Nevada Rules Against Arizona CPS on Shoar Family Baby – Remaining Children Still Held as Prisoners in Arizona Foster Care
Jeff and Tabitha Shoars are rejoicing today over a Nevada court's ruling. The Child Protective Services' claims against them that originated in Arizona, not Nevada, have been found to be unsubstantiated, and the case is closed as of 10 a.m. on November 30, 2017. Despite repeated attempts by social workers from the State of Arizona to have their baby Ny'tallieya removed from her parents' custody, a Nevada court has found that there are no reasons to keep the baby from her home. Tabitha Shoars says that they are very excited, and that it feels "like a weight's been lifted off of [their] shoulders." This is the 4th time that Arizona has presented false allegations against them to the state of Nevada, and it is the 4th time that the allegations were found to be unsubstantiated. The Shoars are hopeful that this will signal to Arizona social workers that they cannot manipulate social workers and courts in other states. She says that one of the Nevada social workers they have worked with clearly sees that the Arizona CPS attacks against them are "harassment." The fight continues, however, to get their other 7 children back from the state of Arizona, where they remain held captive in foster care. Arizona social workers traveled to Nevada last year and kidnapped the Shoars' children, bringing them back to Arizona. Baby Ny'tallieya was the only one spared at that time, because she was born in Nevada and local officials would not help Arizona kidnap her. The Shoars' 7 children held prisoner in Arizona foster care have been traumatized and desperately want to return home to their parents in Nevada. They have filed a lawsuit in Arizona demanding justice.