American Doctor Kicked out of Africa for Healing Ebola with Ozone Therapy Instrumental in Creating International “Ozone Without Borders”

    In April 2018, a non-profit humanitarian international NGO (non-government organization) was formed called Ozone Without Borders (OWB). This newly formed NGO has ozone and other oxygen therapies as its cornerstone for educating about and applying non-pharmaceutical treatments without discrimination from medical monopoly agents. American Dr. Robert Rowen, an ozone therapy specialist, was instrumental in the organization's formation. In October of 2014, Dr. Rowen and his colleague, Dr. Howard Robins gathered up donated medical ozone producing equipment and headed into the internationally highly-publicized epicenter of an Ebola breakout, Sierra Leone, a small nation on the western coast of Africa, at their own risk and cost. He immediately sought to train some of the local doctors treating Ebola victims. A few had already become infected themselves, and they were the first to be offered ozone therapies. Immediate positive results were observed within 48 hours. Three victims with confirmed to have recovered completely and an infected fourth who was asymptomatic did not succumb to the disease. Despite these early successes, the Sierra Leone Minister of Health decreed the Rowen/Robins project be halted, and condemned some of the doctors. Apparently, inexpensive and effective ozone therapy which cannot be patented was a threat to Big Pharma and their desire to develop Ebola drugs and vaccines. They were ordered not to treat patients anywhere in Africa. As a result, in what Dr. Rowen claims was a "crime against humanity", many people died.

      FDA Wants to be Your Doctor and Restrict Access to Customized Medications

      FDA wants to act as your physician and regulate your access to customized medications. Action Alert! With its new guidance, the FDA is further tightening the screws on pharmacies that produce customized medications for individual patients. The agency is inserting itself into the role of “doctor” by deciding for patients whether there is a “clinical need” for certain medicines to be made at pharmacies. The reason? We believe they want to protect the monopoly of FDA-approved drugs. In its latest guidance, the FDA is signaling that it will further restrict the medicines that can be made at outsourcing pharmacies by adopting a stringent definition of “clinical need” if there is already an FDA-approved drug for a given condition.

        State Vaccine Legislation Scorecard: Majority of Americans Oppose Mandatory Vaccination

        State vaccine laws and the legal right to vaccine exemptions are hot topics in America. Between 2015 and 2017, the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC), a non-profit charity, closely monitored state legislation and analyzed and issued positions on 454 vaccine-related bills through the NVIC Advocacy Portal (NVICAP). In 2015, the NVICAP team responded to more vaccine related bills than were filed in any previous year: 160 bills across 41 states. This record was shattered two years later in 2017 when NVIC tracked and published information on an all-time record of 184 proposed vaccine bills filed in 42 state legislatures. Mainstream media continues to cite the passage of two 2015 bills, California SB277, which eliminated the personal belief and religious vaccine exemption, and Vermont H98, which removed only the philosophical exemption, as evidence that public support for vaccine exemptions is waning. This is a myth easily refuted by looking at the real evidence.

          From Nuremberg to California: How Eugenics Destroys the Lives of Children by Removing Consent to Medical Procedures Like Vaccines

          Comments by Brian Shilhavy, Health Impact News Editor: I have been investigating and covering the topic of vaccines for over a decade now, and know the topic so well that seldom, if ever, can I find anyone to carry on an intelligent conversation about the topic. The controversial topic of vaccines in the U.S. today is primarily a topic about beliefs, and people's trust in vaccines resembles a religious belief, not an informed opinion based on the facts. I am not sure in all of my years in covering this very important and very controversial topic, that I have ever found a literary treatise on the subject as eloquent and comprehensive as this piece just put together by Barbara Loe Fisher, the founder of the National Vaccine Information Center. Revolutions that have changed the course of history have begun on lesser documents and exposés than what Barbara has written here, and I am not exaggerating. When discussing the topic of vaccines, the religious-like faith of those who put their trust in them usually starts out with a statement like: "When it comes to vaccines, the science is settled." This statement in and of itself is intrinsically unscientific, and is simply used to avoid debate and censor any information contrary to the religious-like beliefs so many hold about vaccines. Fisher correctly points out how our modern day culture has come to worship "science," but it is a very perverted form of true science. Fisher does an excellent job also of documenting the history of "eugenics," which was born in American intellectualism and made notorious by Hitler in Nazi Germany to justify horrible atrocities. As we have reported here at Health Impact News, while the term "eugenics" has become unpopular, the ideas it represents have never left American culture - they have just been "repackaged" and are the same arguments used today for forced vaccination as they were used in the past for forced sterilization.

            The Day the Doctor Kicked Me Out for Not Vaccinating My Daughter

            The day I was kicked out of my doctor’s office for not vaccinating my daughter, I had no idea what my rights were. I know now. And I want to make sure you know yours as well. When her six month appointment came around, I began to get really nervous. I had just joined a natural parenting group and had begun to hear a couple of stories about vaccine injury. One of the group members shared an article online about a mother, who regretted not doing her research on vaccines prior to vaccinating her daughter, and she went on to develop autism as a result. I read it from start to finish just before I left for my baby’s appointment, and I knew that I just couldn’t go through with the vaccines. I remember calling my husband nervously, though, not knowing what to do. I was so scared of making the wrong choice. The doctor checked our daughter and although she had been completely healthy in every way and was exceeding all of her milestones, he commented that he was concerned about the size of her head. He showed me a chart with the normal measurements and noted that she was significantly off the bell curve. He feared that she could have hydrocephalus and wanted to do an MRI to rule out any complications. I told him that I would need to discuss it further with my husband since general anesthesia was needed for the procedure. He agreed and then reminded me that today was her six month visit, and he needed to catch her up on her vaccines. I expressed my concerns to him, especially now with her head size being an issue, and told him that I just wasn’t ready to move forward with them just yet. I needed more time to make an educated decision and to make sure all was okay with her head. It was then that he snapped. According to him, my time was up, and I needed to do them NOW. He told me that he had warned me at my previous visit and that I no longer could postpone them if I wanted to continue bringing my daughter to him. I remember shaking uncontrollably, and almost said yes ... But I just couldn’t do it. He kicked me out at that point and told me to go to the waiting room for the final paperwork. When I asked him about the concerns with the size of her head, he said that he would no longer take care of her as a patient until I decided to catch her up on ALL of her vaccines. He then slammed the door and left me to dress my baby, alone in the cold room.

              Study: Cannabis Prevents Premature Deaths – Cannabis Prohibition is a Major Cause of Premature Death in the U.S.

              The head of the Biology Department at Indiana University South Bend, Professor Thomas M. Clark, recently published in 2017 a lengthy “systematic review, meta-analysis, and narrative summary of effects of cannabis use on mortality are performed.” The bottom line from the 53 page document titled “Cannabis use is associated with a substantial reduction in premature deaths in the United States” is: "Cannabis use prevents thousands of premature deaths each year, and Cannabis prohibition is revealed as a major cause of premature death in the U.S."

                Patient’s Right of Informed Dissent to Medical Products and Services – Do Your Own Research!

                While the American Hospital Association claims that all patients have the right to “informed consent,” they don’t disclose that the patient must inform himself of the benefits and risks prior to consenting or dissenting. This lack of reliable information regarding treatment risks also occurs across the country when it comes to vaccines and their many potential (even life threatening) adverse reactions. Big Pharma profiteers now control a) clinical drug trials, b) the FDA approval process, c) the physician’s ‘belief’ as to what drugs are appropriate to prescribe for their patients, and d) the standards of care that physicians are required to adhere to. We must never forget that Big Pharma has no fiduciary duty to “do no harm." Its only mandate is to generate profit. Many drugs have severe – even lethal – adverse reactions. Physicians today are either naive or indifferent to this reality. Either way, they cannot be trusted to always act in the best interest of their patients. From Dr. Daniela Drake’s article, Big Pharma is America’s new mafia: “Our prescription drugs are the third leading cause of death after heart disease and cancer. Our drugs kill around 200,000 people in America every year, and half of these people die while they do what their doctors told them—so they die because of the side-effects,” said Dr. Gotzsche in his recent interview. “The other half die because of errors—and it’s often the doctors that make the errors because any drug may come with 20, 30 or 40 warnings, contraindications, precautions…and then the patients die.”

                  Evidence that Medical Cannabis Can Cure Cancer Continues to Grow

                  Recent scientific research in France has determined cannabinoid receptors exist on mitochondria cells. This news has not reached mainstream media outlets and seems to be underreported even by alternative health sites on the internet. This author only recently discovered the information after doing several articles on cannabis for curing many diseases, especially cancer. The internal endocannabinoid system with its two sets of cannabinoid receptors, C1 nervous system receptors and C2 immune system receptors, was discovered over two decades ago. These receptors allow cannabinoids from cannabis to attach their health giving attributes to various internal physiological systems. But the French mitochondrial discovery seems to be the key to understanding why cannabis is able to handle several different diseases, including cancer. Without this, skeptics can become more skeptical about all those cannabis cure reports and think of cannabis as snake-oil medicine and an excuse to get “high.” Also, many others will be duped into using mainstream medical methods that have very poor cure histories with many adverse side effects before desperation drives them toward cannabis or any other alternative method.

                    Health Freedom: Is the Right to Refuse Vaccines a Human Right?

                    Informed consent means you have the legal right to be fully and accurately informed about the benefits and risks of a medical intervention, including a pharmaceutical product, and are free to make a voluntary decision about whether to accept the risk for yourself or your minor child without being coerced or punished for the decision you make. Informed consent has guided the ethical practice of medicine since the Doctor’s Trial at Nuremberg after World War II, where the informed consent principle was internationally acknowledged as a human right for individuals participating in scientific research. Today, informed consent to medical risk taking also means you have the legal right to be fully and accurately informed by a doctor or medical facility about the benefits and risks of a lab test, surgical procedure, prescription drug or other medical intervention performed on you or your minor child and give your voluntary permission.

                      Mark of the “Beast”? Unique Patient Identifier (UPI) – Medical System’s New Gateway to Completely Control our Lives?

                      Big Brother is ready to watch you as you hop from doctor to doctor, treatment to treatment, and you have reason to be worried. Congress has moved us one step closer to establishing a unique patient identifier (UPI) system. The UPI is meant to act like a passport into the healthcare system and to aid healthcare institutions in matching patients with their medical records. A unique number assigned to every American that gives access to that person’s full medical records to every doctor, hospital, researcher, and public health department in the country. What could go wrong?

                        Tactics Doctors Use to Pressure Hesitant Parents to Vaccinate

                        The number of parents questioning the wisdom of the currently recommended schedule is up and corroboration is easy to find. An article in the journal Pediatrics in August 2016 reported that the number of pediatricians encountering parents who either question vaccine safety or refuse one or more vaccines or want to use an alternative vaccination schedule for their children increased from just under 75 percent in 2006 to 87 percent by 2013. Some physicians resort to denying medical care to children if parents refuse to give their children all federally recommended vaccines according to the CDC’s recommended schedule.

                          What’s the Difference Between Companies Selling Cigarettes and Companies Selling Vaccines?

                          Do you know the difference between companies that sell cigarettes and companies that sell vaccines in America? When cigarettes injure or kill people, tobacco companies are financially liable in civil court. But when vaccines injure or kill people, drug companies are not. That’s right. If you get lung cancer from smoking cigarettes, you can sue the tobacco company. But if you or your child suffers brain damage or dies after getting a vaccine, the drug company cannot be sued. And you can’t hold any person who licensed, recommended, gave or voted to mandate the vaccine accountable in a court of law, either. Here is why: In 1986, Congress gave drug companies a partial civil liability shield for vaccine injuries and deaths. In 2011, the US Supreme Court effectively banned all vaccine injury lawsuits, ruling that vaccines are - quote - “unavoidably unsafe.” Then, in 2016, Congress lowered licensing standards for experimental vaccines so that drug companies can fast track them to market without conducting large clinical trials. Now, drug companies and their friends in medical trade are lobbying state legislatures to strip vaccine exemptions from state public health laws. That’s right. Even though drug companies and doctors have been given an unprecedented liability shield removing all responsibility for vaccine injuries and deaths, they want more. They want “no exceptions” vaccine laws forcing you and your children to use every dose of every government endorsed vaccine without your voluntary, informed consent.

                            Calls for Violence Against Those Who Practice Freedom of Speech Opposing Vaccines Reaches Mainstream Media

                            The latest example of the disturbing trend of prominent doctors, attorneys and journalists calling for severe punishment, including physical violence, against people refusing the medical intervention known as vaccination is a recent editorial titled “Preying on parents’ fear” published in the Boston Herald on May 8, 2017. The article, written by the “editorial staff,” is yet another in a long series of attack pieces published by the mainstream media attacking freedom of thought, speech and conscience when it comes to vaccination. It ends: "Vaccines don’t cause autism. Measles can kill. And lying to vulnerable people about the health and safety of their children ought to be a hanging offense." A “hanging offense”? The editorial staff, led by editorial page editor Rachelle Cohen, is calling for people who criticize vaccine safety to be executed? Really?

                              Let There Be Light – How Colored Light is Used for Healing

                              Can you imagine a healing methodology that uses a lamp with a 60 or so watt bulb and several different color gels that are effective and can be applied by anyone, and was used for two decades by American MDs? Seems far fetched to many, even New Age woo-woo perhaps. But it exists now only as an inexpensive do-it-yourself in-home process. Spectro-Chrome Light Therapy was proving to be a medical miracle as an extremely successful non-invasive, non-toxic remedy for rapidly resolving many medical maladies. Then the AMA and FDA combined their forces in the late 1940s to crush it. Of course, to this day many would reject the notion of colored light applications to appropriate body parts as effectively healing anything, a placebo at best. The science behind this mostly-unknown therapy originated in the 1870s from two 19th century doctors, Dr. Edwin D. Babbitt and Dr. Seth Pancoast, based on Civil War general Augustus Pleasanton’s observations and writings. They were the original Spectro-Chrome researchers and healers whose interest in metaphysics motivated their investigations into colored light therapy. But it wasn’t until almost the end of the 19th century when an Indian physician, scientist, engineer, civil reformer, editor, scholar, metaphysician, and inventor, Dinshah P. Ghadiali, was forced to apply what he knew of Babbitt and Pancoast’s work that Spectro-Chrome therapy was fully developed and thoroughly codified.

                                NVIC Now Monitoring 173 Vaccine Bills in 40 States

                                We are three months into the 2017 state legislative sessions and our NVIC Advocacy Team has already tracked 173 vaccine related bills across 40 states and two federal bills on the NVIC Advocacy Portal. We have added 39 new bills since our last update at the end of February. Alabama, Colorado, Florida, Louisiana and Michigan are five new states that have bills introduced for the first time this session! If you live in one of the following states, there have been bills filed that can affect your rights: AL, AR, AZ, CO, CT, FL, GA, HI, IA, ID, IL, IN, KS, KY, LA, MA, MD, ME, MI, MN, MO, MS, MT, NE, NH, NJ, NV, NY, OK, OR, PA, RI, SD, TN, TX, UT, VA, VT, WA, and WV (states in bold have bills that are still active and need your action and states not bolded have bills that have already passed or died.) The following states are priority OPPOSITION alert states as they now have active bills to restrict or eliminate vaccine exemptions: CT, MN, NY, PA, RI, and TX. The following states are priority SUPPORT alert states as they now have active bills to add or expand vaccine exemptions: CO, MI, NJ, NY, OK, OR, RI, TN, TX, and WA. Please log in to and click on your state team tab to see what is happening in your state and what you can do to help. If there is no immediate emergency action alert information posted, scroll down and look at the “bill information” section for all bills in your state, our position, updated status, current requested action, and links to more information.

                                  The Vaccine Revolution for Truth

                                  We are gathered in our nation’s Capitol representing many thousands of Americans and their families, who cannot be here today because they are sick or caring for someone who is sick. We are here for families and physicians living in fear they will be discriminated against and punished if they speak honestly in their communities about what they know to be true. We have come to defend freedom of thought, speech, and conscience, the inalienable natural rights that unite us, regardless of where we live, the color of our skin, the faith that sustains us, or the philosophies that define us. We are calling on the government to do its job and protect the people’s health - instead of protecting profit-making industries doing business with government and manipulating information released by the mainstream media. We are advocating for the right to know the truth about the safety of the food we eat, the water we drink, the drugs doctors prescribe and the vaccines Americans are forced to get to attend school, and receive medical care, and hold a job. And we are here to witness the suffering of our children, who have no voice and have no choice except the one that we, their mothers and fathers, give to them. We want government officials to explain to us why our country, which spends the most on healthcare and has one of the highest child vaccination rates in the world, is crippled by a chronic disease and disability epidemic that costs more than two trillion dollars a year and has created the sickest child and young adult population in America’s history.

                                    H.R. 1313 Bill Would Require Medical Procedures Like Vaccines as Requirement for Employment

                                    Please immediately contact your Congressional Representative and 2 U.S. Senators to OPPOSE H.R 1313 Preserving Employee Wellness Programs Act. This bill is sponsored by Rep. Foxx, Virginia [R-NC-5]. It is attempting to coerce employees into employer disease prevention wellness programs. Section 3 (a) 2 refers to “workplace wellness programs and programs of health promotion or disease prevention offered by an employer.” The words disease prevention are concerning since not everyone agrees with the use of vaccines to prevent disease.

                                      Science Teacher Found Guilty of Professional Misconduct for Proving Vaccines are Toxic in Science Lab

                                      In March 2015, science teacher Timothy Sullivan approached public health nurses administering vaccines to high school students at his school in Waterford, Ontario, Canada and asked whether they had appropriately informed the students about the potential risks of the shots they were giving. He noted that the teenagers were required to give informed consent and the nurses, therefore, had the obligation to make sure they were fully informed. Mr. Sullivan also made the point that, “some of the components in the vaccines were deemed ‘toxic’ in his science lab.” The nurse allegedly answered that they alerted parents and teens about common vaccine risks like fever or soreness at the injection site and she claimed that “a screening tool allows nurses to assess if there are any underlying conditions that would trigger a more serious reaction among students” and added that “the risk of death from receiving a vaccine is so very, very rare.” Mr. Sullivan has now been found guilty of professional misconduct by the disciplinary board of the Ontario College of Teachers. With the conviction of Mr. Sullivan, the college is asking for penalties including a formal reprimand, a month-long suspension, and completion of an anger management course. In deciding on the penalty phase, the board could strip Mr. Sullivan of his teaching certificate and impose fines of up to $5,000. The complaint against Mr. Sullivan holds that he was out of line in addressing the students, and that it is a parent’s place, not a teacher’s to address vaccine concerns. Mr. Sullivan said, “I teach science. You don’t just teach one side of the story.”

                                        Will Refusing Vaccines Soon Lead to CPS Kidnapping Your Children for “Medical Neglect”?

                                        Amidst the ever changing, controversial white waters of vaccine safety, parents who choose natural immunity are being targeted by certain members of the medical, legal and public health communities as being guilty of medical neglect. As readers of Health Impact News' website are fully aware, "medical neglect" is a broad term frequently used against parents who dare to disagree with doctors over the healthcare of their children, and can result in Child Protective Services (CPS) taking the children away from their families by force. The latest example of this usurping of parental rights, which is being pushed and orchestrated by vaccine extremists who insist on pushing a one-size-fits-all approach to immunity, appears in the February edition of ​the ​American Journal of Public​ Health, in an article entitled "Parental Refusal of Childhood Vaccines and Medical Neglect Laws.” The paper, authored by Efthimios Parasidis, JD, M.BE, and Douglas J. Opel, MD, MPH, sets out to examine court cases where vaccine refusal is categorized as "medical neglect" under child welfare laws.

                                          KY Amish Farmer Jailed over a Salve Label; the FDA Wants Him Jailed for Life

                                          Amish farmer Sam Girod of Owingsville makes 3 products: a chickweed salve, a bloodroot salve and an essential oil blend called Sine Eze. You can find similar products online. In fact, you’ll find the recipes online. You can make these products in your kitchen, it’s not rocket science. A few years ago, the FDA came after Sam for labeling crimes — Sam said his salves could cure certain things and that’s a big FDA no-no. Sam immediately fixed the labels as per FDA demands. But then the FDA fixated on him and just would not let go. I’ve seen this over and over and over again. An alphabet agency gets you in its sights and just will not quit. State agencies are bad enough, but the feds… the feds are especially lawless. There is no accountability in a federal agency, they break their own rules as a matter of course. The first thing of note is that, when it comes to powerful well-funded federal agencies looking to set precedent, the Amish have a special target on their backs. Why? Because they generally don’t use lawyers which makes them easy prey. They don’t use lawyers because the Amish are self-sufficient, they know their constitutional rights and they are a peaceful community. They don’t fight back (unless lives are at stake).