Alternative Health looks at alternative ways of treating illness apart from the medical system.

U.S. Supreme Court Orders Obama Administration to Explain Why They Want to Deport German Homeschool Family

After fleeing persecution for homeschooling in Germany in 2008, the Romeike family was granted asylum by Immigration Judge Lawrence O. Burman in 2010. The Obama administration revoked their asylum in 2012 and the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals affirmed the administration’s position saying that Germany was merely enforcing a general law regarding truants. HSLDA appealed to the Supreme Court on October 10, 2013. The Supreme Court ordered Attorney General Eric Holder to respond in writing to Home School Legal Defense Association’s petition on behalf of the Romeikes. “The government initially waived its right to respond, apparently thinking that Romeike v. Holder wasn’t worthy of the Court’s consideration,” Mason said. “Clearly someone in the Supreme Court disagrees. " In a separate recent case, an immigration judge ruled that Obama’s uncle could stay here even though he came to the United States illegally.

Florida Judge Orders Homeschool Children to Attend Public School

The right for parents to educate their children as they desire is under attack. As we have reported previously, homeschooling is growing seven times faster than public schooling, and the U.S. government is progressively taking actions to restrict it. Parents are increasingly keeping their children at home to educate them, avoiding government intrusion into their family lives, which includes mandatory vaccinations, toxic school meals, and questionable educational materials among other things. Having access to the nation's children is an economic necessity for the distribution of vaccines and government subsidized food provided to the schools. As public school enrollments decrease, it causes economic hardship on pharmaceutical companies and large commodity processed food corporations. Prejudice against homeschooled children is still prevalent, as can be seen in this recent case in Florida, where a judge ordered homeschooled children to attend public school. The children had been appointed a guardian by the court in a visitation dispute between their divorced parents. While neither parent had any issues with the children being educated at home, the guardian and judge acted independently and decided for themselves what they deemed best for the children, and ordered them to start attending a public school, even though both parents were committed to raising them Catholic.

Magnesium—The Missing Link to Better Health

An estimated 80 percent of Americans are deficient in magnesium. The health consequences of deficiency can be quite significant, and can be aggravated by many, if not most, drug treatments. Magnesium performs a wide array of biological functions, including activating muscles and nerves and creating energy in your body by attaching adenosine triphosphate (ATP). Magnesium is very important for heart health. Excessive amounts of calcium without the counterbalance of magnesium can lead to a heart attacks, strokes, and sudden death. An ideal ratio between calcium and magnesium is thought to be 1:1. The recommended daily dose is around 700 milligrams of each. Anytime you're taking any of the following: magnesium, calcium, vitamin D3, or vitamin K2, you need to take all the others into consideration as well, as these nutrients work synergistically with one another.

How the Buteyko Breathing Method Can Improve Your Health and Fitness

The Buteyko Breathing Method is a powerful approach for reversing health problems associated with improper breathing, the most common of which are overbreathing and mouthbreathing, including poor sleep and sleep apnea. When you stop mouth breathing and learn to bring your breathing volume toward normal, you have better oxygenation of your tissues and organs, including your brain.

Avocados Found to Contain Antioxidant, Anticancer Fats

Recent research finds that some of the fats in avocado are antioxidant and block cancer growth. This is in addition to the incredible array of health properties of the humble avocado. The research looked at the antioxidant capacities of the avocado and found that the avocado’s lipophilic phytonutrients, which include tocopherols, sterols, monusaturates, carotens and acetogenins, provide the bulk of these antioxidant benefits. The acetogenins in avocados have been found to provide more than just antioxidant benefits. Researchers from Ohio State University found that two of avocados’ acetogenins – dihydroxyheptadecenyl acetate and dihydroxyheptadecynyl acetate – inhibited the growth of cancer cells.

Is Your Perfume Poison?

There’s a dirty little secret the fragrance industry would rather you not know about. Many of their products are extremely toxic. Hidden behind their pleasant scents are typically chemicals linked to hormone disruption, reproductive problems, and even cancer.

Fermented Wheat Germ Treats Multiple Cancers

New research has confirmed that fermented wheat germ – especially using sourdough fermentation methods – is a viable cancer treatment, able to halt the growth of cancer cells. The new research, from Italy’s University of Bari and Germany’s Martin Luther University, screened over 40 fermenting bacteria types and tested wheat germ fermented using traditional sourdough methods against raw wheat germ. The laboratory research then tested these against multiple human cancer cell lines. They found that while the raw wheat germ had no anticancer potential, the fermented wheat germs showed significant inhibition of cancer cell growth. This new research confirms previous research on fermented wheat germ as an anti-cancer drug.

Why Eating Sesame Seed Paste (Tahini) Could Save Your Life

Sadly, in the Western world, when the average Joe thinks of protecting himself from heart disease, aspirin and statin drugs are often as high on the list – if not higher – than exercise and eating better. Through decades of intense marketing and miseducation millions have been made to think of the #1 killer as an inevitable force; one against which we fling pills and various pharmaceutical potions to 'minimize risk,' never to strike to the core of the problem and resolve it permanently. We may not think of sesame seed paste as a 'life saver,' but new research shows it is capable of reducing blood markers of cardiovascular disease risk by 39% within only six weeks.

Chocolate Better for Your Teeth Than Fluoride

Toothpaste that contains the naturally-occurring cacao extract theobromine was more effective at repairing and re-mineralizing exposed dentin (the tissue that makes up the bulk of your teeth below the enamel) than fluoride toothpaste. People who brushed their teeth with cacao-extract toothpaste twice a day for one week had “100 percent dental occlusion” with their tooth dentin becoming re-mineralized or repaired. Past research has also shown that the phytocompound found in chocolate known as theobromine works better than fluoride at repairing lesions in artificial enamel. There are safer and more effective solutions for dental health than fluoridated toothpaste (and fluoridated drinking water), including natural non-fluoride toothpastes and proper nutrition.

“Regulate Supplements Like Drugs!” says Senator Durbin on NPR

In just under five minutes, Senator Durbin reveals his plan, which would effectively eliminate supplements from the shelves. Durbin says that supplement producers should be legally liable for identifying anything about the supplement that “might” interact with a drug or cause some vague and ill-defined additional difficulty. Even drug companies are not required to report how a drug might interact with all other drugs, because they could never do so. The senator also said: "I want at least to be sure, as a consumer, of what I’m consuming and what my family would be consuming." We agree, but this is already required by law for supplements and foods with one glaring exception: genetically modified organisms.

Cure Dry Winter Skin Naturally

Dry, scaly, itchy skin in wintertime occurs when your skin is depleted of moisture. Fortunately, there are simple and inexpensive remedies for this problem, most if not all of which can be found in your kitchen.

Herbal Medicine Alters Genes, Cell Mitosis and Epigenome

Genetics researchers from Taiwan's National Central University have determined that over a third of herbal medicines used in Traditional Chinese Medicine - and nearly all leading therapeutic herbs - alter our genes or alter enzymes that alter our genetic material. The researchers analyzed 3,294 traditional Chinese medicines – combinations of herbs – and found that 1,170 or 36% will interact with enzymes that alter the histones that lie within our chromosome material. The histones organize the DNA during this chromatin condensation process. This relates directly to DNA repair.

Homeschooled Children Forced to Attend Government School

We previously reported how a homeschool family in Germany had their children force-ably removed from their home at gunpoint simply because they wanted to homeschool their children. The children have now been returned to their home, but only on the condition that their parents force them to attend a government-run public school, and that they do not leave the country. Germany is the only western country that does not allow homeschooling. The ban on homeschooling began with a Nazi law passed in 1938, and the European Human Rights Court upheld that ban in 2006. Earlier this year, the Obama administration decided to challenge the legal asylum of a German homeschool family here in the U.S. Many people have questioned why the State Department would take time and resources to prosecute a peaceful homeschool family in the U.S. that had already been granted legal asylum? When children are homeschooled they bypass many subsidized government programs, such as mandatory vaccines, school lunch programs based on subsidized commodity food, and others. A recent study that compared home-educated students to those in traditional schools, found that homeschooled children were less obese and healthier. Since the medical system recently voted to make obesity a disease which can now be treated with drugs and open up a whole new market for the pharmaceutical companies, it is not hard to see why governments are not big fans of homeschooling.

Turmeric Protects Against Radiation Treatment’s Horrible Effects

Each year, 60,000 patients are diagnosed with 'head and neck cancer,' which includes cancer of the mouth, tongue, pharynx, larynx, oral cavity, and thyroid. Sadly, within the conventional medical model, radiation therapy is the 'standard of care' for this type of cancer, which involves the use of up to 50-70 Grays of radiation over a 5-7 week period. The primary adverse symptoms experienced by post-radiation treatment survivors is known as 'oral mucositis,' involving tissue destruction and functional problems in the oral cavity, which is painful, affects nutrition, contributes to local and systemic infections and greatly reduces the quality of life. The humble spice turmeric, in doses available for pennies a day, has been found to reduce one of the most devastating side effects of radiation treatment for head and neck cancer.

9 Evidence-Based Medicinal Properties of Oranges

The orange is both a literal and symbolic embodiment of the sun, from whose light it is formed. As a whole food it irradiates us with a spectrum of healing properties, the most prominent of which some call "vitamin C activity," but which is not reducible to the chemical skeleton known as 'ascorbic acid.' Science now confirms the orange has a broad range of medicinal properties, which is why the ancients knew it both as a food and a medicine.

Ginger Benefits People with Asthma

Ginger has potent anti-inflammatory and other effects that may help with pain relief, diabetes control, heart health, weight management and much more. New research found that adding ginger compounds to isoproterenol, a type of asthma medication, enhanced its bronchodilating effects, helping to open airways. Ginger is wonderful for your gastrointestinal tract and may help relieve nausea, morning sickness and motion sickness. Fresh ginger is simple to use; peel the root using a paring knife and then slice it thinly (or mince it) to add to tea or cooked dishes.

CoQ10 versus Ubiquinol – What You Need to Know, Especially if You Take Statins

Coenzyme Q10 is used for energy production by every cell in your body, and also helps protect against cellular damage from free radicals. CoQ10 is especially important if you’re taking a statin drug as statins deplete your body of CoQ10, thereby speeding up progression of heart disease. Ubiquinol is the reduced form of CoQ10 – the effective form your body naturally uses to transfer free electrons – and research shows that this reduced form is superior for your health in a number of ways, primarily due to its superior bioavailability if you’re over 25. CoQ10 has been available for many decades, but the reduced version, ubiquinol, has only been commercially available for about six years. Prior to that it could only be made for research studies. There are well over 100 studies supporting its use and demonstrating its many health benefits, including its beneficial effect on statin-induced myalgia and other diseases rooted in mitochondrial dysfunction. Studies have demonstrated that ubiquinol has a positive effect on: inflammatory processes, septic shock (which is also associated with mitochondrial dysfunction), cardiac arrest and stroke recovery, and periodontal disease (including gingivitis and dry mouth).

Dangerous Anti-Supplement Bill Would Give FDA Power Over Supplements

The FDA can count on mainstream media to mislead the public. Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL)’s bill, S.1424, is meant to “improve the safety of dietary supplements by [requiring] manufacturers of dietary supplements to register dietary supplements with the Food and Drug Administration and to amend labeling requirements with respect to dietary supplements.” Sounds innocuous, doesn't it? But this is nothing but a smokescreen—a naked power grab for the FDA and an attempt to regulate safe dietary supplements as if they were dangerous FDA-approved prescription drugs.

UN Treaty Bans Mercury! Well, Except in Mascara, Vaccines, Dental Fillings

So how do you protect yourself from hidden mercury when it’s not even listed on the label? In January, the Minamata Convention took place, where 140 countries finalized a legally binding treaty to ban the production and trade of mercury-containing products, as well as processes where mercury is released. The problem with this treaty is that fails to ban mercury from commonplace sources like mascara, vaccines, and dental fillings. How could a treaty that took ten years to negotiate sweep so many things under the rug? As we saw at Codex, mega-corporations and special interests have incredible influence on international standards and treaties. When it comes to international standards, the question is often not “What’s best for citizens?” but “What’s best for Big Business?”

Natural Solutions for Pain: Non-Addictive and Cost-Effective

Over 100 million Americans suffer from chronic pain—yet conventional “solutions” can cause intestinal bleeding, dependence, heart disease, and cancer. There are many non-addictive and cost affection alternative solutions for pain, many of which stimulate the body's natural healing mechanisms so that you can heal the body, rather than just mask symptoms with prescription drugs.