Alternative Health looks at alternative ways of treating illness apart from the medical system.
Using Cinnamon and Cinnamon Oil to Cure Disease
According to Malaysian researchers and researchers from the US Department of Agriculture, cinnamon is one of the most important spices used daily by people all over the world. Cinnamon primarily contains vital oils and other derivatives, such as cinnamaldehyde, cinnamic acid, cinnamate, and numerous other components such as polyphenols. In addition to being an antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antidiabetic, antimicrobial, anticancer, lipid-lowering, and cardiovascular-disease-lowering compound, cinnamon has also been reported as useful for metabolic syndrome, insulin sensitivity, polycystic ovary syndrome, increasing lean body mass, and gastric emptying. It is useful against neurological disorders, such as Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases.
How WHOLE Turmeric Heals The Damaged Brain
Turmeric is hands down one of the, if not the, most versatile healing spice in the world with over 600 experimentally confirmed health benefits, and an ancient history filled with deep reverence for its seemingly compassionate power to alleviate human suffering. An exciting new study published in the journal Stem Cell Research & Therapy provides additional support for the concept that curcumin alone is not enough to explain the healing power of turmeric as a whole plant.
Overcoming Infertility Naturally Without Drugs
Currently, one out of every six couples of child bearing age in the United States is infertile. In this article, I will be discussing what infertile couples can do to prepare themselves for conceiving and giving birth to a healthy child. I will share recommendations from physicians and researchers who support the use of lifestyle changes to bring about pregnancy for couples who are having difficulty conceiving children. There are alternatives to medical and pharmaceutical approaches for overcoming infertility. The use of Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) is the medical system's approach for treating infertility. ART has high costs and serious risks, which many couples do not realize
Chili Pepper’s Remarkable Role in Pain Relief and Reducing Tumors
Capsaicin, found in chili peppers, helps alleviate pain in part by depleting your body's supply of substance P, a chemical component of nerve cells that transmits pain signals to your brain. It also works by de-sensitizing sensory receptors in your skin. Capsaicin has been shown to activate cell receptors in your intestinal lining, creating a reaction that lowers the risk of tumors. Capsaicin has both antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties and has even shown some promise for cancer treatment.
FDA Targets Essentials Oils: Sees EOs as Threat to New Ebola Drugs?
The FDA issued warning letters this week to the two largest distributors of essentials oils in the United Sates, Young Living and dōTERRA. The FDA is claiming that their products are being marketed as unapproved drugs. The companies have to remove all health claims and take corrective actions, or face very serious legal action, which can include armed federal marshals coming to their warehouses and seizing all of their inventory. This is of course not the first time that the FDA has gone after companies selling natural products, products that could never be patented, for making health claims about those products. They have a history of issuing warning letters against the producers and marketers of such things as walnuts, cranberries, elderberry juice, coconut oil, and many more. The FDA requires that companies selling natural products and making health claims get their permission first, by going through a lengthy and costly drug approval process. These two companies have been around for many years, and the independent distributors have been making health claims for the essential oils for a very long time. So why is the FDA acting now?
Feds Say Cannabis Is Not Medicine While Holding The Patent on Cannabis as Medicine
Ben Swann travels to Colorado to learn the truth about cannabis as medicine and what government isn't telling you.
Are GMO Foods, Vaccines, and Big Pharma Producing an Infertile Generation?
The U.S. fertility rates are at all-time record lows. Are we watching the leading edge of a slowly moving tidal wave of infertility? I wasn’t sure what is really happening with human fertility until I took a hard look at the data and the science. I now believe that there is strong reason to be concerned about the emerging trend of infertility. What is causing the current generation of child-bearing aged adults to become infertile?
How the FDA Deceives You About Mercury Amalgams
57 Percent of Americans Do Not Know Amalgam Contains Mercury! Why exactly is the FDA so opposed to informing the public about the true nature of amalgam? The answer is simple: because the agency has been penetrated through the revolving door that's so common in other industries. Just like Monsanto has penetrated the federal government's regulatory agencies, amalgam profit centers have penetrated and effectively lobbied the FDA to remain complacent on this issue.
Ebola: WHO Turns To Experimental Drugs, But Not Proven Natural Remedies
As the world starts looking to invest millions of dollars for ebola drugs, the Catch-22 of drug economics (no one will spend the exorbitant sums needed to run clinical trials if the product can’t be patented and turned into a huge money-maker) practically ensures that natural treatments will be ignored. But could some of our oldest natural antivirals be used at least to inhibit the transfer of the virus—or even cure it? Silver has also showed great promise as an antiviral, in both attacking the virus and in inhibiting transmission. So far, silver has been tested on HIV and herpes. Silver has also been used to clear HPV warts; inhibit the replication of the hepatitis B virus; kill the H1N1 virus; fight ocular infection; and kill the tacaribe virus, which also causes hemorrhagic fever, as well as the bacteriophage viral strain. Since disinfecting contaminated environments is the most effective method of halting Ebola’s spread, silver could be a most potent weapon in the battle. But we don’t see the WHO getting behind anything natural, whether effective or not.
Essential Oils Support Physical and Emotional Well-Being
Your sense of smell exerts surprising influence over your thoughts, emotions, moods, memories, and behaviors. Aromatherapy allows you to harness the olfactory power of plants, using their essential oils to enhance your physical and emotional health. Essential oils have been scientifically shown to be particularly helpful in treating stress, mood, sleep, pain, nausea, memory, and energy. A recent study revealed that humans can distinguish more than one trillion sensory stimuli, instead of 10,000 as previously thought. Scents can actually change your nervous system biochemistry.
Toxic Fragrances and Scents are Destroying People’s Health: How One Boy Nearly Died from Airborne Anaphylaxis
When we published John Thomas' article earlier this year, Is Your Health Being Destroyed by Other People’s Toxic Fragrances?, some people commented that this statement made by John was over-exaggerating: "Secondhand fragrance contamination should be the number one health problem being addressed by the public health system in America, but it doesn’t even show up on the list of current priorities." However, others emailed us and thanked us for giving exposure to this national health crisis, because they have experienced it firsthand. It is not a topic that gets much exposure in the media, not even in the alternative health media. But there are many thousands of people suffering debilitating illnesses due to airborne chemicals in fragrances and scented products, and most of the rest of us are probably affected without even realizing it. Rosa Silk is one of the people who emailed us, and shared her son's story of how his life and health has been ruined by other people's fragrances. She asked us to publish his story, and the publishers at have given us permission to bring you the story of her son's battle with airborne anaphylaxis, and her fight to pass legislation that would offer some protection from the chemical industry.
Study: Legalizing Medical Marijuana Leads to Fewer Prescription Drug Overdose Deaths
A study published in the journal JAMA Internal Medicine on Monday found that states that had legalized medical marijuana had seen a 25 percent drop in deaths related to prescription drug overdoses. According to ABC News, the researchers conducting the study found that because “legalizing medical marijuana makes it more available to chronic pain patients, it provides a potentially less lethal alternative to pain control on a long-term basis.” Over the course of the study, the states studied were the ones that allowed access to medical marijuana. The Washington Post reported that those states “had 1,729 fewer overdose deaths in 2010 than would be predicted by trends in states without such laws.” Dr. Marcus Bachhuber, a physician and researcher at the University of Pennsylvania, and the lead author of the study, told ABC News that while he did expect to see changes among the states that legalized medical marijuana, he found it “surprising that the difference is so big.”
Unapproved but Effective Cancer Cures
The conventional cancer treatment system and the pharmaceutical companies that control it are dedicated to limiting the development of all other forms of cancer treatment. They have a chokehold on the development of alternative treatments, and they ruthlessly work together with the US FDA and various US government cancer research funding agencies to prevent new treatments from being approved for use by physicians. The reason is that most alternative cancer treatments are much less expensive than surgery, radiation, and chemo. They are also more effective and have many fewer (if any) unwanted side effects. The great fear of the pharmaceutical industry, and the vast cancer treatment system that it controls, is that a non-patentable and inexpensive cure for cancer might put them out of business. Sadly, these organizations exist to turn a profit from cancer treatment, which is measured in the billions of dollars every year. They are in the business of treating cancer not curing it. Alternative treatments for cancer have a history of curing cancer and it is this fact that big pharma wants to hide from the American public. Historically, many successful approaches have been developed for curing cancer. We give a review of many of the most popular ones here.
Report: FDA Deliberately Deceptive – Poisoning Millions of Americans
US consumers are in dark about mercury in dental products—and they are kept there deliberately by the government. This is documented in a new report being released this week by Consumers for Dental Choice called “Measurably Misleading: Evidence the FDA and Dental Industry are Deliberately Deceiving American Families about Mercury Dental Fillings and Why That Now Has International Consequences.” Mercury is a known neurotoxin, yet mercury fillings presents one of the largest consumer consumption of mercury worldwide, and dental amalgam represents the largest use of mercury in consumer products in the US. We’ve also been kept in in the dark about mercury in other consumer products because of the FDA. Thimerosal, a mercury compound often found in flu vaccines, is being ignored as a danger.
Detox Your Liver with Homemade Lemon Water
One of the drinks I routinely make for myself and my family in the mornings is lemon water. Not to be confused with "lemonade," a sweetened beverage, lemon water is a detoxifying health drink consisting of nothing but one whole lemon and warm water. Much of the research on lemon water's ability to detoxify the liver is centered around the antioxidant D-Limonene, which is more concentrated in the peel of the lemon. D-limonene has been shown to activate enzymes in the liver that lead to detoxification. It has also been shown to treat cancer.
The Healing Properties of Clove Essential Oil
The ancient texts all seem to agree on the many therapeutic properties of clove - it is a stimulant and has stomachic, expectorant, sedative, carminative, antispasmodic and digestive qualities. It helps flatulence, stimulates digestion and restores appetite, so is good for convalescence. It is a general tonic for both physical and intellectual weakness; and for those suffering from frigidity. Its principal therapeutic value, though, is antiseptic because of the high proportion of eugenol. This is used for intestinal parasites, and for prevention of virus infections. It is good for the immune system, and particularly effective in mouth and tooth infections. Here is a review of some of scientific studies published around the world regarding the healing properties of clove essential oil.
How Tart Cherries Reduce Inflammation and Oxidative Stress
Tart cherries are known to have among the highest anti-inflammatory content of any food in the world. Daily consumption of tart cherry juice or concentrate leads to a reduction in markers of inflammation and oxidative stress and allows people with specific diseases to manage their pain long-term without medications.
We All have Pesticides in our Homes even if We don’t Use Pesticides
Indoor air contamination has become a central issue today because most of us spend up to 90% of our time indoors and we are breathing and re-breathing the same old polluted air all day long. The problem is worse for very young children, because the air quality is much worse at floor level. Many toxic substances are heavier than air and sink down to floor level. Even though most every home in America probably has some level of pesticide residue, and we know that many health conditions and diseases are related to pesticide exposure, we find that our modern healthcare system seems to be unconcerned about indoor pesticide contamination. Doctors may ask us about our alcohol and drug use, ask us about our sexual practices, and sometimes ask us about our diet, but when was the last time a doctor asked you about your pesticide exposure?
Taking Thyroid Hormone Increases Breast Cancer Risk By 200%
A study found that women who take thyroid hormone for at least 15 years have 200% increase in the risk of breast cancer as compared to women who did not take thyroid hormone. You read that correctly: a 200% increase risk of breast cancer in women who took thyroid hormone as compared to women who did not take thyroid hormone. How could that be? The answer is simple: The increased breast risk in thyroid supplemented women is due to iodine deficiency.