Send Coconut Oil, Not Vaccines, to Typhoon Victims in the Philippines

As we have recently reported here at Health Impact News, UNICEF is taking advantage of the tragedy in the Philippines to advance their polio mass vaccination program, in spite of the fact that there have been no cases of polio in the Philippines since 1993. Unfortunately, this is the live oral polio vaccine, which is known to cause polio and paralysis. It is a strong possibility that a similar mass vaccination program in Syria resulted in recent cases of polio showing up there. The need in the Philippines is still enormous. Helping Traditions is committed to working with local national leaders (as opposed to western aid agencies like UNICEF) in providing relief which includes coconut oil. We might be the only organization in the Philippines currently supplying coconut oil, which is a traditional product with tremendous health benefits. To help supply coconut oil and other needed supplies, please visit the Helping Traditions website.

Study: Virgin Coconut Oil Protects Liver from Toxic Effects of Drugs

A new study published in the Journal of Basic and Clinical Physiology and Pharmacology found that Virgin Coconut Oil can protect the liver from toxic antibiotic drugs. It would be nice to think that this study would encourage virgin coconut oil consumption, especially among those taking toxic drugs, but I doubt that will happen. Rather, look for new drugs in the future trying to mimic what coconut oil does in nature with expensive new patented drugs in the future. In the meantime, simply stay away from toxic drugs for the sake of your liver, and use virgin coconut oil in its natural form for all its health benefits!

Oil Pulling Goes Mainstream – Health Benefits Cannot be Denied

"Oil pulling" is an ancient practice in Asia, but suddenly it is catching on in the United States. It involves swishing an oil around in your mouth (coconut oil is the most common one) for dental and other health benefits. Mainstream media outlets here in the U.S. are now actually reporting on oil pulling benefits, and even interviewing dentists who are giving positive reviews based on their patients' experiences.

How Coconut Oil Can Replace More Expensive Beauty Products

Coconut Oil can replace hundreds of dollars of various beauty products. Chemical-free natural beauty is best!

Mother Sees Huge Improvement in 3 Children with Hunter Syndrome After Starting Coconut Oil

I am the mom to 3 boys with a genetic rare disease called MPS 2. I have been looking up coconut oil for about the last month and have thought it may be helpful with my boys. So I started cooking with it and changed their milk to coconut milk. I have seen a huge improvement in all my children, especially the 3 year old. He didn’t use many words previously and now uses his imagination, which he never did.

Cure Dry Winter Skin Naturally

Dry, scaly, itchy skin in wintertime occurs when your skin is depleted of moisture. Fortunately, there are simple and inexpensive remedies for this problem, most if not all of which can be found in your kitchen.

Coconut Oil Lifts Brain Fog and Stops Memory Loss for 65 Year Old Women

My daughter told me about coconut oil after I started suffering severe and disturbing memory loss and brain fog to the point that I could barely have a conversation with anyone. I’ve been using it for over a year now and am very pleased to be myself again. The fog is gone and I’m able to drive safely again. I’ve been able to resume my hobbies: knitting and crochet because I can read and remember the patterns now. Over time, I found an additional benefit: my joints have stopped cracking all the time and I’m much more flexible once again.

Study: Coconut Oil Could Prevent Neurodegeneration in Diseases like Alzheimer’s

The anecdotal evidence for coconut oil treating and even reversing Alzheimer's Disease, as well as other neuro-degenerative diseases, has become so strong, that you can be sure the medical community has definitely taken notice. As we have reported numerous times, however, the Alzheimer's Association and pharmaceutical companies will not fund studies on coconut oil, since it is a natural product that cannot be patented. Therefore, we can expect funding looking at research to develop patent-able drugs that mimic the effects of coconut oil, as the success of coconut oil in treating neuro-degenerative diseases continues to spread. A study recently released by the Faculty of Medicine at Memorial University of Newfoundland might be one of the first of many such studies. The title of the study is "Coconut Oil Attenuates the Effects of Amyloid- on Cortical Neurons In Vitro." Rather than study the dietary effects of coconut oil, or the ketogenic diet, on neuro-degenerative diseases, this was actually an in vitro study that examined "rodent cortical neurons exposed to AB peptide" and virgin coconut oil, most likely in a petri dish or beaker, inside of a laboratory. Could they be setting the stage for yet-to-be-developed drugs that will mimic the effects of virgin coconut oil?

How To Use Coconut Flour

Baking with coconut flour can be tricky. This guide will help you understand how to use coconut flour in your gluten-free baking and keep you from wasting a lot of time and ingredients.

Private Foundation Funds Coconut Oil and Alzheimer’s Research

The University of South Florida's Health Byrd Alzheimer’s Institute has decided to research coconut oil and Alzheimer's Disease. They have a study currently in progress where they enrolled 65 individuals with mild to moderate Alzheimer’s to measure the effects of coconut oil, versus a placebo, on the disease. The funding reportedly came from a private foundation, as there is obviously no interest in researching this inside the medical system with its billions of dollars in revenue and government funds to develop drugs that can be patented.