Raw Milk Opponents are NOT Consumers – Only Paid Public Officials or Professionals

    by David Gumpert
    The Complete Patient
    I think I’ve found the most difficult job assignment in America: Go out and recruit a single volunteer to appear at an anti-raw-milk rally or at a legislative hearing on the subject. Surely there must be one person in all the land who would join such a […]

      Ron Paul Introduces Bill To Protect Raw Milk Sellers

      by Ron Paul

      (Paul.House.Gov) May 12, 2011 – Statement Introducing Unpasteurized Milk Bill, HR 1830
      Mr. Speaker, I rise to introduce legislation that allows the shipment and distribution of unpasteurized milk and milk products for human consumption across state lines. This legislation removes an unconstitutional restraint on farmers who […]

        Chef Threatened by Health Department at Raw Milk Conference

        Photo courtesy of The Complete Patient
        by David E. Gumpert
        The Complete Patient
        If Minnesota foodies and farmers occasionally get the feeling they’re being watched closely by Big Brother, maybe it’s because they are.
        Last Thursday, the day before the Third Annual Raw Milk Symposium was due to get under way at the Embassy Suites Hotel in […]

          The Raw Milk Wars: Time to Take a Stand for Food Freedom

          Health Impact News Editor Comments:
          Last week we reported the story about an FDA sting operation against raw milk producer Dan Allgyer, an Amish Farmer from Pennsylvania, as reported by David Gumpert. This story has been picked up by not only raw milk supporters, but by media outlets all across the country, including the Washington […]

            FDA Sting Operation on Amish Raw Milk Producer

            by David E. Gumpert
            The Complete Patient
            The FDA sent a number of its agents into undercover mode to gather the goods on Dan Allgyer, the Pennsylvania Amish farmer named in a complaint filed on behalf of the FDA by the U.S. Department of Justice seeking a permanent injunction prohibiting the farmer from […]

              Raw Milk Testimonies from Texas

              Testimonies on raw milk and those that support House Bills 75, 1139, 2084 in Texas. These bills support the sale of raw dairy products at farmers markets and farm stands, allow low-risk foods to be produced in homes, and the improvement of access to healthy, local foods for low-income individuals.






                What’s So Great About Raw Milk?

                by Stephanie
                Keeper of the Home

                Once upon a time, milk was not such a complex or controversial subject.
                Cows grazed on green grass. Healthy, well-fed, and free to roam, they produced a nutrient-dense, thick, white liquid which was relished either straight from the cow (raw) or turned into cultured dairy for short-term storage […]

                  12 Million in US Drink Raw Milk – No Deaths from Drinking Raw Milk in Over 10 Years

                  by John O’Donnell
                  Kennebeck Journal
                  MAINE COMPASS: Raw milk bill testimony misleading
                  Many small-farm families and health advocates are among those who drink raw, unpasteurized milk that is produced by the few cows on those small farms. A 2008 survey of […]

                    Some Raw Milk Consumers now Considered Criminals according to FDA

                    By Pete Kennedy, Esq.
                    Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund
                    In an unsurprising response to questions submitted to it by a federal judge, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has asserted that any commercial transaction involving the transport of raw milk for human consumption across state lines is subject to the agency’s jurisdiction and […]

                      Organic dairy farmer Francis Thicke promotes House File 394, the Iowa raw milk bill

                      by Ethan A. Huff
                      (NaturalNews) Iowa is one of only 11 states that prohibits any form of raw milk sales to the public. In fact, Iowa has one of the most oppressive anti-raw milk political climates in the US. But a new bill being spearheaded by former candidate for Iowa Secretary of Agriculture Francis Thicke […]

                        Raw Milk Activist Liz Rietzig shows why Real Milk is so important to human health

                        Raw Milk Activist Liz Rietzig shows why Real Milk is so important to human health, and the incredible injustice of making one of the healthiest foods on earth illegal.

                        Real Milk Freedom Fighters on Food Network

                        Visionary Trainers | Myspace Video

                          FDA’s own data puts raw milk drinkers in US over 9 million: No deaths and few illnesses over 15 year period

                          Open Letter to FDA’s Dairy Head, John Sheehan: Why Hide Serious Government Data on Raw Milk Drinkers?
                          by Steve Bemis
                          The Complete Patient
                          The discussion following the previous post, about how government-developed data is used, strongly suggests that the American public isn’t being given the complete picture about illnesses from raw milk, and food in general. Now, in […]

                            State Raw Milk Legislation Updates

                            By Pete Kennedy, Esq.
                            Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund
                            A number of raw milk bills have been introduced in the state Houses in the current legislative session. What follows is a state-by-state summary of the bills that have been introduced.
                            IOWA – House File 394 (HF 394), a bill that will allow the sale of raw milk and […]

                              FDA Attacks Raw Milk with Your Tax Dollars

                              by KristenM
                              Food Renegade
                              The FDA actually spent your tax dollars to create THIS — a poster they’re asking you to share with your friends and family about the dangers of raw milk.
                              I learned about the poster first from Cathy Raymond at the Farm To Consumer Legal Defense Fund. In her email, she asked the same question […]

                                Two more Maine towns vote on “Food Sovereignty”

                                A view from the Blue Hill peninsula, where Sedgwick, Penobscot, and Brooksville are located.

                                Two More Maine Towns Vote on “Food Sovereignty,” Different Outcomes Underscore Potential Divisiveness
                                by David E. Gumpert
                                The Complete Patient

                                I think because the “Food Sovereignty” ordinance described in my previous post passed so easily in Sedgwick, Maine, last Saturday–without obvious pushback from state […]

                                  FDA Shuts Down Family-run Raw Milk Cheese Operation

                                  The Estrella Family Creamery was a mainstay at farmer’s markets in the Seattle area with their raw milk artisan cheeses produced from the milk of their own grass-fed cows. They have caves where they age their cheese, and at one point in the past there was apparently one positive test for Listeria among the cave that […]

                                    Raw Milk Cures Many Diseases, by J. R. Crewe MD, written in 1929

                                    Real Milk Cures Many Diseases
                                    by J. R. Crewe, MD

                                    The following is an edited version of an article by Dr. J. R. Crewe, of the Mayo Foundation, forerunner of the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN, published in Certified Milk Magazine, January 1929. We are grateful to Dr. Ron Schmid, ND of Middlebury, […]

                                      Why Farmers Must Move from Defense to Offense for Raw Milk Rights

                                      The Ominous Warnings in Morningland Case–Why Farmers Must Move from Defense to Offense; VT Group Plans “Butter Appreciation Day” to Challenge Ban on Raw Dairy Teaching
                                      by David E. Gumpert
                                      The Complete Patient

                                      In baseball, it’s three strikes and you’re out. The raw dairy/food rights movement has had three cases come up […]

                                        Raw goat’s milk offers many benefits

                                        by Luella May
                                        (NaturalNews) In western civilization, most milk consumption is in the form of pasteurized and homogenized cow’s milk. Although such milk is portrayed as being healthy, it actually can lead to impaired health, including allergies, tooth decay, colic in babies, arthritis, heart disease, and even cancer. A much better choice is raw milk, […]

                                          MO Judge Condemns Morningland Dairy’s Cheese

                                          Cheddar cheese being produced at Morningland Dairy during happier times.
                                          by David E. Gumpert
                                          The Complete Patient
                                          A few weeks ago I asked in a post whether a Missouri judge might be willing to explore new directions suggested by the Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund before condemning $250,000 worth of Morningland Dairy raw cow’s and goat’s milk cheeses.

                                          The […]