Research Continues to Show Alzheimer’s is a Type 3 Diabetes

A recent study done at Rhode Island Hospital continues to confirm that Alzheimer's Disease has a strong link to brain insulin resistance, or type 3 diabetes. Since the National Institute of Health financed the study, we can probably expect people with Alzheimer's to now be prescribed even more drugs, the same drugs that are prescribed for type 2 diabetes. Unfortunately, the pharmaceutical companies have a terrible track record when it comes to diabetes drugs. The drug Actos, a drug that France and Germany pulled from the market a year ago after it was found to cause bladder cancer and tumors in people using it for type 2 diabetes, is a drug still found in the market in the United States. Since the FDA has not pulled it off of the market in the US, hundreds of lawsuits have been filed, including one from a whistle blower claiming the manufacturer "is benefiting in tens of billions of dollars in sales at the expense of the lives of people still taking the drug." Another diabetes drug, Avandia, was removed from pharmacies because it led to increased heart attacks killing thousands of people. (Although the FDA has just cleared Avandia to be sold again, even though it is banned in Europe.) Today's senior citizens living in managed care facilities are taking an average of over 30 different prescription drugs! The one class of drug that is prescribed the most, statin drugs to lower cholesterol, is linked to increasing the incidence of Alzheimer's by starving the brain of needed cholesterol. Another side effect of statin drugs is: diabetes! One out of every four Americans over the age of 55 is currently taking statin drugs. Given all the evidence regarding insulin resistance, diabetes, and the link to Alzheimer's, it is not surprising that people are reporting incredible benefits in helping or even reserving Alzheimer's from consuming coconut oil.

The Clue to Why Low Fat Diet and Statins may Cause Alzheimer’s

The brain comprises only 2% of the body's total weight, yet it contains nearly 25% of the total cholesterol in the body. Are years of USDA low fat dietary guidelines, along with billions of dollars sold in cholesterol-lowering statin drugs, a key factor in the epidemic of Alzheimer's disease we see today?

Research: Foods/Spices Slow, Perhaps Reverse Alzheimer’s

by Sayer Ji

Did you know that so-called “incurable” neurodegenerative conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease can be slowed, if not also partially reversed? Regeneration, after all, is the default state of the human body.

This may sound all the more surprising when you consider that over 1,000 clinical trials have been performed, and billions of dollars expended, […]

5 Medical Doctors with Gary Taubes and Robb Wolf Discuss Coconut Oil and Alzheimer’s Disease

Comments by Brian Shilhavy
In this video from Specialty Health, you can listen to a panel discussion with five medical doctors, Gary Taubes, and Robb Wolf regarding the problem of insulin resistance and the damaging effects of a high carbohydrate diet on Alzheimer’s Disease, and how coconut oil can be effective in treating Alzheimer’s Disease.
The […]

Coconut Oil Reverses Alzheimer’s in Woman Married for 45 Years

by barrerasfj
Alzheimer’s Weekly
About 1½ years ago, I was seeing my wife of 45 years rapidly slip away from me with Alzheimer’s disease. I felt devastated, hopeless and angry. The emotional burden was almost unbearable.
But in the summer 2011, my wife started consuming 6 tablespoons of coconut oil plus other natural supplements on a daily basis. Three […]

“45 years of prayers being answered” with mother diagnosed with mental illness, and father with Alzheimer’s, after starting Coconut Oil

by Linda
Alzheimer’s Weekly
My dad has mid stage Alzheimer’s disease. Within 2 weeks on coconut oil his short term memory, mood and even physical dexterity have improved. I would estimate he is where he was 9 months to a year ago. This after only 2 weeks!
Perhaps more amazing than this is my mother. She has had mental disease for 45 years. Some have diagnosed her […]

Obama Spending Your Tax Dollars to Develop an Alzheimer’s Vaccine in Colombia

Health Impact News Editor Comments: Fox News reported this week that the Obama administration is investing your tax dollars to develop an Alzheimer’s vaccine. The vaccine will reportedly be tested on families in Colombia, according to Fox News. There will be studies done in the US also, but TV doctor Manny Alvarez did not […]

Alzheimer’s Association Warns Against Coconut Oil – Member Replies “Coconut Oil Gave us our Father Back!”

by Brian Shilhavy is one of the leading publishers of information on the Internet regarding coconut oil and Alzheimer’s Disease. As this news of coconut oil’s effectiveness in dementia and Alzheimer’s increases, more and more people are trying coconut oil with their loved ones suffering from Alzheimer’s Disease and dementia and seeing tremendous results. See […]

Woman with End-stage Alzheimer’s Sees Improvement in One Week after Starting Coconut Oil

In one week after starting the coconut oil I have noticed a remarkable improvement in my mother. She is holding lucid conversations and has shown cognative reasoning that I have not seen in her in 3 years.

Harvard Medical School To Be Tried for Alzheimer’s Research Fraud

by Vera Sharav
Alliance for Human Research Protection
 The US Court of Appeals, 9th Circuit overturned a summary judgement by a lower court ordering a whistleblower lawsuit filed by Dr. Kenneth Jones against Harvard Medical School, its teaching hospitals, Brigham and Women’s and Massachusetts General Hospital, and Dr. Marilyn Albert (Principal Investigator) and Dr. Ronald Killiany to […]

Coconut Oil Reverses Dementia in 100 Year Old Woman

I have seen such an improvement with coconut oil beginning with the first day. She seldom repeats herself, she loves to listen to music and dance. She has been remembering her past.

New Alzheimer’s Imaging Test Provides NO Benefits, Only Profits for Drug Companies

by Vera Sharav
Alliance for Human Research Protection
 On Friday, April 6, the FDA approved another of Eli Lilly’s “breakthroughs” whose clinical value is questionable (at best).  The focus, in this instance, is not a therapeutic intervention, but rather a test using a radioactive imaging agent– a dye, brand name, Amyvid (florbetapir)–which is to be used in […]

Coconut Oil Reverses the Effects of Alzheimer’s in 50 Year Old Woman

Catherine: “Coconut Oil has become my best friend” – Photo provided by her family

by Raul Lora-Zamorano
[Health Impact News] Catherine and I were married on May 1st, 1988.  Prior to our marriage, Catherine was a senior manager in the administrative area of a major retail chain with some 800 stores.  I had […]

Man in his 80s with “severe dementia” returning to old self after starting coconut oil

Health Impact News Editor Comments: I spoke with Joseph Jauregui about the joy he and his brothers and sisters have after seeing their father change when he started to use coconut oil in his diet. Joe reported to me that while his father still has a ways to go to be like his former […]

Oxford University researchers discover that coconut oil helps people with Alzheimer’s regain their memory

Image chiotsrun Flickr

Oxford University researchers have discovered that coconut oil may help people with Alzheimer’s regain their memory.

Researchers say coconut oil contains unique fats known as ketones, which are thought to nourish the brain.

The results are only temporary, but researchers say the short term effects for dementia patients are astounding.

Dr Peter Clifton, a nutritional scientist, […]

Coconut Oil and Alzheimer’s Disease: The News is Spreading

The news about how effective coconut oil is in treating Alzheimer's Disease is spreading fast, as the failure of drugs in treating Alzheimer's are widely documented in the mainstream media. Brian Shilhavy takes a look at the research and testimonials regarding coconut oil and Alzheimer's.

CBN Reports on Coconut Oil for Alzheimer’s

Health Impact News Editor Comments:
For many years Pat Robertson of CBN and the 700 Club has warned his viewers of the dangers of saturated fat, assuming that the lipid theory of heart disease was true. I tried many years ago to send them our book on the health benefits of coconut oil, backed by […]

Alzheimer’s and Coconut Oil: How coconut oil gave me back my brain

Ian Blair Hamilton and Cassie Bond talk about how coconut oil changed their lives.

More info:
Coconut Oil and Alzheimer’s Disease: The News is Spreading

Virgin Coconut Oil:
How it has changed people’s lives and how it can change yours!

Includes 85 recipes – Free shipping available!


Alzheimer’s is Type 3 diabetes

by Fernanda Barros, Ivanhoe Health Correspondent

(Ivanhoe Newswire) — Could Alzheimer’s be a form of diabetes? Brain levels of insulin and its related cellular receptors fall during the early stages of Alzheimer’s, and as insulin levels continue to drop, the disease becomes more severe. Now, doctors are looking at memory problems like Alzheimer’s disease as […]

Could Low Cholesterol Cause Dementia?

Dr. John Briffa
for The Cholesterol Truth

I came across an interesting review recently that focused on the role of nutrition in the condition Alzheimer’s disease. This form of dementia is characterized by the build-up in the brain of a protein known as ‘amyloid-beta’. One of the major points made in the paper is this: cholesterol […]