Alternative Health looks at alternative ways of treating illness apart from the medical system.
Study: Fasting Regenerates New Immune System after Chemotherapy
"If you start with a system heavily damaged by chemotherapy or aging, fasting cycles can generate, literally, a new immune system." “We could not predict that prolonged fasting would have such a remarkable effect in promoting stem cell-based regeneration of the hematopoietic system,” said corresponding author Valter Longo.
Non-Toxic Skin Toner Recipe with Apple Cider Vinegar
A toner is an extremely beneficial addition to your skincare routine, but there’s no need to spend your hard earned money on a bunch of frosty glass bottles and watered down alcohol solutions. Most toners on the market use alcohol or witch hazel as their main ingredient, but the best toner I have ever come across contains only two natural ingredients: water and apple cider vinegar.
E-Cigarettes More Toxic and Dangerous than Real Cigarettes
The highly toxic liquid in e-cigarettes is responsible for a surge of child poisonings; just one teaspoon may be enough to kill your child. E-cigarettes may contain toxic agents manufacturers are reluctant to disclose, such as lead, benzene, toluene, and formaldehyde.
The Healing Power of Pets for the Elderly
A popular non-drug intervention to elderly care involves the use of pets. Pet therapy has been shown to improve mental health and Alzheimer's, boost sociability, reduce doctor’s visits, and improve cardiovascular health.
Finding Fragrance-free and Nontoxic Products
Have you made the switch to better health by going fragrance-free? Millions of people have made this change! They have freed themselves from the addictive chemicals in perfume and cologne, and no longer contaminate their bodies and homes with products containing synthetic fragrances. It’s not as hard as you might think to rid yourself and your home of toxic products and replace them with natural and healthy alternatives. In this article, I will be discussing how to toss away toxic household products for the sake of improving your health and the health of your family and friends. There are many safe alternatives that you can use in your home for body care and household cleaning, which are highly effective and completely safe. Many larger grocery stores have some of these products in their natural foods aisle or on display with conventional toxic products. They are also available in larger health food stores, and in many locations on the Internet.
Senior Care: Music Beats Drugs in Fighting Dementia
Prescription drug abuse against the elderly is an epidemic problem in the U.S. today. Consider the following facts: According to the Office of the Inspector General, 304,983 elderly nursing home residents in the U.S. were given dangerous, and often deadly, antipsychotic drugs, of which 88% were prescribed off-label for dementia. Antipsychotic drugs can double the risk of death and triple the risk of stroke for seniors and there are now about 1 million nursing home patients on antipsychotic drugs. However, research now backs up the experience that personalized music has tremendous therapeutic benefits for seniors, allowing them to overcome dementia without drugs. Lemon Grove Care & Rehabilitation Center near San Diego has reported that since they introduced iPods and personalized playlists to their residents, antipsychotic medication has been reduced by over 50%!
Non-Toxic Household Cleaner Recipes You can Make at Home with Essential Oils
Your household cleaners could be some of the most dangerous products in your home. Most commercial household cleaners contain toxic chemicals that can harm or even kill you. Learn how to make inexpensive non-toxic household cleaners yourself at home with powerful essential oils and other simple ingredients with these six recipes.
Heavenly Scents or Toxic Fumes – Are your Fragrances Healing or Killing You?
Naturally fragrant essential oils can heal illness, but manufactured scents can make people sick and even cause death. Can you tell the difference? Are man-made artificial fragrances making you ill? Warning! If you no longer smell your scented laundry products and if people have told you that you are putting on too much perfume or cologne, then you may be in serious danger of developing an environmental illness. If you stop your constant exposure now, your immune system can still recover. If you choose to continue your habits, then a chemical induced disability might be in your future.
Using Essential Oils to Cure Disease
Did you know that you can use the fragrant essential oils of plants to cure diseases? The spicy aroma of fresh basil, the sweet fragrance of a rose, the savory smell of oregano, and thousands of other volatile oils from plants are not just pleasant to smell, but are powerful medicines. Many plants can help us heal, but those which contain aromatic oils occupy a special place in natural medicine. Here is some basic information that will help you select and use the healing essential oils.
Safer and Healthier Alternatives to Root Canals
Is a root canal procedure a gamble you really want to take? The complexity of interactions and time delay before oral toxins express noticeable symptoms, compared to fast-acting snake venom, work well for the institution of dentistry and dental insurance companies, but it does not bode well for you. Institutions are by nature invested in the status quo. The insurance industry’s business model is no different from most other business models – it values their bottom line over your health. We are left on our own to tease out root causes of disease. It is only after the scare of cancer, the exhaustion of chronic fatigue, a nervous system derailment causing Parkinson’s tremors, Multiple Sclerosis (MS), or Bell’s Palsy, or even autoimmune issues such as lupus or ALS (Lou Gehrig’s disease), that some people make the difficult decision to consider a “dental revision” to help their body recover. A dental revision is no less than removing all possible toxic stressors of oral origin – dead teeth, dead jawbone, heavy metals like mercury, nickel, and chromium, gum disease therapy, and often, removing meridian blockers like implants. A dental revision may seem like a drastic and expensive step, but what is the cost of poor health to which these contribute?
The U.S. has More People Drinking Fluoridated Water than the Rest of the World Combined
Abby Martin takes with a look at the 50 year long practice of water fluoridation in America, outlining adverse health effects and breaking the myth that it helps prevent tooth decay. Most of the industrialized world, including Japan and 97% of Europe, do not fluoridate their public water supplies. Many municipalities in the United States are also beginning to rethink their fluoridation policies. Last year the city of Portland became the largest city in the U.S. to stop water fluoridation, and recently the Dallas city council also announced its plans to stop fluoridation. These moves by Portland and Dallas resulted in millions of dollars in lost revenue for the chemical companies, so opposition is fierce.
7 Top Health Benefits of Walnuts
One-quarter cup of walnuts provides more than 100 percent of the daily recommended value of plant-based omega-3 fats, along with high amounts of copper, manganese, molybdenum, and biotin. Walnuts may help reduce not only the risk of prostate cancer, but breast cancer as well. They contain the amino acid l-arginine, which offers multiple vascular benefits to people with heart disease, or those who have increased risk for heart disease due to multiple cardiac risk factors. Walnuts also contain several unique and powerful antioxidants that are available in only a few commonly eaten foods. and may improve sperm quality, help with weight control, and offer support for brain health and type 2 diabetes. Eating just one ounce of walnuts a day (that’s about seven shelled walnuts) may be all it takes to take advantage of their beneficial properties.
Rosemary Found to Boost Memory, May Help Prevent Alzheimer’s
Studies over the past few years have shown that Rosmarinus officinalis – the common herb Rosemary and its essential oil – can boost memory and may help prevent Alzheimer’s disease. These studies illustrate that consuming fresh or powdered rosemary at culinary doses can help boost memory – the Tai Sophia Institute study finding that 750 milligram doses had the most therapeutic effect, but not higher. Even more promising is the use of rosemary essential oil as aromatherapy, which can boost memory function almost immediately.
Myrtle Essential Oil: Normalizing the Function of Thyroid and Ovaries
The essential oil of myrtle can improve your health in many ways. Myrtle Essential Oil can normalize the functioning of the thyroid and ovaries, kill salmonella on fresh fruits and vegetables, lower blood sugar, treat malaria, repel mosquitoes, kill fungus and mold, heal mouth ulcers, heal warts, and is good for acne as a face wash.
Chinese Herb Better than FDA-Approved Drugs for Rheumatoid Arthritis
Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease in which your body’s immune system mistakenly attacks your joints. The abnormal immune response causes inflammation that can damage joints and organs, such as the heart. It’s chronic, extremely painful, and can be debilitating. But now, a high-profile study published in the Annals of Rheumatic Diseases has shown that a natural herb can be more effective than FDA-approved drugs.
The Most Effective Probiotic is Free but the FDA Wants to Ban It
The therapeutic use of human poop has proven to be more effective than very expensive pharmaceutical drugs for certain diseases. Fecal Microbiota Transplants (FMT) are a less expensive and more effective treatment for many common diseases, yet the FDA is limiting the use of this therapy. Fecal Microbiota Transplant therapy involves transplanting stool from a healthy person into the digestive system of an unhealthy person to cure specific diseases. FMT is helpful because the poop from a healthy person contains bacteria that is needed by the person who is sick. FMT has been successfully used for: drug-resistant bacterial infections such as Clostridium Difficile, Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD), Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), Ulcerative Colitis, Crohn’s Disease, chronic constipation, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), obesity, type II diabetes, Autism, Parkinson’s, mental disease, food poisoning, Malaria, Metabolic Syndrome, autoimmune diseases, and allergies. But this is a huge threat to the pharmaceutical industry, so the FDA has declared poop a drug and is making efforts to restrict it and ban donor banks.
Beets Are So Healthy That Even Pharmaceutical Giants Want To Harness Their Antioxidant Potential
There has been enormous research interest in beets because of the the unusual mix of antioxidants that they contain. The unique combination of nutritional and nutriceutical components establishes the red beet as a marvelous vegetable. Beets demonstrate their antioxidant uniqueness by getting their red color primarily from betalain antioxidant pigments. Coupled with their status as a very good source of the antioxidant manganese and a good source of the antioxidant vitamin C, the unique phytonutrients in beets provide antioxidant support in a different way than other antioxidant-rich vegetables.
Apricots Have A Far Greater Potential To Protect Your Eyesight Than Carrots Do
We've all been taught that carrots would keep our eyes sharp as a child, but as an adult, it looks like fruit such as apricots are even more important for keeping your sight. Nutrients in apricots can help protect the heart and eyes, as well as provide the disease-fighting effects of fiber. The high beta-carotene content of apricots makes them important heart health foods. Beta-carotene helps protect LDL cholesterol from oxidation, which may help prevent heart disease. Apricots contain nutrients such as vitamin A that promote good vision. Vitamin A, a powerful antioxidant, quenches free radical damage to cells and tissues. Free radical damage can injure the eyes' lenses.
Study Finds Thyme Essential Oil Beats Ibuprofen for Pain Relief
Significant research has found thyme essential oil and its constituent thymol to be antiseptic. In fact, many mouth washes and antiseptic wipes often contain thymol. Research is also finding that thyme oil reduces pain. Traditional medicines have been using thyme oil and other essential oils to help relieve pain for centuries.
Homeschoolers Need Not Apply: Ohio Company Announces Hiring Ban on Homeschooled Graduates
Homeschooling remains the preferred method most parents choose to educate, feed, and take care of the health needs of their own children without government intrusion into their private lives. Statistics overwhelmingly show that the majority of home-educated students are far ahead of their peers in matters related to academics, health, and social interaction. Home-educated students are entering our military academies and top universities every year as some of our brightest young people in America. Unfortunately, there is also a renewed effort to bring homeschooled children into government programs, such as the health care system, and the lucrative market of vaccines. As a result, expect more stories like this where clear discrimination against homeschoolers occurs, especially as new "Common Core" national standards are implemented. The Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA) remains the nation's number one advocacy group for the rights of homeschooled children and their parents. In the case below, an adult who graduated with a homeschool diploma was initially offered a job, but the offer was subsequently withdrawn simply because the applicant had a homeschool diploma. Unfortunately, there is also a renewed effort to bring homeschooled children into government programs, such as the health care system, and the lucrative market of vaccines. As a result, expect more stories like this where clear discrimination against homeschoolers occur, especially as new "Common Core" national standards are implemented. The Homes School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA) remains the nation's number one advocacy for the rights of homeschooled children and parents. In the case below, an adult who graduated with a homeschool diploma was initially offered a job, but the offer was subsequently withdrawn simply because the applicant had a homeschool diploma.