by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

Donald Trump was sworn in today as the 47th President of the United States, and depending on one’s political views, this inauguration was seen as either one the brightest days of hope in U.S. history to be celebrated, or as one of the darkest days in U.S. history to be mourned.

I represent a rare third alternative view that is hard to find in the media these days, and that is a view that is non-political and sees all politicians residing in Washington D.C. as corrupt, with only an illusion of differences, and that in reality we have a uni-party today as both sides of the political spectrum in Washington D.C. have a lot more in common, than they have differences.

As a truly independent journalist that offers my writings free of charge to the public and who does not accept donations to run Health Impact News, I am truly free to follow the truth wherever it leads, regardless of political and religious ideologies and biases.

My standard for Truth is the person Jesus Christ, who declared to his disciples that he IS “the Way, the Truth, and the Life,” in John 14:6. Jesus Christ is also referred to as “the Word” of God:

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

He was with God in the beginning.

Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. In him was life, and that life was the light of men.

The light shines in the darkness, but the darkness has not understood it. (John 1:1-5)

The written Word of God is referred to as “the Scriptures” or the collection of writings referred to as “the Bible,” and this has been the standard of Truth in my life for over 45 years now, and it is the only reason you are reading this article today.

This will continue to be my standard for writing in 2025 during Trump 2.0, rather than political or religious teachings and biases. Sadly, most Americans, including most Christians, are biblically illiterate today and simply trust religious “experts” such as pastors and priests to explain the Bible to them.

So based on a non-political and a non-religious view, and considering all the facts before us from Trump’s first presidency, I am not celebrating today, because all the evidence that has been presented to the public during the election and since the election, leads to the conclusion that Trump 2.0 could be far worse than Trump’s first presidency.

In Trump’s first presidency he suspended the Constitution of the United States in favor of “emergency powers”, and proceeded to lock down the entire country in violation of the Bill of Rights, and started a military campaign called Operation Warp Speed against the American people to inject as many doses possible of the COVID-19 bioweapon shots into the arms of every single American, including babies and children, killing and maiming millions of Americans.

Today, on January 20, 2025, Trump has already promised three new “emergency orders” he plans to implement so he can bypass existing laws and the Constitution of the United States of America to impose his will.

One of those “emergency orders” will be to allegedly deport millions of illegal migrants, another “emergency order” will be an “energy emergency” to enrich the oil companies to produce more energy from oil, and the other “emergency order” will be to impose broad tariffs on all imports, which I have already written about:

Trump Prepares His 2nd War Against the American People by Invoking Emergency Powers to Destroy the Economy through Tariffs

And so as we begin Trump 2.0 here in January of 2025, Trump is promising to act more like a King than an elected official who is bound by the limits of power placed upon the presidency by the Constitution of the United States, as he did in 2020 with all the COVID edicts, ruling through “emergency powers” rather than the laws of the United States passed by Congress and the Constitution of the United States and the Bill of Rights.

This is the dream of the Silicon Valley oligarchs, who have been very open about the fact that they see democracy as an impediment to their technological goals, and prefer a King instead.

Big Tech “Far-Right” Billionaires want to Eliminate Politicians and “Democracy” as They Believe They can Run the World Better by Themselves

For the rest of this article I am going to highlight the dangers that Trump’s administration poses to the American people.

I honestly do not know of many other writers who will dare to criticize Trump from a non-liberal perspective. (I do not consider myself “liberal” or “conservative.” My identity comes from following Jesus Christ as his disciple and being an expert on the written Word of God.)

The two biggest and most immediate dangers to the American people, and to the world, from my perspective under Trump 2.0, are an expansion of Zionism, and continuing to enrich Big Pharma to produce more vaccines and dangerous drugs to unleash on the American people.

Will Donald Trump Admit he is now a Jew During his Second Presidency?

Original image for Time Magazine by Tim O’Brien Source. Sanhedrin-Minted Silver Half Shekel Coin with Images of Donald Trump and King Cyrus Source Here. Trump family Coat of Arms Source.

While it has been reported that Donald Trump converted to the Jewish religion during his first presidency, this would be the first time Americans have actually elected a Jewish president, although Trump has been very careful to not reveal his conversion as he could not have come into power without the Evangelical Christian Zionists, although it is not clear that he would lose support from these Christians even if he did admit that he is now a Jew.

I have published this in the past, but here are two short videos that discuss Trump’s Jewish conversion in 2017.

In the first video, the person who originally went public with the news that Donald Trump had allegedly become a converted Jew was reporter David Elias Goldberg, who cited as his source someone who had worked inside the White House, but then was fired.

Goldberg claims he was poisoned and attacked for publishing this, and did a short phone call with the alleged White House whistleblower.

This video is very hard to find these days, and if you look up David Elias Goldberg, you will probably mainly see him portrayed as a crazy conspiracy theorist.

But if that were true, why all the effort to censor him?

I have found a copy of his video, and it is now on our Odysee channel, and it is also on our BitchuteTelegram, and Rumble channels as well.

Goldberg died shortly after this interview in what some people claim was a murder.

The second video is a news report from a non-Zionist Christian broadcast that came out during that time and reported Trump’s conversion. Even the Israeli Press covered this, referring to Trump as “The first Jewish President of the United States.”

During Trump’s first presidency, he claimed he did more for Israel than any other U.S. president, because the U.S. was the first country in the world to move their embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.

But according to the Jews, he did not “finish the job.” To finish the job, they are looking to Trump to help build a new 3rd temple in Jerusalem, which can only happen if the Al-Aqsa Mosque, which currently sits on that site and is considered one of the most holiest sites in Islam, is destroyed, which would unleash an all out war in the Middle East.

(L-R) James O’Keefe with the newly constructed Ark of The Covenant at Trump’s residence, the newly constructed Ark of The Covenant, Donald Trump praying at the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem. According to the New Testament book of Revelation, the REAL Ark of The Covenant is in God’s Temple in Heaven.

At the end of October, 2024, it was widely published in the Israeli media that a new “Ark of the Covenant” was built for a new Jewish Temple. It was referred to as a “replica”, but many claimed it was much more, and that it gave Israel a military advantage over their enemies.

The new Ark was first brought to Donald Trump at Mar-A-Lago, before it was shipped to Israel. See:

New “Ark of The Covenant” Constructed as a Weapon and “Communication Device” was Taken to Trump Before Bringing it to Jerusalem

New “temple coins” to be used in a new 3rd temple have already been minted with Trump’s image, along with an image of King Cyrus, the King of Persia who helped the Jews reconstruct Solomon’s temple in Jerusalem back in the 6th Century B.C.

President Trump’s plans to expand Israel and build a new Temple in Jerusalem are quite evident when you consider the hardcore Zionists he has chosen to make up his cabinet.

It would explain, for example, why a Fox News host with relatively little military experience, Pete Hegseth, was nominated as Secretary of Defense.

He was probably the most hardcore Zionist available, and the Zionist lobby has probably pushed hard for his confirmation, as it gives the Trump Administration total control over the military to ensure Israel’s goals are met, and keep in line U.S. military leaders who do not support the Zionist agenda.

One cannot serve in Trump’s administration if one does not support Israel, and Trump’s goal is to make that true of ALL Americans, not just the ones working for him, which he will try to do through executive orders and legislation.

The US House of Representatives has passed a bill aimed at combating anti-Semitism in American universities amid continuing student protests against Israel’s military operation in Gaza. Image source.

In May of 2024, the U.S. House of Representatives, led by the hardcore Zionist Mike Johnson, passed a new bill redefining “antisemitism” to be in alignment with the broad definition of anti-Semitism used by the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA).

One of the examples of “antisemitism” that is given by the IHRA, is the belief that the Jews killed Jesus Christ, a historical fact clearly taught in the New Testament portion of the Bible. See:

Zionist Christians Get Wake-up Call: New Law Defining “Antisemitism” Means Denying the Biblical Record that Jews Condemned Jesus to Death!

If you read the biblical records, of course, you will easily see that these Satanic Jews who handed Jesus over to the Roman government to be executed, were by far the minority of Jews during that time, as Jesus had the support of the general population, and had, in fact, taken over the Temple and had driven out the evil Jewish bankers who were running foreign exchange rates inside the temple.

The majority of the Jews living at the time of Jesus’s execution loved him, but the evil minority ruling class of Satanic Jews imposed their will over the rest of the population.

Mike Johnson’s antisemitism bill stalled in the Democratically-controlled Senate and was never brought to the floor for a vote in 2024.

But now the Republicans have a majority, although slim, in both the House and the Senate. Many Zionist Republicans have made clear their intention to shut down free speech on America’s college and university campuses, by making any opposition to Israel illegal, and deporting any foreign students who dare to criticize Israel.

After going after non-Zionists on school campuses, expect legislation or executive orders to prevent any business from boycotting Israel, as such laws are already on the books in at least 38 states. See:

Will Mandatory Support of Israel Soon Replace Mandatory COVID Vaccines as a Condition for Employment? Support for Israel Already Mandated in 38 States

The fact that such an “antisemitism” bill clearly violates the 1st Amendment of the Bill of Rights to freedom of speech and freedom of religion, will probably not matter to the Trump administration, because they have made it clear from today, day 1, that Trump is going to make heavy use of “emergency orders” to accomplish his agenda, since bypassing the Constitution through emergency orders worked so well for them during COVID.

Most of the American public just went along with it during COVID, with little to no resistance.

So now the Trump team has the blueprint to keep on governing this way, making the Trump presidency an effective monarchy operating out of D.C., rather than a representative form of government.

Trump the Father of the COVID Vaccine and Vaccine Lover

Pro COVID-19 Vaccine Proponents are in Trump’s Cabinet.

As I reported during Trump’s first presidency during COVID, Trump gave more money to Big Pharma during COVID than probably all previous presidents in U.S. history COMBINED.

President Trump has Given Big Pharma More Funding and Power than Probably all Previous Administrations Put Together

And based on his cabinet appointments and meetings at his residence in Florida since the elections, we can expect the same thing, if not more, in Trump 2.0.

Here is a short video of Trump’s new Surgeon General, Dr. Janette Nesheiwat, the top doctor in the country now.

And here is another short 3-minute video about his other pro COVID-19 “vaccine” enthusiasts in his cabinet who supported Operation Warp Speed:

The exception to these pro COVID-19 vaccine enthusiasts who supported Operation Warp Speed during Trump 1.0, is Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., who did NOT support the COVID-19 shots.

Kennedy first tried to run for president in the Democratic Party, and after failing there he then turned Independent and tried to offer his support to the Democrats, but was laughed away by Kamala Harris who did not want anything to do with him.

So as his third and last option, he turned to Trump who welcomed him with open arms, because many of Kennedy’s supporters are subscribers to the Children’s Health Defense publication, who fit the profile of Trump supporters more than Harris’s supporters.

However, Kennedy apparently does not like being an outsider on this issue, and has been campaigning for months now to be approved as the head over HHS, by trying to convince lawmakers that he is NOT anti-vaccine, and that “nobody is going to take away your vaccines.”

As I reported last month (December, 2024), Kennedy was invited to a dinner party with President-elect Donald Trump and Robert Bourla, the CEO of Pfizer, who made $billions under Trump’s first term, by securing from Trump an FDA emergency-use authorization for the first COVID-19 injections for the U.S., along with exclusive distributor rights in Israel for Pfizer’s deadly COVID-19  “vaccine.”

After that meeting, the Pfizer CEO announced publicly that Pfizer does not expect major vaccine policy changes under Trump in 2025, and that if Kennedy was confirmed by the Senate, “we will work with him to make sure that we advance the right policies.” See:

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Betrays Entire “Health Freedom” Movement for Personal Gain

Kennedy continues to be hammered by the liberal corporate media on his vaccine views ahead of his confirmation hearing.

Here is one example from a few days ago:

RFK Jr. petitioned FDA in 2021 to revoke authorization of all COVID vaccines

The COVID vaccine has been credited with saving millions of lives.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr., who’s nominated to become the next health secretary, asked the federal government to revoke its authorization of all COVID-19 vaccines in May 2021, just as vaccinated Americans began returning to a sense of normalcy after pandemic lockdowns.

The request came via a citizen petition filed by Kennedy and Meryl Nass on behalf of Children’s Health Defense, a group founded by Kennedy that advocates against the recommended vaccine schedule for children.

The petition, first reported by the New York Times, asked the Food and Drug Administration to “revoke Emergency Use Authorizations for existing COVID vaccines and refrain from approving and licensing them.”

It came five months after then-President Donald Trump proudly announced the FDA’s green light of the vaccine was imminent.

“They say it’s somewhat of a miracle, and I think that’s true,” Trump told reporters of the vaccine in December 2020.

Since then, the COVID vaccine has been credited with saving millions of lives and alleviating the burden on hospitals that became overwhelmed in the early days of the pandemic.

The FDA denied the petition in its response three months later, saying it found “no basis” in the petition to pull the vaccines from the market. (Full article.)

As I wrote last month, Kennedy has already waffled on issues like the polio vaccine, and the link between vaccines and autism. And now he is being hammered on his position on the COVID-19 vaccines.

Does anyone really expect that he is going to be confirmed? And if he is confirmed, after denying all his previous positions on these issues, what could he actually do in that position, especially now that the Pfizer CEO has promised to work with him and keep him in his place to ensure there is no change in vaccine policy?

At the time of this writing, there still is not a date for Kennedy’s confirmation hearing, suggesting that they might be holding his for last, knowing it is a long shot.

But he will have his day before Congress. What do you think he will do?

It would seem that he only has two choices.

The first and most obvious choice is to craft responses to questions regarding the vaccine-autism link, and his position on the COVID-19 experimental vaccines, to deflect, deny, or just ignore the questions, in the hope that maybe Trump has pulled enough strings to get him in.

The second choice would be to take a stand for the truth, knowing that he probably won’t be approved anyway, and take the opportunity before a national audience to educate people on the truth behind the dangerous bioweapons that were unleashed on Americans during COVID.

He could bring in charts and graphs, for instance, showing how only about 6 months into the Operation Warp Speed, the U.S. Government’s own database for vaccine injuries and deaths (VAERS) clearly showed that more people were injured and killed by the experimental COVID shots than all other FDA-approved vaccines COMBINED for the previous 30 years.

How many Americans are actually aware of that fact, which is based on the U.S. Government’s own data from their own database?

Kennedy could basically follow the blueprint already laid out by Senator Ron Johnson’s many hearings on the dangers of the COVID vaccines he held in Washington D.C., which so few Americans even know about.

Sharing such information about the shots that Trump so adores, would certainly sink any chances of being approved which he may not even have now anyway, but it would certainly educate a lot of Americans and potentially save a lot of lives, as the COVID shots today continue to maim and kill people. See:

Trump’s Legacy: COVID-19 Vaccines Still #1 Vaccine Killer in 2024 – Instead of Sitting in Prison for Mass Murder, Americans Want Encore Performance in 2025

Which course do you think he will take at his confirmation hearing?

The Trump team apparently has already dismissed members of Kennedy’s staff that they felt were too anti-vaccine.

“Two vaccine skeptics who had been advising Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. as he prepares to become health secretary have been sidelined by Trump transition officials, people familiar with the matter said, underscoring a split over immunizations in the “Make America Healthy Again” movement.

Adviser Stefanie Spear and lawyer Aaron Siri had asked prospective administration hires about their beliefs around vaccines even if they were interviewing for posts that had little to do with immunizations, people familiar with the interviews said. Kennedy, whose hearings to lead the Department of Health and Human Services could start on Capitol Hill as early as next week, also lobbed questions related to inoculation, the people said.

The questions were different from those asked in separate meetings with President-elect Donald Trump’s staff, according to some of the people. Trump’s team asked about topics traditionally important to conservatives, such as the size of government and deregulation.

Siri is no longer advising the presidential transition, a transition spokeswoman confirmed, and people familiar with the matter said his vaccine stances played a role.

Spear, who had told others she would be Kennedy’s chief of staff, was passed over for that post in favor of a veteran of the first Trump administration—in part because of her vaccine priorities and in part because of her lack of experience, according to people familiar with the matter.” (Source.)

Bill Gates visits Trump to Secure Support for More mRNA Vaccines

And if all of this information I have just presented to show that Trump is as pro vaccine as ever is not enough for you, there is the report from Bill Gates after he sat down to have a 3-hour meeting with Trump and his pro-vaccine Chief of Staff, Susie Wiles (Kennedy was NOT present) recently, where he told the Wall Street Journal that Trump was all for trying to replicate his “success” in the COVID-19 vaccines with new mRNA HIV vaccines, something that Gates and his team have been trying to bring to market for over a decade and a half now.

This interview was barely mentioned in the alternative media that is mostly pro-Trump, and when it was, it was spun to make it look like Bill Gates went to visit Trump to fall in line with Trump and his new agenda.

Uh, no. Donald Trump works for Bill Gates, not the other way around.

Bill Gates, along with Donald Trump and Leslie Wagner, was one of the main financiers of the Jeffrey Epstein banking empire. See:

One Nation Under Blackmail: The Sordid Union Between Intelligence and Crime that Gave Rise to Jeffrey Epstein

In 2006, Billionaire fund manager Warren Buffet, one of the richest and most powerful men in the world, took Bill and Melinda Gates under his wing and helped them fund the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which then went on to basically purchase the World Health Organization, and control the Global Health agenda.

And ALL of this happened a looooong time before Trump ever came to power in politics. See:

Who Owns the World Health Organization and Their Plan to Vaccinate and Digitally Track Every Human Being on the Planet?

When COVID was rolled out in 2020, almost every single leader who ran the Coronavirus Task Force out of the White House were Bill Gates associates, from his team that had been trying to get an mRNA HIV vaccine to market for many years.

This included Fauci, Deborah Birx, Robert Redfield who ran the CDC, and Moncef Slaoui, who led Operation Warp Speed among others. ALL of them had worked with Bill Gates for years on mRNA vaccines for HIV.

Bill Gates ran the White House COVID-19 task force from the White House through his own team.

I revealed this very early on in the Scamdemic, in April of 2020. See:

Who is Controlling the U.S. Response to COVID19: The White House or Bill Gates?

Conclusion: Many American Christian Conservatives have Sold Their Souls to Satan

The path that the Truth leads to in Satan’s world system.

The sheer glee and giddiness I am observing today in the Conservative Christian Media over Trump’s inauguration is by far the sickest, most obnoxious thing I have ever seen in my entire life.

Evangelical Zionist Christians are the main group that put the evil, murderous Donald Trump back in power, as they outnumber Zionist Jews by about 30 to 1. See:

For every 1 Jewish Zionist, there are 30 Christian Zionists, and Netanyahu exploits this

They are committing idolatry, and they have sold their souls to Satan for what they believe is a man who is going to give them the things they desire, which is the exact definition of “idolatry”, which is desiring the things of this world that only God can supply.

The Way of Jesus is a lonely path, and one of suffering, shame, and persecution – the same path that Jesus walked when he was here on Earth.

Once you sell your soul to Satan, how can you get it back?

Then he called the crowd to him along with his disciples and said:

“If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me and for the gospel will save it.

What good is it for a man to gain the whole world, yet forfeit his soul?” (Mark 8:34-36)

To dare to take a stand against Trump, especially from a non-liberal viewpoint, and one that is based upon the written Word of God, is to invite ridicule and persecution, even from your own family and friends.

The world will hate you, but we need to take courage that the world treated Jesus the exact same way.

“If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first. If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you.” (John 15:18-19)

Those who love Trump, are loved by the world, and Satan smiles.

As for me, I am still here, and I just finished a 10-day fasting time to get my instructions from the Lord for 2025 under Trump 2.0.

God has given me clear guidance in a couple of different ways, and one of those was in my recent study of the Gospel of Luke, and the account of the ministry of John the Baptist, who was the cousin of Jesus Christ, and whom Jesus testified was the last of the line of Old Testament prophets, and the greatest man to have walked the earth.

This is the verse the Lord spoke to me through:

John rebuked Herod the tetrarch because of Herodias, his brother’s wife, and all the other evil things he had done. (Luke 3:19)

The ruling religious leaders of John’s day were the members of the Sanhedrin, but the political leader was Herod, and John was led by the Holy Spirit to reveal the sins of this political leader of the Jews to the public as a warning.

The result was that John was put in prison, and eventually beheaded, but his mission was already complete, which was to prepare The Way of Jesus Christ, the Jewish Messiah, which he did.

The great news about the New Covenant, is that any believer in Jesus Christ filled with his Holy Spirit can now prophesy and testify to the truth.

However, the consequences of doing so remain the same, and if Zionism spreads unchecked, I fear that what we saw during COVID in Trump 1.0 will pale in comparison to what might be about to happen in Trump 2.0.

John said to the crowds coming out to be baptized by him,

“You brood of vipers! Who warned you to flee from the coming wrath? Produce fruit in keeping with repentance.

And do not begin to say to yourselves, ‘We have Abraham as our father.’ For I tell you that out of these stones God can raise up children for Abraham.

The ax is already at the root of the trees, and every tree that does not produce good fruit will be cut down and thrown into the fire.” (Luke 3:7-9)

This article was written by Human Superior Intelligence (HSI)

See Also:

Understand the Times We are Currently Living Through

The Bewitching of America with the Evil Eye and the Mark of the Beast

Distinguishing True Prophets from False Prophets in These Evil Modern Times

Who Controls the World? by Dr. A. True Ott

American Christians are Biblically Illiterate Not Understanding the Difference Between The Old Covenant vs. The New Covenant

Exposing the Christian Zionism Cult

Insider Exposes Freemasonry as the World’s Oldest Secret Religion and the Luciferian Plans for The New World Order

Identifying the Luciferian Globalists Implementing the New World Order – Who are the “Jews”?

The Brain Myth: Your Intellect and Thoughts Originate in Your Heart, Not Your Brain

Fact Check: “Christianity” and the Christian Religion is NOT Found in the Bible – The Person Jesus Christ Is

Was the U.S. Constitution Written to Protect “We the People” or “We the Globalists”? Were the Founding Fathers Godly Men or Servants of Satan?