Alternative Health looks at alternative ways of treating illness apart from the medical system.

Reducing Salt Intake Might Harm Heart Failure Patients, Study Claims

Researchers from Rush University Medical Center in Chicago followed more than 800 heart failure patients for an average of three years. Both their health status and salt intake were analyzed. It turned out that those following a low-sodium diet were 85 percent more likely to die or require hospitalization for heart disease compared to those who didn’t restrict their salt intake. Among those restricting their sodium intake, 42 percent died or were hospitalized for heart problems during the study, compared to 26 percent of those with no salt restrictions.

Is Chelation the Next Natural Therapy to be Banned in the U.S.?

If a mainstay treatment of natural medicine doctors is shown to be safe and effective by government research, what do you do? Ban it! Action Alert! Congress passed the Drug Quality and Security Act in response to bad medicine from a rogue compounded-drug company, which the FDA had known about and refused to shut down. The FDA, ever the opportunist, and always working for the interests of Big Pharma, followed by writing regulations that threaten patient access to everything from estriol to nutrient IVs. So far there has been a two-pronged attack: either ban the substance from being compounded, or make it so expensive that no one can use it. Prices of many compounded treatments have already doubled or tripled in some cases. Individualized chelation medications are now on the chopping block as well.

How a Chemical Defense Attorney Became DuPont’s Greatest Nemesis on Teflon Dangers

If you’re still using non-stick cookware, you may want to seriously reconsider. Ditto for using stain- and water-repellant clothing, and opting for stain-resistant carpets and fabrics. All of these products — and many more — contain perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA, also known as C8), which has been revealed to be far more dangerous than previously thought. For 50 years, DuPont used PFOA to make Teflon. Throughout that time, the company has defended the safety of PFOA, and still resists accountability for health problems resulting from exposure to this day. However, the truth has finally come to light. I started warning people about the potential hazards of Teflon over 15 years ago. As a result, I was legally threatened by DuPont many times. The evidence is now crystal clear for everyone to see, just as I have warned of for the last decade and a half. The dangers have become undeniable, and DuPont’s connection to this pernicious poison is starting to receive attention in the mainstream media. The New York Times recently published an in-depth exposé on the legal battle fought against DuPont for the past 15 years over PFOA contamination and its toxic effects. I highly recommend reading through it; it’s an excellent read. Last year, The Intercept also published a three-part exposé titled “The Teflon Toxin: Dupont and the Chemistry of Deception,” detailing DuPont’s history of covering up the facts.

Has PBS Become a Front for Big Pharma?

A PBS Frontline documentary argues that supplements are useless—relying on “expert testimony” from paid Pharma representatives. Last week, PBS’s Frontline aired an hour-long program titled “Supplements and Safety.” Jointly produced by Frontline, the New York Times, and the Canadian Broadcasting Commission, the program was clearly intended to leave viewers with the one-sided impression that dietary supplements are unregulated, unsafe—and that ultimately you, the consumer, should not have the right to stay healthy in a manner of your choosing.

Is the ‘No Shampoo’ Trend Healthy or Harmful?

The "no-'poo" trend — short for "no shampoo" — is all the rage. Taking part is easy; just ditch your shampoo (at least typical detergent varieties) and "wash" (or simply rinse) your hair less, such as once every five days instead of daily or every other day. The idea is that over-shampooing your hair strips it of its natural oils. Dr. Lisa Donofrio, cosmetic surgeon and associate clinical professor of Dermatology at Yale University School of Medicine, told HealthDay News: " By leaving the natural oils on the hair, the hair doesn't need any styling products … If you don't apply any styling products, then there is no need to wash your hair. No products, no need to wash them out." Beyond this, there's growing recognition that perhaps we've become too clean as a society. Your skin is teeming with bacteria and other microorganisms, much of it beneficial. All of that washing may be disturbing this microbial balance. Not to mention, the shampoos many people lather on their scalps are chemical-laden and problematic in their own right.

Health Impact News Launches New Social Media Platform

Health Impact News has announced that it has launched a new Social Media platform: The Health Impact News Communities. The Online Communities of Health Impact News provide a new social platform that is secure and safe, networking like-minded people interested in topics not generally covered by the mainstream media. Hosted entirely within the Health Impact News secure cloud, networking and secure chat is now possible with no personal data being collected and shared with advertisers or parties interested in knowing your identity. To get started in harnessing the powerful social tools available in the Health Impact News Communities, one simply needs to register with an email address. Registration is completely free.

Can Cannabis Help Reverse Alzheimer’s?

Alzheimer's Disease and other forms of dementia have become increasingly epidemic among our expanding age 65 and over population. As of 2015, there are 5.3 million Americans diagnosed with Alzheimer's. At least a third of them don't know they are afflicted. Dementia and Alzheimer's are worsening epidemics, and the pharmaceutical industry has not provided real hope. One has to go outside of mainstream medicine's pharmacopoeia to slow or reverse dementia and Alzheimer's or other neurodegenerative diseases such as MS and Parkinson's. Health Impact News has been a leader in the Alternative Media documenting cases where coconut oil has brought tremendous results to those suffering from Alzheimer's and dementia, and the research and case studies are found at Another alternative for Alzheimer's is one that still has legal issues in many states - it's cannabis or medical marijuana. It doesn't have to be smoked. There are edible options available. It may seem that using cannabis to reduce Alzheimer's symptoms is counter intuitive. But in addition to many anecdotal successes with cannabis for Alzheimer's and dementia, there has been some serious research.

Medicine’s Future: Will the FDA Let It Happen?

The most exciting and innovative advancement in medicine today is the field of medical testing. So why is the FDA strangling it? Natural medicine is said to stand on three legs: a natural diet, nutritional supplements, and integrative treatments. But an essential fourth leg is medical testing. It’s of crucial importance to natural health. If the FDA takes over testing and only approves the tests that the big testing labs can do (and that the insurance companies or Medicare will pay for), there is no future for integrative medicine and little future for medicine as a whole.

Why is a Cancer-Causing Additive Banned Elsewhere in the World Still in Our Bread?

Another example of the power of Big Food in Washington? Potassium bromate, a chemical historically used to whiten and strengthen dough for baking, was declared unsuitable for use in flour by the World Health Organization and the United Nations’ Food and Agricultural Organization in the early 1990s. In 1999 it was declared a possible human carcinogen by the WHO. There’s also evidence that the chemical damages kidney function in humans. Despite the myriad health dangers associated with potassium bromate, the Food and Drug Administration continues to allow its use as a food additive in baked goods.

How to Make Your Own Healing Salve with Plantain-infused Olive and Coconut Oils

Whether you are looking for a safe salve for diaper rashes, or something to rub into working hands that could use a little TLC from all those winter-weather cracks, or an active playful child who has knees and elbows, this salve is for you. It's good for use on insect bites, scratches, rashes, nicks, cuts, dry skin, you name it - and even works as an earthy lip-balm.

Yeast Is A Cause of Cancer And Turmeric Can Kill Both, Research Confirms

A new study validates a controversial cancer theory, namely, that yeast in our body can contribute to not just feeding, but actually causing cancer. Can the ancient healing spice turmeric come to the rescue? Truly, curcumin is fast becoming the most extensively researched and most promising herb for disease prevention and treatment known, with at least 750 studied potential therapeutic applications.

Onion Power!

Eighty-seven percent of U.S. adults say they like onions, which is great news since they're one of the healthiest foods you can eat. Rich in vitamin C, sulphuric compounds, flavonoids, and other phytochemicals, an onion a day may help keep the doctor away. Onions are surprisingly high in beneficial polyphenols, which play an important role in preventing and reducing the progression of diabetes, cancer, and neurodegenerative and cardiovascular diseases. Polyphenols also play an important role as a prebiotic, increasing the ratio of beneficial bacteria in your gut, which is important for health, weight management, and disease prevention. Onions contain more polyphenols than even garlic or leeks, and are one of the best sources of a type of polyphenol called flavonoids, especially the flavonoid quercetin.

Top 10 Stories in 2015 on Health Impact News

News highlighting the dangers of vaccines and medical kidnapping stories dominated our readership in 2015. Half of the top 10 stories were stories about vaccine dangers, and 4 of the top stories were Medical Kidnapping stories of families who lost their children to the medical system and Child Protection Services (CPS). Two of the vaccine stories, including the #1 most-read story in 2015, were stories about young women who reportedly had their lives destroyed by the Gardasil HPV vaccine. Here are the top 10 most read stories in 2015 on the Health Impact News network.

Magnesium — A Key Nutrient for Health and Disease Prevention

Magnesium is the fourth most abundant mineral in your body. More than 3,750 magnesium-binding sites have been detected on human proteins, and it's required for more than 300 different enzymes in your body. As is the case with vitamin D, if you don't have enough magnesium, your body simply cannot function optimally, and insufficient cellular magnesium levels set the stage for deterioration of metabolic function that can snowball into more serious health problems. For starters, magnesium is critical for the optimization of your mitochondria, which have enormous potential to influence your health, especially the prevention of cancer.

Natural Cough and Sore Throat Remedies

Millions of people suffer from sore throats and coughs each year. In the U.S., sore throat is often one of the first signs that you're coming down with a cold, especially if a runny nose and cough soon follow. In most cases you don't need to see your physician for a sore throat, and fewer than 1 in 10 people actually do. Even so, sore throat is the second most common acute infection seen by family practitioners. In 85 percent to 95 percent of cases, sore throats in adults are caused by viruses. Only about 10 percent are due to bacteria, including group A β-hemolytic streptococcus, while allergies, acid reflux, and even dry weather can also cause a sore throat. If you feel a sore throat coming on, you needn't suffer through it. There are many natural remedies that can not only take the edge off but also help with healing. As a bonus, many of the remedies that follow work for both coughs and sore throats because they tackle the underlying viral infection.

Should You Really Chew Your Food 32 Times?

You probably don't give much thought to chewing your food. For most of us it's second-nature, and once you put food in your mouth chewing it is likely as automatic as breathing. Paying more attention to the way you chew, however, especially how long and how thoroughly you chew, may be a simple way to improve your health. People who are obese, for instance, tend to chew less (and for shorter periods) than those who are a normal weight. Research also shows that increasing the number of chews before swallowing reduces meal size by up to nearly 15 percent, which researchers believe might be an effective strategy to help with weight management. "Eating slowly contributes to a lower risk of obesity, probably because it could aid appetite control. Chewing thoroughly is an effective strategy to reduce eating rate … ," the researchers explained in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Yet, chewing slowly is useful for far more than just weight management.

Christian Family Loses 5 Children to CPS for “Radicalizing and Indoctrinating” Children with Christianity

Child welfare services in Norway have reportedly removed five Christian children from their parents' home and placed them into foster care after the parents were accused of radicalizing and indoctrinating their children with Christianity. According to the British-based Christian Institute, Norway's child protection services, known as the Barnevernet, seized the three sons and two daughters of Ruth and Marius Bodnariu in mid-November. Although the family wasn't quite sure at the time why their children were being taken away from them, their lawyer discovered that the parents were being charged with Christian indoctrination. The Bodnariu's lawyer obtained a copy of the government document that lists the charges against Marius and Ruth, which includes being listed as "radical Christians who were indoctrinating their children."

Dr. Burzynski on Trial Again – Will His Life-saving Cancer Treatments Ever be Available to the Public?

After several years of FDA trial restrictions and medical bureaucratic harassment by the Texas Medical Board (TMB) through the courts system, it appeared that Dr. Burzynski was completely cleared in 2012 of all charges brought against him. The final court decisions that favored Burzynski were upheld in higher courts despite TMB appeals. It was a long, costly and bitter battle, with many former cancer free patients coming to testify on behalf of Dr. Burzynski's treatment authenticity and efficacy. The charges are different this time. Instead of attacking his ingenious new antineoplaston approach, they're charging him and his immediate staff of personal misconduct within various medical guidelines with the intention of removing their medical licenses. The central issue appears to be that Dr. Burzynski is not affiliated with a pharmaceutical company, but he owns the patents for his antineoplastons. In 1982, Dr. Richard Crout, Director of the FDA's Bureau of Drugs openly asserted: "I never have and never will approve a new drug to an individual, but only to a large pharmaceutical firm with unlimited finances."

The Powerful Health Benefits of Coffee Enema Therapy that Big Pharma Does Not Want you to Know

Why does Big Pharma hate coffee enema therapy? The answer is that coffee enemas are a powerful liver detoxification tool, a pain relieving therapy, and a therapy for cleansing and healing the colon. Retention coffee enemas are a key part of successful alternative cancer treatment protocols, because they rid the body of toxins that cause cancer and eliminate the toxins released by dead and dying cancer cells. Coffee enemas do all this and more without side effects and at minimal cost.

Therapeutic Value of Vitamin C Now Linked to Cancer Treatment

A recent series of studies reported by Science Magazine online indicated the need to further research mega-dose vitamin C, usually delivered intravenously, as an adjunct for cancer treatments with normal treatment resistance due to KRAS or BRAF gene mutations. Half or more colorectal (colon), lung, and ovarian cancer cells contain those mutated genes that manage to repel chemotherapeutic attempts at targeting them. The laboratory and animal studies convinced researchers that there is potential for at least applying mega-dose vitamin C therapy with conventional chemotherapy to lead the charge at disabling those genes. This was a mainstream medical research endeavor, not an alternative treatment study. But some oncologists lauded the study and feel compelled to start using mega-dose vitamin C therapies on cancer patients with conventional oncology's “standard of care” chemotherapy.