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World War 3 Spreads to Lebanon and Turkey: Hamas Leaders Killed in Beirut by IDF as Turkey Conducts Operations Against Mossad Spies and Aligns with Iran

World War 3 continued to escalate today, as Israeli forces bombed a Beirut suburb in Lebanon, killing two commanders of the Hamas Al-Qassam Brigades, as well as its deputy leader Saleh al-Arouri. Florida Congressman Mike Waltz, representing the Zionist Republicans, cheered the assassination: “If I were any Hamas leader right now, whether you’re in Turkey, Beirut or elsewhere, I would not sleep well at night,” Waltz told Fox News. “The Israelis will hunt them down.” Apparently the Congressman from Florida is not too well informed on intelligence from Turkey as he clearly displayed his ignorance in this statement, because Turkey has made it very clear that they will NOT allow Israel to "hunt down" Palestinians inside Turkey. In fact, Turkish police and intelligence officers have just reportedly completed operations earlier today to round up dozens of spies working with Israel's Mossad intelligence agency, to prevent such a thing from happening inside Turkey. It was also reported today that Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi will visit Ankara this week to meet with President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan to discuss the war. Turkey is the only Muslim country that is part of NATO, which has been a constant problem for NATO since Turkey maintains close ties with Russia, their neighbor in the Black Sea. No ships can pass through to the Black Sea from the Mediterranean without going through the Bosporus Strait in Istanbul, and the permission of the Turkish military. So American politicians need to wake up and realize that Turkey is not their puppet, and will not hesitate to defy Western nations, even though they are part of NATO, as the British just learned today when Turkey refused to allow two British Navy minehunter ships to pass through to Ukraine. By the way, TRT, a Turkish public broadcast service, has produced an excellent 13-minute documentary showing how Jewish Zionists believe that Benjamin Netanyahu is prophesied to be Israel's last leader before the "Messiah" comes, which could explain some of his recent actions. So things are progressing from bad to worse in these early stages of WW III, and as I wrote yesterday, I fear most Americans believe that this war will all stay "over there" as it did in Europe during WW II, falsely believing that this war could never come to the U.S. mainland. Such a belief could prove to be very deadly....

2024: Most Americans are Totally Unprepared for War

World War 3 continues to escalate today, on the first day of 2024, as the Red Sea is quickly turning into a full blown Naval War. Iran has reportedly now deployed a war ship to the Red Sea. Americans today, perhaps more so than any other nation in the world, have had little to no experience of surviving war on their homeland. World War 2 saw many Americans deployed to Europe where many families suffered the loss of loved ones, but only in Pearl Harbor in Hawaii were there any attacks by foreign military forces on U.S. soil. The attacks in New York City on September 11, 2001, were the closest thing to being in the middle of a war that most Americans living today have ever experienced, and I (along with many millions of others) do not even believe those were attacks by foreign enemies, but a false flag attack by our own government. And that was 22 years ago, a distant memory for most, and for those under the age of 23, they were not even born yet. But it had a profound effect on the emotional health of Americans, as the commercial airline traffic was shut down nationwide for days, as fear ruled the nation for weeks. But a full scale war with continual bombing into key cities or military establishments has never been seen in the history of the United States, only outside the U.S., with the U.S. military being the primary force continually bombing other countries since at least the 1970s with the Vietnam War. So what we have today in the U.S. is a population who has for the most part never seen the full devastation of war, except in the world of virtual reality via their TVs and Internet devices. This makes the United States a very dangerous place to be here in 2024. Most of the people in this country who have experienced what real war is like, are the multitude of migrants crossing our border in record numbers every day.

U.S. AT WAR! Look to the Heavens in 2024 as World War 3 is Quickly Escalating – Space Wars About to Begin?

As I write this on the last day of 2023, World War 3 is rapidly escalating, as the Houthis of Yemen have now declared war after the U.S. attacked them causing the first casualties in the Red Sea. The news is developing so fast right now, that both the corporate and alternative media are having a hard time keeping up with today's events as 2023 comes to an end, probably because most of their staff is out this weekend celebrating New Year's. This war has now spread from the Ukraine in Europe, to the Middle East conflict in Israel and the Red Sea, to several African countries, and to Guyana in South America, among many other places. And tensions are running high in Asia as China continues to engage Philippine military ships, and North Korea begins launching their own rockets in preparation for war. Meanwhile, back in the U.S., most Americans go about their business of celebrating the New Year, completely oblivious that World War 3 has already started, and that thousands of innocent people around the world are DYING EVERY DAY! The U.S. as we have known it for most of our lives, will probably never return. Both China and the U.S. have launched "secret" military vessels into space in the past few days, suggesting that we may see the beginning of the Space Wars in 2024.

Another Epstein Associate Running for the Office of the President of the United States?

A video "interview" was published on Christmas Eve with Tucker Carlson interviewing Kevin Spacey on Musk's X platform. This was not a true "interview," however, but a carefully scripted and edited performance between the two, where Kevin Spacey stated that he would be willing to jump into the Presidential race at the last minute as an Independent, and that he would want Tucker to be his Vice President. Kevin Spacey is a " former" associate of Jeffrey Epstein, an accused child molester and pedophile, and the lead actor in the popular "House of Cards" series that originally appeared on Netflix, where he played the part of an evil, murderous corrupt politician in Washington D.C. If indeed Spacey jumped into the Presidential race, he would become (at least) the third former associate of Jeffrey Epstein running for President of the United States that voters could choose from. Whether you believe that Spacey would actually run for President, or that his is just a publicity stunt for a new TV series that might be broadcast on Elon Musk's (who is also a former associate of Epstein) new version of Twitter called X, this is obviously a stunt to promote the “New Right” political philosophy being shaped by Big Tech billionaires, such as Elon Musk and Peter Thiel. 2024, an election year, is going to be very interesting, with all signs pointing to a major "False Flag" or "Black Swan" event that will bring chaos, potentially crashing the financial system. And with all the hundreds of thousands of migrants that have been streaming across the border in record numbers the past many weeks, look for riots that could very well make the George Floyd riots in the summer of 2020, the last election year, look like a walk in the park by comparison. It is not that far-fetched to think that Biden could be removed, through impeachment or death, and Donald Trump could be convicted in a court of law and sent to prison, and then someone like Kevin Spacey could be installed as President of the United States where he will continue his scripted role as Frank Underwood.

More Countries Take Action Against Israel as European Countries Refuse to Join U.S. Military Operation in Red Sea – False Flag Event in U.S. Imminent?

World War 3 appears to be quickly expanding, as the world watches in horror as the Israeli military continues to murder hundreds of people a day in Gaza. The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) are reportedly now even killing Israeli hostages, as Israel's own citizens are increasingly turning against their Government's ongoing murders in Gaza. As Health Impact News reported back at the end of 2020 and the beginning of the year in 2021, Israel gave Pfizer an exclusive agreement to only use Pfizer COVID-19 "vaccines" and allow Pfizer to access medical records of the "vaccinated", and Israel therefore had the highest percentage of their population injected with the Pfizer bioweapon shots of any other country in the world, and that included their military, as it did also in the U.S. Since neurological disorders skyrocketed in people who took the Pfizer shot, one has to wonder if the IDF is currently being run by people suffering the side effects of these shots? Whatever the reason, the world is quickly coming together to stand against Israel and the United States for the current daily mass murders in Gaza and other places, like the West Bank. As I reported earlier this week, a full scale naval war has broken out in the Red Sea due to the Yemen Houthi attacks on commercial vessels, which has stopped almost all freight-carrying ships from even attempting to go through the Red Sea. In response, the U.S., whom many believe waited too long to respond to the Red Sea war, put together a new military operation called “Operation Prosperity Guardian” to patrol the Red Sea and protect ships passing through. European nations and Australia were reportedly going to participate in this operation. But the news as of today is reporting that Australia and many of the European nations are refusing to join this operation led by the United States. In other breaking news today, it is being reported that an Israeli-linked tanker has been attacked by a drone off the coast of India, signaling that other countries are now starting to take action against Israel.

Is the Red Sea About to Become a Graveyard Again that Brings Down a World Empire?

The naval war in the Red Sea continues to develop, with expectations growing that the U.S. will soon start bombing Yemen, while the Houthis continue to threaten shipping by attacking all ships passing through. The U.S. is building a coalition in the area to protect ships, but that coalition apparently does not involve any of the key Arab oil-producing states (except for the small island country of Bahrain), such as Saudi Arabia, which has recently made peace with Yemen after years of war with them. So the big question now is will Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, UAE, Qatar, and other Gulf nations join this effort led by the U.S., or stay out in support of the Palestinian people? Military actions in the Red Sea seem inevitable now, based on the rhetoric coming from both sides. Iran has warned that the U.S. will face "extraordinary problems" if they start a war in the Red Sea. Former CIA analyst Larry C. Johnson appeared on Redacted yesterday to discuss what some of those "problems" might be for the U.S. in the Red Sea, which he says includes reduced military forces arming their ships, as well as the need to port and restock ammunition.  Hussain Al Bukhaiti, a political analyst aligned with the Houthi movement, states that the Houthis are not afraid of the United States and their coalition. 

Full Scale Naval War Breaks Out in Red Sea as Cyber Attacks Take Down Fuel Station Distribution in Iran

There can be no doubt now that we are in the beginning phase of WW III, as a full-blown Naval War has broken out in the Red Sea that threatens global trade. It was announced today that the United States was launching "Operation Prosperity Guardian", a new military operation in the Red Sea. There are also many reports of Cyber Attacks in the news right now, with the latest one being reported as an Israeli cyber attack against Iran that took down their petroleum distribution system earlier today. While you can find these stories on cyber attacks by doing a news search, they are not (yet) headline news, and one has to wonder why not, and are these cyber attacks happening a lot more than what is being reported? Most likely. The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) just gave permission to Corporate America to NOT report cyber attacks for at least 30 days, due to "national security."

New Netflix Movie Warns of Coming Cyber Attack – Former Freemason Wall Street Manager Explains How the Banks Will Soon Take Your Money

Netflix recently released a new fictional film titled "Leave the World Behind" which dramatizes what could happen with a cyber attack against the U.S. I watched this film yesterday, since online comments about it were all over the place in trying to interpret it. I am recommending everyone to watch this film. Another corroborating source about what is about to happen, is the non-fictional work of David Webb, someone I had not heard of before this week. Webb has published a new book that anyone can download for free. I have read about 75% of the book since yesterday (I started with the Prologue and then worked my way back from the Conclusion), and I have to say this is definitely a MUST READ! David Webb has an incredible Bio, and came from a family deeply involved in Freemasonry. He was a successful Wall Street manager for years, and now lives in Switzerland where he owns farmland. He is originally from Cleveland. I would consider Webb a true "whistle-blower" who knows the intricacies of Freemasonry and the world's financial system, through previous experience.

The U.S. Stands Alone in the World Supporting Genocide Against the Palestinian People

In my extensive coverage of the Israel - Hamas war since it started, I have reported that the ongoing genocide of an entire race of people, the Palestinians, is vehemently opposed by a vast majority of the world's population. More than half the Israeli population does not support Netanyahu's reign of terror, and the majority of Jews living in the United States also do not support the annihilation of the Palestinian people, where recent polls have shown that about two thirds of the population of the U.S. do not support Israel's action, but instead support a ceasefire. And now, since yesterday, December 8, 2023, we can add the United Nations Security Council, where a resolution to call for a ceasefire in this horrible war with over 10,000 people now murdered, most of whom are women and children, failed by the only vote cast to oppose that ceasefire, the vote of the United States, who is  a "permanent member" of the Security Council, with the authority to override everyone else's votes. Does any rational-thinking U.S. citizen still believe that the U.S. can take on almost the entire world, risking the security of our country, by choosing to stand with Netanyahu's reign of terror?

Killing Palestinians with U.S. Bombs Now Called “The Gospel”

After a brief cease-fire in Gaza, the bombs are pouring into Gaza once more where reportedly over 700 people have been killed in just the last 24 hours, as the genocide of the Palestinian people continues. Overnight and into Sunday, intense bombing was reported in Khan Younis, Rafah, and some northern parts targeted by Israel's air and ground attacks. "Everywhere you turn to, there are children with third-degree burns, shrapnel wounds, brain injuries and broken bones," James Elder, UNICEF's global spokesperson, told Al Jazeera from Gaza. "Mothers crying over children who look like they are hours away from death. It seems like a death zone right now." An explosive report about a computer program that Israel uses to choose targets in Gaza to bomb was just published this week, and the name of this computer program that sends bombs into Gaza to assassinate targets is reportedly called "The Gospel." It was published in an online magazine called "+972", which is "an independent, online, nonprofit magazine run by a group of Palestinian and Israeli journalists" that provides "in-depth reporting, analysis, and opinions from the ground in Israel-Palestine." It was also covered in several other media sources, such as "The Guardian." They reported: “Nothing happens by accident. When a 3-year-old girl is killed in a home in Gaza, it’s because someone in the army decided it wasn’t a big deal for her to be killed — that it was a price worth paying in order to hit [another] target. These are not random rockets. Everything is intentional. We know exactly how much collateral damage there is in every home.” According to the investigation, the large number of targets, and the extensive harm to civilian life in Gaza, is the widespread use of a system called “Habsora” (“The Gospel”), which is largely built on artificial intelligence and can “generate” targets almost automatically at a rate that far exceeds what was previously possible. This AI system, as described by a former intelligence officer, essentially facilitates a “mass assassination factory.” And it is widely being reported now that the United States is supplying bombs made in the United States to Israel to be used in "The Gospel" bombing attacks on the people in Gaza.