We’ll cover the truth regarding the dangers of prescription medicines and vaccines.

Inconvenient Truths: The U.S. Government Kidnaps, Trafficks and Murders American Children Every Day in America, Land of the “Free”

For the past several days, both the corporate and alternative media have been publishing headlines about the tragic death of a 22-year-old Georgia nursing student, Laken Hope Riley. And while this is indeed a very tragic death, thousands of young people die every day in the United States, so why has this girl's death made headline news all over the country? Riley's death is making headline news because her alleged murderer was a migrant who crossed the border illegally, so that her tragic death can be politicized. Those on the Right are blaming Biden, while those on the Left are blaming Trump. Do you see how the Mockingbird Media cleverly controls the narrative so that no matter what side you are on, you will blame this tragic death on foreign criminals who are coming to this country illegally and putting our young people and children at risk due to policies at the border, and that therefore this "problem" needs a political solution? Filling the mass media (both the "mainstream" and the "alternative" media) with stories like this that divide the nation accomplishes an even a greater purpose, however. It draws the public's attention away from the REAL criminals who are kidnapping and murdering America's children: The U.S. Government. So here are several other stories from the past few weeks where children and teens were murdered because the U.S. Government (HHS) kidnapped these children from their families who loved them, and put them into the nation's Foster Care system with either "Foster Parents" or into group homes run by the foster care system, where they were murdered. The "inconvenient" truth here is that American children are being trafficked and murdered with your taxpayer funding, and it is insanity to think that the way to stop these crimes is to look for political solutions from the very criminals who are responsible for these murders in the first place. Here are some of the stories of recent murders of children in Government custody that you probably did not hear about because they did not make the national news cycle like Laken Riley's story did.

Christian Leaders Push “Mental Health” and Trusting Medical Doctors Rather than Trusting the Jesus of the Bible to Deal with Life’s Problems

As we have reported for years, the field of psychiatry in modern medicine is the most corrupt profession within medicine, where one out of every five psychiatrists is arrested on criminal charges, where four out of every ten women are being raped in psychiatric wards, and where children are routinely abused sexually by their doctors. The entire field of psychology is based on FRAUD, as psych drugs have been shown to be no more effective in "curing mental disease" than placebos, proving that it is one's faith in the drug that makes them feel better. In 2012, Dr. Irving Kirsch, associate director of the Placebo Studies Program at Harvard Medical School, was interviewed on 60 minutes, where he explained that his research showed that antidepressant drugs were no better than placebos. Last year (2023), we published a study that concluded that the “brain imbalance” theory used to prescribe psych drugs, was totally false. And yet these corrupt psychiatrists have a very high standing in Corporate Christianity, with Pastors and other Christian leaders referring the members of their churches to these criminals to seek help for "mental health", as doctors are seen as the answer to all health problems. One of the largest "churches" in the world that guides millions of Christians to seek out psychiatrists to help them raise their families, is Focus on the Family, which was founded by a psychiatrist, Dr. James Dobson. Their daily radio broadcast is reportedly heard on more than 5,000 stations in more than 150 languages, with an estimated global audience of more than 200 million people. This week, they published a 2-part broadcast on "mental health", where once again, rather than discussing what the Bible teaches on "mental health", they turned to a psychiatrist instead. I have studied some of these psychiatrists who are featured regularly on Focus on the Family, and they all have a very similar approach to dealing with "mental health" for children, and it seldom, if ever, refers to Jesus Christ and the Bible. As you can see above in the description to Dr. Gregory Jantz who was on the Focus on the Family broadcast today and yesterday, "growing spiritually in your faith community" is listed right along with taking prescribed medications. Notice the emphasis on "faith community" rather than just one's personal faith. Several years ago Hillary Clinton was demonized by Christians for saying that she believed it "takes a village" to raise a child, as Christians claimed that this belief promoted Government socialism. But when "Christian" doctors state that it takes a "faith community" to raise a child, how is that any different? As I have shown many times, the U.S. Government and the American Church are essentially one and the same, as one cannot survive without the other.

Mother Who was Sexually Trafficked by Epstein Pedophilia Network Seeks Justice for Her Daughter Who was Medically Kidnapped

Jennifer Guskin was sexually trafficked and suffered Satan Ritual Abuse (SRA) growing up as a child in the U.S. Foster Care system. She was trafficked by the rich and powerful politicians and business leaders in New York and the Washington D.C. area throughout her childhood. Like many survivors of child sex trafficking in Foster Care, once she became an adult and had her own child, the system again came after her, this time by medically kidnapping her newborn infant daughter. We reported last June that Jennifer had decided to sue the Baltimore County Department of Social Services Child Advocacy Center, working together with Howard County General Hospital, who took custody of her newborn daughter on false charges of drug abuse. We made a public appeal for an attorney to come forward to help Jennifer with her case, and I also reached out to my contacts trying to find one to help her, but none were willing to take on her case, so she filed Pro Se. The defendants filed a motion to dismiss the charges, which could have been the end of the matter. However, it would appear that Jennifer had a sympathetic Judge assigned to her case, because while the Judge did dismiss the charges against some of the defendants, she did not dismiss them against all the defendants, and gave Jennifer 45 days to refile her complaint with proper legal codes showing how the defendants had violated Maryland laws. According to Jennifer, the Judge actually told the defendants, "Do you understand that she is claiming that you medically kidnapped her daughter?" I was shocked when I heard this, as we were the first ones to publicly use the term "medical kidnap" in 2013 when reporting on the Justina Pelletier case, which led to an avalanche of so many parents contacting us with similar stories, that we started MedicalKidnap.com in 2014 to document their stories. This was the first time I had ever heard that a judge sitting on a bench in court used the term. I am sure that the 2023 Maya Kowalski medical kidnapping case in Florida, made popular by a Netflix movie on this case, has done quite a bit to bring more public awareness of this tragedy happening in the United States. Sadly, Jennifer probably has very little chance of succeeding in court Pro Se without any attorney, and as the Plaintiff she does not have access to any legal help that one would have access to if they were the defendant in a criminal case, where the system at least supplies a public defender. However, because Jennifer's civil suit includes claims of criminal activities, such as kidnapping, child trafficking, fraud, assault, and others, this is really the job of Baltimore County's State's Attorney Scott D. Shellenberger, as well as Maryland's Attorney General, Attorney Anthony G. Brown, who should be investigating these claims of criminal activity, since that is their primary job as prosecutors. Jennifer has emailed both of these Public Servant Attorneys copies of her complaint. The public can help Jennifer by contacting each of these attorneys and requesting that they investigate Jennifer's case.

U.S. Supreme Court Protects Freemason Corporations and Big Pharma – Strikes Down Any Legal Opposition to COVID-19 “Vaccines” and Mandates

The Supreme Court has, once again, overturned lower court rulings that challenged the U.S. Federal Government's role in mandating COVID-19 bioweapon shots. The "Conservative" majority, once again, ruled to protect the interests of Big Pharma and their immunity from being prosecuted in the U.S. judicial system, as it has done consistently since 2011, even though the pharmaceutical companies were not the defendants in these cases, but obviously benefited from this ruling. When you see an article from one of the newer false prophets in the Alternative Media stating that we can now "sue Pfizer for damages" or any other such nonsense, you can just ignore it and move on to the more important topics facing us today as WW III develops, because Corporate America OWNS the U.S. Supreme Court, who serve them, and not the public. The U.S. Government politicians serve their master, and she is not a human being. If you haven't figured it out yet, you need to wake up soon, because not only does your government NOT serve you, it wants to kill you. There will be no justice until the rightful government and King return to setup the REAL One World Government, which will be a Messianic World Government ruled by Jesus Christ.

How Donald Trump and Alex Jones Fooled the Public About the Safety of the COVID-19 “Vaccines”

David Knight marked the 3-year anniversary of his being fired by Alex Jones where he used to broadcast his daily show on InfoWars until December of 2020. Knight reports that he was fired in December of 2020 for not endorsing Donald Trump, who was President of the United States at that time, because Trump was pushing everyone to get the COVID bioweapon shots in 2020, known as the "COVID-19 Vaccines." David Knight, like myself and several others in December of 2020, was trying to warn the public NOT to take any of these experimental "vaccines." And for taking that stand, he claims that Alex Jones fired him. Today, David Knight publishes his daily show independently. In his broadcast yesterday, 12/21/23, Knight provided video evidence from 2020 that showed Alex Jones clearly stated that Trump was developing a "safe" COVID-19 vaccine.

National Day of Thanksgiving? Remembering Those Who had Loved Ones Murdered by the U.S. Government

Today marks the beginning of the Holiday Season in the United States with the national holiday called "Thanksgiving." This season is first and foremost a consumer holiday season that brings in $billions to the economy, with many businesses in the United States earning more revenue between Thanksgiving and New Years than the rest of the year combined. Mass media presents it as a time of year to be with family, a "happy" time of year. But for many people, maybe perhaps even the majority of the people in the U.S. this year, this is the most painful time of the year, not the happiest time of the year, because as the mass media advertises families getting together, for many families, loved ones are not coming home for the holidays. Not this year, not ever: because our government and our society brutally killed their children and loved ones. So instead of being "thankful" today because my government declares it to be a national day of "Thanksgiving," I will NOT comply. Instead, I dedicate this day to all the broken and devastated families who will not be gathering with loved ones, because their loved ones were taken away from them, and are never coming back home. For many of us alone during the holidays watching our fake culture and evil government promote the "holiday spirit" to get people to spend more money for the holidays, we are the ones who are truly thankful, because we don't need our government to tell us when to be thankful or not, as we wake up every day and thank God for another day to serve him behind enemy lines, knowing that our REAL day of Thanksgiving still awaits us in the future, when justice will be executed against the rulers of this Satanic world system.

Pediatric Dentists Now Pushing Vaccines on Children – Dentists Medically Kidnap Children if They Don’t Keep Appointments

In May of 2019 Health Impact News reported that Oregon became the first state in the U.S. to permit dentists to inject children with vaccines. In 2021, under the PREP Act during COVID, dentists all across the U.S. were given authority to start vaccinating their patients in an effort to vaccinate more children and adults with the experimental COVID-19 "vaccine," regardless of whether the state they resided in allowed dentists to give vaccines or not. So dentist offices joined local churches and other public places in 2021 as killing centers authorized to inject COVID-19 bioweapon shots in an attempt to mass murder their patients. The American Dental Association was so pleased with this new role of dentists becoming mass murderers by injection, that they began to campaign to have states allow dentists to administer ALL childhood vaccines. Today, American taxpayers are funding the education of dentists to become experts in vaccines, as is evidenced by the recent award of $685,000 to educate dentists on the deadly HPV Gardasil vaccine. By allowing dentists to now inject your child with poisonous vaccines, the chances of having your child medically kidnapped via your dental office has greatly increased. Back in 2018, Health Impact News reported on a mother in Pennsylvania who stood up to her family dentist who threatened to report her to CPS to have her children taken away from her for simply missing a scheduled dentist appointment.

Billionaire Zionists Pledge $50 Million to Control Media as Worldwide Support for Mass Murder and Genocide of Palestinians Dwindles

The mass murder of the Palestinian people in Gaza just continues going from horrible to apocalyptic, as American Zionists cheer the genocide. It is being widely reported today that Israel is attacking hospitals in Gaza where women and children are seeking refuge, particularly al-Shifa Hospital where infants were reportedly taken off of incubators today due to a lack of electricity, and are now dying. As I have repeatedly reported since this war started on October 7th, the Zionists who support genocide against the Palestinians like this are, by far, the minority voice, as not even a majority of the Jews living in Israel support Netanyahu's mass murdering of innocent civilians, and hundreds of thousands of Jews in the United States have also protested against the Palestinian genocide as they call for a cease-fire and peace. But the Zionist corporate and conservative alternative media is where the Big Money is, funded by Wall Street and Silicon Valley, and these media sources are solidly pro-Zionism. But with more and more public Zionist figures taking a hit for promoting genocide, such as Robert F. Kennedy Jr., the Zionist funded corporate media out of the U.S. is reportedly collecting $millions to try and control the narrative. And it's easy to understand why, because these Billionaires need a new war to fund the economy, as the Ukraine War loses popularity and is running out of steam.

Medical Kidnappers Lose Major Court Battles but Child Trafficking through Child Welfare Continues

We get to end this week with some rare positive news stories in the subject of medical kidnapping and child trafficking in the U.S. The highly public medical kidnapping case in Florida that was made popular with the Netflix film "Take Care of Maya" ended this week, where a jury awarded over $210 million to the Kowalski family for their losses during the time Maya was medically kidnapped by Johns Hopkins All Children's Hospital in Florida which led her mother to commit suicide. After Netflix blew up this story nationwide, it is hard to understand what the rationale was that led Johns Hopkins All Children’s Hospital to decide to take this trial to a jury, instead of settling out of court to avoid the bad publicity that this case brings against them. The only possible reason that makes any sense to me, is that these hospital executives were drunk on their own delusions, and actually believed that if they presented their case to a jury that the jury would think like them, believing that hospitals and doctors are just a step below "gods" and always know best, and decide in their favor. Regardless of their reasoning, this case exposed the Satanic evil activities of the medical system and child trafficking more than any other film has to date. Here are some additional court cases against the Child Traffickers in the U.S. that were in the news recently.

Pediatricians Can Earn Over $300 Thousand by Vaccinating Children – Virtual Reality Now Used to Increase Vaccine Uptake in Victims

Greg Reese has just published a report showing how pediatricians earn $400 for every vaccine injected into children under the age of 2, where the average pediatrician in the United States can earn over $300 thousand per year, which is usually more than their salary. Not only is this incentive for pediatricians to kick families out their practice who do not agree to the full CDC childhood vaccination schedule, it is a major incentive to inject babies and toddlers with as many vaccines as possible during an office visit, which greatly increases their risk of death and injuries. Reese also published a video showing how doctors and nurses in Brazil have started using virtual reality head gear to reduce fear and anxiety in children as they are injected with these toxic and poisonous shots. Getting more victims to receive injections is not the only application of this new technology today, such as virtual reality headsets. Apple is planning on using their new "Vision Pro" VR headsets to monitor people for "mental health."