FBI Declassifies Files on the CIA’s Involvement in Satanic Ritual Abuse and Child Sex Trafficking

Russ Winter of Winter Watch published an article earlier this month (December, 2021) about the FBI declassifying files on a CIA group called "The Finders" and the McMartin preschool Satanic child trafficking case in Los Angeles in the 1980s. We have referenced this case and the secret CIA group The Finders in the past here at Health Impact News, as former FBI Chief Ted Gunderson was actively involved in this case, which we referenced in our June, 2020 article, Unmasking Who is Behind the Plandemic and Rioting to Usher in the New World Order. After retiring from the FBI, Gunderson set up a private investigation firm, Ted L. Gunderson and Associates, in Santa Monica. In a 1995 conference in Dallas, Gunderson warned about the proliferation of secret Satanic groups, and the danger posed by the New World Order, a shadow government that controls the U.S. government. Gunderson discovered that in the U.S. there is a secret widespread network of groups who kidnap children and infants, and subject them to Satanic ritual abuse and subsequent human sacrifice. One of those groups is The Finders, which Gunderson said is operated by the CIA. He wrote a book on The Finders, which can still be downloaded from his website (Ted Gunderson died in 2011). This is the same CIA group that the FBI just declassified many of the files from their investigation into The Finders, although many names remain redacted to protect the guilty. The vehicle that is used by the U.S. Government and the CIA to traffick these children and run these Satanic ritual abuse networks, is the government funded Child Social Services and Foster Care network, most commonly known as "CPS" (Child Protection Services). Massive government funds exist for all 50 U.S. States that can only be collected if they meet certain quotas of children put into this system, so many children are literally kidnapped, mostly medically kidnapped, from their parents to meet the demand for children in this evil, Satanic system, which is mostly operated by Christian Churches collecting funds from the Government. Many people have courageously tried to expose this evil system that exists in every state and every county within the U.S., and sadly, many of them are now dead.

The United States of America: Home to Pedophiles and World’s #1 Destination for Child Trafficking

Everything COVID and specifically the issue of mandatory COVID-19 vaccines has obviously dominated the news in recent weeks, but if you want to fully understand everything happening in the U.S. and around the world right now, that will not be possible if you do not understand the very lucrative child trafficking market, and the mindset behind the Globalists setting the current agenda to radically transform the world into their "Great Reset." News reports last week stated that there have been more arrests of illegal immigrants crossing the border into the U.S. this past year than in all previous years since the U.S. started keeping records of such arrests in 1925, nearly 1.7 million. A vast majority of these illegal immigrants are unaccompanied children, and this past week a report published in the N.Y. Post stated that thousands of these illegal immigrant children were being flown around the country during the middle of the night. Sadly, what the media will not publish, including very few in the alternative media, is just where these children are going, and what is going to happen to them. They will first go into the nation's child welfare foster care system where they will become a ward of the State, and from there many of them will be enrolled in dangerous drug trials that most parents would never allow their children to participate in, and many others will be sex trafficked, because the U.S. is the #1 destination in the world for sex trafficking, according to the U.S. Government's own statistics, and this was known even before the Biden Administration took over, as it was true under President Trump as well. You cannot understand how the world functions today, without understanding who the people at the top of the Global power structure are, and how they think. So what I am doing in this video I have put together and published today, is exposing these people at the top.

Homeland Security Whistleblower: U.S. Government Giving Permits to Gangs Coming Across the Border to Sexually Traffick Children

In a shocking interview just published yesterday by Project Veritas, a whistleblower who allegedly works in federal law enforcement within the Department of Homeland Security, has stated that known criminal gang members who are listed with "Transnational Criminal Organizations" and are on government "watchlists," are not only being allowed to cross the border and come into the United States, but they are being issued Employment Authorization Cards by simply stating that their lives are in danger if they are forced to return to their countries. He states that ALL of these "Transnational Criminal Organizations" are involved in child sex trafficking. So we now know that the U.S. is issuing work permits to known criminals who are sexually trafficking children coming across the border. And we can add to that the fact that some of these criminals with a past record of child sex trafficking who have been sitting in U.S. prisons are now being released into the public again, all in the name of "COVID." How is this not the biggest news story our nation is facing right now? How can we allow this system to continue?

California Foster Parents Being Asked to Take in “26 or more” Migrant Children from the Border – “I Consider it Human Trafficking”

The mass sex trafficking of children into the United States is now happening in the open in full view of the public, and no one seems to have the will or power to step in and stop it. One has to wonder if the United States has now become the most morally degenerate country on the face of the earth? Yesterday, the Daily Mail interviewed California foster parents Travis and Sharla Kall, and they said that the Community Care Licensing Division (CCLD) of California's Department of Social Services that oversees foster home and care licensing, had asked them to take in "26 or more" children being housed at the U.S. Mexican border, where tens of thousands of migrant children who came across the border without their parents are being held. The Kalls also stated that other foster care parents in the state received the same request.

Crisis at the Border: 13,000 “Kids in Cages” as Illegal Immigration on Track to Increase More than the Past 20 Years

The crisis at the border with children streaming into the country without their parents has become such a huge problem, that even the corporate media is now reporting on it, and admitting that the Biden administration's policies are undoing what the Trump administration did to try to stem the tide of this terrible problem of trafficking of children. Steve Watson of Summit News reports: "The crisis at the border continues to accelerate, as CBS News reported Tuesday that there are now more than 13,000 unaccompanied migrant children being held in prison like cells by US authorities. The report notes that many more are being turned back every day, and that there are now so many trying to cross the border that the US is on track this year to encounter more illegal immigration than in the past TWENTY YEARS." What these news reports are NOT reporting, is how can all these children be coming across the border without their parents? And where are they going? The buying and selling of children is one of the largest markets in the world today, and the #1 destination is the United States. These children coming across the border may not be with their parents, but you can be sure that they are not alone. They are with their handlers or pimps, and most of them are destined to become part of the lucrative child sex trafficking network in the United States.

Was the Recent YouTube Purging Related to Child Trafficking? Corporate Media Suddenly Wants to Discredit QAnon Movement

The corporate-funded "mainstream" media works hard every day attempting to control the narrative of what they want Americans and people around the world to believe are the most serious issues facing us today, which according to the Wall Street-funded media is the Coronavirus "pandemic" and the U.S. Presidential elections. Any attempts outside of their control to publish truth about other issues are being censored and squashed, primarily through their accomplices in Big Tech and the major social media networks, such as Facebook, Twitter, and Google's YouTube. Interestingly, in recent days the corporate media has focused hard on trying to discredit the QAnon movement, which has pretty much been a part of the American scene for the past 4 years, just shortly after Donald Trump was elected as President of the United States. Not only are they apparently feeding the major news networks propaganda to spread about what they want the public to believe about QAnon, it seems that the recent purge of hundreds of popular YouTube channels representing millions of viewers also had one common theme: they were exposing child trafficking, the main topic of the QAnon movement. So after ignoring the QAnon movement for the most part during the past 4 years, what has changed now? Whatever it is, it must be serious.

Most Organizations formed to Combat Child Sex Trafficking are Actually Facilitating and Funding It

One of the tragic realities of child sex trafficking is the fact that groups who allegedly advocate for the end of child sex trafficking and the "protection" of children, are actually the very groups behind trafficking children. The most obvious example is the one we have been reporting on for years now here at Health Impact News, which is the government-funded child welfare system commonly referred to as "Child Protective Services," or CPS, which is the main vehicle by which children are kidnapped from their families and trafficked. Child sex trafficking has been a hot topic in the corporate media recently, and every time I am alerted to some of these news stories, especially where rallies or demonstrations are taking place, I always look at the group behind these public demonstrations, and who the leaders are within these groups. Very often Child Abuse Pediatricians and hospital child abuse clinics are involved, and as we have documented over the years, these doctors make their living solely by finding "medical abuse" so they can take custody away from the family and put them into the lucrative multi-billion dollar a year foster care and adoption system. We need to call this what it really is: Child Trafficking. These government-funded and privately run groups do not care about the welfare of children at all. If they did, they would do everything possible to keep children at home with their families, by supporting those families, which in many cases are poor, minority families. The Christian Church is one of the largest entities guilty of child trafficking, calling it "Orphan Care." The QAnon movement has also been in the media frequently in recent days, and a big part of this movement has been exposing child sex trafficking. Some of the Q followers, and some of the Q "droppings" themselves seem to have revealed true intelligence on the problem of child sex trafficking. But Satan is the "father of lies," and his most deceptive way of fooling the masses is promoting something that might be 90% or even 99% true, but 1% or 10% false, and this is the most dangerous deception of all. So while the QAnon phenomenon has exposed real intel on child sex trafficking, the belief that one person, a billionaire Wall Street insider turned politician and currently serving as the President of the United States, is going to clean up this entire mess of child sex trafficking and put everyone behind it in prison, might be one of the greatest deceptions of all time. Of course this religious-like belief is based on another deception, namely that the President of the United States runs the country. This is a false belief. The country is run by the Wall Street gang of billionaires and Central Bankers, which now includes the Silicon Valley moguls, along with the secretive intelligence agencies like the CIA who control the corporate propaganda media, and at the top of their leadership they are all pedophile Satanists, and most of them are probably addicted to Adrenochrome, which requires a fresh supply of blood from young children. Anyone who thinks Donald Trump can put away all of these Globalists has been thoroughly deceived. Reporter Whitney Webb has written an excellent piece exposing Ashton Kutcher's NGO group "Thorn" which supposedly protects children, and its links to Amazon.com's Jeff Bezos, facial recognition software, and the CIA.

Pedophiles Now Control America – No Child is Safe from Medical Kidnapping

We've been sounding the alarm and warning the public for years now, but few have listened. This didn't just happen overnight. There is a war going on in America over your children that has been raging for many years. We put a name to it in 2014, and called it "Medical Kidnapping," and then started a website called MedicalKidnap.com. The purpose of this website was to give families a voice, to tell the world about how they had their children kidnapped from them by State government officials, working hand in hand with doctors. We are talking about hundreds of thousands of cases all across this country happening every year. It is a fact that the vast majority of children that are sexually trafficked today come out of the State-funded Foster Care system. This convenient Child Sex Trafficking network called "foster care," which is paid for by the American taxpayers, allows children to be trafficked to the rich and powerful. This child sex trafficking business among the rich and powerful was exposed through the leaked Podesta emails in 2016 during the last presidential elections. It was referred to as "Pizzagate," and the corporate media, controlled by the CIA and the Globalists, did everything they could to squelch it and label anyone reporting on it as "Fake News." Instead of investigating the global child sex trafficking ring among the richest and most powerful people in the world, instead they distracted the public's attention by trying to first impeach President Trump, and then more recently looking into allegations of criminal election fraud with former President Obama. But Pizzagate was, and always has been, the real story. The Globalists at the highest level are not only pedophiles, but members of the Occult. Today, here in 2020, the COVID Plandemic is greatly increasing medical kidnapping, as all it takes now to remove a child from their home is a positive COVID test, either with the children, or the parents, to justify taking that child out of the home and putting them into the child trafficking system. This Fall, when the planned "Second Wave" is going to hit, massive amounts of children are going to be medically kidnapped, probably at a pace we have never seen before. Whatever you do, do NOT send your children back to school this fall, even if the schools in your area are allowed to open back up! NOTHING positive can happen to your child by going to a school, public or private, if they are complying with mandates to mask, socially isolate, etc. You will be giving the State every opportunity to kidnap your child!

As Businesses Close Due to Coronavirus, the Business of Child Sex Trafficking in Foster Care Flourishes

While many businesses have closed during the current COVID-19 lock downs in the U.S., there is one profitable business that has not closed down, and if anything, is probably flourishing more than ever: Child Sex Trafficking through Foster Care. We have established over the years since we have been reporting on this topic that foster care is the main pipeline for child sex trafficking. As we have previously reported, the response to COVID-19 has led to more children being separated from their parents and put into foster care, and many parents are no longer able to visit their children who are in foster care during the COVID-19 lock downs. Since child sex trafficking through the foster care system was already a widespread systemic problem prior to COVID-19, it is no surprise that this lucrative business is doing well and perhaps even flourishing more than ever during the current lock downs. Here are some examples that have been reported recently in local and national media.

Georgia House Approves Legislation to Ban Foster Parents from Having Sex with Children in Their Care

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution is reporting that a new proposed bill has just passed the Georgia State House of Representatives "that would make it illegal for foster parents to have sexual contact with children they are caring for." It is House Bill 911 sponsored by Republican state Representative Ed Setzler. Health Impact News supports Rep. Setzler's bill, but we disagree with his published statement that these situations are "rare instances where a foster parent has inappropriate sexual contact with those in his or her care." Statistics show that the U.S. Foster Care system is the main pipeline for child sex trafficking, and is not that rare at all.

Foster Care Continues to be Child Sex Trafficking Pipeline in 2020 – How Do We Stop It?

A survey of news stories regarding child sex trafficking at the beginning of 2020 shows that the Foster Care pipeline to child sex trafficking is continuing unabated. How Do We Stop Child Sex Trafficking through Child Welfare? A complex horrendous problem has a simple solution: Abolish the government-funded child welfare program, usually called "Child Protection Services" and "Foster Care." The late Georgia Senator Nancy Schaefer said that the system was too corrupt to reform, before she was murdered. Molly McGrath Tierney, the former Director for the Baltimore City Department of Social Services, has stated that the foster care system is flawed and setup for failure. Since hundreds of thousands of government employees would lose their jobs in the multi-billion dollar child trafficking business called "foster care," it is highly unlikely that it will be abolished or defunded anytime soon. But the system depends on foster parents, and that is the best avenue to reduce the child trafficking system currently in place: stop participating in it! Too many people justify their participation in such an evil system claiming that while the system is corrupt, it needs good foster parents to truly care for needy children. This logic is severely flawed and self-serving. Wherever the corrupt government child welfare system is actually helping a child, it can be done far more efficiently, far more effectively, and for much less cost, without government taxpayer funds.

$10M Lawsuit Filed in New York Against Motels that Allegedly Allowed Child Sex Trafficking of Foster Children

Andrew Denney and Gabrielle Fonrouge of the New York Post have reported on a $10 million lawsuit filed recently alleging that a 10-year-old foster girl was raped, tortured and beaten as she was sold for sex at two New York motels while staff turned a blind eye to what was happening. The young girl was trafficked through motels, according to the lawsuit, with the full knowledge of the motel staff who did nothing to try and stop this kind of sex trafficking of children. According to the NY Post article, 45% of all sexual exploitation in New York City happens in hotels. To understand the scope and depth of this problem of foster care children being sexually trafficked, go to an Internet search engine and search for law firms that specialize in representing foster care children who are sexually trafficked. You will have plenty to choose from. It is apparently a tragic booming business for attorneys. Here are a few:

Medical Kidnap Show to Expose Corruption in Arizona Regarding Child Sex Trafficking Thursday October 10th

The public is encouraged to tune into KFNX 1100 in Phoenix Thursday, October 10th, at 9 p.m. local time (midnight EDT) for the Medical Kidnap Show as they answer the question: Is Arizona a Hub of Child Sex Trafficking? For those not residing in Phoenix, the show will be simultaneously live-streamed from the Medical Kidnap Facebook Page as well as the Health Impact News Twitter Feed. The show will attempt to reveal how pedophile rings reportedly operate out of Arizona, tied into the foster care system, and why alleged perpetrators are allowed to continue operating. Names will be named in an investigative report no local media has ever dared to report.  You do NOT want to miss this explosive show!

Former Foster Parent Criminally Charged for Child Sex Abuse – Again

More horrible news this week highlighting the fact that the U.S. Foster Care system is America's #1 pipeline for child sex trafficking. From WCVB5 in Boston: "After 5 Investigates uncovered years of physical, mental and sexual abuse in a state licensed foster home, the state launched a review and the Worcester County district attorney opened an investigation in a case that has been hidden for decades. In the latest case, John Williams told investigators that when he was a young foster child, he was neglected by his foster parents -- forced to sit naked with another foster child -- and was fondled by Blouin, who put his hands in his underwear and touched him on multiple occasions. Williams and his younger brother, Nathan, told 5 Investigates they were beaten, put in dog cages for hours and tortured by Blouin's wife, who is a registered nurse, and her boyfriend, who moved into the home after her husband's conviction in the earlier cases." In Providence, Rhode Island, a man was sentenced to 40 years in federal prison followed by a lifetime of probation for repeatedly recording himself raping an unconscious child. The man was caught with one of the largest collections of child pornography ever seized by law enforcement in Rhode Island, which consisted of more than 36,000 images and 960 videos.

Pedophiles Continue to be Licensed as Foster Parents in the U.S. to Meet the Demand for Child Sex Slaves

It has been well-documented and frequently reported here at Health Impact News that the United States Foster Care system is the nation's #1 pipeline for child sex trafficking. Attorney Michael Dolce from the law-firm Cohen Milstein, who speaks from experience from representing children abused in foster care, wrote an opinion piece published by Newsweek in 2018 stating that the nation’s foster care system is set up to sexually traffic children. Dolce said: "Here’s the ugly truth: most Americans who are victims of sex trafficking come from our nation’s own foster care system. It’s a deeply broken system that leaves thousands vulnerable to pimps as children and grooms them for the illegal sex trade as young adults. We have failed our children by not fixing the systemic failures that have allowed this to happen for decades." In 2018 an independent candidate running for office in Virginia, Nathan Larson, admitted to being a pedophile. He encouraged other pedophiles to use the foster care system to adopt children as "sex toys." A recent State Department report on Human Trafficking confirmed that the United States is the top destination in the world for sex trafficking, and Geoff Rogers, co-founder of the United States Institute Against Human Trafficking, stated: "We have a major issue here in the United States. The United States is the No. 1 consumer of sex worldwide. So we are driving the demand as a society. We’re also driving the demand with our own people, with our own kids. So there are tremendous numbers of kids, a multitude of kids that are being sold as sex slaves today in America. These are American kids, American-born, 50 percent to 60 percent of them coming out of the foster care industry." Here are some recent local news reports of arrests of licensed foster parents accused of sexually abusing children in the past 30 days which is probably only a fraction of the actual number of foster parents sexually trafficking children, and shows that this problem is only getting worse, not better.

5800 Fake Families Found at Border – Children Brought Across Border to Feed Sex Trafficking Networks

Acting Commissioner of Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Mark Morgan testified before the Senate Homeland Security Committee this week (July 30, 2019). In questioning by Committee Chairman Senator Ron Johnson from Wisconsin, Mark Morgan, who was also the top official at Customs and Border Protection during the Obama administration, revealed that a new pilot program began using DNA tests at the border to determine if the children coming across the border were, in fact, related to the adult accompanying them. Initial tests found 5800 fake families trying to cross the border. As we have reported previously here at Health Impact News, we don't have a major problem in the U.S. of separating children from their families at the border. We have a child sex trafficking problem, which is luring adults in the human trafficking business to bring children across the border, posing as their parents. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo recently delivered the Trafficking in Persons report, which is created annually by the State Department to document human trafficking in the year prior. Geoff Rogers, co-founder of the United States Institute Against Human Trafficking (USIAHT), said in an interview with Fox News: “The United States is the No. 1 consumer of sex worldwide. So we are driving the demand as a society.” “We’re also driving the demand with our own people, with our own kids,” Rogers said. “So there are tremendous numbers of kids, a multitude of kids that are being sold as sex slaves today in America. These are American kids, American-born, 50 percent to 60 percent of them coming out of the foster care industry.” The problem of child sex trafficking should be a non-partisan issue, and the corporate "mainstream" media needs to stop portraying the problems with children at the borders as a problem with separating children from their parents. This is not the major problem this country is facing right now. The major problem is the lucrative child sex trafficking business, where children from American families are being put into foster care to feed this heinous business, and it draws in children from outside the U.S. as well. We need to abolish the foster care program in its present form, and dismantle the pedophile networks luring children across the border.

Will Global Pedophile Network Finally be Uncovered in Jeffrey Epstein Case?

A breaking news story originally reported on by the Daily Beast reveals that Jeffrey Epstein was arrested on Child Sex Trafficking charges in New Jersey on Saturday, after his private jet landed back from a trip to Paris. Jeffrey Epstein's "Lolita Express" which describes alleged flights to places like his Caribbean Island resort have been reported for years as carrying rich and famous people participating in child sex trafficking. Just a few days before Epstein's arrest on Saturday, a federal appeals court ordered that 167 documents in a previous lawsuit against Jeffrey Epstein should be unsealed—and that many of his powerful friends could be named.

Horrors of Selling Children for Sex Uncovered in Italy as Arrests Include Town Mayor

Italian police in the city of Bibbiano, near Reggio Emilia, have arrested over a dozen people including the town mayor, Andrea Carletti, for what is being reported as an elaborate child sex trafficking ring where "MK-Ultra" types of brainwashing tactics were used to brainwash children in foster care into believing that their parents had sexually abused them, when in reality they had not. Others arrested reportedly as part of the alleged pedophile ring included politicians, doctors, social workers and psychologists. It is being reported that the children were sexually abused and sold for very large sums of money. The children were reportedly from poor families. The parents and families of these children are reportedly devastated, as a warehouse was uncovered by police showing toys, gifts, and letters sent by the parents to the children which were never delivered.

State Department Report: U.S. #1 in Sex Trafficking – 60% American Child Sex Slaves Come Out of Foster Care

According to a recently released report by the State Department, the top three nations of origin for victims of human trafficking in 2018 were the United States, Mexico and the Philippines. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo delivered the Trafficking in Persons report, which is created annually by the State Department to document human trafficking in the year prior, and highlighted the growing focus that government agencies and nonprofit organizations have dedicated to stopping human trafficking. Over the last two months, Fox News has investigated human trafficking. If there’s one takeaway from our reporting, it’s that the industry is fueled by an unceasing demand. “We have a major issue here in the United States” Geoff Rogers, co-founder of the United States Institute Against Human Trafficking (USIAHT), said in an interview with Fox News. “The United States is the No. 1 consumer of sex worldwide. So we are driving the demand as a society.” “We're also driving the demand with our own people, with our own kids,” Rogers said. “So there are tremendous numbers of kids, a multitude of kids that are being sold as sex slaves today in America. These are American kids, American-born, 50 percent to 60 percent of them coming out of the foster care industry.”

The Essence of Evil: Sex with Children Has Become Big Business in America

Children, young girls—some as young as 9 years old—are being bought and sold for sex in America. The average age for a young woman being sold for sex is now 13 years old. This is America’s dirty little secret. Sex trafficking—especially when it comes to the buying and selling of young girls—has become big business in America, the fastest growing business in organized crime and the second most-lucrative commodity traded illegally after drugs and guns. As investigative journalist Amy Fine Collins notes, “It’s become more lucrative and much safer to sell malleable teens than drugs or guns. A pound of heroin or an AK-47 can be retailed once, but a young girl can be sold 10 to 15 times a day—and a ‘righteous’ pimp confiscates 100 percent of her earnings.” Consider this: every two minutes, a child is exploited in the sex industry. According to USA Today, adults purchase children for sex at least 2.5 million times a year in the United States. Who buys a child for sex? Otherwise ordinary men from all walks of life. “They could be your co-worker, doctor, pastor or spouse,” writes journalist Tim Swarens, who spent more than a year investigating the sex trade in America.