Alternative Health looks at alternative ways of treating illness apart from the medical system.
Research: Black Seed Oil Protects Pancreas Damage from Diabetes – Helps Heal Wounds
The Mideast region of Eurasia has known that black cumin seed (Nigella sativa) "remedies all but death" for centuries. Now it seems that many researchers in that region are doing what they can to demonstrate the science behind this centuries-old medicine's anecdotal folklore. Recently published studies have looked at black cumin seed oil for rapidly healing wounds, and protecting against pancreas damage which leads to diabetes.
Dispelling the Myth that LDL Cholesterol is “Bad”
Independently-sourced research challenges the idea that LDL (low-density lipoprotein) is the "bad cholesterol," and causes heart disease. However, the theory that LDL is "bad" persists in the mainstream media and with Big Pharma, mainly because they would lose billions of dollars in drugs and treatments to admit the theory lacks merit. The hypothesis of saturated fat creating artery-clogging cholesterol as the source of heart disease should be considered dead and incapable of resuscitating, based on the scientific evidence. But one still sees and hears fearful statements about lowering cholesterol and avoiding heart disease, mostly on mainstream media but even all too often on internet alternative media sources. Current research is showing LDL is not dangerous and it’s not an accurate marker for pending heart disease.
FDA Wants to Regulate Human Poop and Let Only Big Pharma Sell it as a Super Probiotic Drug for Profit
The FDA is on the verge of deciding the future of fecal microbiota transplants (FMT), a promising new treatment that harnesses the power of the gut microbiome to fight illness. The agency is poised to regulate FMT as new drugs, which means patients will be paying thousands of dollars for human poop. This is yet another example of why medicine is so expensive in this country: the FDA takes affordable, natural treatments—as natural and humble as human feces!—and gifts them to Big Pharma to reap mega-profits. Left on its own, we know that the FDA will once again serve Big Pharma by classifying FMT as a new drug. To develop a new drug costs billions of dollars, which can only be recouped through market exclusivity (read: FDA-granted monopoly). What can now be had for free will then cost tens of thousands of dollars. The only way we can prevent it is to respond in force to tell the FDA to keep its hands off our poop!
4th Child Develops Cancer after California Elementary School Cell Tower Installed
Four students and three teachers have reportedly been diagnosed with cancer at an elementary school in Ripon, California, after a cell tower was installed directly on the school grounds about 3 years ago. After the 4th child was diagnosed with cancer earlier this month (March, 2019), some parents reportedly pulled their students from school, and about 200 parents of the school's 400 students gathered at a City Council meeting last week. They want the cell tower removed from the school. The school district reportedly has a 25-year lease contract with Sprint, and receives $2000.00 a month to have the cell tower located on school property. School board president Kit Oase has said that tests done on the tower found it was operating normally within safety standards. Many parents disagree. Monica Ferrulli is one of those parents who has done her own research. Her son Mason was diagnosed with brain cancer at the age of 10. She says a doctor has confirmed that the cause of his cancer is “environmental.” Parents are claiming that the testing done by the school utilized a company (Hammett) hired by Sprint, the owner of the cell tower. So the parents reportedly hired their own independent company, Windheim, to conduct testing, and they provided handouts at the City Council meeting that is reportedly the result of the testing. They also claim that the school website did not allow them to publish their findings
The Perimenopause Summit is Online and FREE!
80% of women suffer from perimenopause symptoms negatively impacting their quality of life, and symptoms can start in their 20s. Don’t settle for dull moods, foggy brains, flabby bellies, night sweats, insomnia, fatigue, low libido, weight gain and bone loss so conventionally accepted with aging! There are natural, effective and easy-to-implement solutions to balance your hormones (and help your body care for itself) at any age! Unfortunately, hormone and women’s health issues are incredibly misdiagnosed and misunderstood, leaving many women feeling hopeless, broken and stuck. Your host, Dr. Michelle Sands was there, in her 20s with irregular and absent periods, mood swings, joint pain, infertility, low libido, digestive issues and insomnia. She was told her ovaries had failed and to manage her symptoms for the rest of her life with birth control pills, antidepressants and other medications. So, she found a better way — a natural way to help her body heal itself — and she’s here to teach you how to do the very same, no matter whether you’re in your 20s or decades older!
New Studies Provide Hope for Using Cannabis to Treat Brain Injuries and Diseases
In 1974, the Ford administration began bogus testing on monkeys as the science “proving” marijuana destroys brain cells. This helped support the “Reefer Madness” mania originated by the 1938 movie of the same name. It was great for the “Drug War” and “just say no” campaign. Since then, international studies have proven otherwise. But they were not publicized or used by politicians as much as the bogus study. The exponentially rising movement of states legalizing medical marijuana has provided us the anecdotal evidence that, contrary to the scare tactics used to discourage marijuana, the opposite is true. These anecdotal stories of cannabis healing, coupled with the expanding allowance of medical marijuana, have opened funding sources for "official" studies on cannabis and the brain. This time, studies will be focused on determining the highest and best use of cannabis strains instead of "proving" brain danger to justify banning the plant. These new studies are confirming cannabis as a healing agent for brain diseases and injuries, improving brain health.
Toxic Mold Whistleblower Fears for Her Life: “I Exposed One of the Biggest Frauds in America and it Continues to be Hidden”
This is the second half of the story about whistle-blower Sharon Kramer, mold warrior, courageous truth teller, and compassionate friend to those who have been made sick by moldy buildings. It is the story of how a corrupt judicial system in California has allegedly complied with those she is trying to expose, by putting her in jail and threatening to commit her to a psych ward in order to silence her. "It has been a very heavy burden for me to carry for 14 years to know that I exposed one of the biggest frauds in America and it continues to be hidden. I'm not kidding when I say that I live my life in fear every day until the criminal case fixing in San Diego that keeps the fraud going is brought to public light. The courts are the people who are supposed to be protecting the public from crimes and injustice. Instead, they are the people who are perpetrating crimes to keep injustice from being seen. I honestly think that my being framed for libel was part of an intentional plan to commit mass insurance fraud throughout the United States and it is intentionally purposed to cause people who are sick and need help to not be able to get it. People have died from this."
One Woman’s Relentless Pursuit of the Truth as a Toxic Mold Whistle-blower
This is the story of Sharon Kramer, mold warrior, courageous truth teller, and compassionate friend to those who have been made sick by moldy buildings. It is a story about how scientists were hired to prepare two reports designed to prove that long-term indoor mold exposure does not harm human health, and how judicial corruption has protected that faulty science from being discredited. It is the story of how the legal system has been used as a weapon to try to silence Sharon Kramer for telling the truth about judicial corruption in California and for talking about the practice of toxicology experts who testify in mold trials without disclosing the fact that they wrote the position papers they use to support their testimony.
FDA Wants to Shut Down Adult Stem Cell Therapy as its Healing Successes are Experienced Around the World
Adult stem cell therapy is enjoying widespread success around the world, but if the FDA gets its way, it may soon be banned here in the U.S. There have been nearly 12,000 adult stem cell therapies performed in the United States with an over 90 percent success healing rate for mostly joint and spinal conditions. It involves using the patient's own stem cells, so no patent-able drugs are involved. They are targeting the most influential stem cell clinician in the U.S., Dr. Kristin Comella in Florida. The FDA has allegedly offered to drop their lawsuit if Dr. Comella signs an agreement to stop doing adult stem cell therapy and no longer promote it. She refused. She said she has witnessed people leave their wheelchairs for good from this therapy. The trial is set for a Federal Court hearing beginning June 2019, in Miami, Florida. If Dr. Comella loses this court case, adult stem cell therapy in the USA may be forced out of the country and only be available to those who can afford medical tourism.
Doctors Exposing Cholesterol Myth Accused of Murder in British Press for Questioning Statin Drugs
There’s a media war going on in the UK involving the issue of cholesterol-lowering statin drugs. The British Daily Mail's health editor, Barney Calman, labeled two medical doctors and a PhD nutritionist as "statin deniers" for their efforts in educating the public and debunking the cholesterol-heart disease causation dogma while exposing statin drug dangers. The two doctors are Dr. Malcolm Kendrick and Dr. Aseem Malhotra. The nutritionist is Zoe Harcombe, PhD. The Daily Mail article is blaming their "propaganda" as convincing people to stop taking cholesterol-lowering drugs which they claim are leading more people to suffer heart attacks as a result. Since this is another example of corporate-sponsored "mainstream" media presenting only the pharmaceutical position on their own products and seeking to censor anyone who opposes them, we are publishing the responses from those accused of murder for exposing the dangers of statin drugs, as well as questioning the "science" used for the most widely prescribed class of drugs in the world.
Study: U.S. Women of Reproductive Age Iodine Deficient
Researchers from Texas Women’s University just released a 2019 article titled, “A Review of Iodine Status of Women of Reproductive Age in the USA.” The authors summarized the studies that assessed iodine status of women of reproductive age in the USA. The authors state: “Despite the USA being considered iodine sufficient for the general population, the US dietary iodine intakes have decreased drastically since the 1970s, with iodine deficiency reemerging in vulnerable groups such as women of reproductive age. …a majority of the articles reviewed demonstrate emergent iodine deficiency in this population of women of reproductive age, indicating alarm for a public health concern needing immediate attention.” Iodine is an essential element that we cannot live without. Every cell in the body needs and requires iodine to function optimally. The most vulnerable population for iodine deficiency are women of child-bearing age. Iodine deficiency during pregnancy can cause permanently lowered IQ in children along with a host of neurologic and endocrine problems including mental retardation, autism, ADHD and thyroid problems.
Are You Suffering from Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome? How Junk Science and Corrupt Judges Hide Mold Toxicity from the Public
Indoor mold can be extremely harmful to many people – even life-threatening. Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (CIRS) is a diagnosable medical condition that results from exposure to water-damaged buildings. It is a chronic immune system reaction that is caused by inflammation. In short, people become seriously ill when they are exposed to water-damaged buildings where there are fungi, bacteria, actinomycetes, and mycobacteria. These living organisms are not the whole problem -- it is also the toxic chemicals (biotoxins) these organisms produce. The biotoxins they produce include: inflammagens from fungal fragments; beta glucans, mannans, hemolysins, spriocyclic drimanes, and microbial volatile organic compounds. These toxic substances cause illness in people whose bodies are unable to control inflammatory responses, who have genetic susceptibility, and who have abnormal inflammatory events when they are exposed. If we know so much about the risks of developing CIRS from spending extended amounts of time in moldy buildings, and we know how buildings become moldy, then why does mold related illness (CIRS) remain controversial and off the radar screen of most conventional physicians and federal policy makers in the United States? The answer is simple. A propaganda campaign was implemented in 2001 to “teach” physicians and to “educate” judges that mold in water-damage buildings could never reach a level that would be harmful to human health. The Insurance industry and the building construction industry were the primary beneficiaries of the campaign.
Medical Cannabis Has Potential to Help Arthritis Sufferers
There have been anecdotal reports and testimonies of arthritis sufferers getting effective relief from cannabis without adverse side effects, sometimes even reversing their arthritic conditions. There have also been several studies confirming the anecdotal successes with cannabis for treating arthritis with cannabis. A rare human study that clinically tested cannabis, and a massive review paper published recently that covered over 100 lab cell culture (in vitro) and animal (in vivo) studies testing cannabis for treating arthritis shows promising results for arthritis sufferers.
German New Medicine Challenges the Germ Theory of Disease and Medical Tyranny that Destroys Lives
Part one of Health Impact News' article on German New Medicine (GNM) included an introduction to this unique natural healing methodology created by late Dr. Ryke Geer Hamer and the persecution he faced from the medical establishment. Although most of Dr. Hamer's research initially involved only cancer patients, he came upon a radical concept of microbial influences with diseases in general. In this second article, we will look at the unusual position that Dr. Hamer's GNM has with microbes, and how it differs from the "germ theory" of disease as originally espoused by Louis Pasteur, which is the main theory behind western pharmaceutical medicine. The germ theory of disease has been used to justify medical tyranny, the destruction of families through medical kidnapping, and the loss of innocent lives through pharmaceutical products.
New Senate Bill Would Allow Health Savings Account Funds to be Used for Natural Health Products and Services
For years now, ANH-USA has supported the Health Savings Act. The current bill, S. 12, is sponsored by Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) and allows Health Savings Account (HSA) funds to go toward dietary supplements without having to get a doctor’s prescription; the same would apply to Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAs). The bill does this by expanding the term “medical care” to include vitamins, minerals, herbs, homeopathic remedies, and other natural health products, and would allow spending up to $1,000 each year. Importantly, the bill also includes health coaches and nutrition services as allowable expenses for HSAs and FSAs. This provision was not included in earlier versions of the bill. If passed, this bill will improve access to wellness and nutrition services for millions of people by allowing them to use pre-tax dollars for these expenses. Now, we must send a strong message of support to our elected officials to get momentum behind this important bill!
CDC Issues Public Health Warning for Fluoride Toothpaste
According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 40 percent of children between the ages of 3 and 6 use potentially dangerous amounts of toothpaste. The CDC and American Dental Association (ADA) recommend using no more than a pea-sized amount for children in this age group, and those younger than 3 should use no more than the size of a rice grain on their toothbrush. The problem with using excessive amounts of toothpaste has to do with the fluoride it contains. If you look closely, you’ll find fluoride-containing toothpastes have a warning on their label stating that “If you accidentally swallow more than used for brushing, seek professional help or contact a poison control center immediately.” This warning was made mandatory for fluoride-containing dental products by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in April, 1997. Ironically, while swallowing toothpaste is recognized as a cause for concern, we’re supposed to believe that drinking fluoridated water at any quantity is not only safe but beneficial for our teeth.
Is “German New Medicine” the Path to Healing in the 21st Century? Why Big Pharma Opposes It
German New Medicine (GNM) was created circa 1980 by German MD and professor of biology Dr. Ryke Geer Hamer. It is a new approach to mind-body healing that traces emotional shocks imprinted into the brain that can be seen in brain scans to their exact points of biological impact. Although his energetic mind-body approach started with cancer, eventually it applied to almost all diseased conditions. This unique approach to healing or preventing disease without surgeries or chemicals was a threat to the current modern pharmaceutical monopoly, and its economic model based on the sale of drugs and other pharmaceutical products and services. As a result, medical authorities attacked doctor Hamer, and he spent time in prison prior to his death in 2017. This first article will attempt to introduce this novel healing approach with sources you can reference for greater details to give a basic understanding of how this new approach gets to the root emotional issues behind most diseases whether autoimmune or infectious.
Greater Access to Full Spectrum Hemp Oil can Supply CBD Benefits
Full plant hemp sources of CBD (cannabidiol) are about to become more accessible to everyone in the USA. Growing hemp as a cash crop was reinstated legally December 20, 2018, when President Trump signed the 2019 Farm Bill Congress had approved. Reinstating hemp agriculture has ramifications that go beyond the material wonders hemp can create. There are health and medical ramifications that we can all use without legal concerns as well with full spectrum hemp CBD oil that will be more available now.
Interstate Medical Licensure Compact Could Eliminate Integrative Physicians Who Recommend More than Just Pharmaceutical Drugs
For years now, we have been reporting on the machinations of the Federation of State Medical Boards (FSMB), especially their most recent efforts to pass their Interstate Medical Licensure Compact in as many states as possible. If the FSMB isn’t opposed, its power over the practice of medicine will continue to grow—power that we expect will be wielded against integrative physicians. Once enacted, an Interstate Commission comprised of representatives of each member state would be created to administer the interstate medical licensing compact. It should first be noted that the organization has demonstrated its antipathy toward natural health since the mid-1990s, when it discussed altering the definition of health fraud to include alternative medical care! It would appear that FSMB considers innovative approaches to healthcare to be nothing more than exercises in “quackery.” Extending the power of this organization over the licensing of doctors across multiple states—or all states, if the FSMB gets its way—gives the FSMB more opportunity to throttle or undermine integrative doctors. If that indeed becomes the case, patient access to these doctors will suffer.
FDA-approved CBD Supplement is $32,500 Pharmaceutical Drug – All Others Illegal
FDA is ignoring Congress and attacking an affordable supplement to protect Big Pharma profits. As we reported earlier this year, the Farm Bill approved by Congress legalized hemp, which is a major step towards ensuring consumer access to affordable CBD oil supplements. Unfortunately, the FDA is still throwing up roadblocks because CBD is now also available as an FDA-approved drug. It is a perfect case study for why healthcare is so expensive in this country. Shortly after the passage of the Farm Bill, FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb reiterated the FDA’s position that, regardless of hemp’s legalization, it is still illegal to sell CBD in supplements or food. This is because CBD is the active ingredient in a recently-approved drug for a rare form of epilepsy. The only legal source of CBD, then, is this drug, which costs $32,500 a year.