Alternative Health looks at alternative ways of treating illness apart from the medical system.

Study: People Who Drink Coffee are Healthier – Live Longer

During the 1960s and 70s, when the health food industry and health conscious consumers began to flourish, coffee was a serious no-no. Health advocates urged consumers to drink only steam treated caffeine free coffee or herbal teas that didn’t carry caffeine. Now that viewpoint has been shattered. Recent long term epidemiological surveys indicate that coffee drinking is linked to longevity. And if you are somewhat suspicious of epidemiological research conclusions, there are several other animal studies to back up those claims. The health history of coffee has flip-flopped often since coffee houses began in Arab nations during the 1500s then spread to Europe during the 1600s. Good and bad health claims were often unfounded and outrageous. Classical music composers such as Beethoven and Rossini were heavy coffee consumers. During the 20th century coffee was considered a health hazard promoting various cancers and heart attacks in addition to nervousness, anxiety, and insomnia. But toward the end of that century, the antioxidant qualities of coffee were discovered. But since the year 2000, the bulk of coffee with caffeine nutritional studies have been so overwhelmingly positive, that even the “2015 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Scientific Report” gave coffee a healthy thumbs up. This committee advises the USDA and Health and Human Services.

Scientific Evidence that Turmeric Helps Diabetes

Past research clearly demonstrates that turmeric is a powerful natural preventative and therapeutic agent for diabetes 2. The most commonly prescribed pharmaceutical approach with diabetes 2 or diabetes myelitis (DM) is Metformin, which is fraught with side effects even though it is considered safer than other diabetic drugs with worse side effects. The whole time Metformin and other more toxic diabetes drugs were on the market gathering heat from class action lawsuits for serious side effects, there has been research proving the efficacy and safety of turmeric or its extracted active ingredient curcumin on both preventing diabetes among prediabetic persons, and reversing diabetes type 2 among those afflicted.

Smart Meters: Countdown to a National Crisis of Illness and Death

Electric utility companies are in the process of installing smart meters at all of their customer locations, which are making thousands of their customers sick. These meters emit microwave radiation in the 900+ megahertz frequency band, which is known to cause weakness, fatigue, sleep disturbances, heart palpitations, ringing in the ears, pain, and immune system disruption. These smart meters broadcast intense bursts of microwave radiation through the air many times per minute, 24-hours a day. The nationwide installation of smart meters is like a time bomb ticking, because the harmful effects are cumulative -- it can take 5 or 10 years of exposure to evoke a life-threatening illness. At some point, it will not be thousands who suffer from electromagnetic radiation sickness, but there will be an explosion of illness. There will be millions of people who are experiencing chronic disability and fatal illness from exposure that spanned many decades. The current epidemics of cancer, heart disease, diabetes and even autism will intensify until very few of us will be able to escape these devastating illnesses. Others will suffer for decades with chronic fatigue, unexplained anxiety, and attention deficits until a life-threatening illness makes its ugly appearance. It is estimated that 80% of modern chronic illnesses are caused by or influenced by long-term exposure to sources of electromagnetic radiation such as cell phones, cell towers, Wi-Fi routers, baby monitors, cordless phone base stations, Bluetooth devices, smart meters, and dozens of other wireless devices that are used every day by Americans. By far, smart meters are the worst offenders in this list. The combined electromagnetic radiation from these devices is evoking modern illnesses and disabling us at a level that has never been seen before, because these levels of exposure have never been experienced by human beings before.

Evidence that Medical Cannabis Can Cure Cancer Continues to Grow

Recent scientific research in France has determined cannabinoid receptors exist on mitochondria cells. This news has not reached mainstream media outlets and seems to be underreported even by alternative health sites on the internet. This author only recently discovered the information after doing several articles on cannabis for curing many diseases, especially cancer. The internal endocannabinoid system with its two sets of cannabinoid receptors, C1 nervous system receptors and C2 immune system receptors, was discovered over two decades ago. These receptors allow cannabinoids from cannabis to attach their health giving attributes to various internal physiological systems. But the French mitochondrial discovery seems to be the key to understanding why cannabis is able to handle several different diseases, including cancer. Without this, skeptics can become more skeptical about all those cannabis cure reports and think of cannabis as snake-oil medicine and an excuse to get “high.” Also, many others will be duped into using mainstream medical methods that have very poor cure histories with many adverse side effects before desperation drives them toward cannabis or any other alternative method.

New 5G Cell Towers and Smart Meters to Increase Microwave Radiation – Invade Privacy

When the Federal Communication Commission (FCC) approved the use of 5-G microwave communication technology in 2016 and approved the use of microwave frequencies in the 30 Ghz range, they opened the door to even higher levels of human illness and severe disability for American children and adults. The introduction of even more intense levels of microwave exposure at higher frequencies will push many people into life-threatening chronic illness. High frequency microwave radiation is often overlooked as a causative factor in illness, because most conventional healthcare providers, government regulators, telecom companies, and electric utilities believe microwave radiation used in communication technology is harmless. Are the dreams of mega-corporations to create smart cities saturated in high frequency microwave electromagnetic fields worth the harm that this technology will create for the people who live in those cities? In smart cities, no one will be exempt from microwave exposure. We won’t be able to opt out, because the 5G microwave system is designed to reach every space in a city. Those who experience microwave related illness and disability will have few options. They will either stay in the smart city and stay sick or they will need to try to find a place to live in some sparsely populated off the grid location where the 5G system does not reach. Which future do you want for America? Super-fast internet and corporate control of every aspect of your life, or good health and longevity?

FREE Immune Defense Summit: Neutralize Superbugs, Pandemics, Viruses and Chronic Disease

WARNING: Drug-resistant bacteria are projected to kill MORE people than cancer by 2050! The Immune Defense Summit is online and FREE from July 24-31, 2017. Gain the best strategies to rejuvenate your immune system and neutralize the threat of superbugs, pandemics, viruses and chronic diseases. Your best defense against today’s (and tomorrow’s) global health threats is a strong immune system. Yet, too many still remain uninformed about the best protocols to prevent illness and defeat diseases like autoimmune disorders, cancer, heart disease and the looming threat of “superbugs,” which are on pace to be MORE deadly than any other health condition. It’s time to give your immune system what it needs to protect your health! 36 of the world’s top experts in integrative medicine and science will be on hand to discuss the strengthening of your immune system to help protect you from all types of diseases, including autoimmune disorders, cancer, heart disease, dementias and even common pathogens like the flu, measles and pneumonia.

Kentucky Amish Grandfather Sentenced to 6 Years for Sales of Chickweed Salve Not Approved by FDA

Earlier in March 2017, much to supporters’ bewilderment, a jury found Sam Girod of Bath County, Kentucky, guilty on 13 different counts because he failed to register his homemade herbal Chickweed Salve with the FDA , and because he sold it across state lines. On June 30, 2017, Judge Reeves sentenced Sam Girod to six years in prison, followed by 3 years of supervised probation, over $14,000 in fines, plus an additional fine of $1,300 in assessment fees, a sentence harsher than most drug dealers receive, say supporters, regardless of the fact that the salve contains no illegal substances (drugs) and has not injured anyone. Protesters outside the court carried signs saying “Free Sam. No Drugs. No Victims. Where's Justice.” and “I don’t need the FDA to protect me from an Amish farmer.”

1.2 Million Children Poisoned by Lead

A new report published in Pediatrics estimates that the overall number of children with elevated lead levels in the US for the period 1999 to 2010 was 1.2 million—double what the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention previously reported. Even that figure is likely far lower than the reality. Because testing for lead is not required in the US, lead poisoning is often missed. In eleven states, including Florida, Georgia, Arizona, Washington, and Oregon, more than 80% of children with elevated lead levels were not tested by pediatricians or local health departments. In the remaining 28 states for which data was available, between 40-60% of children with lead poisoning were not tested. Scientists have determined there is no safe level of lead for children. Even low levels can lower IQ; higher levels can lead to severe neurological damage and the development of conditions like attention deficit and hyperactivity disorders. Additionally, as we’ve reported before, lead exposure is also linked to violent crime. You’d think that state and federal health officials would be open to therapies that can help people get the lead out of their bodies, but our crony medical system rejects treatments that are not big money makers.

Laetrile From Apricot Seeds: The Cancer Cure Suppressed by Big Pharma

You may have read or heard somewhere that laetrile, a condensed purified extraction of apricot seed kernels sometimes sold as B-17 tablets, can cure cancer safely, without serious side effects. Yet mainstream medical “experts” and news sources derisively label it as worthless and toxic. It can kill you they say, adding there’s no scientific proof it helps rid one of cancer. The FDA has banned laetrile’s use in the USA, but there are several cancer clinics in Mexico that use it, inviting many medical tourists from the USA and elsewhere to take advantage of Mexico’s health freedom. That food source is apricot seed kernels. The kernels are actually inside the large apricot pits. It’s what the cancer free Hunzas in a valley of the high northern mountain region of Pakistan use heavily as part of their diets. These kernels contain a compound known as amygdalin, which is also commonly found in apple seeds, bitter almonds, and several other seeds and foods. But the apricot kernels have the highest concentration of amygdalin. Laetrile is extracted and purified from those kernels to enable injections or IV feeds. Many cancer patients have had success by consuming 25 to 40 apricot seeds heavily chewed in small amounts daily for a few months or less.

Fear of Sun Leads Medical Researchers to Develop Chemical Compound to Give You a Tan Without the Sun

Recent Health Impact News articles have disclosed the importance of sun exposure for good health. Yet mainstream media (MSM) and the pharmaceutical industry insist that direct sun exposure on skin is unhealthy, even dangerous and carcinogenic. This fear of the sun has led medical researchers to develop a new compound that allows one to receive a tan without exposure to the sun. The compound hasn’t yet been tested in clinical trials yet, but it was featured in mainstream media reports including the BBC and Science online magazine. The research is being led by David Fisher, a dermatologist at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston. The researchers isolated a protein, salt-inducible kinase (SIK), which impedes melanin pigment production. Melanin pigments are produced by sunshine or tanning beds to create tanning. It’s as though the only benefit of sunshine is a cosmetic tan, but sun exposure to skin should be avoided because the sun’s ultraviolet (UV) rays are bad for you. Dermatology plays this angle for its and the sunscreen makers benefit, and the media promotes this unhealthy misinformation. Dermatologists and media reports promote heavy use of commercial sunscreens. But according to EWG (Environmental Working Group) at least 75 percent of them contain hormone disruptors and carcinogens. So what’s the point of blocking healthy sunshine with toxic chemicals?

Online FREE Chronic Lyme Disease Summit Starts Next Week

Over 150 symptoms could point to Lyme disease — it’s a present-day epidemic that’s terribly difficult to diagnose! Conventional medicine does not have an answer for Lyme disease. Join us online and FREE from June 19-26, 2017 for expert protocols that could radically improve the life of someone with Lyme! Lyme disease is quickly spreading across the entire globe. Very few are enlightened on this troublesome condition, and that’s why Dr. Jay Davidson has urgently created the second summit on this topic (with only 2 repeat speakers from 2016). 300,000+ people per year contract Lyme, and 2017 is predicted by some to be an incredibly risky year! Your host, Dr. Jay Davidson, nearly lost his wife to chronic Lyme disease, which prompted him to undergo years of research to help her heal. He’ll share that wisdom with you during The Chronic Lyme Disease Summit 2.

Unprecedented Lawsuit Could End Water Fluoridation in US Based on Neurotoxicity Studies

The Fluoride Action Network (FAN), along with a coalition of environmental and public health groups has filed a complaint in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California against the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in response to their denial of our petition under Section 21 of the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) seeking a ban on water fluoridation. We believe this lawsuit is an unprecedented opportunity to end the practice once and for all in the U.S., and potentially throughout the world, based on the well-documented neurotoxicity of fluoride. According to FAN’s attorney and adviser, Michael Connett: “This case will present the first time a court will consider the neurotoxicity of fluoride and the question of whether fluoridation presents an unreasonable risk under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA). And, in contrast to most other legal challenges of Agency actions, TSCA gives us the right to get the federal court to consider our evidence ‘de novo’ — meaning federal courts are to conduct their own independent review of the evidence without deference to the EPA's judgment.”

Trump Administration goes After Medical Marijuana – Threat to Prescription Opioid Drug Sales?

As soon as President Trump announced his Attorney General (AG) appointee as Senator Jeff Sessions from Alabama, there was tension among medical cannabis advocates. Would Trump honor his campaign comments about state’s rights regarding medical marijuana, or would his new Attorney General be unleashed to increase the war on drugs using cannabis as his first target? Unfortunately, Trump’s Attorney General appointee Jeff Sessions has been quoted as saying heroin is only slightly worse than marijuana and "good people don’t smoke marijuana." And as the United States Attorney General, he is head of the Department of Justice (DOJ), which houses the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA). News reports this week revealed a letter Sessions sent to Congress last month seeking funding to go after medical cannabis operations in states where medical marijuana is legal. “I believe it would be unwise for Congress to restrict the discretion of the Department to fund particular prosecutions, particularly in the midst of an historic drug epidemic and potentially long-term uptick in violent crime,” Sessions wrote in a letter to Republican and Democratic House and Senate leadership. “The Department must be in a position to use all laws available to combat the transnational drug organizations and dangerous drug traffickers who threaten American lives.” Sessions reasons for going after medical cannabis were quickly exposed as false by many in the media. Washington Post’s Christopher Ingraham wrote: Sessions’s citing of a “historic drug epidemic” to justify a crackdown on medical marijuana is at odds with what researchers know about current drug use and abuse in the United States. The epidemic Sessions refers to involves deadly opiate drugs, not marijuana. A growing body of research (acknowledged by the National Institute on Drug Abuse) has shown that opiate deaths and overdoses actually decrease in states with medical marijuana laws on the books. With the well-known national epidemic of opioid prescription drug abuse spiraling out of control, and medical marijuana's documented evidence of reducing opioid addiction, one has to wonder if the pharmaceutical drug manufacturers are behind this new emphasis to go after medical marijuana? Is medical marijuana a threat to their legal opioid drug sales?

Save Your Gallbladder! Natural Alternatives to Surgery

The most common gallbladder issue is gallstones. And the most common mainstream medical solution is surgical cholecystectomy, or gallbladder removal. The gallbladder is a small pear shaped organ located just under the liver in the upper right side of your abdomen. It is a vital part of your digestive system, not a throw-away unnecessary organ. According to Dr. David Williams, “… [gallbladder’s] function is to receive bile that's generated by the liver, concentrate and mix it with mineral salts and enzymes, and then release the bile into the small intestine. The enzymes added by the gallbladder are essential to the proper digestion of fat. If your gallbladder is malfunctioning in some way, then it's a certainty that your fat digestion is impaired.” Often, a weakened liver is the source of the gallbladder’s problems that usually manifest as gallstones. A weak liver is not so uncommon in our toxic and stressful culture, to put it mildly. Fortunately, there are non-surgical solutions to gallbladder stones.

FDA Standing in the Way of You Starting a Family?

Many families are a natural hormone away from starting a family, if only the FDA would get out of the way. Action Alert! Nearly one in six couples experience difficulty conceiving, a challenge that leads many hopeful parents to turn to in vitro fertilization (IVF)—when the egg and the sperm are manually combined in a lab and then transferred to the uterus. This process is very expensive: average costs in the US are around $12,000, not including the medications that are needed. It is not uncommon for couples to need more than one treatment to conceive. Beyond the financial commitment, there are also significant risks, including: ovarian cancer, birth defects, stress, ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome, nausea and vomiting, premature delivery and low birth weight, and multiple births. The medications that accompany IVF also have the following complications: headaches, mood swings, abdominal pain, hot flashes, and abdominal bloating. For those couples for whom IVF is the best option, is it worth it? Absolutely. But what if there were a better way?

The Sun is Not Your Enemy! Vitamin D is Necessary for Optimal Health

Vitamin D became an important topic within the past decade and a-half ago once it was realized that it is more important for promoting many other health factors than bone health and it helps prevent many diseases in addition to the highly publicized rickets. The areas in addition to bone health that are addressed by vitamin D include: • Bolstering the immune system to help fight infections (colds, flu, etc.,) • Regulating the immune system to help avoid autoimmune diseases • Anti-cancer effects to dampen cancer cells forming tumors • Increased cardiovascular function • Muscle function maintenance • Respiratory system support –for healthy lungs and airways • Brain development and dementia prevention • Blood sugar metabolism and regulation to help prevent or reverse diabetes 2 • Mental and emotional stability Unfortunately, there is considerable misinformation surrounding the topic of vitamin D and how to ensure your blood levels of vitamin D are sufficient for obtaining the above listed health benefits. The fact remains that most of the world’s population is vitamin D deficient. Sunshine on exposed skin is the healthiest source of vitamin D.

Cotton Swabs Send Dozens of Kids to the ER Every Day

If you are using a cotton swab to clean out your ears, you're certainly not alone. But, contrary to popular belief, cleaning your ears is not only unnecessary, it is potentially damaging to your ear canal. It can be particularly dangerous for children. Inside your ears are tiny little hairs that help keep your ear canal clean of debris and wax. In fact, when left alone, wax in your ear will naturally migrate out where it can easily be wiped away. However, sticking a foreign object in your ear, like a cotton swab, poses a potential risk to your hearing. You could potentially damage the thin skin in the canal and/or the tiny bones in your middle ear (ossicles) that transmit sound. Recent research has discovered that nearly three dozen children are seen every day in emergency rooms (ER) across the U.S. after damaging their ear canals or ear drum with a foreign object, most frequently a cotton swab.

CBD from Medical Marijuana Offers Safe and Effective Recovery from Strokes

People who survive strokes are often encumbered with neurological issues that can be very debilitating and without quality of life. The rehabilitation methods for stroke victims under mainstream medical care are long and arduous, often with very little improvement. Now a potential cannabis solution has been discovered with a study published in April of 2017. The cannabis solution does not involve THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) the psychoactive compound. Instead, the chemical solution for neurological damage in the aftermath of cerebral ischemia is CBD or cannabidiol, which is a major cannabinoid among at least 85 cannabinoids found in cannabis.

Replay Weekend: FREE Online Cancer Summit Reveals Forbidden Cancer Cures

Ty and Charlene Bollinger's famous life-changing Truth About Cancer docuseries has been viewed by millions of people worldwide. Originally produced in 2015, you will learn about safe and effective cancer cures from 131 doctors, scientists, and experts who know how to treat and cure cancer. This Memorial Day weekend, the entire 9-part series is offered FREE to the public!

Alabama’s New “Midwife Decriminalization Bill” Actually does the Opposite: It Criminalizes Traditional Midwives

On the final day of Alabama's legislative session, Alabama lawmakers passed HB315, the "midwife decriminalization bill." After an amendment was added by Senator Paul Bussman of Cullman, it actually became a CPM (Certified Professional Midwife) licensure bill, and it was placed on Governor Kay Ivey's desk at 9:04 pm Friday night for her signature. There are a number of problematic issues with this amendment, but this is the most serious for birthing mothers in Alabama: Women wanting VBACs (Vaginal Birth after Cesarean) are excluded from access to a legal homebirth in Alabama with the newly legalized CPMs. On page 11 of the final bill, which includes the Bussman amendment, VBAC is defined as being "outside the scope of the licensed practice of midwifery." According to a recent Consumers Report, 90% of women who had a first C-section will end up with a repeat cesarean. Often women who want to have a good chance at a VBAC choose homebirth with a midwife, because the chances of a successful VBAC are much greater in a homebirth setting. Thanks to Alabama's new midwife law, that is no longer an option.