by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

Robert Redfield, the director of the CDC under Trump in 2020 who approved the emergency use authorization for the first experimental COVID “vaccines” that have killed and maimed millions of people in the United States, by committing criminal acts of fraud that inflated COVID case numbers at the same time the annual flu numbers all but disappeared in order to justify a novel, new vaccine to fight COVID, is back in the media again.

But this time he is being treated as a hero by some, including Children’s Health Defense, for now stating that these experimental deadly shots should never have been approved mandated.

Yes, at first glance at the recent headlines with publications such as Children’s Health Defense, it would appear that Redfield has now come clean and admitted that the shots were deadly from the beginning, and never should have been put into the public by treating U.S. citizens as lab rats.

But that is NOT what he is saying today at all.

Even through Robert Redfield committed criminal acts of fraud that allowed the COVID shots to be approved to be injected into the arms of Americans, including pregnant women and children as young as 16, he is not repenting of that, but coming out instead against something Biden allegedly did: “mandate” the vaccines, which Redfield himself originally approved!

Here is the coverage from Children’s Health Defense:

Former Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Director Robert Redfield confirmed the dangers of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines in a U.S. Senate hearing Thursday, calling them “toxic” and saying they should never have been mandated.

Redfield’s admissions came during a Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs hearing on government oversight of taxpayer-funded high-risk virus research.

The late admission of vaccine injuries underscores the failure of public health agencies and the medical establishment to provide informed consent to the billions of vaccine recipients worldwide.

“It’s important that he is telling the truth now,” vaccine researcher Jessica Rose, Ph.D., told The Defender. “Adverse events were hidden and still are being hidden to prevent injection hesitancy.”

Redfield, who led the CDC from 2018 to 2021, didn’t stop there. He declared biosecurity “our nation’s greatest national security threat,” calling for a halt to gain-of-function research pending further debate. (Source.)

So that’s it? He now gets a free pass for all of his criminal actions that killed and maimed millions of Americans simply because he states that they never should have been “mandated”?

How about the fact that Redfield fraudulently inflated numbers at the CDC and ignored hundreds of doctors and scientists who testified to the fact that Pfizer and Moderna were committing fraud and endangering the public by putting an experimental new “vaccine” into the public, but he went ahead and approved them anyway?

Let’s review some history here, instead of trying to rewrite it for political purposes.

CDC signs off on Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine in key step toward distribution

NY Post, Dec. 13, 2020

The director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Sunday signed off on an advisory panel’s recommendation to approve Pfizer’s coronavirus vaccine — clearing the way for the first doses to be administered as soon a Monday, according to a report.

Dr. Robert Redfield accepted the recommendation of the agency’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices made during an emergency session on Saturday that the vaccine can be given to people 16 and older, CNN reported.

The Food and Drug Administration cleared the way for an emergency use of the coronavirus vaccine on Friday.

Although the first trucks filled with doses of the vaccine pulled out of a Michigan facility on Sunday morning, it couldn’t begin to be administered until Redfield gave his green light on the advisory panel’s recommendation. (Source.)

If Redfield is now stating that the vaccines were so bad that they never should have been mandated, why is he not also stating that they never should have been approved in the first place?

We all know the answer to that question, because it would mean he should stand trial for fraud and mass-murder.

Those of us in the Alternative Media knew that Redfield was a corrupt criminal running the CDC, for years before COVID even arrived on the scene.

In fact, much of the criticism leveled against Redfield came from Children’s Health Defense (CHD), and their leader, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., who reminded the world just how far back Redfield’s corruption went with people like Fauci and Bill Gates when COVID arrived in 2020.

I published one of Kennedy’s articles against Redfield in May of 2020:

CDC Director Dr. Redfield, Dr. Anthony Fauci, and Dr. Deborah Birx’s History of Corruption with the HIV Vaccine


U.S. military documents show that, in 1992, the CDC’s current Director Robert Redfield and his then-assistant, Deborah Birx—both Army medical officers—knowingly falsified scientific data published in the New England Journal of Medicine fraudulently claiming that an HIV vaccine they helped develop was effective.

They knew the vaccine was worthless.

Redfield now runs the agency charged with mandating COVID vaccines.

Birx, a life-long protégé to both Redfield and Anthony Fauci, served on the board of Bill Gates’ Global Fund.

Redfield, Birx and Fauci lead the White House coronavirus task force.

In 1992, two military investigators charged Redfield and Birx with engaging in “a systematic pattern of data manipulation, inappropriate statistical analyses and misleading data presentation in an apparent attempt to promote the usefulness of the GP160 AIDS vaccine.”

A subsequent Air Force tribunal on Scientific Fraud and Misconduct agreed that Redfield’s “misleading or, possibly, deceptive” information:

“seriously threatens his credibility as a researcher and has the potential to negatively impact AIDS research funding for military institutions as a whole. His allegedly unethical behavior creates false hope and could result in premature deployment of the vaccine.”

The tribunal recommended investigation by a “fully independent outside investigative body.”

Dr. Redfield confessed to D.O.D. interrogators and to the tribunal, that his analyses were faulty and deceptive. He agreed to publicly correct them.

Afterward, he continued making his false claims at three subsequent international HIV conferences, and perjured himself in testimony before Congress, swearing that his vaccine cured HIV.

Their gambit worked.

Based upon his testimony, Congress appropriated $20 million to the military to support Redfield and Birx’s research project.

Public Citizen complained in a 1994 letter to the Congressional Committee’s Henry Waxman that the money caused the Army to kill the investigation and “whitewash” Redfield’s crimes.

The fraud propelled Birx and Redfield into stellar careers as health officials. (Source.)

Kennedy is an attorney, and his organization solicits funds from their members to take out lawsuits against corrupt health agencies, so why is CHD not suing Robert Redfield for his criminal actions, and instead writing articles about how great he is all of a sudden?

I, for one, will NOT let CHD or anyone else rewrite the history of the greatest fraud ever committed against the American people, as I documented it all, and it is still available (for now) at Health Impact News and Vaccine Impact.

Here are some historical articles one can read to see just how evil the CDC and Robert Redfield were in 2020 under Donald Trump.

Study: CDC Broke Federal Law by Manipulating COVID Death Statistics

In Unprecedented Move CDC Stops Tracking Influenza for 2020-21 Flu Season

CDC Director Redfield Lies to Congress About Masks – Loses All Credibility

About those “Mandates”….

While the Republican Right is obviously trying to build a political platform that claims the Democrats and Joe Biden are the ones who implemented COVID-19 vaccine “mandates,” and that Trump and his administration never would have done that, let’s review some historical facts.

First, every single COVID vaccine mandate, from the military, to schools, to healthcare workers, were appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court, which had 3 Supreme Court Justices appointed by Trump, and were REJECTED by the Supreme Court which allowed lower court rulings on COVID vaccine mandates to stand, except one.

And that one COVID-19 vaccine mandate that the Supreme Court overturned, was the one that President Joe Biden tried to enact with OSHA, requiring private companies with more than 100 employees to force their employees to be vaccinated with a COVID vaccine.

I covered this in 2022:

Supreme Court Blocks OSHA Vaccine Mandate – Upholds CMS Healthcare Workers Vaccine Mandate

The U.S. Supreme Court handed down rulings today on the two COVID-19 vaccine mandates that were recently litigated in the nation’s highest court.

They struck down the OSHA mandate requiring private businesses with more than 100 employees to force their employees to receive COVID-19 shots, but upheld the CMS COVID-19 vaccine mandate for healthcare workers.

While this is a victory for conservatives regarding the OSHA mandate, this court remains solidly pro-vaccine as the legal issue of injecting hundreds of millions of Americans with a deadly experimental “vaccine” that is drastically reducing the nation’s population was never even considered.

Now more than ever, Americans need to support businesses that do not require COVID-19 vaccine mandates, while boycotting those that do. (Source.)

This followed a long precedent set in the United States where the federal government has never mandated vaccines, but has always allowed State Health Departments to make those decisions, which were usually public school vaccine mandates that follow the federal CDC Immunization Schedule for childhood vaccines.

So since not even President Joe Biden had the power to mandate COVID-19 vaccine mandates on private citizens, saying that President Donald Trump would never have mandated them is a meaningless statement, because he couldn’t have mandated them on private citizens at the federal level even if he had wanted to, just as Joe Biden could not.

The power to mandate vaccines lies with the private corporations who may or may not want to mandate them, and for public health, the local State-funded Health Departments are the ones who have the power to mandate vaccines for those receiving public funding or services, such as public school students.

We know that these local Health Departments hold this authority, because as we saw in Florida, when Governor Ron DeSantis and his Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo began warning the public about the dangers of the COVID vaccines, and stopped recommending them for children, it was meaningless rhetoric as the dangerous vaccines continued to be injected into children and pregnant women in their State anyway because local Health Departments kept giving them out.

The same was true for every other GOP Governor who jumped on the “Don’t Mandate Them!” bandwagon.


Pro-Vaccine GOP Governors Make Meaningless Statements on COVID Shots as Children in Their States Die and are Crippled Every Day from Vaccines


Why Hasn’t Governor DeSantis Stopped the COVID Vaccines in Florida When He Admits They are Killing People?

2 Years Too Late: Florida Surgeon General Only Now Highlights VAERS Increase in COVID Vaccine Adverse Events – Fails to Call for Halt of COVID Shots

Conclusion: Insanity Now Rules The Right

One of the most commonly stated definitions of “insanity” is doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting different results.

This describes the Right Trump supporters today, as they want to put the same people back in office who started this all back in 2020, rather than prosecuting them in a Court of Law for fraud and mass-murder, expecting different results this time.

And if you don’t agree with them, then you’re not a “patriot” and you should just leave and go to Russia, China, or Iran and live like slaves there because you don’t deserve to live in the “land of the free”. (I actually had a person email me recently and make a statement very similar to this.)

As I have been warning for the past few years now, “censorship” and “freedom of speech” today is defined by purely political ideologies, and if Trump and the Republicans take over again, we are going to see censorship against the Truth in ways we have never seen before in this country.

Then we will see just how committed people are to the Truth.

So do not be afraid of them. There is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed, or hidden that will not be made known.

What I tell you in the dark, speak in the daylight; what is whispered in your ear, proclaim from the roofs.

Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell.

Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground apart from the will of your Father. And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered.

So don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.

Whoever acknowledges me before men, I will also acknowledge him before my Father in heaven. But whoever disowns me before men, I will disown him before my Father in heaven.

Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword.

For I have come to turn ‘a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law— a man’s enemies will be the members of his own household.’

Anyone who loves his father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves his son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me; and anyone who does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me.

Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it. (Jesus Christ in Matthew 10:26-39)

This article was written by Human Superior Intelligence (HSI)

See Also:

Understand the Times We are Currently Living Through

The Bewitching of America with the Evil Eye and the Mark of the Beast

Distinguishing True Prophets from False Prophets in These Evil Modern Times

Who Controls the World? by Dr. A. True Ott

American Christians are Biblically Illiterate Not Understanding the Difference Between The Old Covenant vs. The New Covenant

Exposing the Christian Zionism Cult

Insider Exposes Freemasonry as the World’s Oldest Secret Religion and the Luciferian Plans for The New World Order

Identifying the Luciferian Globalists Implementing the New World Order – Who are the “Jews”?

The Brain Myth: Your Intellect and Thoughts Originate in Your Heart, Not Your Brain

Fact Check: “Christianity” and the Christian Religion is NOT Found in the Bible – The Person Jesus Christ Is

Was the U.S. Constitution Written to Protect “We the People” or “We the Globalists”? Were the Founding Fathers Godly Men or Servants of Satan?