Alternative Health looks at alternative ways of treating illness apart from the medical system.
Thyroid Cancer Scare: The Test Removes Your Thyroid Whether it is Cancerous or Not
Suppose you went to a doctor for low energy and a raspy throat. You vaguely suspect your thyroid is weak, maybe hypothyroidism. But after a series of tests, tiny nodules were found on your throat and the doctor determined you needed to have your thyroid removed, a thyroidectomy, to determine whether or not the nodules are cancerous. Then you are told not to worry, there are medicines that will be prescribed to replace the missing thyroid's hormone production. You would have to take them for the rest of your life. You figure anything is better than dying from cancer spreading from the thyroid to elsewhere or undergoing chemotherapy, so you go for it. Nipping it in the bud, they say. Then after the procedure, you discover that those nodules weren't cancerous and there was no threat of cancer. You'll have to take those synthetic pharmaceutical drugs forever, but at least you know you're cancer free now. After several months of taking those drugs, you discover your complaints and symptoms prior to the surgical procedure have been worsening. This unfortunate medical procedure is harming people far too often, leading some doctors to declare it needs to stop.
Harry Hoxsey’s Cancer Cure and His Long War Against the Medical Establishment
Harry Hoxsey's flamboyant, aggressive persona persisted through several decades of AMA attempts to stop him from curing cancer patients. He even won a libel lawsuit in 1950 against AMA head Dr. Morris Fishbein and the powerful Hearst Publications group. It wasn't until the FDA became more empowered to intervene with interstate sales of unapproved remedies that the Hoxsey Clinic was forced to shut down all its clinics throughout 16 different states in 1960 and move to Tijuana, Mexico in 1963. Hoxsey appointed his longtime assistant Mildred Nelson, RN, to make the move and change the clinic's name to avoid further harassment while he remained in Dallas to deal with his successful oil business. Now it's called the Bio-Medical Center. It was established there in 1963. According to the Center's executive administrator Liz Jonas, Mildred Nelson's sister, its cancer free success rate is 80 percent. This includes patients abandoned by orthodox oncology. This article will conclude with a list of some of the better known clinics and hospitals in Mexico that welcome cancer patients with highly effective natural treatments without terrible side effects. Most of these treatments are currently banned in the United States, due to Big Pharma's monopoly on cancer drugs that only treat symptoms, but do not actually cure cancer. A true cancer cure would kill their multi-billion dollar industry, which requires new patients to grow every year.
The Thyroid Connection Summit: Help for Your Thyroid from Top Alternative Health Experts
Dr. Amy Myers, M.D., a renowned leader in functional medicine and the New York Times bestselling author of The Autoimmune Solution and The Thyroid Connection is hosting The Thyroid Connection Online Summit from October 24-31. The Summit is FREE to anyone who registers. This Summit will feature top notch presentations on thyroid health from some of the biggest names in Alternative Health, information you are not likely to find in conventional medicine or the mainstream media. You are encouraged to join the Thyroid Connection Summit if you have Graves’, Hashimoto’s, hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism, cancer, nodules, cysts, are post-I-131 radiation or are post-thyroidectomy, or if your doctor says your labs are normal, yet you still have symptoms. The Thyroid Connection Summit will help you: Work with your doctor to get the right diagnosis/treatment, Address the root causes of thyroid dysfunction, Implement healthy dietary and lifestyle changes, Reclaim your health and vitality, And more! Tens of millions worldwide have some form of thyroid dysfunction, and 60% don’t know they have it or how it occurred. Attend the Thyroid Connection Summit online for FREE!
Dr. Oz Looks at Medical Marijuana as a Potential Cure for Opioid Addiction
Opioid painkiller addiction is the fastest growing drug addiction in the United States today, and it was recently featured on the popular Dr. Oz TV show. Dr. Oz pointed out the astonishing statistics that 48 million Americans, one out of every 5, have reported that they have abused prescription drugs. 12 states have more opioid pain pill prescriptions than people. In states where marijuana is legal, however, opioid prescriptions are declining. Dr. Oz looks at the question: Is marijuana the new gateway drug OUT of opioid addiction?
Truth About Cancer Live Symposium Huge Success – FREE Replay This Weekend
In what was a star-studded event in Dallas last weekend, some of the biggest names in Alternative Health gathered all together in one place for the first time in a live Symposium event. Some of the top names in alternative health that delivered keynote presentations included: Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski, Dr. Jonathan V. Wright, Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, Dr. Andrew Wakefield, Dr. Jack & Heather Wolfson, and many others, including Mike Adams, Sayer Ji, and Robert Scott Bell, some of the biggest names in the alternative health media along with Dr. Mercola and Ty and Charlene Bollinger. For those that missed the live Symposium last weekend, they are replaying it and streaming it over the Internet again this weekend, starting tomorrow Friday October 21, 2016.
Doctor Reverses Diabetes and Takes Patients off of Prescription Drugs with Fasting
Fasting is one of the oldest dietary interventions in the world, and modern science confirms it can have a profoundly beneficial influence on your health. Dr. Jason Fung, a nephrologist (kidney specialist) with a practice in Canada, has written an important landmark book on this topic. For the first decade of his practice, Fung was — like most doctors — conventionally oriented. As a kidney specialist, many of his patients had type 2 diabetes as the primary cause of their kidney failure. Fung went on to implement fasting in his practice, and the results, he says, have been "unbelievable." He's been able to take many patients off all medications; they're losing weight, report increased energy, and their diabetes is reversed.
Truth About Cancer Live Event Starts During October Pink Propaganda Scam
October has been dubbed Breast Cancer Awareness month. The American Cancer Society (ACS) and the Susan G. Komen for the Cure are the two most visible fund raising groups for the multi-billion dollar cancer industry. The American Cancer Society teamed with the pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca in 1985 to create October as the breast cancer awareness month. AstraZeneca is a major chemotherapy drug manufacturer. The pink ribbon and pinking commercial products gimmick comes from the Komen clan. A small percentage of sales with those “pinked” products goes to contributing toward cancer drug research. Komen's major fund raising efforts include running for the cure, walking for the cure, and other fund raising activities where participants pay for their involvement. The multi-billion dollar cancer industry has been growing for many years now, and it depends on more clients, and NOT finding a cure so new drugs can enter the market. As an alternative to the lucrative cancer drug industry, Ty and Charlene Bollinger's Truth About Cancer events have educated hundreds of thousands of people on real cancer cures, with free online articles and health summits with the world's leading authorities on true cancer research. Mainstream media will not publish this kind of life-saving information, as they are heavily funded by the pharmaceutical and cancer industry. For the first time ever, most of these leaders in the alternative health field are gathering in Dallas, Texas this weekend (Oct. 14-16) for a live-streamed symposium that is offered free to the public.
Forbidden Cures: Avocados and Purple Potatoes Kill Cancer Cells
“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food” is a quote often attributed to Hippocrates, along with the “first do no harm” medical approach. He is considered the Greek father of Western medicine and his philosophical natural approach is repeated by many in the alternative health field today. But these quotes are rarely practiced in mainstream medicine. Instead, we have a culture suckered into eating unhealthy processed and fast foods and indoctrinated by mainstream medicine to believe only western modern medicine, ruled by the pharmaceutical industry's toxic synthetic chemicals, can keep you disease free. Most mainstream medical professionals disapprovingly wince or shrug their shoulders whenever someone inquires about dietary influences. Except for cautioning against cigarette smoking and alcohol consumption, the attitude among most practicing M.D.s is just eat what you want and rely on our pharmaceutical solutions to fix you. Food as first medicine for cancer is mostly preventative, though some prove worthy as healing agents or adjuncts to other protocols. Studies show that avocados and purple potatoes kill cancer cells, for example.
Mainstream News Media: Freedom of the Press or Controlled Propaganda?
The manipulation of the American mind has become a sophisticated science. Media controllers twist together half-truths, pictures of distorted reality, and outright lies so that we will trust the official reports of government, accept the claims and plans of corporations, and believe the work of scientists who do research on behalf of government agencies and corporations. This article will look at how mainstream media distorts the truth and manipulates public perception. It will look at how public relations agencies create fake organizations to simulate grassroots movements, and how government agencies and corporations manipulate and fabricate scientific research to advance their agendas. It will present 12 simple steps that you can use to break the power of propaganda and separate the lies from the truth.
Over 40 Alternative Health Experts Gather in Dallas for Live Symposium – Watch Online for FREE!
On Friday October 14, 2016, an all-star lineup of some of the biggest names in alternative health will gather together for the first time in Dallas, Texas for the Truth About Cancer Ultimate LIVE Symposium. The 3-day event will be live-streamed over the Internet for free to those who preregister, so one does not need to be in Dallas that weekend to participate in this historical event, which is sure to change many lives. Some of the top names in alternative health that will be presenting life-changing information include: Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski, Dr. Jonathan V. Wright, Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, Dr. Andrew Wakefield, Dr. Joseph Mercola, Dr. Jack & Heather Wolfson, and many others, including Mike Adams, Sayer Ji, and Robert Scott Bell, some of the biggest names in the alternative health media along with Dr. Mercola and Ty and Charlene Bollinger. Ty and Charlene Bollinger are the hosts of this event, and they are the world-wide leaders in publishing life-changing information regarding the truth about cancer. Their summits and newsletters have reached millions of people with the truth about cancer, changing countless lives with valuable information that you will not find in the mainstream media.
Does the New iPhone with No Headphone Jack Have Health Risks?
Apple just announced that its newest brainchild, iPhone 7, which touts a thinner profile, exceptional water resistance and superior sound quality, will not feature a standard headphone jack. However, the World Health Organization (WHO) classified radiofrequency (RF) electromagnetic fields (EMF) linked with wireless phone use as possibly carcinogenic to humans (aka cancer-causing), with potential for "increased risk for glioma, a malignant type of brain cancer." The report was issued in 2011.
Carcinogen Chromium-6 in Tap Water of More Than 200 Million Americans
In the film "Erin Brockovich," the environmental crusader confronts the lawyer of a power company that polluted the tap water of Hinkley, Calif., with a carcinogenic chemical called chromium-6. When the lawyer picks up a glass of water, Brockovich says: “We had that water brought in ‘specially for you folks. Came from a well in Hinkley.” The lawyer sets down the glass and says, "I think this meeting’s over." But almost 25 years after that real-life confrontation, the conflict over chromium-6 is not over. A new EWG analysis of federal data from nationwide drinking water tests shows that the compound contaminates water supplies for more than 200 million Americans in all 50 states. Yet federal regulations are stalled by a chemical industry challenge that could mean no national regulation of a chemical state scientists in California and elsewhere say causes cancer when ingested at even extraordinarily low levels.
No Evidence for Fluoridated Water to Result in Less Cavities
Two-thirds of Americans drink tap water that has added fluoride. Unlike other chemicals added to water, which are intended to treat the water itself, fluoride is intended to treat the people who drink the water, whether they want the treatment or not. As the Fluoride Action Network (FAN) puts it, “Fluoridating water supplies can thus fairly be described as a form of mass medication, which is why most European countries have rejected the practice.” In the U.S., many people assume the fluoride in drinking water is beneficial for their teeth, an assumption that has been widely spread by public health agencies. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has partnered with the American Dental Association (ADA) in saying fluoridation is “nature’s way to prevent tooth decay” — a statement that is both misleading and inaccurate.
Grassroots Efforts to Allow Medical Cannabis to Treat Autism
With the addition of Pennsylvania and Ohio in 2016, the total number of states in America allowing the use of cannabis medically is now 25. The non-state known as the District of Columbia or Washington, D.C., the nation's capitol, also has allowances for medical cannabis. They all have variations of what ailments or diseases are allowed for obtaining a medical marijuana permit. The states that are the most liberal include Colorado, Washington (state), and Oregon. They allow recreational use of marijuana, thus eliminating the need for approval from a bureaucratic medical marijuana approval system. Some states have more restrictions than others. For example, in New Mexico, hepatitis C is a condition allowed for cannabis, but only if one is using an FDA approved medically prescribed anti-viral. In other words, only as an adjunct for interferon type drugs that have a history of nasty side effects. This helps keep those who would rather avoid the medical system in it. Nearby Arizona allows cannabis for hepatitis C without the concurrent anti-viral treatment requirement. But so far, only one state allows medical cannabis for those diagnosed with aggressive or destructive autism, Delaware. Currently, a panel within the Minnesota Department of Health has met to discuss the possibility of including autism as a qualified condition for cannabis use. If you are a Minnesota resident and wish to register your supporting opinion or parental giver story with that panel, they are open to comments until September 20th.
The Importance of CoQ10 for Heart Health and Much More
In an earlier Health Impact News article, it was pointed out how statin drugs cut back on the body's ability to produce an important co-enzyme called CoQ10. One of CoQ10's important health features, among others, is that it's vital for good heart health. Ironically, statin drugs prescribed for protecting cardiovascular health hamper this heart health co-enzyme production, and worse, it affects other areas of health. This could explain the other adverse side effects of statin drugs, such as fatigue, lowered immunity, and aching joints, muscles, and tendons. Co-enzyme Q 10 (CoQ10) was identified from its function, not its structure. It actually involves a complex cycle that affects electron transfer in tissue cells, most importantly brain, heart, and liver organ tissues, and promotes intracellular energy production throughout the body.
Kratom: Why is the FDA Banning this Herb that Helps Break Addiction to Opioid Drug Addicts?
Within weeks of denying an anticipated change in the DEA's classification of cannabis as a schedule I controlled substance, the DEA has announced plans to post another harmless plant as schedule I by September 30th, 2016. The newly posted schedule I substance is kratom. Schedule I is a category of drugs the DEA considers dangerous, subject to abuse, and addictive. The DEA has many drugs like that in other more permissive categories, but the clincher for cannabis and now kratom is that they supposedly "lack medical merit." And how does the DEA know whether or not a “controlled substance” has or doesn't have medical merit? They rely on the FDA's word, the same government agency that the pharmaceutical industry pays over $2 million for each drug's license to market. Throughout the nation, many have been using kratom leaf teas or powders and capsules to help them withdraw successfully from opioid painkillers and that other street drug opioid, heroin. Kratom has been used traditionally for opiate withdrawal primarily in Southeast Asia for centuries.
Study: High Cholesterol Does not Cause Heart Disease- Treating with Statins a “Waste of Time”
Cholesterol does not cause heart disease in the elderly and trying to reduce it with drugs like statins is a waste of time, an international group of experts has claimed. A review of research involving nearly 70,000 people found there was no link between what has traditionally been considered “bad” cholesterol and the premature deaths of over 60-year-olds from cardiovascular disease. Published in the BMJ Open journal, the new study found that 92 percent of people with a high cholesterol level lived longer. The authors have called for a re-evaluation of the guidelines for the prevention of cardiovascular disease and atherosclerosis, a hardening and narrowing of the arteries, because “the benefits from statin treatment have been exaggerated”.
Zero Deaths from Supplements: But FDA Wants to Restrict Them Anyway
According to the most recent data, there are zero deaths from supplements. But the FDA’s tightening of supplement regulations is for our safety, right? Action Alert! Every year, the American Association of Poison Control Center’s National Poison Data System (NPDS) releases an annual report that tracks deaths and serious adverse events as a result of poisoning from a wide variety of substances, including drugs and supplements. NPDS is “the only comprehensive, near real-time, poisoning surveillance database in the United States.” According to the most recent report, ZERO Americans died from taking any supplement in 2013. That includes anything from substances that must be taken with care and medical guidance, such as kava kava or yohimbe, or ayurvedic medicines (which must be sourced with care to be sure they are free of heavy metals), to standard vitamins and amino acids, to the gentlest homeopathic remedies. Of course, to most of us in the natural health world this is unsurprising. Dietary supplements have an exemplary track record of safety. In fact, our partners at ANH International calculated that, according to the European Union’s own data, we are more likely to be struck and killed by lightning than die from taking a supplement.
Millions of Bees Dead from Zika Spraying – Nation’s Food System in Great Peril
Health Impact News reporter John Thomas' dire warnings about actions taken to combat the Zika hoax are already coming true. While there is no credible evidence that mosquitoes can carry Zika, or that Zika presents any public health threat, the evidence is mounting fast that efforts to fight Zika present the greatest threats to our nation's health and well-being. National mainstream media is widely reporting today that Dorchester County, S.C. aerially sprayed naled, a pesticide used to kill mosquitoes across the county this week, which resulted in the deaths of millions of bees.
CBD Oil Without the “High” – Medical Marijuana’s New Healing Force the FDA Wants to Restrict
Medical marijuana has two primary cannabinoids that are medicinally proven and understood to some extent, THC and CBD. They can both regulate each other and cooperate harmoniously. THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) is the psychoactive cannabinoid. CBD or cannabidiol was the un-heralded major cannabinoid that has only recently gained notoriety after going on its own instead of merely medicinally complementing THC. Most of this notoriety occurred through national TV exposure from Dr. Gupta Sanjay's CNN documentary “Weed." That documentary featured a young girl's struggle with a life threatening type of chronic epilepsy called Dravet's syndrome. Her name was Charlotte Figi and she was experiencing hundreds of seizures weekly. Out of desperation that led to discovery, the Figi family discovered CBD oil, which led to a miraculous turn-around with Charlotte's horrific symptoms. They found that they could administer CBD oil, made from marijuana, without making their child "high." This discovery spread quickly through Sanjay's CNN nationwide presentation going viral, exposing how many desperate families whose children can benefit from CBD exist throughout the nation and elsewhere.