Zionism and Child Sex Trafficking are the Biggest Dangers to Americans Heading into the 2024 Elections

Jeffrey Epstein's Mossad-linked handler, Ghislaine Maxwell, was back in court recently seeking to overturn her December, 2021 conviction for having recruited and groomed four underage girls for Jeffrey Epstein. The Manhattan-based 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals denied her appeal to overturn her conviction, and Maxwell's attorney stated that they will appeal to the Supreme Court now to get her conviction overturned. Ghislaine Maxwell's conviction back in 2021 did not reveal who all was involved in running Jeffrey Epstein's sexual blackmail market, of course, nor did the case deal with the far more serious issue of Israel's Mossad intelligence agency's connection to the worldwide child sex trafficking network used to blackmail the rich and powerful. Also earlier this month (September, 2024), Sean Combs (P. Diddy) was arrested and held without bail in Manhattan for "Racketeering conspiracy, Sex trafficking by force, fraud, or coercion, and Transportation for prostitution." This has been an inconvenience for many politicians and entertainment industry leaders, so extensive is Combs network of influential people. As I reported in April, Sean Combs also has strong ties to Zionism. As I have previously reported, all the choices that have been put forth to the public in the United States for the office of President, have previous ties to the Jeffrey Epstein network that controls America's banking system. They also all support Zionist extremism, while most Jews in the U.S. and many in Israel do NOT support Zionism. Child sex trafficking and sexual blackmail both work hand in hand with Zionism. It was widely reported during Trump's first presidency that he had become a converted Jew, but this information was suppressed in the corporate media and even in most of the alternative media. In the meantime, Israel's Zionist goals push forward murdering tens of thousands of people in the Middle East, with most of them being innocent civilians and tens of thousands of women and children being murdered, as the Zionists view these people as less than human (Goyim, worthless eaters). The genocide has now moved into Lebanon, a county whose population is over 30% CHRISTIAN.

Neal Sutz Documentary: How a Powerful Mormon Family in Arizona Escapes Justice and Controls Politicians to Cover-Up Child Sex Trafficking

When I first met and talked with Neal Sutz in the summer of 2019, and learned about this story, I had already published dozens of stories on the corruption in Arizona regarding their Child Protection Services, and even exposing some of the key politicians who allowed these things to happen in Arizona. Arizona has always been one of the worst states in the U.S. to allow child trafficking, and that includes children being trafficked at the border. So when this desperate father from Arizona contacted me from Switzerland, while I was horrified by his story, it did not surprise me at all. His story supplied some new pieces of the puzzle in child trafficking in Arizona that I had not known about previously, so it was an easy decision for me to learn about his story, and then publish it. I am publishing a 1-hour documentary that Neal Sutz produced about his family, showing all the media personalities and politicians who knew about his case, but in the end refused to help him, and stopped covering his story. I also want to publicly state that I was active in trying to get political help for Neal Sutz in 2019, so I personally know some of the details of this case, and I can absolutely state that Donald Trump and his family knew about Neal Sutz and his case in 2019. I had a friend who was a business associate of the Trump family, specifically Eric Trump, and I used his connection to the Trumps to bring Neal's story to them. In 2019 we also bought radio air time from a local radio station based in Phoenix, KFNX, to bring Neal's story and others from Arizona directly to the public, and we produced and broadcast 6 shows in 2019 that aired live in the evening hours. After we produced the first show, "What is Medical Kidnapping?", my friend told me he had sent the show to the Trump family, as well as other influential contacts that he had, including Kanye West and Kim Kardashian, who were married at the time. Kanye was doing musical tours that year venturing into the venue of Christian music, and I was told that he and Kim had listened to the show and were going to promote it on Social Media. I was also told that Lara Trump, Eric Trump's wife, knew about the show and was requesting that I consider joining their campaign for re-election (Lara Trump was running the campaign that year). I had no interest in politics, of course, but there were great expectations that finally, the horrible child sex trafficking problem in Arizona, and with Neal's story revealing how far this stretched worldwide, was finally going to be exposed. But it didn't. Today, nothing has changed, other than the fact that some of those who covered this up are now being put forth in the media again as those who will "save" this country, while the entire Jeffrey Epstein U.S. system of banking and business that fuels the child sex trafficking network worldwide continues even greater than before.

The Five Child Trafficking Networks as Revealed by a Woman Who was Chosen to Succeed the “Queen Mother of Darkness” but was Rescued by Jesus Christ

This is probably not an article for everyone, as it reveals some of the very dark and evil spiritual forces that rule this world, which some may not care to read, and others will have no interest as it is a topic they either don't believe in, or don't want to know about. I am not a stranger to this topic, which involves Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA), and if you want to see some of the other articles I have published in the past that deal with similar content, I have provided a short list that you can check out. The information I am publishing today was written by an investigative reporter named Cathy Fox, who has reported on this topic of Satanic Ritual Abuse and Child Sex Trafficking for years now. I am highlighting an article today from Cathy Fox that she published regarding an interview with Jessie Czebotar, who claims she was born and raised in an Illuminati family, and was chosen as a child to succeed her grandmother as a "Mother of Darkness". Jessie claims that she was saved from this planned course for her life in her family by the power of Jesus Christ. She has served as a Military Chaplain and has her own ministry today. What Cathy Fox did with this interview, is pool her own knowledge of this topic over the years to write the following article, "The FIVE Child Trafficking Networks and Structure of the Illuminati." It is obvious that Cathy put a lot of work into this article, and it was very educational for me, so I am sharing it with the Health Impact News readership for all who want to know more about this very dark, and very evil topic, and who really controls the people who run the world today. After this article, I am also including some research she has done on Elon Musk, and his past.

Do Big Tech Billionaires Promote “Free Speech” or Child Sex Trafficking? What is “Free Speech”?

With the constant flow of articles I continue to see in my news feed each day with Americans bemoaning the loss of what they call "free speech" as they idolize their favorite Big Tech Billionaires, I want to highlight some facts in this article about these Big Tech billionaires that so many Americans now adore, and give a basic civics lesson on just what exactly is "free speech." Is Pavel Durov truly a "righteous Billionaire" who out of the kindness of his heart wanted to provide the world with a truly "free speech" platform as his main motivation, or is he linked into and funded by child sex trafficking networks just the same as his fellow Big Tech Billionaires, who are also connected to the Satanic Jewish cults which promote Zionism and child sex trafficking? If Donald Trump is (s)elected as President in November, maybe he can work out a deal with France and bring Durov here to serve in his administration together with Elon Musk, keeping the memory and legacy of Jeffrey Epstein who built our financial system going strong, and finally passing that "antisemitism" bill into law which will make belief in the New Testament and Jesus as the Jewish Messiah, illegal.

Inconvenient Truths: The U.S. Government Kidnaps, Trafficks and Murders American Children Every Day in America, Land of the “Free”

For the past several days, both the corporate and alternative media have been publishing headlines about the tragic death of a 22-year-old Georgia nursing student, Laken Hope Riley. And while this is indeed a very tragic death, thousands of young people die every day in the United States, so why has this girl's death made headline news all over the country? Riley's death is making headline news because her alleged murderer was a migrant who crossed the border illegally, so that her tragic death can be politicized. Those on the Right are blaming Biden, while those on the Left are blaming Trump. Do you see how the Mockingbird Media cleverly controls the narrative so that no matter what side you are on, you will blame this tragic death on foreign criminals who are coming to this country illegally and putting our young people and children at risk due to policies at the border, and that therefore this "problem" needs a political solution? Filling the mass media (both the "mainstream" and the "alternative" media) with stories like this that divide the nation accomplishes an even a greater purpose, however. It draws the public's attention away from the REAL criminals who are kidnapping and murdering America's children: The U.S. Government. So here are several other stories from the past few weeks where children and teens were murdered because the U.S. Government (HHS) kidnapped these children from their families who loved them, and put them into the nation's Foster Care system with either "Foster Parents" or into group homes run by the foster care system, where they were murdered. The "inconvenient" truth here is that American children are being trafficked and murdered with your taxpayer funding, and it is insanity to think that the way to stop these crimes is to look for political solutions from the very criminals who are responsible for these murders in the first place. Here are some of the stories of recent murders of children in Government custody that you probably did not hear about because they did not make the national news cycle like Laken Riley's story did.

Mother Who was Sexually Trafficked by Epstein Pedophilia Network Seeks Justice for Her Daughter Who was Medically Kidnapped

Jennifer Guskin was sexually trafficked and suffered Satan Ritual Abuse (SRA) growing up as a child in the U.S. Foster Care system. She was trafficked by the rich and powerful politicians and business leaders in New York and the Washington D.C. area throughout her childhood. Like many survivors of child sex trafficking in Foster Care, once she became an adult and had her own child, the system again came after her, this time by medically kidnapping her newborn infant daughter. We reported last June that Jennifer had decided to sue the Baltimore County Department of Social Services Child Advocacy Center, working together with Howard County General Hospital, who took custody of her newborn daughter on false charges of drug abuse. We made a public appeal for an attorney to come forward to help Jennifer with her case, and I also reached out to my contacts trying to find one to help her, but none were willing to take on her case, so she filed Pro Se. The defendants filed a motion to dismiss the charges, which could have been the end of the matter. However, it would appear that Jennifer had a sympathetic Judge assigned to her case, because while the Judge did dismiss the charges against some of the defendants, she did not dismiss them against all the defendants, and gave Jennifer 45 days to refile her complaint with proper legal codes showing how the defendants had violated Maryland laws. According to Jennifer, the Judge actually told the defendants, "Do you understand that she is claiming that you medically kidnapped her daughter?" I was shocked when I heard this, as we were the first ones to publicly use the term "medical kidnap" in 2013 when reporting on the Justina Pelletier case, which led to an avalanche of so many parents contacting us with similar stories, that we started MedicalKidnap.com in 2014 to document their stories. This was the first time I had ever heard that a judge sitting on a bench in court used the term. I am sure that the 2023 Maya Kowalski medical kidnapping case in Florida, made popular by a Netflix movie on this case, has done quite a bit to bring more public awareness of this tragedy happening in the United States. Sadly, Jennifer probably has very little chance of succeeding in court Pro Se without any attorney, and as the Plaintiff she does not have access to any legal help that one would have access to if they were the defendant in a criminal case, where the system at least supplies a public defender. However, because Jennifer's civil suit includes claims of criminal activities, such as kidnapping, child trafficking, fraud, assault, and others, this is really the job of Baltimore County's State's Attorney Scott D. Shellenberger, as well as Maryland's Attorney General, Attorney Anthony G. Brown, who should be investigating these claims of criminal activity, since that is their primary job as prosecutors. Jennifer has emailed both of these Public Servant Attorneys copies of her complaint. The public can help Jennifer by contacting each of these attorneys and requesting that they investigate Jennifer's case.

Satanic Jews Exposed in Brooklyn Underground Tunnels where Children are Subject to Satanic Ritual Abuse – Lady Liberty’s Last Dance

And so it begins. For those who have eyes to see and ears to hear, events prophesied in the Bible thousands of years ago are unfolding right in front of our eyes every day now. One of the latest fulfillments of prophecy to be revealed to the public in recent days, are these words spoken by Jesus Christ: "For whatever is hidden is meant to be disclosed, and whatever is concealed is meant to be brought out into the open." (Mark 4:22) "All men will hate you because of me, but he who stands firm to the end will be saved. So do not be afraid of them. There is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed, or hidden that will not be made known." (Matthew 10:22-26) What was formerly "concealed" and "hidden" but has now been revealed, is that the United States is the world's leader in child sex trafficking, and Satanic ritual abuse. This unveiling to the public actually began in 2016, with Wikileaks exposing the Podesta emails that revealed how the world's richest and most powerful people were involved in this child sex trafficking business. Donald Trump, a hardcore Zionist and himself a participant in this evil cult, was selected to become President, probably because he was deeply leveraged from participating in child sex trafficking, and the Satanic Jewish underground world, led by the CIA and Mossad, apparently created Q to distract the world from what was REALLY being revealed by the Podesta emails, referred to as "Pizza Gate." Since the Trump election in 2016, cracks began appearing in this demonic child sex trafficking network, as Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell, both Jews with ties to Mossad, were revealed to be the leaders of the Epstein Beast banking system that rules the world. Investigative reporter Whitney Webb did the world a favor by taking months off from her normal work in 2022, and compiling a two-volume book on the Epstein empire, as she exposed the three men who funded Epstein and his rise to power: Leslie Wexner, Donald Trump, and Bill Gates. And then in 2023, the Zionist Jews revealed who they really were to the rest of the world, as they began their reign of terror in Palestine and Israel, murdering tens of thousands of people, many of whom are children, and even attacking and murdering their fellow Israeli citizens while blaming it on Hamas. And here in 2024, as World War 3 expands every day now, the Satanic Jews and their Satanic child sexual abuse crimes have been exposed in New York City, as police raided the synagogue in Brooklyn that is the world's headquarters for the Chabad Lubavitch Jews, exposing the tunnel that was used to abuse and murder children in their Satanic cult.

“Eyes of the Devil” – The REAL Documentary that Exposes the Horror of Child Sex Trafficking

The REAL horrors of child sex trafficking are so terrible and evil, that there is no reason to dramatize it, as Sound of Freedom does. I continue to be attacked and ridiculed for publishing the truth about this fictional movie, with one person suggesting that I must actually support child sex trafficking if I am publishing negative reviews of Sound of Freedom. This movie is very clearly a psyop and distraction from the REAL child sex trafficking that is occurring with young children who are also often murdered for their organs and body parts. This is happening in Ukraine, for example, and we have exposed this evil. But the documentary published in 2021 by Polish film producer Patryk Vega titled "Eyes of the Devil," is by far the most graphic description of child sex trafficking and organ harvesting I have ever watched. It has been viewed by over 7 million people in Polish, and several more million people in the English version. It is NOT dramatized. It is a true documentary. This is the film to watch if you want to truly know about child sex trafficking, but most of you probably cannot handle a film like this.

Exposing How Christian Churches Participate in and Facilitate Human Sex Trafficking

For years now I have exposed the Corporate Christian Church's participation in child sex trafficking by receiving government funding for the U.S. Government's child welfare programs, including foster care and adoptions. This child welfare system is the main pipeline for child exploitation and sex trafficking, and the entire evil system would be crippled and brought to its knees if the Christian churches just stopped participating in it, and stopped receiving government funding to parent other people's children. Here is another video clip from the recently produced documentary, “Cages – Epic Human Trafficking Truth”, where a whistleblower reveals how human trafficking at the Arizona - Mexican border is putting many migrants onto the streets of Phoenix where Christian ministries traffick them as part of their "homeless ministries."

Arizona Whistleblowers Expose the Human Sex Trafficking Business at the U.S. Border

A new documentary titled "Cages - Epic Human Trafficking Truth" has just been published featuring whistleblowers from Arizona revealing the horrors of human sex trafficking that are happening every day at the U.S. Mexican border, where the U.S. Government is working together with Mexican drug cartels to allow this horrible sex trafficking enterprise to flourish inside the United States. This business of human sex trafficking, and specifically pedophile child sex trafficking, is today one of the most lucrative businesses, if not THE MOST lucrative business, in the U.S. economy. The money that is brought in through human sex trafficking buys lawyers, judges, law enforcement agencies like the FBI, and elections. And this documentary, which I have annotated down to just under 17 minutes, just deals with the sex trafficking by America's wealthy with women and children coming across the border, and does not even address the larger exposure of child sex trafficking being exposed today from Jeffrey Epstein's network which has been documented by Whitney Webb's work, and the current U.S. Virgin Islands case involving Epstein and the U.S. financial system.

Russian Soldiers Discover “Baby Factories” in Ukraine where Young Children are Grown for Child Sex Brothels and for Organ Harvesting

A video has surfaced of Russian soldiers describing how they found a "baby factory" in Ukraine where young children are raised for the pedophile child brothels, or murdered to harvest their organs and sell on the Black Market. The video was published by The People's Voice, and they mention how other sources in Russia have covered this issue, and that Western Media just excuses it as disinformation or propaganda. But Russians are not the only ones who have documented this horrible practice of trafficking babies and young children for sex and then murdering them for their body parts. Two years ago we published the documentary published by Polish film producer Patryk Vega, called “Eyes of the Devil.” In this documentary, Vega is able to actually interview one of the child traffickers who trafficks babies from Poland and Ukraine to child brothels in Germany, where the children, usually around 5 to 7-years-old, work for a few years in the brothels until their tiny bodies start to break down, and then they are murdered to harvest their organs which are trafficked to the rich and powerful.

Florida Parents Beware! Your Children are NOT Safe! Pastors and Foster Parents in Florida are Sexually Trafficking Children

Sheriff deputies in Hillsborough County, Florida, arrested a youth pastor and a foster parent this week for sexually trafficking children. Nathaniel Rodriguez and Nicole Rogers reported the story on WFLA in Tampa: Hillsborough County deputies arrested a youth pastor and a foster parent on human trafficking charges involving teenage victims, according to a Friday press release. The Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office said their investigation began on Feb. 9 after a local mother said she found “disturbing content” on her 16-year-old child’s cell phone. Deputies said their suspect, 36-year-old Moises Escoto of Temple Terrace, had first contacted the victim two years ago on an app called Sniffies. Escoto serves as a youth pastor at Iglesia de Cristo Misionera Mahanaim Church on North Amenia Avenue. “It started with, hey I’ll give you gifts and money in exchange for sexual photos and videos,” said Marco Villarreal. “Over time, they started meeting and having secret sexual contact.” According to deputies, the youth pastor also was meeting the teenager in secret and having sex with him. He was arrested by human trafficking deputies on Feb. 9.

If You Live in the United States You Are Part of the World’s Largest Child Sex Trafficking Cartel

John Whitehead of the Rutherford Institute has published an article this week showing how prevalent child sex trafficking has become in the United States. However, if you click on some of the links for his sources, you will see that most of them are already very old, as far back as 2010. So as horrifying as these statistics he shares are, they are far worse today, especially post-COVID. Also, he quotes the corporate media's explanation for this problem as being primarily online and through social media where child sex predators target children. While this is most certainly true, it is not the primary way children are brought into the child sex trafficking trade. The primary pipeline of trafficking children into the lucrative child sex trafficking business is through the U.S. Government, and funded by the taxpayers in the United States, through the Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) and their child welfare programs such as Foster Care, Adoption, Child Protection Services, etc. Since the Biden Administration has taken over control of the Executive Branch of the U.S. Government, the number one source of children entering into the services of HHS are unaccompanied minor migrant children crossing the U.S. - Mexican border, which now exceeds over 250,000 children since Biden took office. Thousands of these children are never heard from again once they cross the border. But children taken away from American parents still exceed migrant children, where each year around 600,000 American children are in the U.S. Foster Care system. So while it is true that children can be kidnapped by predators due to their online activity and contacts, American children are in far greater danger of being taken away from their parents and put into the Child Welfare system which is the main pipeline for child sex trafficking. That means your child is in the most danger whenever they are out of your presence and in places where there are groups of children available to predators, which include: your child's school, your church (Sunday School and Youth Programs), and hospitals, mainly "Children's Hospitals," where children are routinely medically kidnapped to feed the lucrative government child trafficking system called "Foster Care." America's rich and famous are primarily pedophiles, and this includes business, politics, and religion. So if you live in the United States, you are surrounded by child sex traffickers. They are in your schools, your churches, your hospitals, and there are probably a few of them living in your neighborhood.

Florida Group Homes in Foster Care are Pimping and Sexually Trafficking Children

The Family First Prevention Services Act is a bill that was passed by Congress and signed into law by President Donald Trump in 2018. It was a bill championed by many on the Right and the Q Anons as a way to stop the tide of child sex trafficking through the nation's Foster Care child welfare system. America's tax-funded Foster Care system has been documented over the years as being the #1 pipeline to child sex trafficking. The bill was originally drafted in 2016, but met with opposition, primarily from the nation's lucrative group home industry, where private investors start group homes for troubled teens and then collect massive government funding through the child welfare Foster Care system to run them. When the bill finally passed in 2018 as a rider tacked onto a budget bill that averted a government shutdown at the time, a provision was made that Richard Wexler called a "presents for pimps” loophole for the group home industry. Now more than 4 years later, "the Florida Department of Children and Families took the 'presents for pimps' loophole, and drove a truck through it." The South Florida Sun Sentinel has just recently published an investigative report titled "Innocence Sold: Florida’s foster system provides dangerous sex traffickers with easy access to vulnerable children."

HHS Whistleblower Reveals How American Taxpayers are Funding Child Sex Trafficking at the Borders

Project Veritas released a new video featuring a whistleblower working within a federal government agency called the Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity & Efficiency [CIGIE]. The whistleblower, Tara Lee Rodas, volunteered to assist the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services [HHS] with the processing of unaccompanied migrant children and was deployed to the Emergency Intake Site in Pomona, California. Rodas sat down with Project Veritas founder, James O’Keefe, and described how precarious she believes the current child sponsorship program is for these minors. “The tax dollars of people who are listening are paying to put children in the hands of criminals,” Rodas told O’Keefe. “Our sponsors typically are not citizens. They’re not permanent residents. They don’t have a legal presence,” she said. “The sponsor can hold up an ‘Order of Deportation’ to a [migrant] child and say, ‘This is your Order of Deportation. If you do not do what I say, when I say, I’m going to call ICE on you myself.’ We are paying to put children in the hands of criminals.” The whistleblower affirmed that she has questioned federal government bureaucrats about the potential wrongdoing happening within their institutions, and the response has usually been dismissive of her concerns. She believes she has suffered retaliation at work for raising these issues. “I said [to the command center executives], ‘We’re getting ready to send another child [to Austin, Texas],’ and they said, ‘Tara, I think you need to understand that we only get sued if we keep kids in care too long. We don’t get sued by traffickers. Are you clear? We don’t get sued by traffickers.’ So, that was the answer of the United States federal government. HHS did not want this information to get out,” Rodas said. “They knew I had made protected disclosures and they retaliated against me as a whistleblower and had me kicked off the site so I could no longer research the cases,” she said. A Veritas journalist spoke to a migrant female minor on one of these occasions, who revealed that she had been put through sexual abuse by her sponsor. “An aunt [sponsored me], but she kicked me out of her house. She was pimping me and I didn’t like that. She would pimp me to men,” the child said.

Has Florida Become the Top State in the U.S. for Medical Kidnapping and Child Trafficking?

Florida is rapidly becoming the go-to State for people fleeing the rapidly decaying mega urban centers in the U.S., and that includes some of the richest and most famous billionaires who have recently moved their residency to Florida, such as former President Donald Trump and Oracle founder Larry Ellison, among others. Even Ukraine President and alleged Billionaire Volodymyr Zelensky has a $35 million dollar mansion in South Florida, where he will undoubtedly retire to if the war in his country doesn't go his way. And with Wall Street mega-bank criminals now starting their own virtual stock exchange, MEMX, it is probably only a matter of time before South Florida replaces New York's Wall Street as the new residence of most of the world's billionaires and bankers who can just work online while hitting the Florida beaches. Tragically, one thing that seems to follow the rich and famous in this country is the problem of human trafficking, and specifically child sex trafficking, as even Jeffrey Epstein ran a major portion of his child sex trafficking operation through South Florida. As we have reported numerous times over the years, the #1 source for child trafficking in the United States is the corrupt child welfare program that funds foster care and adoptions in the U.S. You can learn more about this corrupt system of child trafficking that imperils all of the nation's children every day on our Medical Kidnapping website. Thanks to some good local reporting in Florida, many families who have had their children taken away from them illegally by the State of Florida are fighting back and now suing the State of Florida, naming Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and Executive Director of the Florida Department of Health Dr. Joseph Ladapo as defendants.

Data Show 441 Children Without Parents Crossing the Border to the U.S. Every Day as U.S. is Top Destination for Child Sex Trafficking

An average of 441 children will cross the U.S.-Mexico border alone every day this year, surpassing last year’s record, data from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) show. “DHS projections call for approximately 148,000 and 161,000 [unaccompanied children] referrals to [Health and Human Services Office of Refugee Resettlement] this year. With monthly projections exceeding those seen in FY 2021,” says a document obtained by the Washington Examiner. It reportedly detailed the response plan to the influx from the Department of Health and Human Services as of January 2022. Border Patrol prioritizes the transfer of those under the age of 18 who cross the border illegally without a parent or guardian. Another forecast outpaces data from a year earlier, as Customs and Border Protection recorded 147,975 total encounters of single minors in the fiscal year 2021, meaning 405 children per day on average from October 2020 to September 2021. Data show more than 101,000 unaccompanied minors have been seized nationwide till May in the current financial year.

Human Trafficking at an All-Time High in the U.S., the #1 Destination in the World for Child Sex Trafficking

For a number of years now, the United States has had the notorious distinction of being the #1 destination for child sex trafficking, according to the State Department's own reports. But since the Biden Administration has been in office, the volume of human and child trafficking streaming across the U.S.-Mexican border has soared to unprecedented numbers. People in Texas were horrified earlier this week when an 18-wheeler was stopped and opened, revealing a stack of bodies of people who were being trafficked across the border but died inside the hot truck that had no air conditioning. Nearly 50 people died. And while the flood gates have been opened at the border allowing the smuggling of drugs and weapons, the most lucrative commodity being smuggled across the border, by far, are children. These children, referred to as unaccompanied minors (UACs), are processed by HHS right into the nation's lucrative child trafficking network called "foster care." During the first few months of the Biden Administration, there were reports that many of these UACs were being placed with foster parents, some of whom went public to report that they were being asked to house up to 26 or more of these UACs. We also reported how the corporations that were being awarded contracts by the new Biden Administration to process these UACs had previous links to child sex abuse. But the flow of UACs has become so large now, that the Biden Administration is spending huge amounts of money to house them in groups all across the United States, often spending more money on these UACs than American children who are U.S. citizens and suffering right now due to the economic downturn, and shortages such as infant formulas. For example, Kristinn Taylor, writing for The Gateway Pundit, reports that the Biden administration has signed a five-year lease to house illegal alien migrant children at the luxurious 100 acre campus of the closed American Hebrew Academy in Greensboro, North Carolina. What is seldom, if ever, reported however, is what is going to happen to these children who become part of the nation's lucrative foster care system. But we have documented what happens to these children for many years now. This very evil and very corrupt system called foster care, is where most of the nation's children who are sexually trafficked originate. And it is all supported by taxpayer funds.

How The U.S. Federal Government Sponsors Child Smuggling And Sex Trafficking

Earlier this week John A. Zadrozny, who served as a Deputy Assistant to the President and Acting Chief of Staff at U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services during the Trump Administration, published an editorial at The Federalist explaining the horrible problem of "unaccompanied alien children" (UACs) being trafficked across the border into the United States. It is a non-partisan problem, as it has been documented just how horrific this problem has been since the Obama Presidency, and plagues all administrations, whether Democratic or Republican. He correctly identifies the problem that allows human trafficking, and specifically the horrible child sex slavery trafficking, which is the U.S. Federal Government. And while the Trump Administration publicly stated that they wanted to end this problem, it never happened because career bureaucrats run most federal agencies, and it is business as usual no matter which political party occupies the White House. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is the federal agency that facilitates child trafficking, as they are the funding source for the Foster Care and Adoption system where all these children end up, whether they are coming across the border as a UAC, or being medically kidnapped from their families right here in the United States. Whatever Mr. Zadrozny's motive was in publishing his commentary with The Federalist this week, I wholeheartedly agree with his conclusion: "If Americans really care about the health, safety, and welfare of the innocent children who are being smuggled and trafficked into the United States, our first step has to be to stop our federal government from being part of the problem and make it part of the solution."

FBI Declassifies Files on the CIA’s Involvement in Satanic Ritual Abuse and Child Sex Trafficking

Russ Winter of Winter Watch published an article earlier this month (December, 2021) about the FBI declassifying files on a CIA group called "The Finders" and the McMartin preschool Satanic child trafficking case in Los Angeles in the 1980s. We have referenced this case and the secret CIA group The Finders in the past here at Health Impact News, as former FBI Chief Ted Gunderson was actively involved in this case, which we referenced in our June, 2020 article, Unmasking Who is Behind the Plandemic and Rioting to Usher in the New World Order. After retiring from the FBI, Gunderson set up a private investigation firm, Ted L. Gunderson and Associates, in Santa Monica. In a 1995 conference in Dallas, Gunderson warned about the proliferation of secret Satanic groups, and the danger posed by the New World Order, a shadow government that controls the U.S. government. Gunderson discovered that in the U.S. there is a secret widespread network of groups who kidnap children and infants, and subject them to Satanic ritual abuse and subsequent human sacrifice. One of those groups is The Finders, which Gunderson said is operated by the CIA. He wrote a book on The Finders, which can still be downloaded from his website (Ted Gunderson died in 2011). This is the same CIA group that the FBI just declassified many of the files from their investigation into The Finders, although many names remain redacted to protect the guilty. The vehicle that is used by the U.S. Government and the CIA to traffick these children and run these Satanic ritual abuse networks, is the government funded Child Social Services and Foster Care network, most commonly known as "CPS" (Child Protection Services). Massive government funds exist for all 50 U.S. States that can only be collected if they meet certain quotas of children put into this system, so many children are literally kidnapped, mostly medically kidnapped, from their parents to meet the demand for children in this evil, Satanic system, which is mostly operated by Christian Churches collecting funds from the Government. Many people have courageously tried to expose this evil system that exists in every state and every county within the U.S., and sadly, many of them are now dead.