psychiatry and Big Pharma say so. The fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, American psychiatry’s manual of mental illness diagnoses, was published last year. It’s supposed to “revolutionize” diagnosis and treatment of mental illness. If you and I submit passively to it, it probably will.

                            Study: Fats More Complex Than Previously Thought – Essential to Good Health

                            Throughout most of the history of human nutrition, fats and oils (lipids) have been considered healthy and desirable. In the Bible, the most ancient writings known to man and the world's best-selling book, oil is always mentioned in a positive light, whether it be aromatic anointing oils or dietary oils: "He will love you and bless you and multiply you; He will also bless the fruit of your womb and the fruit of your ground, your grain and your new wine and your oil..." (Deuteronomy 7:13) "When the Almighty was yet with me, and my children were around me; When my steps were bathed in butter, and the rock poured out for me streams of oil!" (Job 29:5-6) "There is precious treasure and oil in the dwelling of the wise..." (Proverbs 21:20) Modern dietary history has been an anomaly in condemning certain dietary fats, especially since the 1970s when official USDA dietary guidelines condemned saturated fats, in spite of their long history of use in human nutrition. Much of modern science is based on Darwinian evolution, however, and faulty premises that often don't hold up in real science. Much of the "science" regarding dietary fats and oils has today been proven false, and the field of lipids (fatty acids) is bringing to light what the ancients inherently already knew: that fats and oils were key nutritional components essential to good health. Evolution and News brings a good commentary on the journal Nature's June cover issue regarding lipids, showing how they are the building blocks of membranes, and pointing to a master designer rather than a result of pure chance via evolution.

                              “Justina’s Law” Seeks to End Experimental Medical Research on Children Seized by Child Protection Services

                              Now that the tragic abduction of Justina Pelletier by Boston Children's Hospital has been resolved after a national outcry, a bipartisan group of Congressional representatives are introducing new legislation to prevent the kind of medical abuses that led to Justina's forced confinement for more than 16 months. Justina's situation is not unique, but representative of a larger problem with Child Protection Services and hospitals all across the U.S. that use the foster care system to legally abduct children for medical research. Justina's case received national media attention from talk show hosts such as Dr. Phil, Glenn Beck, Mike Huckabee and many others, due to her parents refusal to obey a court gag order on her case. Others in the past have attempted to expose this corrupt system, such as Congresswoman Nancy Schaefer from Georgia. Congresswoman Schaefer lost her Senate seat in Georgia as a result of her speaking out, but states it was something “worth losing” for standing up for the rights of parents who were having their children kidnapped by CPS. She and her husband were found murdered in their home in 2010.

                                Big Pharma to Educate Registered Dietitians on “Benefits” of Artificial Growth Hormones and Antibiotics in “Animal Health”

                                "Registered Dietitians" (RD) is a title reserved for dietitians and nutritionists registered with the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (AND - formerly ADA). However, this group has been quickly losing credibility the past few years as the influence of the processed food industry and Big Pharma have been clearly exposed in terms of their dietary advice. Much of this corporate sponsorship and influence has been published by Michele Simon in her free online publication: And Now a Word From Our Sponsors - Are America’s Nutrition Professionals in the Pocket of Big Food? We reported earlier this year how continuing education courses sponsored by the AND and Big Processed Food companies held a seminar in California where RDs were informed that "GMOs are safe and gluten intolerance is a fad". As you will read below, Andy Bellatti of Civil Eats is reporting how Elanco–the global pharmaceutical company behind recombinant bovine somatotropin (rBST), an artificial growth hormone, and various antibiotics used on livestock farms–is reaching out to dietitians to educate them about the "benefits" of artificial growth hormones and antibiotics in "animal health". The AND and registered dietitians have long sought to maintain a monopoly on nutrition advice, and squash freedom of nutrition speech by other groups with different nutritional values. This attempt to monopolize the field of nutrition has suffered some major setbacks, however, in recent months. For example, a recent federal ruling that all qualified nutrition professionals—not just Registered Dietitians—may order therapeutic diets in hospitals, leveled the playing field between alternative nutrition professionals and Registered Dietitians in hospitals, where funding from Medicare and Medicaid is involved.

                                  Black Seed Oil Cures Many Cancers According to Numerous Studies

                                  Black cumin seed oil inhibits cancer cell activity and can even kill some types of cancer cells. Scientific research has shown that black seed oil (Nigella sativa) is an effective treatment for cancer in animal studies, and can be as effective as anti-cancer drugs for some types of cancer. Black cumin seed oil and its extract thymoquinone have powerful benefits for various inflammatory diseases, including liver cancer, melanoma skin cancer, pancreatic cancer, cervical cancer, breast cancer, bone cancer, stomach cancer, lymphoma, prostate cancer, colon cancer, and brain cancer. Despite several decades of very positive research on using black seed oil against cancer, researchers have rarely advanced their work into human clinical testing, even though the benefits are strong and the risks of negative side effects are extremely small. As you will learn from the research findings that I will discuss, the use of black seed oil for cancer prevention and treatment has proven to be a powerful strategy for many forms of cancer. Yet black cumin seed oil still has not been recognized as beneficial by mainstream medicine. I will examine some of the political pressures that might be holding back clinical research with human cancer patients, and will consider why drug companies may wish to suppress the use of black seed oil.

                                    Are Consumers Warned About the Flu Shot’s Side Effects?

                                    If you were contemplating purchasing a dietary supplement or some new food product, and found out that during trials carried out in developing that product that there were 249 "serious adverse events" including 23 deaths out of 3,833 participants, would you still purchase that product? Yet that is exactly what happens every time someone gets a "routine" flu shot.

                                      Tropical Traditions Introduces Black Cumin Seed Oil to its Product Line

                                      Tropical Traditions announced today that it had added Black Cumin Seed Oil (nigella sativa) to its line of premium quality edible oils. The oil originates from Turkey, where some of the world's highest quality black cumin seeds grow. Black cumin seeds have been uncovered in Turkey from the ancient Hittite empire, dating back to 1650 BC. The seeds are rich in nutrients and antioxidants. Nigella sativa is known by various other names such as: black caraway, fennel flower, nutmeg flower, Roman coriander, kaljeera, habbat al-barakah, among others.

                                        Criminal Activities of Vaccine Producers Increase in 2014

                                        It has been about four years now since the U.S. Supreme Court upheld a law passed by the U.S. Congress in 1986 preventing consumers from suing pharmaceutical companies for damages due to vaccines. Prior to 1986, it was not profitable for most pharmaceutical companies to manufacture vaccines due to sheer volume of lawsuits resulting from damages. So the pharmaceutical industry basically blackmailed Congress by stating they would stop manufacturing vaccines altogether unless they had legal immunity from vaccine-injured people suing them. Congress obliged, and the Supreme Court upheld the law after a couple of decades of challenges. Now, with free license to dump as many new vaccines into the market place as they choose, the amount and rates of vaccines in the U.S. have exploded. So too have the criminal activities of vaccine producers.

                                          How to Add Coconut Oil to Hot and Cold Drinks

                                          Getting more coconut oil into your regular meals and drinks can be a bit challenging to those new to the product, but it’s actually a lot easier than you’d think. Coconut oil can be used in anything from cooking, baking, frying, to drinks, both hot and cold. Learn how to add coconut oil to your hot and cold drinks.