News regarding traditional wisdom and native diets regarding nutrition.

FDA claims power to seize food without evidence of contamination

By Rady Ananda
A few hours ago, the Food and Drug Administration declared it no longer needs credible evidence to seize food that may be contaminated. Ignoring the Fourth Amendment entirely, the FDA claims that based on mere suspicion that a food product has been contaminated or mislabeled, and that serious […]

The Raw Milk Wars: Time to Take a Stand for Food Freedom

Health Impact News Editor Comments:
Last week we reported the story about an FDA sting operation against raw milk producer Dan Allgyer, an Amish Farmer from Pennsylvania, as reported by David Gumpert. This story has been picked up by not only raw milk supporters, but by media outlets all across the country, including the Washington […]

Butter versus Margarine: Why Butter is Better

by Sally Fallon and Mary G. Enig, PhD
When the fabricated food folks and apologists for the corporate farm realized that they couldn’t block America’s growing interest in diet and nutrition, a movement that would ultimately put an end to America’s biggest and most monopolistic industries, they infiltrated the movement and put a few sinister […]

Soy-free Chicken Feed Developed with Coconut Pulp for Soy-free Eggs

by Grassfed Traditions
Soy has become a big part of the human diet post World War II, with the result that there are many people with soy allergies today, and many people today are trying to reduce or eliminate soy protein from their diet. (See the book The Whole Soy Story.) Soy is the […]

FDA Sting Operation on Amish Raw Milk Producer

by David E. Gumpert
The Complete Patient
The FDA sent a number of its agents into undercover mode to gather the goods on Dan Allgyer, the Pennsylvania Amish farmer named in a complaint filed on behalf of the FDA by the U.S. Department of Justice seeking a permanent injunction prohibiting the farmer from […]

Raw Milk Testimonies from Texas

Testimonies on raw milk and those that support House Bills 75, 1139, 2084 in Texas. These bills support the sale of raw dairy products at farmers markets and farm stands, allow low-risk foods to be produced in homes, and the improvement of access to healthy, local foods for low-income individuals.

What’s So Great About Raw Milk?

by Stephanie
Keeper of the Home

Once upon a time, milk was not such a complex or controversial subject.
Cows grazed on green grass. Healthy, well-fed, and free to roam, they produced a nutrient-dense, thick, white liquid which was relished either straight from the cow (raw) or turned into cultured dairy for short-term storage […]

12 Million in US Drink Raw Milk – No Deaths from Drinking Raw Milk in Over 10 Years

by John O’Donnell
Kennebeck Journal
MAINE COMPASS: Raw milk bill testimony misleading
Many small-farm families and health advocates are among those who drink raw, unpasteurized milk that is produced by the few cows on those small farms. A 2008 survey of […]

A Low-Carb High-Fat Diet with an 80 Year History of Curing Epilepsy: Could it Cure Other Diseases?

Health Impact News Editor Comments:
The ketogenic diet has been around for 80 years, and it works. It has been used to get kids with epilepsy off of drugs through diet alone. But because it is so restrictive and because people have been misled into thinking saturated fat is bad, medicine is considered a better […]

Meat Glue: The Meat Industry’s Secret Ingredient, that you are probably already eating

This is a video report from Australia on Transglutaminase, a “meat glue” commonly used to dress up meat to make it look like higher quality cuts of meat. It is made from the blood of cows and pigs. It is on the FDA GRAS (generally regarded as safe) list in the USA. Watch this […]

Low Carbohydrate High Fat Ketogenic Diet May Reverse Kidney Failure in People with Diabetes

Health Impact News Editor Comments:
Here we have yet another study showing the effectiveness of the ketogenic diet, which is a very strict diet that eliminates almost all carbohydrates and consumes very large amounts of fat, especially saturated fat. This diet has baffled those in the medical community for years, because of their presupposition that […]

Broccoli Helps Clear Damaged Lungs

by Dr. Mercola
Broccoli may help your immune system clean harmful bacteria from your lungs. Sulphoraphane, a compound found in the vegetable, is being looked at as a potential treatment for people with lung disease.
White blood cells called macrophages remove debris and bacteria that build up in your lungs. This cleaning system can be defective […]

The TRUTH About Bacon

By Cassandra Forsythe-Pribanic, PhD, RD



When people today think of bacon, they think of clogged arteries, love handles and sin. They also think of Homer Simpson…

That’s right: eating bacon means that you’re destined for heart disease, a fat belly and a lifetime in Satan’s dungeon-Doh!

But, thinking this way is a terrible misconception. In truth, […]

Study finds that patients with diabetes can discontinue their medication if they follow a low carb, ketogenic diet

by David Evans
This post includes a summary of a paper published in Nutrition and Metabolism 2005, 2:34
Study title and authors:
A low-carbohydrate, ketogenic diet to treat type 2 diabetes
William S Yancy Jr1,2 , Marjorie Foy1 , Allison M Chalecki1 , Mary C Vernon3 and Eric C Westman21 Center for Health Services Research in […]

Why having high cholesterol isn’t always bad

High cholesterol is bad, right? Not always! In this week’s UltraWellness blog, Dr. Mark Hyman explains the surprising truth about cholesterol and tells you which tests you really need to determine your risk of heart disease.

The Importance of Cholesterol for the Brain and the Danger of Carbs

by Dr. John Briffa
The Epoch Times

“One of the major points made in the paper is this: Cholesterol and fat are really important to the brain. It points out that although the brain is only about 2 percent of body weight, it contains about a quarter of the total cholesterol in […]

Study Shows Low Carb Diet Better than Low Fat Diet in Reducing Hunger

Health Impact News Editor Comments: This is not news to many of us who have known this truth for years, but here is yet another study showing the myth that low-fat diets lead to weight loss. Lack of healthy saturated fats in the diet leads to increased hunger and a tendency to replace fats […]

Ori Hofmekler on the Health Benefits of Organic Coffee

Ori Hofmekler, author of The Warrior Diet, The Anti-Estrogenic Diet, Maximum Muscle Minimum Fat,and the upcoming book Unlocking the Muscle Gene is an expert on how to improve your health with foods. In this interview, Ori shares his insights about caffeine.
University of Georgia Office of Public Affairs
The Journal of Pain March 2007; 8(3): 237-243
Video Transcript
Dr. Mercola’s Comments:
s […]

The Many Health Benefits of Asparagus

by Shona Botes
(NaturalNews) When one thinks of foods that possess antidepressant and aphrodisiac qualities, asparagus very seldom comes to mind. Owing to the wide range of symptoms and ailments that this superfood is able to assist with, it is beneficial to almost everyone.
This vegetable, which is part of the lily family, is best harvested […]

Short-term, high-fat consumption may be beneficial to the heart

WASHINGTON – Approximately one million Americans suffer a heart attack each year of which some 400,000 attacks are fatal. A key cause of heart attacks is atherosclerosis, a process in which cholesterol builds up in the arteries and impedes the ability of the blood to flow to our most vital organ. Atherosclerosis is […]