News regarding traditional wisdom and native diets regarding nutrition.
Foods Highest In Vitamin E Prevent Cancer, Not Supplements
Health Impact News Editor Comments:
Most liquid Vitamin E soft gels are derived from soybean oil. It is also used as a preservative in many foods, often labeled as “mixed tocopherols” or something of that nature. So if you are looking to avoid soy in your diet, you will also want to check labels for Vitamin […]
Big Dairy Wants to Put Aspartame in Milk with No Labeling
Editor’s Note: To read about the dangers of aspartame, see: Why Aspartame is FAR Worse than High Fructose Corn Syrup
FDA Requests Comments on Petition to Allow Aspartame in Milk
by Bethany R. Kennedy, Esq.
In 2009, the International Dairy Foods Association (“IDFA”) and the National Milk Producers Federation (“NMPF”) jointly submitted a petition to FDA requesting that the agency amend […]
Illinois Defeats Registered Dietician-Only Licensure Bill
Are America’s nutrition professionals in the pocket of Big Food? Story here.
Health Impact News Editor Comments:
In January of 2012, the North Carolina Board of Dietitians took action against a blogger who was advocating a diet philosophy contrary to theirs, in what might go down in history as the beginning of the demise of the Academy […]
American Foods Chockfull of Ingredients Banned in Other Countries
By Dr. Mercola
More than 3,000 food additives — preservatives, flavorings, colors and other ingredients — are added to foods in the United States.
While each of these substances are legal to use in the US, whether or not they are safe for long-term consumption — by themselves or in combination — is a different story […]
No one has died from drinking raw milk in the United States in 50 years
by Vince Hundt
If raw milk is so dangerous, why is it that you can buy raw milk anywhere, including out of vending machines within two blocks of the United Nations World Health Organization headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland? And why can you buy it everywhere else in Switzerland? Don’t those Swiss know they are putting […]
“Approved” Nutrition Advice Bought Out by Processed Food Companies
New World Order Dietitians from Sentient Dietitian on Vimeo.
Health Impact News Editor Comments: The article below by Dr. Mercola explains how the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics threatens your First Amendment rights and attempts to censor anyone else giving out different nutrition or diet advice. But the video above, which a user recorded walking through the 16th International […]
FDA Wants to Ban Raw Cheese Despite Absence of a Single Documented Illness in 23 Years
by David Gumpert
The Complete Patient
(I have spent much of the last week reading a 189-page report issued jointly by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and Health Canada, with the dry title, “Joint FDA/Health Canada Quantitative Assessment of the Risk of Listeriosis from Soft-Ripened Cheese Consumption in the United States and Canada”. The reading is […]
Boost Your Workout with Beet Juice
by Margie King, Health Coach
How would you like to be able to work out longer and use less effort to get the same benefits? Oh, and without resorting to Lance Armstrong’s strategies? It’s possible, according to research finding that juicing beets can enhance the performance of elite athletes.
But even for those not planning to race in […]
Resurrected Data From 1960s Shows American Heart Association’s Advice on Dietary Fats has been Wrong
Has misguided dietary advice on fats and oils contributed to the rise in heart disease?
Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News
The evidence on the dangers of polyunsaturated oils and their replacement of saturated fats in the American diet has been well documented the past few years, especially on Dietary advice from the USDA and other […]
Blueberries and Strawberries Reduce Heart Attack Risk
By Dr. Mercola
When it comes to fruit, berries are among the healthiest variety to choose, as they are densely packed with a variety of potent phytochemicals and fiber while at the same time being relatively low in sugar.
Blueberries and strawberries, in particular, have recently been highlighted by Harvard researchers as ‘superfoods’ for heart health.
Reduce […]
Are America’s Nutrition Professionals in the Pocket of Big Food?
Public health attorney and author Michele Simon asks: Are America’s nutrition professionals in the pocket of Big Food? While the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics’ 74,000-member trade group partners with the likes of Coke and Hershey’s, the nation’s health continues to suffer from poor diet.
Why The Apple Is One Of The World’s Most Healing Superfoods
by Sayer Ji
This commonly overlooked superfood protects the body from nuclear fallout, kills a wide range of cancers, and keeps the arteries unclogged — to name but a few, experimentally confirmed ways in which the apple awakens your inner physician.
An apple a day keeps the doctor away.
This age old saying has never rang with greater […]
Starving Cancer: The High-fat Ketogenic Diet
Health Impact News Editor Comments: CBN has a winner in Lorie Johnson! Lorie did a wonderful report on Coconut Oil and Alzheimer’s last year (See: CBN Reports on Coconut Oil for Alzheimer’s), and now has followed up with a wonderful report and interview with Pat Robertson on the benefits of the ketogenic diet, and how […]
Is It Safe to Eat Bacon?
By Dr. Mercola
Just to be clear, although I have cautioned against the consumption of pork, I am NOT anti-pork (or anti-bacon). My concern about pork is that you are cautious about the source of the pork you consume—just as you should be cautious about the source of your beef, eggs and poultry. If your pork is pasture-raised […]
Black Seed – ‘The Remedy For Everything But Death’
This humble, but immensely powerful seed, kills MRSA, heals the chemical weapon poisoned body, stimulates regeneration of the dying beta cells with the diabetic's pancreas, and yet too few even know it exists.
The Agrochemical Industry’s Desperate Attempts to Attack Organic Food
The Anti-Organic Straw Man
by The Cornucopia Institute
If you’ve been eating organic foods to increase your daily intake of zinc and copper, two common nutrients found in a variety of foods, we’ve got news for you. A recent study from Denmark compared organic and conventional diets and found no difference in zinc and copper absorption.
Picture […]
EU Quashes Free Speech in Health Claims
by Alliance for Natural Health
Europe has rejected 95% of the health and nutrition claims under review. What does this mean for us?
The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) evaluated 2,037 health claims—that is, statements that a nutrient or food contributes to or has a positive impact on a particular health condition—and authorized the use of only […]
Codex Committee Wants to Limit Your Access to Information on Health Benefits of Food and Diet Internationally
by Alliance for Natural Health
Not even nutrient-related disease! Our executive director’s gripping report from the front lines.
As we discussed last week, ANH-USA represented US consumers at the international Codex Committee on Nutrition and Foods for Special Dietary Uses, which met last week in Germany. Our executive director, Gretchen DuBeau, reports that the committee made […]
Why You Should Ditch Sugar In Favor of Honey
While honey and sugar share similar degrees of sweetness, the differences in the way our bodies respond to them are profound.
Dr. Oz Slanders Families Who Choose Safe Organic Food for Their Children
Dr. Oz in Time Magazine Slandering Families Who Choose Safe, Organic Food for Their Children