Alternative Health looks at alternative ways of treating illness apart from the medical system.

Mushrooms are Nature’s Ancient Medicine

Mushrooms are accepted as culinary delights that are mixed in certain dishes or used as toppings on pizzas. But their tonic and healing qualities are unknown to most in the West. For centuries, Asian, especially Chinese, and Eastern European cultures have used various mushrooms as tonics for improving health and medicinally for curing a wide variety of diseases. The comprehensive guide by Robert Rogers, The Fungal Pharmacy, lists over 270 species of fungi with known medicinal properties, including antioxidant, blood pressure lowering, cholesterol reducing, liver protection, anti-diabetic, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and immune modulating properties. Some have anti-cancer properties sufficient for healing with other natural modalities or ameliorating the adverse effects of harsh orthodox oncology treatments. Although some medicinal mushrooms can be eaten fresh, their medicinal qualities are unleashed fully by hot water (teas) or alcohol (food grade) tincture extractions. Mushrooms tend to be adaptogenic, meaning they adjust the necessary immune responses according to what is needed. They are intelligent and work with the body’s innate intelligence. It doesn’t get any more natural than that.

KY Amish Farmer Jailed over a Salve Label; the FDA Wants Him Jailed for Life

Amish farmer Sam Girod of Owingsville makes 3 products: a chickweed salve, a bloodroot salve and an essential oil blend called Sine Eze. You can find similar products online. In fact, you’ll find the recipes online. You can make these products in your kitchen, it’s not rocket science. A few years ago, the FDA came after Sam for labeling crimes — Sam said his salves could cure certain things and that’s a big FDA no-no. Sam immediately fixed the labels as per FDA demands. But then the FDA fixated on him and just would not let go. I’ve seen this over and over and over again. An alphabet agency gets you in its sights and just will not quit. State agencies are bad enough, but the feds… the feds are especially lawless. There is no accountability in a federal agency, they break their own rules as a matter of course. The first thing of note is that, when it comes to powerful well-funded federal agencies looking to set precedent, the Amish have a special target on their backs. Why? Because they generally don’t use lawyers which makes them easy prey. They don’t use lawyers because the Amish are self-sufficient, they know their constitutional rights and they are a peaceful community. They don’t fight back (unless lives are at stake).

Media Wars: Google Blacklists Alternative Health Site

Health Impact News exists because much of the information we publish cannot be found in the mainstream corporate media. I personally started publishing on the Internet back in 2000 while living in the Philippines, being one of the first to educate the public the truth about coconut oil and saturated fats. Later, we expanded to other topic areas and Health Impact News was born. One of the oldest and largest websites on the Internet publishing health information not found in the mainstream media is Natural News. Mike Adams is the founder of Natural News. I know Mike Adams, and consider him my friend. And while his style of journalism might be different than Health Impact News, he is an honest man, and one of the most brilliant people I have ever met. This week, he reported that forces have been threatening him and trying to blackmail him into discrediting Alex Jones, another leader in the Independent Media who reaches millions of people every day, and is a President Trump supporter. When Mr. Adams refused, and instead published the threat, he reports that his entire website was blacklisted by Google, which he alleges removed 140,000 pages of his website from its index.

Another Alzheimer’s Drug a Huge Flop

Two years ago we reported that Eli Lilly had a potential blockbuster drug for Alzheimer’s in the third and final phase of FDA trials. If it won approval, it was expected to bring in $7.6 billion in sales by 2024. The results are in, and it’s back to the drawing board for Eli Lilly. The drug showed no statistically significant benefits in halting cognitive decline. In the meantime—clearly intending to approve this new Alzheimer’s drug—the FDA launched an attack against key brain health supplements picamilon and vinpocetine. There was precedent for such a move—the FDA did the same thing to tryptophan before the first SSRI antidepressant drugs came out. It’s a key move in the crony playbook.

World Premiere Docuseries: The Thyroid Secret – Get Your Health Back – FREE Online!

Did you know that nearly 1 in 3* Americans have Thyroid Disease? And of those people suffering with thyroid disease, almost 60% have no idea why their body is betraying them? Though thyroid symptoms vary and are often nondescript, they greatly impact people’s ability to feel strong, healthy, and happy. The Thyroid Secret Docuseries will help to raise awareness about thyroid conditions (such as hypothyroidism, Hashimoto's, Graves disease, nodules, thyroid cancer, hyperthyroidism and postpartum thyroiditis) as well as the interventions that get to the root cause of their conditions and can help a person recover their health. We feature a lineup of top thyroid and health experts, including Dr. Izabella Wentz, Dr. Alan Christianson, Dr. Tom O'Bryan, Dr. Datis Kharrazian, Andrea Nakayama, Dr. Mark Hyman, Dr. Kelly Brogan, Sayer Ji, Dr. Sarah Ballantyne, Dave Asprey + Hashimoto's Awareness and Thyroid Change charities. Plus numerous patient stories depicting their painful experiences as well as the healing that is possible. This documentary has innovative, actionable, effective and easy to understand solutions coupled with patient empowerment. It begins March 1st, and registration is FREE online.

Tell Congress Homeschoolers Do NOT Want Government Money!

It has been said that there is no such thing as a free lunch. As homeschooling families know too well, government money will eventually lead to government control. That's why HSLDA is opposing a bill introduced by our friends in Congress, Rep. Steve King (IA) and Rep. Andy Harris (MD). Though well-intentioned, H.R. 610 is ultimately ill-advised. It calls for sending all federal education dollars to the states in the forms of federal grants so that the states can then give the money as vouchers to public, private, and homeschool students. But HSLDA has repeatedly told our friends on Capitol Hill that our members and many other homeschooling families know that government dollars will eventually result in government regulation. Although we are grateful for our friends on Capitol Hill, and although we know that representatives King and Harris are well-intentioned, they need to hear loud and clear from the homeschool community. Even though the vouchers created by H.R. 610 would be voluntary, we believe that this would be a slippery slope toward more federal involvement and control in homeschooling. If you do not want federal government "help," if you just want to be left alone, this is the time to speak up.

Big Pharma Attacks Natural Prostate Treatment

Last year, the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) published an editorial advising doctors to be cautious about using high-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) to treat prostate cancer. The authors claim that there is no definitive evidence of safety and efficacy for HIFU. This is nonsense. HIFU has been approved and used in Europe and Japan for over a decade. It has been studied and studied. The likely real reason for opposition from the medical establishment is that doctors are making billions from the earlier treatments and do not want to give up the income after years of training, despite the horrific side effects of impotence and incontinence that come with them.

As Medicinal Cannabis Heals More People, Federal Government Increases Restrictions to Stop It

The most recent governmental bureaucratic actions against medical cannabis was a joint effort of the DEA and FDA, both of which work together to ensure the pharmaceutical industry can dominate medical applications of cannabis. Early this year, 2017, cannabidiol (CBD) was placed firmly as a Schedule 1 Drug on its controlled substance list, even though CBD is an extract from cannabis that does not have psychotropic effects (no "high" from usage.) Because CBD does not produce any psychotropic effects, and yet is effective for several medical issues, most notably epileptic seizures, it has been allowed for children with epilepsy even in some states that do not permit full plant cannabis with THC medically. Yet now the DEA says it’s as medically useless and dangerous as heroin.

Autoimmune Revolution: Encore Day Broadcasts ALL Episodes FREE

This past week thousands of people have tuned in to Dr. Peter Osborne's Autoimmune Revolution online DocuSeries. If you missed any of these fantastic presentations by some of the top minds in Alternative Health, you have a chance to listen to each presentation FREE on the Encore Day, Monday, February 6th.

Avoid Toxic Chemical Fabric Softeners – Make Your Own

Incredibly damaging chemical mixtures make up the active ingredients in a staggering number of products many people use on a daily basis. Fabric softener can be included in this category. Fabric softeners may top the list as one of the worst offenders, and may be one of the products environmentalists had in mind when the term "indoor pollutants" was coined. Alarmingly, many of these toxins are approved by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Fabric softeners were designed to free your clothes of both wrinkles and static cling, and give them a fresh fragrance. But what amalgamation of ingredients have the teams of scientists concocted in laboratories to bring you these indulgences? And how toxic are they? According to the Environmental Working Group (EWG), fabric softeners contain chemicals and fragrances that can cause skin and respiratory irritations. The fragrances alone can come from hundreds of different compounds, many of them potentially toxic. If you're in the market for a super cheap fabric softener you can make yourself without all the noxious ingredients, very easy alternatives can be made at home using ingredients found in nearly any supermarket.

Big Pharma Failing Diabetics: Diabetes Can Be Prevented, Controlled, and Reversed Naturally

Celebrity doctor Mehmet Oz exclaimed on national TV not long ago, “Alarm bells are ringing. The CDC estimates that one third of all Americans will develop diabetes and will live 15 years less and lose quality of life. No public health problem compares in scale.” The burgeoning diabetes epidemic comes mostly in the form of type 2 diabetes. Of the 29.1 million cases of diabetes estimated in 2014, only 1.25 million were type 1 diabetic, less than five percent. Type 2 diabetes is actually a life style disease, preventable with proper exercise and diet, and even reversible the same way. Pharmaceutical medications for type 2 diabetes rarely if ever improve that condition, and their side effects are actually precursors for other diseases, even cancer. A type 2 diabetic prescribed insulin will most likely become type 1 diabetic instead of curing type 2. Diabetes 2 is happening among a large portion of our population who are victims of SAD, the Standard American Diet of processed and fast foods as well as other poor and sedentary lifestyle choices. And injecting insulin for type 2 diabetics, though sometimes prescribed, is decried as the wrong approach by others who consider it like pouring kerosene on a fire to put it out.

The Autoimmune Revolution: Breaking the Cycle of Pain – FREE Online Docu-series

The average lifespan of someone with an autoimmune disease is 10 years shorter than a healthy person. It doesn't have to be this way! Learn to break the cycle of autoimmune pain at Dr. Peter Osborne’s Autoimmune Revolution! Attend this event FREE and online January 30, 2017 through February 6, 2017. Autoimmune diseases and the physical, chemical and emotional pain they create impacts millions around the world. The primary way doctors treat these diseases today is to prescribe immune suppressing drugs. Unfortunately, this approach has failed to achieve a meaningful outcome and has created an even greater health crisis — what Dr. Peter Osborne calls “The Prescription Pain Trap” — which you will learn more about during this event.

Study: Antacids During Pregnancy Linked to Increase in Asthma in Children

Not only do they make your acid reflux problems worse, acid blockers actually sicken your unborn child. An analysis of eight different studies, including data from over 1.6 million patients, found that taking heartburn medication during pregnancy significantly increases the risk for asthma for the baby. The researchers found that proton pump inhibitors (such as Prilosec or Nexium) increase the risk of babies developing asthma by 30%; other acid blockers (like Pepcid and Tagamet) increased the risk by 46%. These are huge numbers. This is of course only the latest alarm bell to go off regarding Big Pharma’s wrong-headed answer to acid reflux and stomach problems. These drugs are the poster children of everything wrong with our current medical establishment and drug approval process.

Medical Director of California Holistic Cancer Clinic Writes New Book on Treating and Preventing Cancer

There is a cancer clinic in California that labels itself integrative, but is far beyond the normal medical approach that many cancer clinics advertise as "integrative." Most cancer clinics use the term "integrative" in assisting patients with managing the toxic side effects of conventional chemotherapy and radiation therapy. This clinic uses natural modalities as a major part of its healing while using some low dose chemotherapy as needed with an advanced targeted approach that limits side effects. This clinic is in Irvine, California, and it’s called The New Center for Medicine. The Center is a pleasant modern outpatient facility with all its treatments for various maladies, including cancer, under one roof. Irvine is situated between Los Angeles and San Diego and is easily accessed by all modes of transportation. Cancer Center for Healing customizes a treatment approach according to blood test toxicity and genetic reading results to combine the best of natural and integrative cancer treatments for shrinking primary tumors, slowing the growth of tumors, and eliminating cancer cells that may metastasize to other parts of the body. Their cancer treatment plans protect your normal healthy cells, boost your immune system, and block the angiogenic process, where tumors develop blood vessels to promote their growth, while negating cancer-induced muscle loss or wasting away known medically as cachexia, a common occurrence among conventional cancer patients.

FDA Defies Congress Again

In the waning days of 2016, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) ignored the expressed will of Congress. The agency completed a “guidance” document that prohibits traditional compounding pharmacies from stocking doctors’ offices with custom drugs. In December 2015, Congress included a provision in an end-of-the-year spending bill ordering the FDA to issue a guidance document clarifying how physicians and compounding pharmacists could continue the “office use” of drugs. These are custom drugs that a doctor keeps on hand for immediate treatment use. Congress could not have been clearer: the agency was not to forbid office use. The FDA has now answered—by ignoring it.

Industry Funding has Turned Science-Based Evidence into Science-Biased Propaganda

Industry funded "science" has tainted our world and turned science-based evidence into science-biased propaganda. Universities are laundering money through foundations to intentionally hide relationships, while scientists secretly nurture their relationships with corporate executives. Negative outcomes go unpublished, the peer review process is so weak only studies that challenge industry interests are heavily scrutinized (usually by scientists hired by corporate public relations firms). Media is paid handsomely to ensure the public that "the science is settled," especially when corporate liability is a primary concern. Raw data is held captive, conflicts of interest are not fully disclosed and studies are designed to specifically obtain a desired outcome. It's certainly no secret that academic research is often funded by corporations. Academia often claims that such funding allows for innovation and does not influence the outcome of the studies. Industry, too, claims that such relationships do not influence the scientific process.

Alternative Cancer Clinic in Arizona Uses Natural Therapies with High Success Rate

What if you knew of an all natural cancer clinic that has survived in the USA for nine years with a very high rate of remission and recovery rates? There is one in Tempe, Arizona. It’s called NatureWorksBest Cancer Clinic. Cancer patients come to that clinic after they’ve been diagnosed with cancer from conventional oncologists. There are some USA “integrative” cancer clinics and hospitals that offer natural treatments to mostly support cancer patients through orthodox oncology procedures. But the NatureWorksBest cancer clinic does not use chemotherapy, radiation therapy, or surgery at all while using state of the art diagnostic methods to determine patients’ progress. Dr. Colleen Huber recorded 397 of her clinic’s patient histories from start to finish up to 2015, including those who left early, did chemotherapy, radiation and surgery, and refused to comply with her dietary recommendations. Only a few died while under her clinic’s care.

Cholesterol Lowering Statin Drugs Increase Progression of Coronary Artery Calcification

Statins are the most profitable medications produced by the Big Pharma Cartel. A report from the National Center for Health Statistics claims that 50% of men age 65-74, and nearly 40% of women over the age of 75 take a statin medication. A 2011 study found over 32 million Americans were taking a statin drug. If that many people are prescribed a drug, one would assume that the drug is effective at treating or preventing something. How effective are statin medications? Not very. This class of medications fails nearly 99% of those who take them. Cardiologists order coronary artery calcium scores to assess how much calcium is deposited in the coronary arteries. This test is done with a computerized tomography (CT) scan. According to the Cleveland Clinic, “Coronary calcium scores are the most sensitive approaches to detecting coronary calcification from atherosclerosis before symptoms develop.” In other words, the higher the coronary artery calcium score, the more risk there is for having a heart attack. An article in The Journal of the American College of Cardiology investigated whether the use of stains influences the progression of coronary artery calcification during five years of follow-up in subjects who took a statin medication and compared them to subjects who did not take a statin drug. The scientists reported that subjects who took statins for five years, when compared to those that took a placebo, were found to have a 2-fold increase in coronary artery calcification progression.

Diatomaceous Earth: Safe Supplement that Supports Human Detoxification and Restores Collagen

Diatomaceous earth (DE) is an inexpensive natural compound with multiple uses. As a food grade powder it can be used to detox heavy metals, parasites, and microbial pathogens. It also distributes silica internally. Silica is an important component of bone matter. So is magnesium, which is to a lesser extent part of DE. Without silica and magnesium, supplementing calcium alone is dangerous. Calcium’s assimilation into building bone matter depends on both silica and magnesium as well as vitamin D. Without proper assimilation into bone matter, calcium remains in the blood and can literally calcify in the arteries, creating arteriosclerosis. DE is known for its ability to safely eliminate bugs of all types, including bedbugs, from dwellings, gardens, and small organic farms. It’s safe because it is non-toxic to humans and animals. Chemical insecticides are toxic to mammalian nervous systems. That’s how they work on insects, by destroying their nervous systems. Diatomaceous earth works on insects externally by desiccating (completely drying) their exoskeletons or hard outer surfaces, which they need to survive. So yes, this inexpensive abundant material can be used in various ways safely as long as it is food grade DE.

Snopes Exposed: A Look at the “Fake News” Watch Dogs

Unless you've been living under a rock or hiding beneath the covers in your bed for the past couple of months, you've undoubtedly heard the war cries against "fake news." Facebook — being the largest social media site on which news is shared among millions — has vowed to take steps to limit the amount of "misinformation" that can be spread on its site by forwarding suspected fake news stories to fact-checkers like Snopes. The danger of giving certain entities the power to tag a news story as "fake" or "real" is clearly demonstrated by recent revelations about Snopes. After Facebook announced Snopes would be used to fact-check stories, The Daily Mail questioned Snopes' façade as a paragon of truth. Snopes was created in 1995 by Barbara and David Mikkelson to explore the truth and fiction behind myths and urban legends (see video above). According to the Daily Mail's investigation into the company, the couple posed as "The San Fernardo Valley Folklore Society" when they first started — a society that, in fact, does not exist as a legal entity. David has admitted they created the fake society, with official-looking stationary and all, "to help make the inquiries seem more legit." The Mikkelsons divorced in 2015, but are still locked in a heated legal battle over corporate and private funds. Barbara claims David embezzled $98,000 of company money, allegedly spending it on "himself and prostitutes," and used corporate funds for his personal use, including attorney's fees, without consulting her. David, on the other hand, claims he's been underpaid, and is demanding an "industry standard" rate of at least $360,000 per year. He's currently making $240,000 a year from Snopes. He also accuses Barbara of taking millions of dollars from their joint bank accounts to buy property. According to the Daily Mail, David's attorneys have also "blasted Barbara as 'a loose cannon who simply must have her way.'"