News regarding traditional wisdom and native diets regarding nutrition.

State Threatens To Seize Infant Who was Fed Goat’s Milk Instead of Approved GMO Soy Formula

A young mother in Maine is being threatened by the Department of Health and Human Services to have her infant child taken away and put into foster care. Her crime? Feeding him goat's milk instead of commercial infant formula. Alorah Gellerson was not able to breast feed her child, so she developed a formula of goat's milk that included celery juice, and reports that the child loved it, and "grew like a weed." The young mother made a huge mistake, however. She told her pediatrician about the formula. The doctor turned her in to the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), which resulted in home visits, an overnight stay in the hospital, a directive to buy "approved" commercial infant formula (most of which contain GMOs and soy) and threats to remove the baby and place him into foster care.

The Remarkable Healing Properties of Pumpkin Seed

Pumpkin seeds, like all edible seeds, pack an immense nutritional and medicinal punch. After all, they contain future worlds within their compact structure. In order to prepare their "babies" for survival outside the pumpkin, Nature equips these seeds with an extremely dense source of organically-bound nutrients, including exceptionally high levels of key, health-promoting minerals. Recent scientific investigations have revealed that pumpkin seed meal, as well as its pressed oil, may have great value in alleviating the following conditions:

Food-Sourced Melatonin Provides Natural Way to Help Sleep

Studies on melatonin have documented that the body's own melatonin production helps us fall asleep, yet research on synthetic melatonin pills has been disappointing. What many have missed is that certain foods provide natural forms of melatonin, which have been shown to raise melatonin blood levels naturally and significantly aid sleep.

Eating Cabbage Helps in Cancer Prevention

Cabbage is a potent medicinal food that plenty of research shows prevents cancer, in large part due to its high concentrations of antioxidants, anti-inflammatory compounds and glucosinolates. Cabbage is rich in vitamin K1 and B vitamins, which many are deficient in. Cabbage has also been shown to help heal stomach ulcers and offers benefits to digestion.

Top Chefs Serving Heads of State Served Raw Milk in Amish Barn

The Club des Chefs des Chefs, known as the world's most exclusive gastronomic society, recently gathered in an Amish barn in Pennsylvania. In attendance were some of the world's most renowned chefs including: the queen of England's chef, chef to His Highness Prince Albert II, of Monaco, two chefs who serve Italian President Giorgio Napolitano, and President Obama's chef Cristeta Comerford. Among the local organic food that was served to these distinguished chefs by Amish farmer Leroy Miller, was raw milk. Did any of these chefs refuse the Amish raw milk? We don't know, but I doubt it. These were chefs, not politicians. Unfortunately, however, locally-produced farm food has become a huge political issue in recent times. Back in 2011 the Obama administration decided the FDA should prosecute Amish raw milk farmer Dan Allgyer in Pennsylvania, carrying out a sting operation against him and putting him out of business. His crime was supplying raw milk to a private food club a few miles away, but across the Pennsylvania state border. The incident prompted a demonstration in Washington D.C. Will the major players in the industrial mass-produced and heavily subsidized food system that runs America allow direct access to farm-fresh food? The movement towards community sustainable agriculture and local foods is definitely an economic threat to the current system. But for at least one day, the chefs of the politicians who often protect the Industrial Food system gathered together in an Amish barn to enjoy REAL food!

Pineapple’s Amazing Healing Properties Revealed

Enjoyed the world over as something of an icon of the tropical experience, the pineapple was used in indigenous medicine for a wide range of ailments; uses that are only now being confirmed by modern scientific methods. Research on the medicinal properties of pineapple has steadily accumulated over the past few decades, to the point where the conventional medical system has been compelled to take notice.

Wonders of the Ketogenic diet: Two Men Who Ate Nothing but Meat for an Entire Year!

Low-carb diets and paleolithic nutrition are all the rage these days, and for good reason. Compared to the Standard American Diet, both of them are superb. Few of us would dare to take the two to their extreme, however. Giving up sugar and wheat is one thing, but what about giving up everything except meat? Yes, I'm talking about an ultra low-carb diet with even foods like nuts and berries removed. Unsurprisingly and understandably, studies on the long-term effects of such a diet are severely lacking. There is at least one study that did just this, however. Dr. Vilhjalmur Stefansson, the Canadian ethnologist who spent more than a decade with the Inuit during his arctic explorations, lived almost exclusively on fish and meat for 9 years. At the time, this was considered heresy and life-threatening, just as it is today. To the surprise of many (including Stefansson himself), he suffered no health problems during his decade of pure carnivorism. When he told people of his amazing experiences, he was met with skepticism from medical authorities who asked him to undertake a study that would replicate the results. He and a fellow explorer named Andersen agreed to eat an all-meat diet for an entire year in a closely observed setting.

Let Fruit Be Your Medicine: Watermelon’s Remarkable Health Benefits

Watermelon is so much more than just a highly refreshing summertime treat. From the perspective of a growing body of clinical research, it is a truly medicinal food, with health benefits ranging from boosting antioxidant levels, lowering blood pressure, and combating metabolic syndrome. Even the seeds provide benefits in that they are a rich source of protein!

Pepsi Outside California Still Has Chemical Linked to Cancer: Report

It’s been more than a year since Coke and Pepsi declared they would be reformulating their products to remove cancer-causing 4-MI in their caramel coloring, lest they be forced to label their California products with a cancer warning label. After recent testing, it was found that Coke and Pepsi have removed 4-MI from products in California, but high levels of the substance were found in all Pepsi products tested from 10 other states.

3 Year Old Girl with Rare Genetic Disorder Speaks for First Time After Starting Ketogenic Diet

A girl with a rare genetic condition has finally spoken her first words thanks to a diet that involves eating four tubs of cream cheese a week. Delighted mother, Stevie, 34, said: "The first time I heard Fields say "Mum" it was just wonderful.I didn't really believe that something so simple as changing her diet could make such a big difference."

The “Coca-Colization” of Mexico, the Spark of Obesity

"The Coca-Colization of Mexico" is a fantastic piece of photojournalism that shows the very real public health effects of Big Soda's global outreach (what they like to call "emerging markets"). Mexico is the country that consumes more soft drinks per person in the world and Chiapas one of the places where not only the most is drunk but also where malnutrition and obesity prevail. Experts warn, with 70% of Mexicans overweight, 30% of them obese, and diabetes the primary cause of death, that the health system will collapse by 2020.

Is Apple Cider Vinegar That Powerful of a Health Tonic? Science Says Yes

One of the most traditional cures for almost anything is apple cider vinegar. Over the centuries, the ancient folk remedy is touted to relieve just about any ailment you can think of including diabetes, obesity and even cancer. Here's what science has found.

Maine Governor Vetoes Raw Milk Bill

Governor Paul LePage of Maine became the latest governor this month to veto a raw milk bill that enjoyed widespread support among the people of his state, and had the support of state lawmakers. One would have thought that if a bill like this could be passed anywhere, Maine would be the place, given their strong commitment to family farms and healthy food. But much the same as Nevada governor Brian Sandoval last month, LePage apparently caved into Big Ag special interest groups.

Beyond Weight Loss: A Review of the Therapeutic Uses of Ketogenic Diets

Recent work over the last decade or so has provided evidence of the therapeutic potential of ketogenic diets in many pathological conditions, such as diabetes, polycystic ovary syndrome, acne, neurological diseases, cancer and the amelioration of respiratory and cardiovascular disease risk factors. The possibility that modifying food intake can be useful for reducing or eliminating pharmaceutical methods of treatment, which are often lifelong with significant side effects, calls for serious investigation.

USDA Wants Fewer Poultry Inspectors—But More Chemicals

In an effort to “modernize” and “streamline”, filthy commercial chickens will now be “sanitized” using twice as many dangerous chemicals. The Obama Administration is proposing the implementation of “new methods in poultry inspection.” What does this mean? Fewer inspectors, less oversight, and, to compensate, an increased reliance on “antimicrobial intervention”, which is generally the use of high levels of chlorine or other antimicrobial agents to reduce pathogens on the meat.

Ketogenic Diet in Combination with Calorie Restriction and Hyperbaric Treatment Offer New Hope in Quest for Non-Toxic Cancer Treatment

A mounting body of research suggests most cancers are highly responsive to therapeutic ketosis - a natural physiologic state induced during prolonged states of decreased glucose - in combination with calorie restriction and use of hyperbaric oxygen therapy. Healthy cells have the metabolic flexibility to adapt from using glucose to using ketone bodies. Cancer cells lack this metabolic flexibility, so when you eliminate carbs, which are metabolized to glucose, you effectively starve cancer of its primary fuel source.

Splenda® Sucra-Highs and Sucralose: Miracle Sweetener or Cause of Leukemia?

While millions around the world consume foods and beverages sweetened with Splenda (sucralose) with abandon, an accumulating body of research indicates that this synthetic chemical is far from safe, may contribute to obesity and blood sugar disorders, and more recently has even been linked to leukemia in animal experiments.

5 Most Common Low-Carb Mistakes (And How to Avoid Them)

There are many stumbling blocks that people tend to run into with a low-carb ketogenic diet, which can lead to adverse effects and suboptimal results. To get into full-blown ketosis and reap all the metabolic benefits of low-carb, merely cutting back on the carbs isn’t enough. If you haven’t gotten the results you expected on a low-carb diet, then perhaps you were doing one of these 5 common mistakes.

10 Healthy Reasons To Enjoy Real Butter

Butter has gotten a bad rap for many years and since the early 1920’s, it has been pushed aside in favor of margarine and other fad fats and vilified as a deadly saturated fat that causes heart disease. Yet for thousands of years before that, butter was a dietary staple of many cultures with no evidence of adverse health effects. So how likely is it that butter is killing us?

Salt Reduction Recommendations Wrong: CDC Study

The CDC commissioned the IOM to do a study on salt. The results are in and clear: The evidence shows that limiting yourself to the amount of salt the CDC recommends will harm your health. So what does the CDC do about it? Nothing, of course! You truly must ask why this is? Is the CDC’s goal to destroy American’s health? Their own commissioned study has found that intake of 1,500-2,300 mg of sodium per day is harmful to precisely this group of people. To be frank, the only explanation must be that the CDC is little more than a front for Big Pharma. As long as they can continue to point the finger of blame at people themselves, the more they can justify pushing drugs on them. As long as the high blood pressure hysteria can be maintained by blaming salt, the easier it is to get people to take their blood pressure and cholesterol drugs.