Alternative Health looks at alternative ways of treating illness apart from the medical system.
New WHO Guidelines for Face Masks Admit No Known Medical Benefits – Psychological Brain Washing
The World Health Organization released new guidelines for using masks this past week. The document is called: Advice on the use of masks in the context of COVID-19. Some highlights: "The widespread use of masks by healthy people in the community setting is not yet supported by high quality or direct scientific evidence and there are potential benefits and harms to consider...the use of a mask alone is insufficient to provide an adequate level of protection." But you should still keep wearing one for these non-medical reasons: Reduced potential stigmatization of individuals wearing masks to prevent infecting others (source control) or of people caring for COVID-19 patients in non-clinical settings. Making people feel they can play a role in contributing to stopping spread of the virus. Reminding people to be compliant with other measures. The production of non-medical masks may offer a source of income for those able to manufacture masks within their communities. Fabric masks can also be a form of cultural expression, encouraging public acceptance of protection measures in general. So there you go. It is all a big "social experiment" to see if they can get you to voluntarily comply, and has nothing to do with health. They actually admit this now, and do not even deny it. But wait, it gets even better! Doctors now encourage people to wear a mask when having sex! (You can't make this stuff up!!)
Are There Enough Free-Thinking Americans Left to Resist the New World Order Take Over?
We have already published evidence that the Coronavirus Plandemic was a very well organized event for a specific purpose, as are the ongoing race riots happening throughout the world right now, and that this is just a prelude to ushering in a New World Order that is no longer a "conspiracy theory" but a plan that has been published for anyone who takes the time to study it. Now that the Globalists have boldly published their plans for radically changing the world with their New World Order, the biggest question remains: Are there enough free-thinking people left to truly understand what is happening and oppose it? Or are we doomed to the same fate as Germany during WWII where the public willingly complied with the Nazis and never resisted the rounding up of millions of people who were deemed no longer necessary to society and ended up destroying them? If you think the kind of atrocities that happened during WWII could never happen again in modern society, you are woefully wrong. The plan looks very different this time, but the end results are the same: reducing the world's population by eliminating those deemed no longer necessary to society. This plan is already in place and moving forward at a very fast pace, and the initial phase already killed tens of thousands of our nation's senior citizens living in nursing homes whose deaths were blamed on the Coronavirus. If you don't understand what this plan is that is already happening, you will be ill prepared for the next phases. Like probably many people this past weekend, I took advantage of the nice weather to spend some time outdoors. I looked at the weekend Farmer's Market that was setup in the parking lot of this large outdoor area, which is part of a county property. I had not bothered to go to this particular Farmer's Market in months, because they had lost many of their vendors, and there was always a very long line to get in, due to them practicing social distancing and all the other nonsense to supposedly fight the plandemic. But there were fewer crowds this time, and no lines to enter. There was, however, a large sign saying that one could not enter without wearing a face mask. Until now, I have never worn a face mask in public, even when going to stores that say they are required. Nobody has ever challenged me, and in fact, in recent days, I have had the feeling that the poor employees in many of these stores enjoyed seeing someone not complying, and I felt sorry for them as I knew they probably had to wear one all day long as a condition for their employment. So I decided I would just try to slip past the "gate keeper" while he was talking to someone else. It didn't work. The Farmer's Market police man (FMP) immediately ran up to me and said: "I am sorry sir, but you cannot come in here without wearing a face mask." I said, "I'm sorry, I don't do face masks." Click and read the full article to see how this turned out.
New World Order Continues to be Published: The “Great Reset” – Transhumanism and the 4th Industrial Revolution
Our world continues to change right before our eyes at lightning speed. As we have previously reported, there is a plan behind everything that is happening, and that plan is for a New World Order that is not even a "conspiracy" theory any longer, as the global leaders planning and implementing this have come out into the open and published it. One major event happening right now is not in the headlines much, and that is the unprecedented amount of "new" money the Federal Reserve is creating out of thin air and pumping into the economy. This is not a new "trick," but something we have seen in the past, particularly in 2007 and 2008 with the economic stimulus packages that bailed out banks. But the amount of money being created right now is unprecedented and at least 3X more than we have ever seen at any other point in recent history, and we aren't even done yet! Another 1 trillion dollars in economic stimulus is in the works as I write this. Usually when this much money is being pumped into the economy, which in the past was mainly to prop up failing businesses that were deemed "too big to fail," hyperinflation is right around the corner. And we may be seeing the beginning signs of this, as today, Sunday June 7th, the Economic Policy Journal is reporting that air fares are set to double: "Air Travel Prices Set To Double: U.S. Europe $2,200 Economy Fare" But this time we are seeing not just businesses being bailed out, but a huge transfer of wealth with hundreds of billions being given to the pharmaceutical industry, mainly to develop new COVID vaccines. Since all of these crises are obviously being planned with a clear goal being put into place, from the Plandemic to the recent riots in America's cities which don't seem to want to die down and are continuing, the big question is: What is the end game to all this transfer of wealth? Well, we do not need to wonder any longer, because the Globalists working out of Geneva, Switzerland, have just met under the World Economic Forum, the same group that worked with the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation late last year at Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security and ran a simulation to predict the COVID-19 outbreak before it even began, and they have announced that it is now time to "reset" the world's economy to a new one. This "resetting" of the world's economy will include switching over to digital currency and eliminating cash, a redistribution of wealth, and reducing the size of the world's population to combat "global warming" and usher in the New World Order. It also includes launching the Fourth Industrial Revolution, which seeks to integrate computers and artificial intelligence with human beings, called Transhumanism.
The Statistical Insanity over the Media and Government’s Response to Coronavirus
The one thing I love about math are its absolute values to show truth, as opposed to science which really cannot prove anything. This is one of the best commentaries and analysis on the current Plandemic I have heard so far. This is my first exposure to Larken Rose, but he has a great way of communicating logic and good sense into the phony response by the media and their fear mongering that is over COVID-19 that is very refreshing! FOCUS and FEAR (Covid-19) by Larken Rose. June 5, 2020 broadcast. If others can control your FOCUS and AWARENESS, then they can control your perceptions, fears and behaviors.
This Is Not a Revolution – It’s a Plan for Locking Down the Nation
Brace yourselves. There is something being concocted in the dens of power, far beyond the public eye, and it doesn’t bode well for the future of this country. Anytime you have an entire nation so mesmerized by political theater and public spectacle that they are oblivious to all else, you’d better beware. Anytime you have a government that operates in the shadows, speaks in a language of force, and rules by fiat, you’d better beware. And anytime you have a government so far removed from its people as to ensure that they are never seen, heard or heeded by those elected to represent them, you’d better beware. What is unfolding before us is not a revolution. The looting, the burning, the rioting, the violence: this is an anti-revolution. The protesters are playing right into the government’s hands, because the powers-that-be want this. They want an excuse to lockdown the nation and throw the switch to all-out martial law. They want a reason to make the police state stronger. It’s happening faster than we can keep up.
Plandemic Stage 2: PlannedChaos – American Cities Become a War Zone Overnight
As the United States begins to open up their states from the Coronavirus Plandemic and begin the summer season, a new crisis now dominates the news cycle: the reactions to the horrible death of George Floyd in Minneapolis at the hands of police. Events are unfolding fast now, as protests have spread from Minneapolis to almost every major city in the U.S., something that probably has not been seen in the U.S. since the 1960s race riots. Even the White House was locked down for a brief time yesterday, so strong were the protests. The Governor of Minnesota has now "fully mobilized" the National Guard, a force of over 13,000, in the biggest deployment in the state's history, and if the violence continues across the U.S., we can probably expect similar deployments in other states as well. How could this happen? In his press conference this morning (Saturday May 30th) Minnesota Governor Tim Walz stated: "This is absolutely no longer about George Floyd or addressing inequities anymore. This is an organized attack designed to destabilize civil society." We are now seeing unprecedented events unfolding very quickly before our eyes, as our world rapidly changes. As I have noted in previous articles, you can throw out the term "Conspiracy Theory" now, because we are living through this, and it is quite obvious that for these events to happen as quickly as they are, there is a plan in place. The only question unanswered at this point, is what is the next move of the Globalists, or what many people call the "Deep State?" Because every time they create a crisis, they have a planned solution in place to combat the fear that the crisis presents, all in the name of keeping everyone "safe." Read the full article to discover what my thoughts are on what this next move could possibly be.
The New World Order: Creating a Crisis so the Rich Get Richer While Millions Lose Their Jobs
Earlier this week I published a report about how the plan to develop a "New World Order" through the United Nations is no longer a conspiracy "theory," as the plans have been published, and the whole coronavirus response has been exposed as a "Plandemic." One of the major results of the Plandemic has been that the world's wealthiest people have instantly increased their wealth, while at the same time millions have lost their jobs, and tens of thousands of small businesses have failed. Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. reported earlier this week: "This nationwide, extended quarantine has permanently shuttered over 100,000 small businesses, cost 38 million jobs and 27 million Americans their health care. The Super Rich elite are flourishing while a despairing middle class flounders. According to a report by Americans for Tax Fairness, billionaires are watching their wealth compound beyond imagination. Between March 18, when lockdown began, and May 19, the combined net worth of Bill Gates (Microsoft), Jeff Bezos (Amazon) Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook), Warren Buffett (Berkshire Hathaway) and Larry Ellison (Oracle) grew by $75.5 billion. According to Forbes data, the total wealth of the 630 U.S. billionaires jumped by $434 billion—15%—from $2.948 trillion to $3.382 trillion. Tech stocks are the most bullish about the Surveillance State. Microsoft (Bing), Facebook and Amazon are facilitating our devolution into militarized oligarchy by enforcing censorship against all expressions of dissent." Dr. Ron Paul, a former U.S. Congressman, says that the "Deep State" is able to do this through the Central Banking of the Federal Reserve, as the Globalists control the world's monetary supply. He explains how without the Federal Reserve, and their ability to create money out of thin air, the coronavirus response never could have been accomplished. Dr. Paul covered the Federal Reserve's role in the Plandemic in his daily broadcast today, The Liberty Report. And now just this week a new crisis has emerged that has destroyed businesses in one major city already, and threatens to expand across the nation because of the tragic death of a young man that was filmed and broadcast around the country due to police brutality.
Texas Homeschool Families Take Back Their Public Park and Defy Orders to Leave as Police Back Down
Daniel McAdams writes about how his family and a group of about 35 people who are all homeschool families in Texas took their children to the local park to enjoy the fresh air and sunshine, and tore down police tape that tried to prevent them from using a public park. They knew that neither the police nor anyone else had any legal authority to close the park or rope it off like that. Two police came and asked them to leave, and they responded the way every person in the U.S. should respond to such coronavirus edicts that have no legal authority: They stood their ground and refused to leave. They even rebuked the officer who asked them if they were "anti-vaxxers," as if that had anything to do with playing in the park! The police did not dare arrest such a large group, especially with mothers holding their babies in their arms, so after conferring with the chief of police, they concluded that they could stay. What a great lesson for these homeschooled children on how to stand up against tyranny! Now if we could just get the rest of the country to follow their example, we could get this economy up and running again very quickly. Tyrants need a compliant public to get their way, so what are you waiting for America! Does liberty mean anything to you anymore? Oh, and by the way, the name of the park in Texas where this happened? Freedom Park.
The Fear-Driven Agenda of the Plandemic’s Next Move: Contact Tracing to Track the Movement of All People as Privacy Disappears
As I have been reporting here at Health Impact News for the past couple of days, the worldwide success of the coronavirus Plandemic to control the population has made the Globalists very bold, so that they are moving fast now, and not even trying to hide their agenda. Instead, they are relying on the masses to continue being fed by the corporate propaganda machine in both the News media as well as the Entertainment industry, to continue the Plandemic fear to the next phases of establishing a New World Order. For those who have "ears to hear," and "eyes to see," the time to resist is now, before this progresses much further. And while great attention has been focused on the COVID vaccine that they want to inject into the entire world's population, the COVID vaccine is NOT the next phase of their agenda. They probably know that almost a third of the U.S. population right now is fearful of a fast-tracked COVID vaccine, and a federally mandated COVID vaccine is probably not in the near future, if at all. Other than the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act passed by President Ronald Reagan, there are no federal vaccine laws that I am aware of. Mandatory vaccination laws are a state issue, and every state in the U.S. currently has some kind of law mandating childhood vaccines as a requirement for school attendance, especially public education schools. The vaccine resistance has been very strong in the U.S. for many years now, and there will be many battles at the state level if this is tried, and as always, unfortunately, it will mainly be the poor minorities who do not have the economic means to resist and are tied into the public health and public educational systems that will be forced to comply to continue receiving publicly funded services. This is part of the eugenics movement that started in the U.S. prior to WWII, and was carried out to extreme ends in Nazi Germany. I will write more about this in future articles, but for now you can read previous articles we have published over the years that show the eugenics movement has never died out - it has simply been renamed due to the negative social stigmatism to the word "eugenics." Some of these articles are over 5 years old now, but still very relevant given the current times. (Links provided inside the article.) But with a COVID vaccine still looming off in the distance, the plan in the immediate future, which has already been put into existence, is the plan to be able to track the movements of every single person in society through "contact tracing." We have previously reported on this, and in the proposed bill in the U.S. House of Representatives, H.R. 6666. Independent journalist Ben Swann has just published another report on contact tracing, showing that devices to do this are already in the marketplace and available for use. They are currently used for those who are incarcerated and criminally convicted people, and now they are going to be used for coronavirus contact tracing. How can we resist this? Do NOT get any of the worthless COVID tests and be put into a database!! If it is a blood test, like the antibody tests, not only can your name be entered into a government database, but so can your DNA. Apps to track your movement may also already be on your cell phone, if you have an iPhone or Android cell phone. If so, do everything you can to delete them or deactivate them.
Resisting the New World Order: Face Mask Shaming – Hypocrisy in the Corporate Media and a Doctor Speaks Out AGAINST Face Masks
Yesterday we reported how the Globalists working through the United Nations are no longer hiding the fact that they want to usher in a "New World Order," and that we can now remove the word "theory" from the pejorative term "Conspiracy Theories" when discussing this agenda. The 2020 Coronavirus Plandemic has been their most successful campaign to date in their agenda to establish this "New World Order." If you are reading alternative news from sites like Health Impact News, you are in a position to resist these efforts to radically change our way of life, and become part of the resistance movement that is gaining speed. Today we revisit the topic of face masks, and face mask shaming. As we discussed yesterday, the corporate propaganda media is controlled by these Globalists, and after initially stating that face masks were not necessary during the early days of the Plandemic, they are now joining forces together to try and make these masks mandatory, and shaming anyone who does not comply. Recently, a reporter for the corporate media was in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin, a tourist area in the southern part of the state that draws many summer tourists from Chicago and Illinois. Wisconsin was the first state in the U.S. to challenge the governor's coronavirus policies in court, and the Wisconsin Supreme Court declared them unconstitutional, allowing businesses to immediately reopen, and for people to leave their homes and go about their business. Therefore, they are a target now for the corporate propaganda media, who attempted to send a national reporter there to shame them. The reporter from MSNBC, Cal Perry, was trying to shame people in Wisconsin for walking outdoors in the fresh air with no face masks. But in these days of cell phone cameras where any citizen can become an instant on-the-scene reporter, a passerby who was being criticized for not wearing a face mask, turned around and filmed the MSNBC film crew who were "behind the scenes" with Cal Perry, showing that half of them were not even wearing face masks either. Multiple copies of the encounter which clearly exposes the agenda of the corporate propaganda media are now all over Facebook and YouTube. Another citizen on-the-scene reporter with their cell phone camera captured a scene inside a New York grocery store, where a woman who entered the store without a face mask incurred the wrath of the other shoppers, that they began shouting at her and chased her out of the store, so great was their fear over the virus. When this happens, the Globalists trying to setup their New World Order are winning. President Trump, for whatever reason, seems reluctant to wear a face mask in public, and has even said publicly that in the situations where he does wear one, he does it outside of the cameras of the media. When visiting an auto plant in Michigan recently, he stated that in the situations where it was appropriate to wear it, he: "didn’t want to give the press the pleasure of seeing it." Dr. Anthony Fauci, who has flip flopped himself on this issue, recently stated that one of his motivations for wearing one is: “because I want to make it be a symbol for people to see that that’s the kind of thing you should be doing.” Dr. Alan Palmer, a practicing chiropractor for 30 years, has written a very extensive analysis of the medical data behind wearing face masks at Children's Health Defense, and we include it here. He joins many other doctors, many of them medical doctors, across the U.S. who are saying the same thing, such as Dr. Andrew Kaufman, a psychiatrist who lost his job because he refused to wear a face mask, and has declared publicly that he is willing to go to jail to resist the agenda of the Globalists.
The UN “New World Order” Has Now Been Published: No Longer a “Conspiracy Theory” – Out of Shadows
Now that we are a few months into the global Coronavirus event, it is time to pause for a minute and consider how we got here, and why. First, if you have been following Health Impact News throughout this entire time, you will know that this was a planned event, and therefore it is not a true "pandemic," but what many now in the alternative media are calling a "plandemic." Those who have been warning for many years that there is a concentrated global group of powerful people who want a global one-world government to control and rule every single person on the planet have been tagged with the pejorative term "conspiracy theorist," a term thought to be first used by the CIA labeling people who did not believe the official media and government reports on President John F. Kennedy's assassination in Dallas, Texas in 1963. However, during the height of the plandemic this past March, with almost no mention in the corporate media, the United Nations published a new website called: The United Nations New World Order. They issued a Press Release via PR Newswire: United Nations NWO (UNNWO) Launches COVID 19 Coronavirus Focused International Day of Happiness 2020 Campaign Theme HAPPINESS FOR ALL TOGETHER. The desire of a group of very powerful people to establish a one-world government, which also requires reducing the size of the world's population to a more controllable size, is no longer a "conspiracy theory." They are no longer hiding their intentions, and one of their leaders in particular, Bill Gates, is being courted by the corporate media and bringing his desires and intentions out into the open with seemingly no fear whatsoever. Will they succeed?
Johnson & Johnson Ends Sale of Talc-Based Baby Powders – Major Win for Consumers
EWG today welcomed the news that Johnson & Johnson will soon end the sale of talc-based baby powders in the U.S. and Canada, and called on other cosmetic companies to end the use of talc in other loose powders. “It’s good news that Johnson & Johnson will soon end the sale of talc-based baby powders in the U.S. and Canada,” said Scott Faber, EWG’s senior vice president for government affairs. “Now other companies need to follow their lead.”
Tennessee City Joins Growing List of Communities Opposing 5G Installations
People worldwide – including elected officials – are opposed to 5G being installed in their communities because of risks to biological health, cybersecurity, environmental health, privacy, safety, and more. Many cities and countries have taken action including banning it, filing lawsuits, issuing moratoriums, passing ordinances and resolutions, etc. This now includes Farragut, TN. Farragut Tennessee has approved a resolution calling on state and federal governments to halt 5G until health risks are evaluated by “sound science.” The resolution details how FCC limits are outdated and considered inadequate to protect human health by many scientists. The Federal Communication Commission (FCC) is supposed to protect Americans by regulating the telecom history. Despite opposition and warnings, they are using the pandemic as an excuse to speed up 5G installation. This includes launching tens of thousands of satellites with millions of antennas to blast 5G and WiFi at us from space. Lawsuits have been filed against them for NOT protecting Americans from unsafe levels of radiation and 5G.
As Drugs Fail, Natural Solutions to COVID-19 Ignored by Government
Many COVID drugs are failing. Natural medicine may hold the key—but can government cronyism be overcome? A large analysis has found that antimalarial drug hydroxychloroquine had no benefit for COVID patients, causing more deaths than standard care. Other pharmaceutical treatments are also turning out to be useless. Emerging evidence suggests that natural medicines like zinc, quercetin, and potassium could help, sometimes in conjunction with drugs, but the government refuses to acknowledge these benefits because nutrients aren’t as profitable for drug companies. While hydroxychloroquine may be ineffective on its own, there are trials that have combined the drug with zinc. Zinc inhibits viral activity, but it is difficult to get high levels of zinc into cells. Hydroxychloroquine may help by aiding zinc’s entry into cells. Studies show quercetin may also do what chloroquine does with zinc but without toxic side effects. Some researchers believe that zinc in general is one of the most important things we can take both to avoid Covid-19 infection and treat it. Hydroxychloroquine comes with the usual laundry list of dangerous side effects, while quercetin could help prevent heart damage along with many other benefits. Research indicates that many other natural medicines could help prevent or treat COVID-19.
Healing Power of Light: Why Viruses Thrive in Winter but Not Summer
The COVID-19 situation has drawn the attention of the world to the subject of "viruses." What are viruses, how does one treat them, and other such questions are highly controversial with very many different viewpoints. One fact that seems to be agreed upon by everyone, is that viruses, at least the kind of "influenza" type of viruses that are seasonal, are a problem in the winter months, but not so much during the summer months. Since daylight hours are extended during the summer, most of the research on this topic has surrounded Vitamin D, a vitamin best obtained from the sun. But there is much more to this topic of "light," and its effect on human health, than just Vitamin D. Given how much attention has been given to the "coronavirus" topic, it is time to look at this issue more closely to see if there are factors during the shorter daylight winter times that can be studied and understood to improve our health during this time, without always looking for a drug or vaccine to cure everything. So I assigned this topic to Health Impact News independent researcher and writer Crystal Lauer. She took over a month to research the topic. During that time, President Trump and a team of researchers working with William Bryan in the Science and Technology division of the Department of Homeland Security, announced results of some their own studies within their laboratory looking at the effects of "solar radiation" and its effect on the Coronavirus, which seems to confirm that some of the research presented in this article may apply to COVID-19. Of course, since this is a preventive measure with no patented drugs involved, the studies were quickly condemned by the medical industry, and an off comment made about disinfectants was what the corporate-sponsored "mainstream" media decided to focus on instead. While Crystal was hesitant at first to spend so much time researching this topic, being a busy homeschool mother, in the end she reported that based on her research, her family made some big changes to their lifestyles to take better advantage of the healing power of natural light, and as a result she reported: "We found that we all are sleeping better, have much more mental energy and are overall feeling far more relaxed, even in the midst of this pandemic."
The War on Cash: Using COVID-19 to Make Sure the Rich Get Richer and Control the Monetary System?
There has been much written lately about how the COVID-19 "pandemic" is being used as an excuse to usher in some kind of national "Medical ID" that could be used as a tool to control our daily activities, and be used as a requirement to do almost everything in society, from buying goods to travel to receiving medical treatment and beyond. Such concerns are certainly legitimate given what we have seen so far in the "war against the invisible enemy" and the government's reaction to this "war." But opportunists taking advantage of the COVID-19 responses who would love to track and control most aspects of your personal life are not simply restricted to a medical ID card. I was recently in a store purchasing some grocery products, and the sign at the checkout said: "Due to the Coronavirus situation we are no longer accepting cash." This may seen like a minor inconvenience to most people, but Attorney James Rickards, an American lawyer, economist, and investment banker with 35 years of experience working in capital markets on Wall Street, has been warning about the "War on Cash" for years now. When the flow of cash is limited to digital money and the approval of banks, near total control of the population is much more easily accomplished.
Michigan Doctor Raided by FBI and Arrested for Treating COVID19 Patients with Vitamin C
As we have previously reported here at Health Impact News, doctors all across the world have seen great success in treating COVID-19 patients with high-dose intravenous Vitamin C therapy. When we first reported on doctors doing this in China just after the Wuhan outbreak, Facebook tagged us as "Fake News" and took away our ability to advertise and boost any of our articles. Since that time, we have reported on how many doctors and hospitals here in the U.S. have also successfully used the treatment. Now, a doctor in Michigan has actually had his clinic raided by the FBI and arrested being accused of "committing health care fraud and conspiracy to commit health care fraud" because he treated his patients with Vitamin C.
Does 5G Make Us More Susceptible to Coronavirus Infection?
Many have raised questions about whether there is a connection between 5G and this pandemic. In some ways, the connection between COVID-19 and 5G is a moot issue. In other ways, it's not. Either way, it's tangential to what you need to do now to protect yourself and your family from here on out. At the time of this interview, which took place March 31, 2020, a vast majority of those who have died from COVID-19 were elderly. Those who died in China and Italy under the age of 50 have generally been encumbered with obesity, diabetes and hypertension, with insulin resistance being the common denominator. Very few under the age of 19 are affected. That said, the infection appears to be more aggressive than influenza in older individuals, and the illness lasts longer than the regular flu. So, there's enhanced virulence to this virus for some reason we yet do not understand. While unproven, one current theory is that EMF radiation — and the addition of 5G in particular — could be having an impact.
After Seeing Great Success, Spain Approves Ozone Therapy for COVID19 Patients
The Nuestra Señora del Rosario Polyclinica in Ibiza is the first in Spain to use the Ozone technique in treating Covid-19 patients, with success. In a press release the clinic said: “Many patients who were about to be intubated and connected to mechanical ventilation have, thanks to ozone therapy, not only avoided it but improved to the point of not requiring oxygen with just a few treatment sessions.” The clinic also stated that they are seeing improvements in patients after just ‘2 or 3 treatment sessions’. Ozone therapy has the benefit of improving oxygenation at the tissue level and therefore reduces the inflammatory response suffered by patients. At the Santa María della Misericordia University Hospital in Udine, Italy, 36 patients with Covid-19 pneumonia who had respiratory failure were administered Ozone therapy. Only 3% required intubation compared to the usual 15%. There is a high mortality of intubated patients and given a fifth were spared intubation; it is an achievement to highlight. There are also four clinical trials underway in China and the provisional results could not be more hopeful. “In Spain, only we have begun to administer it with the mandatory authorisation of the Quality Committee of the hospital centre, and the results have been spectacular,” says Dr. Alberto Hernández, Assistant Physician for Anaesthesia and Resuscitation at the Nuestra Señora del Rosario Polyclinic in Ibiza. “We have registered a clinical trial, but we need to tell the world that Ozone is a very effective and beneficial therapy in these patients and that we must immediately incorporate it into the treatment of these patients.” Dr. José Baeza, President of the Spanish Society of Ozone Therapy and Vice President of the World Federation of Ozone Therapy, states that: “Given the absence of an effective treatment or a vaccine and in the context of the current health emergency, all hospitalised patients should receive Ozone therapy as the clear benefit is evident, and Ozone therapy has no significant side effects.”
Licorice Inhibits Replication of Coronavirus
During the COVID-19 pandemic, social distancing and hygiene seem to be having some effect on "flattening the curve" and slowing the spread of the virus. The use of ultraviolet (UV) light to decontaminate medical facilities, proper hand-washing and disinfectants, equipment and even protective facemasks also seems to be useful. But people will still contract COVID-19, and effective treatments are lacking and needed. That’s why some scientific studies are looking at a natural product that has long been known to have antiviral effects1 – glycyrrhizin, the major active constituent in licorice root. Glycyrrhizin was valued in ancient Arabia and Greece for treating coughs and in China for relieving irritation of the mucous membranes. In modern times, glycyrrhizin has been shown to be a formidable antiviral, fighting herpes, HIV, hepatitis, influenza, encephalitis and pneumonia as well as less known viruses like respiratory syncytial virus, arboviruses, vaccinia virus and vesicular stomatitis virus. Still, it’s glycyrrhizin's effectiveness against SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome) that has scientists hoping this important natural substance may be a tool against COVID-19.