Alternative Health looks at alternative ways of treating illness apart from the medical system.

World War 3 Imminent: Opposition Both Inside the U.S. and Outside the U.S. Grows as Children Continue to be Massacred in Palestinian Genocide

Opposition to the U.S. and their funding of Israel's military, which has now reportedly killed over 8,000 Palestinians including over 3,000 children, is rapidly mounting. The number of children reported killed in Gaza in just three weeks has surpassed the annual number of children killed across the world's conflict zones since 2019. Since October 7, more than 3,257 children have been reported killed, including at least 3,195 in Gaza, 33 in the West Bank, and 29 in Israel, according to the Ministries of Health in Gaza and Israel respectively. Earlier today, a refugee camp inside of Gaza was bombed, reportedly leaving hundreds dead, including innocent women and children. (Video) Today, protesters disrupted a Senate Committee hearing in Washington D.C. on sending aid to Israel, holding up hands and arms painted in blood red, with many of them being arrested. Outside the U.S., opposition to the massacre of thousands of children and the ongoing genocide against the Palestinian people is rapidly rising. That opposition is coming from the Muslim nations, where in a rare show of solidarity Shia Muslims are uniting with Sunni Muslims. In addition to the Muslim nations, China and Russia have issued very stern warnings the past few days. Can the U.S. military, where 68% of its service members are reportedly obese and unfit for combat, take on the entire world? If people in the U.S. are increasingly protesting against the killing of lives in Gaza and calling for a cease fire, and as the rest of the world moves rapidly to unify against the ongoing genocide against Palestinians and the demonic sacrifice of innocent children, then who is supporting these atrocious, demonic attacks against these children and innocent civilians? Evangelical Christians. The Zionist Evangelical branch of Christianity now appears the be the leaders in the world supporting war, mass murder, and the genocide against an entire race of people and an entire religion.

Thousands of Jewish Protesters Shut Down NYC Grand Central Station with Hundreds of Jews Arrested for Supporting Peace and Cease Fire in Gaza

Last night (Friday, October 27, 2023) something happened in New York City that some say has not happened in over 20 years: Thousands of people turned out for a peaceful protest and shut down Grand Central Station, one of the largest commuter rail stations in the world, in an act of civil disobedience where hundreds of people were arrested. The Zionist-funded corporate media and alternative media in the United States had a difficult time covering this event since it did not fit their current narrative regarding the war in Israel and Gaza right now, where they want the whole world to think this is a war between Jews and Muslims, with all Jewish people supporting Israel's actions, and all Muslim people supporting the Palestinians and Hamas. Whoops! This protest against the war calling for a cease fire and peace, was led by American Jews, NOT Palestinians. I can't state this truth often enough, which is that every time you see or read a media source classify all people into a category that states all the people in that category, such as a religious or ethnic group, all believe and act the same, that this is ALWAYS false. I have previously written that the majority view among both sides of the current conflict between Israel and Gaza, are the vast numbers of people who do NOT support their government and military actions, and just want the fighting to STOP!

New Speaker of the House is Zionist Evangelical Christian Who Wants Americans to Believe He was Ordained by God to Support Israel and Destroy Palestinians

Well the rumors that there might be some kind of major false flag event that would throw the world into chaos and threaten Americans so much that they would do anything, including making former President Donald Trump the next Speaker of the House, who is second in line to become President after the Vice President, was put to rest yesterday (at least for now) as a fellow Zionist and Trump supporter was elected as Speaker of the House instead. Louisiana Congressman Mike Johnson has been elected as Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, with unanimous Republican support. Johnson is a Zionist Evangelical Christian, and his first act as the newly elected Speaker of the House was to draw up a resolution supporting the current government in Israel. Like many other U.S. politicians in recent days, Johnson apparently is also calling for the genocide of the Palestinian people, who at the time of this writing, have reportedly seen over 7,000 of their people killed in the recent conflict, many of them women and children. "We must elect a Speaker so the House can take all necessary action to end Hamas forever," Johnson recently tweeted. How long will it be now before people like me who dare to publish the opposing view of Christian Zionism, or publish the other side of the current conflict in the Middle East that is mostly censored in the Corporate Media and even in most of the Right-Conservative Alternative Media, are rounded up and locked away for being "Antisemitic"? In Florida, college and university students, where freedom of speech should be welcome, are allegedly being forced to disband if they have anything to do with Palestinians that don't fit in with the Zionist views. The U.S. Government is even trying to censor journalists outside the U.S. who live in Muslim countries for not supporting Israel. Do you Zionist Evangelical Christians not understand how supporting modern-day Israel will eventually lead to your belief in Jesus Christ as the promised Messiah also being declared illegal as hate speech, and "antisemitic"?

American Christians Have Blood on Their Hands as Their Prejudice and Hatred of Muslims Fuels War and the Slaughter of Innocent People

There is little doubt that Muslims are prejudged and discriminated against most by Zionist Christians (although not all of them) here in the U.S. Every day I see articles in my newsfeed from the Conservative Right alternative media that condemn ALL Muslim people, with names of their publications including names like "Bare Naked Islam" and "Jihad Watch", where they refer to all Muslims as "terrorists" or evil people. These Zionist Christians pretend to be experts on Islam and what it teaches, claiming that the goal of Islam and the Quran is to kill Christians and setup Islamic law in their countries. But I wonder how many of these self-proclaimed "experts" have ever actually met a Muslim to confirm their rhetoric, or ever visited a Muslim country? Sadly, because the propaganda of Western politics effectively divides our public between "Left and Right", with anyone daring to question the Western view of Islam labeled as "liberal," I can already anticipate the attacks and hate comments and emails that the Zionists will attempt to post here, who will claim that I am a "liberal" and a supporter of Islam. The idea that someone can be neither "Right nor Left" but actually think for themselves and follow the evidence to wherever it leads, is a foreign thought to most Americans. I can have a love and appreciation of Muslim people without belonging to their religion. In fact, for those who follow my writings and actually know me, know that I do not support ANY religion at all, including Christianity. All religions are basically part of the Satanic world order, and weaponized by Satan himself. I ask in the caption of the featured image for this article, which features Muslim women with their head covered in the top row, and Muslim women without their head covered in the bottom row, which group is more suppressed by men? Which group is more successful in their careers? Which groups fits in better with American Culture?

Christians Continue to be Murdered in Gaza – Netanyahu Supported both Hamas and Al Qaeda Terrorists?

It was widely reported this week in both the U.S. Corporate Media as well as in non-Western media sources, that Gaza's oldest Christian Church was bombed leaving many people dead, including children. Former U.S. Representative Justin Amash has reported that some of his family members were killed in this attack. Amash is Palestinian, and was the sole member of the Libertarian Party in Congress. Sadly, what is often missing from the Zionist Western Media coverage of the war in the Middle East which seeks to pit Muslims against Jews, is the fact that there are very significant numbers of Arabs who are Christians, and always have been Christians, and are frequently murdered in these Israel/U.S.-Muslim conflicts. Instead, pro-Zionist politicians, like Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, are supporting genocide and ethnic cleansing of entire Arab nations. In my own community where I am currently staying, I frequently visit a "Middle Eastern" grocery store to stock up on supplies for the Middle Eastern dishes I love to prepare, having spent many years of my younger adult life living in Turkey and Saudi Arabia, where I developed a very fond taste for Middle Eastern food. The small store is owned and operated by Syrians, and they are part of a Syrian Orthodox Christian community, and all part of the same church. And yet, it never ceases to amaze me how on any given day I can walk into this store and observe BOTH Muslim and Christian Arabs all smiling and laughing together, sharing their common Arab heritage. One of those customers runs his own small kabob restaurant in town, and he is a Palestinian Muslim. But these Arab people share their common Arab heritage, and get along just fine. The Middle Eastern Christian Arab store owner makes sure that his meat is certified "Halal" so his Muslim customers can purchase it. Religion does NOT separate them at all, as they all accept each other's religious differences. But there is one issue that they are all united on: The loss they have all suffered from the murder and slaughter of innocent people in their homelands by U.S. and Israeli military sources who continually bomb them.

Is the Israeli – Palestinian War Really a Religious War, or a War to Control Petroleum and Gas in the Middle East?

Sam Parker of Behind the News Network has just published a new article today on the Gaza conflict. We have been blessed with Parker's writing for the past few years, as he shares with the public his incredible knowledge of world affairs, tracing almost everything back to the "two families" who primarily control the world's financial system, the Rothschilds of Europe, and the Rockefellers of the U.S. As I have previously written, Sam Parker is most assuredly a pen name to protect his identity. We know from what he has revealed about himself from his writings that he lives in the U.S., and is a Muslim, which gives us a unique perspective on world events that is largely censored in the Western Media. In this Part 1 on "The Gaza War," Parker gives us insight into the history of the Palestinian - Israeli conflict, and how the current war fits into the Globalists' overall world agenda.

Over 500 Killed in Attack on Christian Hospital in Gaza – Florida Governor Supports Genocide of Palestinians

It was widely reported today that an air strike has bombed a Christian hospital in Gaza killing more than 500 people, many of them women and children. This horrible incident shows an important truth about the population in Gaza that is seldom reported in the U.S. media, that Muslims are not the only residents in Gaza, but that there is a strong Christian presence there as well. Chuck Baldwin is one of many pastors from the U.S. who has visited Israel and Palestine to hold services for Christians, and in his latest newsletter he wrote: "I’ve been to Israel and Palestine. I preached in two churches there: One was in Bethlehem, and the other was in Jerusalem. Over 95% of the Christians in attendance at these services were Palestinians; they were not Israelis. And I’ve got to tell you that the Palestinian people I met were among the kindest, sweetest, most humble, most gentle and most Christ-like people I have ever met—anywhere!" The Al-Ahli Arab Hospital in Gaza City that was bombed today is a Christian hospital managed by the Anglican Episcopal Church in Jerusalem. The hospital has been in operation since 1882, and was founded by the Church Mission Society of the Church of England. Later, the hospital was managed between 1954 and 1982 by the Medical Mission of the Southern Baptist Church. Since 1980, the hospital has been run by the Anglican Episcopal Church in Jerusalem. Today was apparently not the first time this hospital was bombed, according to The Archbishop of Canterbury. This past Sunday Florida Governor Ron DeSantis joined other U.S. politicians calling for the genocide of the Palestinian people, saying that the U.S. should not accept Palestinian refugees and that Israel should NOT provide clean running water and utilities to the Palestinian people. Also, there are reports today that a much larger U.S. military force is being sent to the region than what the U.S. Government has been reporting.

Holocaust Survivor, Israeli Doctor and Former Zionist Speaks Out Against Palestinian Genocide

As I am writing this on Saturday, October 14, 2023, the war in Israel is in danger of escalating into a full-blown World War, as Israeli forces seem poised to invade Gaza, while Iran's government threatens retaliation if they do. As I wrote yesterday, propaganda and lies are the norm from BOTH sides of the conflict now, with the predominate view of the majority of the general population of both Israelis and Arabs mostly censored, as the Billionaire financiers of weapons and war fund this propaganda to achieve their own evil purposes. Today, I want to expose the readers of the Health Impact News network to the work of Dr. Gabor Maté, a Hungarian-born Jew who is a Holocaust survivor and former Zionist. While the mass media tries to portray ethnic groups as unified in their political and religious views, the fact is that no group of people are unified in their views and actions. To accept the view that an entire class of people think and act the same, is called "discrimination" and "prejudice." So this is a truth that is mostly censored: Not all Jews are Zionists! Dr. Maté represents what I am confident is a majority view among Jews who do not support the Israeli government, and fully recognize the ethnic cleansing that the State of Israel has been inflicting on the Palestinian people since 1948. Dr. Maté is a physician, best-selling author, and often referred to as a World Renowned Addiction Recovery Expert. An interview he gave on the current war in Israel one day ago has already been viewed over 1 million times on YouTube, and I highly recommend this 12-minute video (if it disappears, let us know). Dr. Gabor Maté was interviewed in 2019 by his son, Aaron Maté, where he further elaborates on the very difficult and complicated issues regarding Israel and Palestine. This is the non-Zionist Jewish view, which I suspect represents more Jews today than most of the Zionist views. Please educate yourself on these alternative views that are mostly censored in the mass media. Do not look for just things you can agree or disagree with, but view this with the goal of understanding how REAL people actually think, for the purpose of understanding them, rather than following the propaganda now being produced to divide the world with hatred and prejudice.

Truth is Now CENSORED – Hate and War are Too Popular and Too Prosperous

In today's digital age, especially here in 2023 as LLM (Large Language Models) AI software can instantaneously generate any kind of image or video to portray something that is not real or never happened, it is becoming increasingly difficult to determine just what "Truth" is by looking at or watching something on the Internet or your TV. What this usually means is that those with the deepest pockets and the most resources end up being the predominate view embraced by the public at large. So it is today in the current headline news cycle, which pits both sides of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict against each other. But as someone who has spent many years of my adult life living in the Middle East in Muslim countries, I can tell you from firsthand experience, rather than just citing sources on the Internet, that the real truth is more than likely that neither "side" represents the truth, because the Globalists who control the world by controlling the financial system, need the world divided, rather than united. Therefore, what I am doing with this article and the featured image I have put together, is trying to put a picture in your mind that completely contradicts BOTH sides of the current conflict in Israel, that I hope will replace all the other images you are probably being bombarded with every day now in the mass media. My belief, which is based on years of living in the United States, my home country where I grew up, as well as the years I lived in the Middle East (Turkey and Saudi Arabia), is that the featured image of this article comes much closer to communicating the truth of average, ordinary people, who live in Israel and the Palestinian areas. And that truth is that the vast majority of people living in these areas, if given a choice, would gladly dwell together in peace. THIS is the main truth that is being censored today in both the corporate and alternative media sources, for the most part. Most of the people living in these areas just want the killing to STOP - whether it is the killing of the people of their own nationality and religion, or the killing of their neighbors who are a different nationality and religion. But neighbors loving and supporting each other is not newsworthy today, and it does not fit the goal of the Globalists who are on a path to destroy and replace the world's financial system, and significantly reduce the world's population.

American Politicians Call for Genocide Against Palestinians as They Buy War Stocks – Gaza Doctors Issue ‘SOS To Whole World’

The war in Israel continues to command headline news this week, as many U.S. lawmakers have now gone public to support the destruction of Gaza and the genocide of the Palestinian people. As I write this today, October 11, 2023, Israel appears to be ready to launch troops to go into Gaza and "wipe Hamas from the face of the earth." U.S. politicians are echoing this same sentiment, even while acknowledging that there is no way to destroy Hamas without also killing millions of innocent children and civilians, the very same thing Hamas terrorists just did to Israelis this past weekend. Jordan Majors, writing for Finbold News, a financial publication, reported that some US congressional leaders have been investing in military-related stocks. Investing in War is what has primarily kept the the U.S. economy limping along since the funding dried up for COVID, and that began with the Ukraine war in 2022. As is well-known, however, the U.S. Government and their military contractors don't keep track of the weapons they supply to warring countries, and they often end up all around the world in the hands of terrorists. CBS got in trouble when they reported that only 30% of U.S. military aid ever made it to the front lines in Ukraine for a documentary they were producing. And now there are reports that the Hamas terrorists used American-made weapons to kill Israelis. Meanwhile, the slaughter of Palestinian people in Gaza continues, as all civil services including electricity, fuel and water have been cut off.

Captured Hamas Terrorist: “We Prepared for Over a Year – We were Shocked that IDF (Israeli Defense Forces) were not Waiting for Us” – Netanyahu Supporting Hamas?

As we now enter into the third day of the war in Israel, many in the Alternative Media who are not invested in the Zionist religion and are able to look at what has happened in the past couple of days objectively with critical eyes, are questioning the Corporate News and the Pro-Israel Alternative News narrative as to how this attack by Hamas terrorists could have happened in the first place, given the fact that Israel has, by far, the most powerful military and intelligence forces in the Middle East, if not in the entire world. Did the forces behind Benjamin Netanyahu actually work with Hamas terrorists to pull off this false flag attack for a greater purpose? Netanyahu has publicly stated that this attack is Israel's "Pearl Harbor" moment. Pearl Harbor was a false flag attack by the Japanese on American forces in Hawaii that was known ahead of time by President Roosevelt back in 1941. Roosevelt needed the support of the American public to enter World War II and unleash massive funding for the Pentagon and defense contractors, and the shock of seeing American citizens killed by Japanese Kamikaze pilots did the job. Likewise, Israel’s ambassador to the United Nations, Gilad Erdan, told "FOX & Friends Weekend" on Sunday that the recent attack on the Jewish state by Hamas terrorists is equivalent to the 9/11 terrorist attacks in the United States 22 years ago. It is widely known, at least in the Alternative Media, that 911 was also a false flag attack to get the American public on board with the "War Against Islamic Terrorists" and an excuse to pass the Patriot Act, which gave the U.S. Government massive powers to spy on its own citizens. The CIA orchestrated the entire event, by allowing American citizens to be killed by "terrorists" for a greater purpose that enriched the Globalists. The idea that Benjamin Netanyahu could have orchestrated a false flag operation using Hamas terrorists to kill Israelis is not so far fetched of an idea, when one considers that he is already guilty of mass murder due to the contract he made with Pfizer back in 2020, with the help of his fellow mass murderer and friend Donald Trump, that made Israeli citizens guinea pigs for Pfizer's COVID-19 "vaccines."

War Breaks Out in the Middle East – Beware of the U.S. Media One-Sided Coverage

Tensions in the Middle East escalated this week, and it appears that a full-blown war has now started with the attacks in Israel earlier today. Attacks that have killed hundreds of people started before the attacks in Israel today, however. Earlier this week, at least 100 people in Syria were reportedly killed in a deadly attack at a military college in Syria’s Homs province. The Syrian Government said it was a terrorist attack by “known international forces,” which implies they were funded by the U.S. who has had a military presence in Syria for over a decade now opposing the current Syrian Government. This news was barely mentioned in the U.S. media, which instead focused on another attack that happened at the same time in the northern part of Syria, where Turkish forces attacked Kurdish military installations in retaliation for a suicide bombing in Ankara, Turkey. The U.S. actually shot down a drone that was reportedly operated by Turkey, a NATO ally, and this is what was headline news in the U.S. media that day. And then today, Saturday, October 7th, all of the news headlines are concerning a "surprise" attack by the Palestinian group Hamas against Israel, and the Israeli response, where hundreds of Israelis and Palestinians are reported as killed. Unfortunately, the U.S. media, BOTH the corporate media as well as most of the alternative media, are strongly pro-Israel and very one-sided in their coverage of what is currently happening in Israel. So what I want to do in this article is quote non-U.S. media sources to give the other side of the story that you are not likely to read in the Western Media. And just a reminder for some of our newer readers who may not know much about me, I have spent a significant portion of my adult life, in my earlier years, living in the Middle East. I was fluent in Turkish at one time and spent many years in Turkey, including working with Kurdish refugees after the Gulf War, and I have also lived in Saudi Arabia for several years where I taught English at the university level. Most Americans have never even met or befriended a Muslim, let alone visited or lived in a Muslim country, and have bought into the propaganda that lumps all Muslims into one category (Jihad terrorists), and also vilifies anyone who dares to mention anything negative about Israel, and the Zionist agenda which most Evangelical Christians (wrongly) believe is a fulfillment of prophecy. I have a BA from one of the top Zionist Evangelical schools in America, so I know the Zionist view very well, having been trained in it. But I have been studying the Bible for over 40 years now, and have never embraced the Zionist view, even while a Bible School student back in the early 1980s, because the modern day Zionist views are not taught anywhere in the Bible. In fact, the opposite is actually taught.

Economic and Political Chaos Descends Upon the United States

Today, October 3, 2023, is a historical day in the United States, as chaos now reigns in America's political and financial sectors. In the U.S. Congress, Speaker of the House of Representatives Kevin McCarthy was removed from his position by a vote of his fellow members of the House of Representatives, something that has never happened in the history of the United States until today. Shortly before McCarthy lost his position as Speaker of the House of Representatives, the U.S. Stock Market closed with the Dow Jones Industrial Average losing over 400 points, its highest loss since the banking collapses back in March, giving up all of its gains on the year. The huge loss in the Stock Market today is being blamed on rising Treasury yields. Pam Martens of Wall Street on Parade issued a dire warning in her newsletter today: "The Fed’s problem and the U.S. Treasury’s problem just became the problem of every American who has their retirement savings stuffed in the stock market via 401(k) plans or direct holdings." One analyst wrote that one major source of rising U.S. bond yields is China, who has sold $300 billion worth of US Treasurys since 2021, including $40 billion since April 2023. As to who is going to replace McCarthy as Speaker of the House of Representatives, who is second in line to take over as President of the United States, after the Vice President, is anybody's guess at this point. As rumors spread over the weekend that McCarthy could lose his position as Speaker of the House, no names had surfaced yet as to who his replacement could be as of today. It took 15 rounds of voting back in January to install McCarthy as Speaker of the House, and Donald Trump's name started showing up in the latter ballots cast. Could we see a stronger effort this time to bring back Trump? But it would also not be surprising to see some of the older Republicans reach out across the aisle to Democrats, which could even result in a Democrat taking over as the House Speaker, such are the crazy times we now live in. Whatever happens, we are much closer today to a total economic and societal collapse here in the United States, than we were yesterday.

Get Ready for the Flu/COVID Season by Avoiding Vaccines and Using God-Created Natural Remedies

As we now enter into the time of year here in North American that is usually labeled as the "flu season" but is now more commonly known as the "COVID season" where Big Pharma begins their big push to get everyone injected with their toxic and deadly flu shots and COVID shots, it is time to review the abundance of research that exists for non-Pharma natural remedies that far outperform vaccines and drugs in preparing your body for shorter daylight hours and colder temperatures. I am calling these remedies "God-Created" remedies because they are found in God's Creation, and cannot be patented by man and drug companies because they are found in nature and are available to everyone without having to obtain permission (drug prescriptions) from medical priests. The scientific evidence of how effective these God-Created remedies are is overwhelming, but the Big Pharma Cult and their puppet corporate media shills will do everything they can to discredit this research and evidence, in favor of marketing their poisonous drugs and vaccines to you instead.

Grandma Survived the Great Depression Because her Supply Chain was Local and She Knew How to do Stuff

We're taking care of my 92-year old mother-in-law here at home. She has the usual aches and pains and infirmities of advanced age but her mind and memory are still sharp. Her memories of her childhood are like a time capsule from the 1930s. My mom-in-law has always lived in the same general community here in Hawaii. She's never lived more than about 10 miles from the house where she was born (long since torn down) in 1931. Listening to her memories (and asking for more details) is to be transported back to the 1930s, an era of widespread poverty unrelated to the Great Depression. Many people were poor before the Depression. They were working hard but their incomes were low. Gardens were not a hobby, they were an essential source of food to feed a table of hungry kids and adults. Candy, snacks, sodas, etc. were treats reserved for special occasions and holidays. Kids usually went barefoot because shoes were outside the household's limited budget. Neighbors helped with births and deaths. Since no one could even dream of owning a car, transport was limited. Children and adults walked or biked miles to school or work. Many sole proprietors made a living delivering vegetables, meat and fish around the neighborhoods. (This distribution system is still present in rural France where my brother and sister-in-law lived for many years). Each vendor would arrive on a set day / time and housewives could gather to buy from the proprietor's jitney or truck. Children could eye the few candies longingly, and if they were lucky, a few pennies would be given to them to buy a candy. Locally baked bread was delivered by boys. Milk was delivered by small local dairies. If we compare the financial and material wealth most enjoy today with the limited income and assets of the pre-war era, we would conclude they lived in extreme poverty and their lives must have been wretched as a consequence. But if we compare health and endurance, well-being, security, general attitudes, family and community ties and values, we would conclude that it is we who are impoverished and it was their lives that were rich in these essentials of human life. The world has changed since the 1930s, of course. Materially, our wealth and options of what to do with our lives are off the charts compared to the 1930s. But if we look at health, security, well-being, community ties, social cohesion and civic virtue, our era seems insecure, disordered and deranging.

BlackRock and Vanguard are the Top Globalists Who Run the World – For Now

I have repeatedly stated for the past few years, since the COVID scam, that politicians do NOT run the world, but are puppets put into office by the Globalists who control the flow of the world's finances. They are part of the Satanic world system referred to throughout the New Testament portion of the Bible, and at the top of the financial pyramid they are Freemasons who serve Satan. The leading country in this demonic world system is the United States, which was founded as a Freemason country to introduce a New World Order. To identify these Globalists who control the world's financial system, we need to simply identify the main people who control most of the world's money. At the top of the pyramid today sits BlackRock, led by Larry Fink. James Corbett has just produced an incredible investigative report on the rise of BlackRock titled: How BlackRock Conquered the World. James Corbett has also published an exposé on Vanguard as well: How Vanguard Conquered the World. These are the people who control the affairs of the world, including planning ScamDemics as they did in 2020, because their ponzi scheme banks and stock markets are running out of money as they work towards a collapse of the world's economy, which could be imminent, and then implement their "Great Reset." They control who "wins elections" as well, so that it doesn't matter if you vote for their candidates or not. But they are human, and they are not invincible. Their system is falling apart, and just as James, the half-brother of Jesus Christ, wrote about the Satanic Jewish bankers of his day just before Jerusalem and its financial system was destroyed in 70 A.D., so too these Freemason Satanic Jews will soon meet their fate. "Now listen, you rich people, weep and wail because of the misery that is coming upon you. Your wealth has rotted, and moths have eaten your clothes. Your gold and silver are corroded. Their corrosion will testify against you and eat your flesh like fire. You have hoarded wealth in the last days." (James 5:1-3)

Why Are Americans Allowing Mass Murderers and Criminals to Continue Running the Country? The “Gun Control” Issue Almost Nobody is Discussing

The Second Amendment in the Bill of Rights of the United States is a hotly debated political topic today. It reads: "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." The political debate around this issue seldom changes, dividing "Right" vs. "Left" political ideas as to just who should and should not have the right to bear arms, and what kind of "arms" should be allowed. Both positions of this debate start from a presupposition that the issue in question in this debate is the issue of private citizens owning and being able to carry firearms. What is often missing from this debate is who owns the majority of "arms" that are produced by weapon manufacturers in the United States? Those "arms" that are produced in the U.S. today include things like military jets, tanks, missiles, direct energy weapons, and many others. The Americans employed by the U.S. Government are, by far, the most numerous class of Americans who carry and use weapons. Here's the main issue almost nobody is talking about, however: Once these Globalists take a paycheck from the Government to pay for all their weapons they produced and that are then used by Government agents, they no longer own them. Who does? We the people do. So if we own all these weapons that Government agents are using, who is controlling these weapons that WE paid for? This is the REAL "gun control" issue, not the fake gun control issues we read about in the corporate media almost every day about non-Government employees who are private citizens and choose to buy a weapon from a local gun shop or from another private citizen. No, the REAL issue is that the vast majority of arms produced in this country are not sold to private citizens, but to the government who are supposed to be "public servants" who then use our weapons. How often have you read in either the corporate media or the alternative media that there are 103 government agencies outside of the Department of Defense (military) that use and carry weapons here in the United States? Where are all these weapons? They are all around you, in every community of every state in the U.S. The people carrying and using them are your neighbors and family members. So why are we so afraid of the Central Bankers and Wall Street and Silicon Valley billionaires?? We probably outnumber them by more than a million to one, and we could easily take back control of this country, legally and by following the Constitution, by simply taking control of OUR weapons.

PlanDemics are Impossible without FEAR – the Alternative Media is Doing Their Best to Keep the Culture of Fear Going with Fake Virus Propaganda

There are many ways to look back historically on the Great COVID Con that began in 2020, commonly referred to in the Alternative Media by names such as PlanDemic, ScamDemic, etc. Perhaps the best way to describe what happened in early 2020 that spread all across the world, is to describe it as a "Pandemic of Fear." Because if the majority of people around the world who were exposed to this campaign had not responded in fear, it would have just been another garden variety "virus" that they have tried to use to create fear every year prior to COVID, such as Bird Flu, Zika, Ebola, etc. FEAR, was the key factor that enabled most of the world's population to accept "emergency orders" that suspended the Constitution of the United States and allowed the tyrants to lock us down, and then mandate experimental vaccines for this COVID-19 "killer virus." The whole COVID-19 "pandemic" would have run the same course as every other "virus pandemic" that preceded it, and fizzled into nothing, if only FEAR had been absent in sufficient amounts as all the previous "deadly pandemics" that were all scripted with the hope of the outcome that was finally achieved in 2020. And it will be FEAR again that will lay the groundwork for the next Plandemic, and that fear is being kept alive today, mostly in the Alternative Media, with stories that have appeared in recent days trying to scare people into believing that there is a new "virus" that is about to be unleashed on the public. If you want to stop the next "Pandemic" that is being planned, whatever it is going to be labeled, the solution is actually quite simple: STOP FEARING VIRUSES! If you don't fear them, they can't hurt you, and the medical mafia will have no control over you.

Why did Big Tech Billionaires Fund the Distribution of Sound of Freedom? The “New Right” Technocrats are Redefining Conservative Politics and Religious Values

I (and many others) have already reported on the fact that the original funding to produce the film "Sound of Freedom" came from Billionaires, many of whom have direct associations with child trafficking themselves. In an investigative article published this week on The Information, Julia Black has reported that Elon Musk's venture capital firms rescued Angel Studios from bankruptcy last year with a $47 million funding round that allowed them to distribute the box office hit, Sound of Freedom. She wrote: "In February 2021, a Mormon film producer named Jeffrey Harmon returned home to Provo, Utah, raving about an exclusive gathering he’d just attended in Austin, Tex. He’d been invited by an old friend, Stephen Oskoui, who ran Austin-based venture capital firm Gigafund alongside Luke Nosek, a founding partner of Founders Fund and a member of the famed PayPal mafia. According to sources close to Harmon, the event was attended by a who’s who of tech elites, including Oskoui, Nosek and, most memorably, Elon Musk. At the gathering, Harmon had the chance to speak to Musk and Oskoui about VidAngel, the film company founded with three of his brothers that would soon become rebranded Angel Studios. Later that year, Oskoui and Nosek’s Gigafund led a $47 million funding round to support Angel Studios in its efforts to upend Hollywood with religious programming and other 'stories that amplify light.' This summer, the fruits of that investment appeared: Angel Studios released the blockbuster film about child sex trafficking 'Sound of Freedom,' which has surpassed $210 million in global box office numbers and become a rallying point for Christian conservatives and the far right. The investment in Angel Studios was an unusual one for Oskoui and Nosek, who had never previously shown interest in the entertainment industry. The duo started Gigafund in 2017 with the intention of raising funds for Musk’s rocket company, SpaceX, and followed up with a $125 million investment that year. In the years since, they have followed up with bets on other firms owned by Musk as well as on companies developing nuclear energy solutions (Last Energy), photonic artificial intelligence chips (Luminous Computing) and precision genome engineering (Synthego)." This funding of religious content by Big Tech is part of what some people are defining as "The New Right", where former PayPal co-founder Peter Thiel, part of the infamous PayPal Mafia, is seen as one of their leaders. See: Inside the New Right, Where Peter Thiel Is Placing His Biggest Bets - "They’re not MAGA. They’re not QAnon. Curtis Yarvin and the rising right are crafting a different strain of conservative politics." It is not surprising that these Technocrat Billionaires that make up the "New Right" are defining Christianity through Mormon lenses, as there are elements within Mormonism that find transhumanism as an acceptable outcome of modern technology.

$5.3 Billion Spent on Direct Energy Weapons in 2022 – Is The New Age of “Climatic Warfare” Here?

Michel Chossudovsky is an award-winning author, Professor of Economics (emeritus) at the University of Ottawa, Founder and Director of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG), Montreal, and the Founder and Editor of Global Research. We have featured his work several times here on Health Impact News, and likewise Professor Chossudovsky has featured my work in the past on Global Research. Professor Chossudovsky has been covering the subject of energy weapons being developed by Government sources for over 2 decades now. In 2007 he published an article on "weather warfare" in The Ecologist, where he used the term "Climatic Warfare." He also has a Substack page now, where he has recently published some articles on direct energy weapons (DEWs). He reports that DEWs are a "$5.3 Billion dollar business (2022) which is slated to increase to $12.9 Billon dollars by 2027." So DEWs are not conspiracy theories. They are real, and $billions are being spent on them, mostly by our U.S. Government using American taxpayer funds. Along with traditional defense contractors such as Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, Boeing, and many others who are developing DEWs, Big Tech is becoming a major recipient of Defense Department contracts as well, and Elon Musk currently has the most satellites in orbit, many funded and used by the U.S. Military and their new military branch of service, Space Force, started by Donald Trump during his term as U.S. President. has also been awarded $billions in contracts to put hardware into space. This is where the REAL danger lies with Big Tech, and not the AI hype that they want people to believe and that is now getting all the attention (allegedly) in Washington D.C. When you constantly see Elon Musk's face appear in photos with heads of state, such as his alleged upcoming visit with Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, don't be fooled into believing that they are just talking about all the dangers AI presents to mankind, or opening up new Tesla plants. More than likely directed energy weapons and the ongoing arms race in space is the hot topic on the ticket, and Elon Musk currently has the best products on the market for this, with thousands of satellites with his SpaceX company already in orbit.