Alternative Health looks at alternative ways of treating illness apart from the medical system.
Why Is the FDA Opposing Independent Lab Testing?
Why would the FDA attack a company that seeks to bring affordable, convenient testing to millions of Americans? We suspect that the agency is doing everything it can to throttle innovators in this area to protect large, established testing companies and hospitals, which have been funding their deficits, in part, by charging exorbitant prices for tests.
The Amazing Healing Properties of Celery Seed Oil
Celery does much more than add crunch to salads and stir-fries – it is a medicinal powerhouse! Its stalks/ribs, leaves, roots, and most importantly, the essential oil derived from the seeds are useful for many health concerns. Parts of the celery plant have been used to reduce blood pressure, to alleviate muscle spasms, to remove excessive fluid from the body, to prevent or relieve intestinal gas, to expel intestinal worms, to ease constipation, to support male sexual activity, to help people relax and sleep, to stimulate the nervous system, and to be a tonic that gives strength and vigor. It is used for blood purification and as a cure for gallstones and kidney stones. It alleviates arthritic pain, treats rheumatic conditions, and can be used to treat gout. Celery extracts have been studied for the development of nutraceuticals – specifically their antioxidant properties, and their ability to regulate blood sugar and to prevent the aggregation of platelets in the blood.
FDA Attacking Supplements to Boost Alzheimers Drug Sales?
At the present time, Eli Lilly has a potential blockbuster drug for Alzheimer’s in the third and final phase of FDA trials. Currently called solanezumab, if approved it could bring in $7.6 billion in sales by 2024—and that might be a conservative estimate. This is despite evidence the drug doesn’t work that well, at least in later stages of the disease. But if it can be shown to have some benefit for the early stages, that could be enough to make it a huge moneymaker and turn around Eli Lilly’s earnings. The stock has already risen on the prospect. Biogen also has an Alzheimer’s drug in trials. The drug companies view Alzheimer’s as one of their very best potential markets. Meanwhile, natural therapies are already showing great promise against Alzheimer’s. We covered some of this in an earlier article. Since then, Dale Bredesen, MD, who works at the Center for Alzheimer’s Disease Research at UCLA, has published a paper reporting success with natural therapies in treating nine out of ten patients. The thrust of Bredesen’s thesis is that as powerful as natural therapies are, they are even more powerful when individualized to the patient, an idea which is complete anathema to the drug companies and their allies at the FDA. More importantly, use of natural therapies could undercut potential drug profits. Is this why brain supplements are suddenly under attack? Does the FDA want to clear away competition for the new drug?
DuPont and Teflon: Masters of Deception
Deceptive and manipulative public relations strategies are the standard approach of the chemical industry. People may believe chemical companies would strive to create chemicals that are as harmless as possible, and to provide strict safety instructions for use when they're not, but history has shown that this isn't the case. Instead, the industry promotes chemicals as harmless even when they are well aware of the risks. What's worse, companies have been repeatedly found to have lied to federal and local regulators, consumers, and even their own employees about the toxicity of various chemicals. DuPont is one such company, which has recently seen a slew of negative press following the filing of thousands of personal injury claims in what The Intercept1 calls "an epic legal battle" against the company — a battle that has been waged for the last 15 years, with little media coverage. Perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA, also known as C8), was an essential ingredient in DuPont's non-stick cookware for decades. PFOA is now the subject of about 3,500 personal injury claims against DuPont, including 37 claims for wrongful death.
Federal Government Attacks Dietary Supplements to Protect Big Pharma
The mainstream media is using a new study funded by the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), released last week, to renew the false charges that supplements are unregulated, unsafe, and require more federal oversight. Even a cursory examination of the data provided in the study, however, demonstrates once again that the alarmist headlines and the calls for tighter regulations are completely unsupported by the evidence.
Mercury Amalgam is Making People Sicker and Driving Up Healthcare Costs
The silvery-gray dental fillings called amalgam are a toxic trigger for rising healthcare costs. Amalgam dental fillings are approximately 50% mercury by weight. They have been commonly used since the 1850s, and have been declared safe by the American Dental Association without proper testing. They are being implanted in the mouths of millions of people worldwide every year even though the mercury in these fillings is the most toxic non-radioactive substance on the Earth. The US government refuses to require mercury amalgam be tested for safety despite the mountain of evidence proving that great harm to human health and the environment is produced by the use of this product.
The Origin of Your Health Problems Might Actually be in Your Mouth
The American Dental Association, which owns patents for various formulas of mercury amalgam, says that when mercury is mixed with other metals such as silver, copper, zinc, and tin to create amalgam fillings, they are creating a durable, inexpensive, and harmless substance. The truth is that amalgam dental fillings have serious health risks, which can appear as expensive and life-threatening diseases. The evidence has continued to grow since the early 1970s that these so-called "safe" fillings should be banned in the United States, as has been done in other countries. Yet, American dentists keep on using them. Neurological symptoms in many forms are associated with mercury exposure. The consequences of mercury exposure include: MS, lupus, Alzheimer's, ALS, arthritis, Parkinson's, leukemia, Gulf War Syndrome, diabetes, seizures, and birth defects. This is actually a short list. The late Dr. Hal Huggins, DDS, indicated that 200 diseases are associated with mercury exposure. Dr. Boyd Haley’s research shows a definitive relationship between mercury exposure and the development of Alzheimer’s disease. Also on the list are numerous digestive system dysfunctions as well as infertility. Dentists are far behind the times. The EPA adopted rules to remove mercury from paint, because it was unsafe to breathe the mercury that was being released from the paint on the walls of homes. Fish that contains too much mercury cannot be sold to consumers. Yet, it is legal and still the normal practice of nearly half of dentists to keep on putting mercury amalgam in the mouths of children, pregnant women, and people who are already ill when the mercury being released from fillings is a far higher amount than that in paint or fish. It is time for a change!
Cannabis for the Treatment of Epilepsy, and More
Many drugs are developed not because there's a great medical need, but rather because there's big money to be made from them. In many cases, holistic therapies and medicines already exist that can take the place of any number of synthetic pharmaceuticals. Cannabis is one such therapy, and according to Dr. Gedde, "it's time to ask questions and look at a new way of thinking about this plant." A wealth of research shows marijuana does indeed have outstanding promise as a medicinal plant, largely due to its cannabidiol (CBD) content. Cannabinoids interact with your body by way of naturally occurring cannabinoid receptors embedded in cell membranes throughout your body. There are cannabinoid receptors in your brain, lungs, liver, kidneys, immune system, and more. Both the therapeutic and psychoactive properties of marijuana occur when a cannabinoid activates a cannabinoid receptor. According to Dr. Gedde, cannabis is certainly far safer than most prescription drugs, and there's enough information to compare it against the known toxicities of many drugs currently in use. This includes liver and kidney toxicity, gastrointestinal damage, nerve damage and, of course, death. Moreover, cannabidiol and other cannabis products often work when other medications fail, so not only are they generally safer, cannabis preparations also tend to provide greater efficacy.
Are Your Casual Clothes Toxic?
A Greenpeace report has found that several major sportswear brands—including Adidas, Nike, and Puma—contain polyfluorinated chemicals (PFCs), nonylphenol ethoxylates (NPEs), and phthalates. All of these chemicals are linked to major health issues. PFCs, which make items stain-proof, are linked to problems like low birth weight and prostate cancer; phthalates are linked to attention deficit disorder, asthma, breast cancer, obesity, and behavioral and neurodevelopmental issues; and NPEs degrade into hormone-disrupting chemicals. Experts advise that consumers avoid clothing that is crease-free, moth-repellant, stain-resistant, or fire-retardant, as these properties are typically achieved by using the above-mentioned toxic chemicals. In workout clothes, screen-printing and plastic prints are an indication of the presence of phthalates. Natural and organic fabrics like silk, cotton, and wool are the safest choice, as they are naturally antimicrobial and antibacterial and good at thermal regulation.
Ginger: 10,000x Stronger Than Chemo (Taxol) In Cancer Research Model
A [2015] study reveals ginger contains a pungent compound that could be up to 10,000 times more effective than conventional chemotherapy in targeting the cancer stem cells at the root of cancer malignancy.
How to Survive Prostate Cancer Without Surgery, Drugs, or Radiation
Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men. In the US, about 221,800 men get diagnosed every year yet only about 27,500 die each year from the disease. Unfortunately, the conventional treatment for prostate cancer leaves much to be desired. Wouldn't it be nice to have a therapy that didn't involve costly and hazardous surgery, drugs, or radiation? Peter Starr, an award-winning filmmaker, recently produced the documentary Surviving Prostate Cancer Without Surgery, Drugs, or Radiation. He's also in the process of writing a book on the same subject. In June 2004, he was in fact diagnosed with prostate cancer, and as his film and book title reveals, today, 11 years later, he's still here to share his story.
How Eating Kimchi Prevents Lethal Cancer
Kimchi is one of the world's most popular fermented foods, but did you know that eating it daily can significantly impact your cancer risk? A new study published in the journal Oncotarget titled, "Dietary prevention of Helicobacter pylori-associated gastric cancer with kimchi," is the latest example of how a simple dietary intervention can make a world of difference in reducing the risk of one of the most lethal cancers.
The Health Benefits of Drinking Coffee and Tea
In its recommendations for the 2015 edition of Dietary Guidelines for Americans, a government advisory committee, for the first time, said Americans could safely consume up to five cups of coffee a day, or approximately 400 milligrams (mg) of caffeine, with no detrimental effects. The recommendation was based on an evaluation of multiple meta-analyses and other studies evaluating the link between coffee and chronic diseases, including cancer, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, Parkinson’s, and Alzheimer’s. While coffee has long gotten a bad rap because of its caffeine content, it also contains beneficial antioxidants, including significant amounts of hydrocinnamic acid and polyphenols. In fact, coffee is the number one source of antioxidants in the US diet, with researchers noting “nothing else even comes close.” The antioxidants may even help neutralize the harsher effects of the caffeine that coffee naturally contains. It’s not only coffee that’s rich in antioxidants and provides a healthy addition to water for your beverage options. Tea ranks right up alongside coffee in terms of health benefits, so choose whichever you prefer (or drink both!). Although coffee is the most popular beverage in the US, tea takes the number one spot globally.
Controlling Weather for Profit: Geoengineering and World Dominance
This is the final part in a two part series about the spraying of toxic particles in the atmosphere. The spraying of nanoparticles of aluminum, barium, strontium, and other substances produces persistent contrails that spread out over the course of a day to form artificial clouds in the skies over America and large parts of the world. The first article described the creation of these clouds by jet aircraft and described the health consequences. Regardless of why persistent contrails are being sprayed, the health hazards are serious. The aluminum that is in the spray is associated with Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Lou Gehrig's disease, autism, developmental delays, and other neurological conditions. These particles can enter into any cell of the body and cause Inflammation and disrupt normal life processes. Heart disease, pulmonary failure, and cancer are linked to high level exposure to particulates in the atmosphere. President Obama recently spoke on climate change and said that the climate problem, “is not simply a danger to be avoided – this is an opportunity to be seized.” It appears that Monsanto and other corporations are getting in line to seize the opportunities that are about to develop. Monsanto is developing abiotic seeds, which will be able to withstand drought and severe storms. So, if your country is having unusually stormy weather or is experiencing drought, then Monsanto seeds will still give you a crop, while your neighbors who don’t use Monsanto seeds will experience crop failures. Monsanto also has a solution for all the nanoparticles of aluminum that are being sprayed into the air, and which eventually fall to the ground where it accumulates in the soil at highly toxic levels. Monsanto has developed an aluminum resistant gene that they can insert into the next generation of their seeds. This means that it won’t matter how much aluminum accumulates in the soil from aerial spraying, because Monsanto crops will still thrive, while the crops grown from non-GMO seeds will just turn yellow and die because of the excess aluminum. Monsanto will be ready for the future and will have seeds for every contingency.
Vitamin C Cures Disease but Doctors and Pharmaceutical Companies Do Not Want You to Know This
The Swedish Society for Orthomolecular Medicine introduced Dr. Suzanne Humphries to lecture on the practical use of Vitamin C in Stockholm, Sweden. Although Dr. Humphries primary interest is in the study of vaccinations, she has realized that: “Much of what I have learned in my medical education is lacking in details on how to support the biology of the human being. When people are just a little bit sick or when they are healthy, it can be very helpful to support the chemistry of the body using earth products that were put here for us and not necessarily the ones the drug companies have made for us.” Dr. Humphries states that since she has learned to use vitamin C, not only has her own health become extraordinarily better, but her prescription writing has gone down significantly and the health of her patients has improved. Dr. Humphries states that vitamin C can completely eliminate whooping cough, and prevent diseases such as diabetes, heart disease and high blood pressure.
Why You Should Not Wear Contact Lenses
You are not only a human being… you’re a microbial being that provides a home to nearly 100 trillion bacteria, fungi, viruses, and other microorganisms that compose your body's microflora. Advancing science has made it quite clear that these organisms play a major role in your health, both mental and physical. Much of the research to date has focused on the role of microbes in your gut and skin health, but this is only the beginning. Your eyes have a microbiome, too, one that has been largely neglected by researchers to the extent that its functions remain unknown.1 A 2015 study presented at the annual meeting of the American Society for Microbiology has begun to piece together the puzzle, however, by examining the colonies of bacteria living on the eyes of people who wear contact lenses and those who do not. Their findings add to the growing knowledge that modern lifestyles are tinkering with our microbiomes… with potentially dangerous effects.
Artificial Clouds and Geoengineering: Public Exposed to Toxic Chemicals
What color is the daytime sky over your home? Is it a deep clear blue that seems to extend to eternity, or is it a milky blue or a thick hazy white soup that obscures the pristine blue of the heavens? Does it start out blue in the morning and then end up as a complete haze later in the day? Are there puffy white clouds or is it filled with unnatural shapes and streaks? The clouds in the sky are not always natural, because they are often manufactured by specially equipped aircraft. These jets are spraying highly toxic particles of aluminum, barium, strontium, arsenic, and other substances to make clouds for weather-related and military purposes. These clouds are also harmful to humans and the environment.
Insecticides No Longer Effective Against Mutant Lice – Coconut Oil a Better Option
Only one thing sends more shivers down the spines of school-aged children’s parents than head lice, and that is mutant head lice. Research from 2014 of lice samples from the US and Canada showed almost all of the insects (99.6 percent) had developed gene mutations making them resistant to common over-the-counter lice shampoos.1 Such shampoos often contain the toxic pesticide permethrin, which should not be placed anywhere near a child’s scalp due to the health risks alone. But now it appears the chemicals will no longer be very effective either. While medicated shampoos are touted as the best way to get rid of head lice, you have to decide whether you really want to slather your child’s hair up with pesticides, especially when they may not kill the lice and there are other effective alternatives. Coconut oil appears to be a useful option, as it’s been found to lead to 80 percent mortality in head lice after four hours.
Splenda Contaminates 65% of Breastmilk Sampled, Gov. Study Finds
A concerning new study finds that most of the breast milk samples tested contained artificial sweeteners. Why has this never been discovered until now and what are the implications to our most vulnerable populations? This groundbreaking study has found for the first time that sucralose and acesulfame-potassium survive maternal metabolism and enter into breast milk in the majority of the breast milk samples tested (65%). As is the case for many chemicals released into the human food supply, adequate proof of the safety of these compounds in infants is not only not available, but unethical to perform in human subjects. This new study will represent something of a litmus test as far as determining how effectively the media will keep this information buried or will report accurately on it once it is released. Given the high gravitas government source of the research, and the profound implications it has to the health of our most susceptible population: newborns and infants, if it goes un- or under-reported it is our job to make sure it gets widespread exposure. Therefore please share this information and relevant links above with relevant parties and stakeholders who should be aware of the true dangers associated with the use of artificial sweeteners.
U.S. Government Admits Cannabis Kills Cancer Cells
The US government has confirmed that cannabis can kill cancer cells after the drug did so in tests on mice and rats, according to the National Cancer Institute. On its website The National Cancer Institute, part of the US department of health, said: "Laboratory and animal studies have shown that cannabinoids (the active ingredient in cannabis) may be able to kill cancer cells while protecting normal cells. They may inhibit tumour growth by causing cell death, blocking cell growth, and blocking the development of blood vessels needed by tumours to grow."