Will There Be An Ebola Outbreak in America?

So here is what inquiring minds want to know: Why did U.S. health officials in Atlanta and on the ground in Africa ignore the exploding Ebola epidemic last spring? Why did U.S. government officials fly American aid workers infected with Ebola to the U.S. rather than treating them with experimental drugs at hospitals in Africa? Why did the U.S. government press the United Nations to adopt a resolution calling for no restrictions on international travel from Liberia and other Ebola-stricken countries? Why did the Centers for Disease Control, supposedly the world’s leading infection control agency, fail to immediately assist Texas health officials when the first case of Ebola was diagnosed on US soil to guarantee that, at a minimum, the kind of infection control measures used in most nursing homes in America would be carried out? Why has the Director of the CDC repeatedly stated that the only way a person can transmit Ebola is if they have a fever and said that people cannot get Ebola unless they have direct contact with the body fluids of an infected person - but that under no circumstances is Ebola airborne - when he knows, or should know, those statements could be false? And why are experimental Ebola vaccines being fast tracked into human trials and promoted as the final solution rather than ramping up testing and production of the experimental ZMapp drug that has already saved the lives of several Ebola infected Americans? A logical conclusion is that some people in industry, government and the World Health Organization did not want the Ebola outbreak to be confined to several nations in Africa because that would fail to create a lucrative global market for mandated use of fast tracked Ebola vaccines by every one of the seven billion human beings living on this planet.

Doctors Expose Cancer Drugs Scandal

The CBS News program 60 Minutes aired an investigative report in 2014 on the scandalous practice of pharmaceutical companies' actions with cancer drugs. The report featured Dr. Leonard Saltz, chief of gastrointestinal oncology at Memorial Sloan Kettering, one of the nation's premier cancer centers. Dr. Saltz is a leading expert on colon cancer. Also appearing in the report was Dr. Peter Bach, also from Memorial Sloan Kettering. Is this a clear case of doctors in the cancer industry developing a conscience and blowing the whistle on the system they earn their living from, and the powerful pharmaceutical industry? The real question is can the current cancer industry really be fixed? While this interview does expose some of the fraud and corruption in the cancer industry, it is still not dealing with the basic issues of how the industry needs sick cancer patients to survive, not cures. As a result, any treatments for cancer outside of this lucrative pharmaceutical market is aggressively pursued by the FDA and squashed.

Dr. Suzanne Humphries on Vaccine Safety: “They Don’t Want You to Hear the Other Side”

Dr. Suzanne Humphries is a medical doctor with specialties in internal medicine and nephrology. She has years of experience in seeing and treating illness resulting from vaccine damage, particularly kidney failure. It is highly unlikely you will ever hear her interviewed in the mainstream media, because the mainstream media only presents one side of vaccine safety. Dr. Humphries was recently interviewed while traveling in Sweden last month. The information she shares in this 22 minute video is information every person in America should have access to, particularly doctors and those administering vaccines. We summarize and review the video here. I have been covering the vaccine issues for many years now, and I must say that what Dr. Humphries covers in this 22 minute video is by far the best presentation on vaccine safety I have ever watched. People, watch this video!! If you have doctors who are open-minded and want to learn about the inherent dangers of vaccines, show them this video! Churches and other places of worship need to get together and show this video. Let's educate people on the entire truth of the issue of vaccines, because the government and medical system does not want you to know this, and the mainstream media in general is not doing their job in covering this issue. Learn why this doctor who used to administer vaccines now says: "I don't believe in vaccines. I don't even believe a little bit in vaccines. I believe they can do more harm to me than I may ever be able to make up for."

Vaccine Scandals and Criminal Cases Increase in 2014

Criminal activities of pharmaceutical companies are frequently reported on in the mainstream media. The largest criminal settlements in U.S. history are cases against pharmaceutical companies, such as Johnson & Johnson’s $2.2 billion criminal settlement late last year for illegally marketing drugs to the elderly, children and the mentally disabled. When it comes to criminal activities involved with marketing vaccines, however, there is a near total blackout in the mainstream media. So here at Health Impact News we will highlight a sampling of some of the biggest stories of fraud and criminal activities involved with marketing vaccines so far here in 2014. Very few of these stories have been mentioned in the mainstream media, because the vaccine market is a multi-billion dollar market, and the vaccine industry does not like losing any market share. They are using their incestuous relationship to the U.S. government to take away personal rights and liberties in medical choices. They would like mandatory vaccine policies in place at the local, state, and national levels, because their products cannot survive in a free market. They need government collusion and coercion for this market to survive. And so far, with the help of the mainstream media generally not reporting on the corruption and criminal activity, they have a willing and compliant public.

The Flu Vaccine War: Healthcare Workers Fight Back

We have already established in previous articles that the flu vaccine is by far the most dangerous vaccine in the United States, injuring and killing many people every year based on settled court cases by the Department of Justice in the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program. And yet, hospitals across the country are mandating that healthcare workers receive the flu vaccine as a requirement to keep their employment. The main reason for this policy of forcing employees to receive the flu vaccine is not based on solid science that it protects patients (the science actually points towards no patient benefits), but based on funding requirements for medical reimbursements through Medicare and Medicaid, and through the Affordable Health Care Act, that require healthcare facilities to have a high compliance rate of employees receiving the flu vaccine. Nurses, doctors, and other healthcare workers across the country are fighting back, however. This week, he Massachusetts Nurses Association sued Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston to block a policy to require nurses to get flu shots as a condition of employment. And this is not the first lawsuit in the country. Others have also taken action to protect their right to refuse medical treatments that are mandated as a condition to retain employment.

Bone Broth—THE Staple of a Gut Healing Diet

Eating a high-quality, nutrient-dense diet is one of the most powerful ways to maintain health and prevent disease. Your gut in particular needs proper nourishment in order to allow your health to really flourish. The Gut and Psychology Syndrome principles (GAPS diet) developed by Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride is often used to treat children with autism and other disorders rooted in gut dysfunction, but just about anyone with allergies or less than optimal gut health can benefit from it, as it is designed to heal leaky gut.

Feds Say Cannabis Is Not Medicine While Holding The Patent on Cannabis as Medicine

Ben Swann travels to Colorado to learn the truth about cannabis as medicine and what government isn't telling you.

How the Government has Earned $3.5 BILLION from the Claim that Vaccines Don’t Cause Autism

Few among the American public truly understand just how huge the U.S. vaccine market is. Not only do drug companies reap huge profits from vaccines, so too does the U.S. government. For example, did you know that the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has accumulated $3.5 BILLION in vaccine tax revenue which is currently "sitting" in the Vaccine Injury Compensation Trust Fund? This trust fund was established in 1988 "to compensate vaccine-related injury or death claims for covered vaccines." The money in this fund comes from a $0.75 excise tax on vaccines recommended by the CDC. So why does this Trust Fund have such a high balance, instead of paying medical expenses to families with vaccine damaged children? Probably because the government has decided that vaccines do not cause autism, the most common claim filed in the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program since its inception in 1986.

Boy Held by Chicago Hospital in Medical Kidnapping Case Returns Home

Local Fox News affiliate Fox4kc in Kansas City has reported that 17-year-old Isaiah Rider has returned home to Kansas City, even though the State of Illinois still retains his custody rights. Isaiah was released from Luries Children’s Hospital in Chicago where he was being held against his will, and the will of his family. He is reportedly staying with grandparents while his mother fights back against "medical abuse" charges for disagreeing with the hospital's treatment and wanting to transfer him to a different hospital. Isaiah lost 5 months of his life to confinement in a hospital, and is now anxious to get back to school and resume his life. Isaiah's mother Michelle believes they held her son to conduct medical experimentation on his rare disease, Neurofibromatosis. Michelle will return to Chicago Friday to face trial. But in the meantime, at least Isaiah is back home in Kansas City, staying with his grandparents.

CDC’s Purchase of $4 Billion of Vaccines a Conflict of Interest in Overseeing Vaccine Safety

Do you trust the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) to oversee vaccine safety, when they have an annual budget of over $4 billion to purchase vaccines from drug companies? In 2015, they want to increase that amount by another half a billion dollars. Dr. Brian Hooker says the CDC should not be trusted to oversee vaccine safety, and after 10 years of fighting legal battles with the CDC via Freedom of Information requests to secure raw data on vaccine safety studies, he now has solid evidence to back up his claim of fraud within the CDC. In a shocking news story that rocked the online world but was almost totally ignored by the mainstream media a couple of weeks ago, senior vaccine scientist Dr. William Thompson was revealed as a whistleblower within the CDC, admitting that the CDC had withheld information from a key study in 2004 that supposedly showed that the MMR childhood vaccine was safe. The CDC was forced to issue a response, and Dr. Hooker has now shown that the CDC response is clearly trying to cover up ethical lapses and explain away key data that was omitted from their original study. This data which was hidden from the public for more than 10 years was not favorable towards their own bias and what they wanted the public to believe about vaccines and autism. Dr. Hooker has clearly shown that the CDC has a conflict of interest, and cannot be trusted with research on vaccine safety when it is spending more than $4 billion of taxpayer funds to purchase vaccines from drug manufacturers. So what's next? Will this fraud within the CDC be allowed to continue? There are reports that there are other whistleblowers within the CDC that would like to come forward, but are too fearful at this point. Dr. William Thompson is now represented by one of the top whistleblower attorneys in the nation, and has reportedly turned over more than 1000 documents to Congressman Bill Posey. The pharmaceutical industry is the richest and most powerful political lobby in the world, however. Will there be enough members of Congress to come forward and oppose them? Does the American public even care enough about this issue to take action and threaten lawmakers who refuse to act and remove vaccine safety oversight from the CDC? Will they demand that taxpayer funds NOT be increased by over a half billion dollars next year to fund the purchase of more vaccines that are produced by pharmaceutical companies who are convicted criminals, and whose products have not been proven safe? More:

Virgin Coconut Oil Beats Drugs in Treating Alzheimer’s

Alzheimer's Disease is a modern plague on the seniors in our society. More evidence continues to be published that Alzheimer's is primarily a prescription drug induced disease. Coconut oil is an alternative to toxic drugs that has shown tremendous results in helping or even reversing Alzheimer's disease. But your doctor will not likely know about either the causes of Alzheimer's disease, or how coconut oil can help. Here is what you need to know.

How the FDA Deceives You About Mercury Amalgams

57 Percent of Americans Do Not Know Amalgam Contains Mercury! Why exactly is the FDA so opposed to informing the public about the true nature of amalgam? The answer is simple: because the agency has been penetrated through the revolving door that's so common in other industries. Just like Monsanto has penetrated the federal government's regulatory agencies, amalgam profit centers have penetrated and effectively lobbied the FDA to remain complacent on this issue.

Essential Oils Support Physical and Emotional Well-Being

Your sense of smell exerts surprising influence over your thoughts, emotions, moods, memories, and behaviors. Aromatherapy allows you to harness the olfactory power of plants, using their essential oils to enhance your physical and emotional health. Essential oils have been scientifically shown to be particularly helpful in treating stress, mood, sleep, pain, nausea, memory, and energy. A recent study revealed that humans can distinguish more than one trillion sensory stimuli, instead of 10,000 as previously thought. Scents can actually change your nervous system biochemistry.

Asian Farmers and Scientists Say No to GMO Golden Rice

GM Golden Rice was developed at the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) in the Philippines with the hope that it could provide more vitamin A through beta carotene. The project was a huge disaster, however, and basically shelved for years. But then Bill Gates came along, the college-drop-out-turned-billionaire who started Microsoft Corp., looking for something to spend his billions of dollars to promote. All of a sudden, with big money providing jobs to pursue a failed project, GM Golden Rice has new life. There are multiple problems with GMO Golden Rice, including the fact that the people from rice-producing countries do not want it! Recently many top scientists and farmer advocates from rice-producing countries met in the Philippines in an effort to try and stop more field testing, and the commercialization of Golden Rice. The science behind Golden Rice does not prove benefits, and it threatens genetic diversity among traditional rice varieties which is necessary in many parts of the world that experience natural and man-made disasters. Like any GMO seed crop, Golden Rice would take the future of farming in rice-producing countries away from the control of the farmers and give it to multinational corporations that would then control the rice seed supplies. MASIPAG (Farmer-Scientist Partnership for Development) in the Philippines hosted the event earlier this year, and has recently provided video interviews from some of the participants in English.

Former Staff Lead on Original Congressional Investigation Looking at Vaccine Injuries Speaks Out on CDC Fraud

Beth Clay was the staff lead on the original House Oversight Committee’s investigation looking into concerns about vaccine injuries in 1999. Working in Congress, she had a genuine desire to find the truth and find solutions regarding the rapidly increasing autism rates. What she found during her time in Congress, however, shocked her. So the recent revelations of Dr. Thompson, the CDC whistleblower, are not really "news" to her. Sadly, a government agency withholding information about a link between vaccines and autism is representative of the kind of fraud she too observed during her years in Congress. She has decided to speak out on the fraud she observed during her years in Congress.

Using Coconut Oil in Cold Drinks

Cold drinks are a popular summer staple that coffeehouses and restaurants make a killing off of every year with their ridiculous prices. However, there is little need to buy them. Making most of these drinks at home is easy, not to mention with far more healthy potential when you control what goes into them. Adding coconut oil to your blended cold drinks is one way to get your daily dose of coconut oil without it being bothersome or boring. Not only that, but the addition of coconut oil will also give your endurance and energy a boost, keeping you going throughout the day or acting as a quick pick me up along with some natural fruit as the day drags on.

CDC Whistleblower: Mercury in Vaccines Given to Pregnant Women Linked to Autism

Today, the Autism Media Channel released a short video where CDC whistle-blower Dr. William Thompson states, in a phone call to Dr. Brian Hooker, that injecting mercury into pregnant women creates a "clear and present danger" to the unborn child. Thimerosal, a form of mercury used as a preservative in vaccines, was removed from most childhood vaccines a few years ago, but is still in the annual flu shot, which is recommended for pregnant women. Dr. Thompson, in the video below, insists that this mercury in vaccines causes "tics" in children, and these tics are 4 times more prevalent in kids with autism. "Tics" are defined on the CDC website as: "Tics are sudden twitches, movements, or sounds that people do repeatedly. People who have tics cannot stop their body from doing these things. For example, a person with a motor tic might keep blinking over and over again. Or, a person with a vocal tic might make a grunting sound unwillingly." Watch the short 1 minute video.

CDC Responds: Admits Omitting Vaccine Data Linking Vaccines to Higher Rates of Autism

While the mainstream media continues to ignore what is becoming the biggest news event of the year, the CDC is scrambling to respond to damaging data that they were forced to release earlier this year clearly showing they had data linking vaccines to autism that they hid from the public. This issue can longer be hidden since one of the top researchers within the CDC, who co-authored several of the studies that supposedly showed no link between vaccines and autism, has decided to become a whistle-blower. He has yet to make an official statement, and it is thought that his attorney is seeking official whistle-blower status before he does so. The CDC, on the other hand, has responded to Dr. Brian Hooker's newly published study reanalyzing a 2004 CDC study that excluded data showing a significant increase in autism among African American boys who were vaccinated with the MMR vaccine. They supplied a response to the Next News Network, admitting they excluded certain data, and the reasons for doing so. Next News interviewed Dr. Hooker to discuss the CDC response. Dr. Hooker, through a 10-year legal battle with the CDC and hundreds of Freedom of Information requests, finally received the entire data sets from the CDC after Congressman Bill Posey stepped in to put pressure on them to release it. We also now know that Dr. Hooker was in contact for more than a year with an insider in the CDC who has become a whistle-blower, which undoubtedly applied pressure on the CDC to obey the law and release the data. In this interview, Dr. Hooker states that the CDC is lying in their response, and the reason they are doing so is to protect the reputation of the MMR vaccine. He also points out that the CDC purchases $4 billion of vaccines from the vaccine industry every year, and are the last ones who should be trusted to do studies on vaccine safety due to their huge conflict of interest.

Data on Serious Hospital Errors Will Now Be Withheld from the Public

Preventable medical mistakes are the third leading cause of death in the US, right after heart disease and cancer, claiming the lives of 210,000 Americans each year. More than two million people are affected by hospital-acquired infections each year, and 75,000-100,000 people die as a result of those infections. The federal government has quietly decided to “solve” the problem of hospital acquired conditions by burying the data.

Dr. Brian Hooker: Father of Vaccine-damaged Child and His Relentless Pursuit to Expose Fraud at the CDC

A top researcher employed by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has come forward as a whistle-blower, confessing to his participation in actively covering up data that clearly links vaccines to autism. This is not a story the mainstream media (MSM) will be able to ignore for long. However, the MSM is heavily funded by the pharmaceutical industry, and the pharmaceutical industry has their appointed spokespersons on all of the major networks. The pharmaceutical industry is well-funded. They are perhaps the richest and most powerful group in the world here in the 21st Century. They will fight back and spin this story as best they can - you can be sure of it. What we will need are more whistle-blowers from the MSM. They will most certainly lose their jobs and careers if they become whistle-blowers, as Sharyl Attkisson, formerly of CBS News, lost her job. Others, like Ben Swann, have left the MSM to start their own independent reporting where they are more free to publish the truth on many issues, including vaccines and autism. Dr. Hooker is the father of a vaccine-injured child, and is a Ph.D. researcher. He has fought against the CDC for more than 12 years, using the Freedom of Information Act to try and gather as much data as he could from the studies that the CDC has published that claim there is no link between vaccines and autism. He has submitted much of the results of his own internal investigation of the CDC data on vaccines and autism to Congress. Congressman Bill Posey has assisted him in forcing the CDC to comply with many of these requests. After almost 12 years, his tireless pursuit of finding the truth that the CDC was hiding paid off, as the CDC finally handed over documents so that Dr. Hooker could look at the raw data that the CDC used to claim that there was no link between vaccines and autism. It took some Congressional pressure from Congressman Bill Posey to get this information. Dr. Hooker is hero, and I believe history will bear that out. He faces a tough road ahead, as he continues to analyze the CDC data that has been covered up and withheld from the public for so long. He needs our prayers and support during this time, as does Dr. Thompson the CDC whistle-blower. Dr. Hooker has clearly stated what his goal is his pursuit of getting the truth from the CDC: a safer vaccine schedule for children. Tens of thousands of children are damaged or killed by vaccines, as the government vaccine compensation program proves, and yet the CDC continues to promote a one-size-fits all vaccine schedule that sacrifices the lives of so many children. Read more about what Dr. Hooker is saying about the recently revealed whistle-blower and the damaging cover-up by the CDC.